16 research outputs found

    Performance characteristics of a new structured packing

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    A new structured packing using carbon fibres, called SepcarbÂź 4D, is presented. This packing has several attractive properties, such as high voidage (Δ=94%) and high effective area (a=420 m2 m−3). These properties are advantageous for packing used as a gas–liquid contactor for separation units. To determine the internal characteristics of this packing, we performed several experiments using a 150-mm-internal-diameter column. Firstly, hydrodynamics experiments were conducted using an air–water counter current flow to determine the pressure drop (for both dry and wet packing) and flooding point. Secondly, the mass transfer efficiency was determined in terms of HETP (height equivalent to theoretical plate) by total reflux experiments with an n-heptane/cyclohexane mixture at atmospheric pressure. Hydrodynamic performance and mass transfer efficiency were compared with those of packings generally used in distillation and absorption

    Affichage environnemental des produits agricoles en France : quelle méthode pour quels objectifs ? Comparaison de deux approches d'évaluation des impacts (ACV) ou des pratiques (HVE°

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    Lors du Grenelle de l_environnement, l_accent a Ă©tĂ© portĂ© dans le secteur agricole sur l_agro-Ă©cologie et la nĂ©cessitĂ© d_orienter les modes de consommation vers des produits respectueux de l_environnement. Ainsi, depuis juin 2011, une nouvelle certification volontaire a Ă©tĂ© mise en place par dĂ©cret : l_agriculture Ă  haute valeur environnementale (HVE). Cette certification a pour objectif d_harmoniser les dĂ©marches agro-environnementales existantes et repose sur un systĂšme semi-quantitatif d_Ă©valuation des pratiques. C_est une dĂ©marche en trois niveaux d_engagements, oĂč seul le niveau le plus exigeant autorise l_apposition du logo HVE sur les produits. En parallĂšle, depuis le 1 er juillet 2011, une expĂ©rimentation nationale sur l_affichage environnemental des produits de grande consommation a Ă©tĂ© lancĂ©e avec plusieurs dizaines d_entreprises et autant de projets d_affichage environnemental. L_analyse de cycle de vie (ACV) est la mĂ©thode prĂ©conisĂ©e dans ce cadre. L_objectif est d_utiliser les donnĂ©es d_inventaire d_ACV afin de produire des indicateurs pour l_affichage environnemental des produits agricoles. L_HVE, centrĂ©e sur les pratiques au niveau de l_exploitation agricole, et l_ACV, qui se concentre sur les impacts des filiĂšres, reposent sur deux approches bien distinctes d_analyse d_impacts environnementaux. Les informations apportĂ©es par chaque mĂ©thode peuvent s_avĂ©rer complĂ©mentaires dans le cadre de l_affichage environnemental. Cependant, les conditions pour le dĂ©veloppement de l_ACV semblent plus favorables, Ă©tant donnĂ© que l_ACV est obligatoire tandis que l_HVE est volontaire. Ces dĂ©marches restent en construction avec encore de nombreuses interrogations mĂ©thodologiques qui pointent la difficultĂ© Ă  trouver un compromis entre efficacitĂ© pour la communication et rigueur scientifique. Within the frame of the French Grenelle for the environment, in the agricultural sector, the need to orient consumers toward environmental-friendly products was emphasised. In June 2011, a new certification was hence promulgated by decree: the agriculture of high environmental value (HEV). This certification aims at harmonising all agri-environmental initiatives and is based on a semi-quantitative system for the environmental impact assessment of agricultural practices. This certification consists of three levels of commitment, with only the highest level being recognised by a logo on products. At the same time, a national experimentation phase was launched (July 2011) on eco-labelling involving dozens of companies with their own labelling projects on consuming goods. Life-cycle analysis (LCA) is the recommended method within the national methodological framework for eco-labelling. It is a holistic method that quantifies environmental impacts along the product life-cycle. The certification HEV and LCA are based on very different approaches of impact assessment, which can be complementary. However, the two approaches are also likely to compete with one another in terms of visibility, implementation and potential economic added-value. LCA-based eco-labelling is becoming mandatory, whereas the HEV certification is voluntary. Development of LCA-based eco-labelling is thus more likely to develop. Both approaches remain under development and numerous methodological questions are still open. More generally, eco-labelling also raises questions on the difficulty to find a good compromise between scientific reliability and efficient communication

    Co-producing a Research Agenda for Sustainable Palm Oil

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    The rise of palm oil as the world's most consumed vegetable oil has coincided with exponential growth in palm oil research activity. Bibliometric analysis of research outputs reveals a distinct imbalance in the type of research being undertaken, notably a disproportionate focus on biofuel and engineering topics. Recognizing the expansion of oil palm agriculture across the tropics and the increasing awareness of environmental, social, and economic impacts, we seek to reorientate the existing research agenda toward one that addresses the most fundamental and urgent questions defined by the palm oil stakeholder community. Following consultation with 659 stakeholders from 38 countries, including palm oil growers, government agencies, non-governmental organizations, and researchers, the highest priority research questions were identified within 13 themes. The resulting 279 questions, including 26 ranked as top priority, reveal a diversity of environmental and social research challenges facing the industry, ranging from the ecological and ecosystem impacts of production, to the livelihoods of plantation workers and smallholder communities. Analysis of the knowledge type produced from these questions underscores a clear need for fundamental science programmes, and studies that involve the consultation of non-academic stakeholders to develop “transformative” solutions to the oil palm sector. Stakeholders were most aligned in their choice of priority questions across the themes of policy and certification related themes, and differed the most in environmental feedback, technology and smallholder related themes. Our recommendations include improved regional academic leadership and coordination, greater engagement with private and public stakeholders in Africa, and Central and South America, and enhanced collaborative efforts with researchers in the major consuming countries of India and China