139 research outputs found

    GLI1(+) progenitor cells in the adrenal capsule of the adult mouse give rise to heterotopic gonadal-like tissue

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    As certain strains of mice age, hyperplastic lesions resembling gonadal tissue accumulate beneath the adrenal capsule. Gonadectomy (GDX) accelerates this heterotopic differentiation, resulting in the formation of wedge-shaped adrenocortical neoplasms that produce sex steroids. Stem/progenitor cells that reside in the adrenal capsule and retain properties of the adrenogonadal primordium are thought to be the source of this heterotopic tissue. Here, we demonstrate that GLI1(+) progenitors in the adrenal capsule give rise to gonadal-like cells that accumulate in the subcapsular region. A tamoxifen-inducible Cre driver (Glil-creER(T2)) and two reporters (R26R-lacZ, R26R-confetti) were used to track the fate of GLI1(+) cells in the adrenal glands of B6D2F2 mice, a strain that develops both GDX-induced adrenocortical neoplasms and age-dependent subcapsular cell hyperplasia. In gonadectomized B6D2F2 mice GLI1(+) progenitors contributed to long-lived adrenal capsule cells and to adrenocortical neoplasms that expressed Gata4 and Foxl2, two prototypical gonadal markers. Pdgfra, a gene expressed in adrenocortical stromal cells, was upregulated in the GDX-induced neoplasms. In aged non-gonadectomized B6D2F2 mice GLI1(+) progenitors gave rise to patches of subcapsular cell hyperplasia. Treatment with GANT61, a small-molecule GLI antagonist, attenuated the upregulation of gonadal-like markers (Gata4, Foxl2) in response to GDX. These findings support the premise that GLI1(+) progenitor cells in the adrenal capsule of the adult mouse give rise to heterotopic tissue. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Animal models for aberrations of gonadotropin action

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    During the last two decades a large number of genetically modified mouse lines with altered gonadotropin action have been generated. These mouse lines fall into three categories: the lack-of-function mice, gain-of-function mice, and the mice generated by breeding the abovementioned lines with other disease model lines. The mouse strains lacking gonadotropin action have elucidated the necessity of the pituitary hormones in pubertal development and function of gonads, and revealed the processes from the original genetic defect to the pathological phenotype such as hypo- or hypergonadotropic hypogonadism. Conversely, the strains of the second group depict consequences of chronic gonadotropin action. The lines vary from those expressing constitutively active receptors and those secreting follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) with slowly increasing amounts to those producing human choriogonadotropin (hCG), amount of which corresponds to 2000-fold luteinizing hormone (LH)/hCG biological activity. Accordingly, the phenotypes diverge from mild anomalies and enhanced fertility to disrupted gametogenesis, but eventually chronic, enhanced and non-pulsatile action of both FSH and LH leads to female and male infertility and/or hyper- and neoplasias in most of the gonadotropin gain-of-function mice. Elevated gonadotropin levels also alter the function of several extra-gonadal tissues either directly or indirectly via increased sex steroid production. These effects include promotion of tumorigenesis in tissues such as the pituitary, mammary and adrenal glands. Finally, the crossbreedings of the current mouse strains with other disease models are likely to uncover the contribution of gonadotropins in novel biological systems, as exemplified by the recent crossbreed of LHCG receptor deficient mice with Alzheimer disease mice

    Elevated prolactin during pregnancy drives a phenotypic switch in mouse hypothalamic dopaminergic neurons

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    Summary: Altered physiological states require neuronal adaptation. In late pregnancy and lactation, a sub-population of the mouse hypothalamic tuberoinfundibular dopaminergic (TIDA) neurons alters their behavior to synthesize and release met-enkephalin rather than dopamine. These neurons normally release dopamine to inhibit prolactin secretion and are activated by prolactin in a short-loop feedback manner. In lactation, dopamine synthesis is suppressed in an opioid-dependent (naloxone-reversible) manner, meaning that prolactin secretion is disinhibited. Conditional deletion of the prolactin receptor in neurons reveals that this change in phenotype appears to be driven by prolactin itself, apparently through an alteration in intracellular signaling downstream of the prolactin receptor that favors enkephalin production instead of dopamine. Thus, prolactin effectively facilitates its own secretion, which is essential for lactation and maternal behavior. These studies provide evidence of a physiologically important, reversible alteration in the behavior of a specific population of hypothalamic neurons in the adult brain. : Pituitary prolactin secretion is inhibited by dopamine released by hypothalamic neurons. Yip et al. show that, during lactation, these TIDA neurons alter their response to prolactin and release enkephalin in place of dopamine. This mechanism promotes rather than inhibits prolactin secretion, supporting its elevation during lactation. Keywords: prolactin, prolactin receptor, dopamine, encephalin, hypothalamus, tuberoinfundibular dopaminergic neurons, neuronal plasticity, lactation, lactotroph

    Adrenal gland tumorigenesis after gonadectomy in mice is a complex genetic trait driven by epistatic loci

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    Postgonadectomy adrenocortical tumorigenesis is a strain-specific phenomenon in inbred mice, assumed to be caused by elevated LH secretion and subsequent ectopic LH receptor (LHR) overexpression in adrenal gland. However, the molecular mechanisms of this cascade of events remain unknown. In this study, we took advantage of the mouse strain dependency of the phenotype to unravel its genetic basis. Our results present the first genome-wide screening related to this pathology in two independent F2 and backcross populations generated between the neoplastic DBA/2J and the nonsusceptible C57BL/6J strains. Surprisingly, the postgonadectomy elevation of serum LH was followed by similar up-regulation of adrenal LHR expression in both parental strains and their crosses, irrespective of their tumor status, indicating that it is not the immediate cause of the tumorigenesis. Linkage analysis revealed one major significant locus for the tumorigenesis on chromosome 8, modulated by epistasis with another quantitative trait locus on chromosome 18. Weight gain, a secondary phenotype after gonadectomy, showed a significant but separate quantitative trait locus on chromosome 7. Altogether, postgonadectomy adrenocortical tumorigenesis in DBA/2J mice is a dominant trait that is not a direct consequence of adrenal LHR expression but is driven by a complex genetic architecture. Analysis of candidate genes in the tumorigenesis linkage region showed that Sfrp1 (secreted frizzled-related protein 1), a tumor suppressor gene, is differentially expressed in the neoplastic areas. These findings may have relevance to the human pathogenesis of macronodular adrenal hyperplasia and adrenocortical tumors in postmenopausal women and why some of them develop obesity

    Milk: an epigenetic amplifier of FTO-mediated transcription? Implications for Western diseases

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    S179D-Human PRL, a Pseudophosphorylated Human PRL Analog, Is an Agonist and Not an Antagonist

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    Développement d'antagonistes de la prolactine humaine

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    PARIS-BIUSJ-Thèses (751052125) / SudocPARIS-BIUSJ-Physique recherche (751052113) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Is the adrenal cortex a target for gonadotropins?

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    The human adrenal cortex expresses low levels of luteinizing hormone/chorionic gonadotropin receptors (LHCGR), a characteristic gonad-specific G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR). LHCGR levels increase in the adrenal cortex after exposure to chronically elevated gonadotropins (e.g. after gonadectomy). In fact, heightened ectopic LHCGR levels are observed in a subclass of human adrenocortical tumors, and gonadotropin-responsive adrenocortical hyperplasia and tumors occur in several animal species. These findings suggest that adrenocortical responsiveness to LH/CG might be a physiological phenomenon that is amplified in the presence of elevated gonadotropin levels. Such increased gonadotropin action can induce pathologies ranging from adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)-independent Cushing syndrome to malignant adrenal tumors. The authors review the current information on adrenocortical responses to gonadotropins in experimental animals and humans