245 research outputs found

    Antibiotic use in children and the use of medicines by parents

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    Objective Antibiotic drugs are frequently used for viral infections in children. It is probable that health beliefs and parental concern have great influence on the use of drugs in children. This study, performed in The Netherlands, investigates whether the use of antibiotics in children is associated with the use of medicines by parents. Patients and methods In this observational cohort study, the authors selected 6731 children from the prescription database IADB.nl who did not receive antibiotics until their fifth birthday and 1479 children who received at least one antibiotic prescription every year. The authors then selected parents for each group of children (5790 mothers and 4250 fathers for the children who did not receive antibiotics and 1234 mothers and 1032 fathers for the children who regularly received antibiotics). The authors compared the use of antibiotics and other medicines between the two groups of parents. Results Parents of children who received antibiotics recurrently were found to use more antibiotics themselves compared with parents of children who did not receive antibiotics. Moreover, this group also showed a higher percentage of chronic medication use: (11.3 vs 6.2% (mothers) and 13.1% vs 9.5% (fathers)). Mothers more often use antacids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), analgesics, anxiolytics, hypnotics, antidepressants, drugs for treatment of asthma and antihistamines. Fathers use more antacids, cardiovascular drugs, NSAIDs and asthma drugs. Conclusions The parents of children who receive antibiotic drugs regularly use more medicines compared with the parents of children who use no antibiotic drugs. Parents' medicine use may influence that of children and is a factor physicians and pharmacists should take into account

    Instability of Bose-Einstein condensation into the one-particle ground state on quantum graphs under repulsive perturbations

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    In this Note we investigate Bose-Einstein condensation in interacting quantum many-particle systems on graphs. We extend previous results obtained for particles on an interval and show that even arbitrarily small repulsive two-particle interactions destroy a condensate in the non-interacting Bose gas. Our results also cover singular two-particle interactions, such as the well-known Lieb-Lininger model, in the thermodynamic limit

    Use of antibiotics in rural and urban regions in the Netherlands:an observational drug utilization study

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    Background: Large livestock farms might increase the infection risk for the nearby human population because of an increased risk for disease outbreaks and because antibiotic-resistant bacteria are more likely to be present. We hypothesized that populations residing in rural areas have more contact with cattle compared with populations in urban areas, and will use more antibiotics or more frequently require a new course of antibiotics. Methods: Using data from the prescription database IADB.nl, we compared antibiotic use by patients living in rural areas to the use by patients living in urban areas. We also followed cohorts of antibiotic users and determined the patients who required a second antibiotic within 14 days after beginning the first antibiotic. Results: The yearly prevalence of antibiotic use was greater in rural areas compared with urban areas (2009: 23.6% versus 20.2% (p <0.001), especially in the younger age groups. More adult patients residing in rural areas required a second course of antibiotic treatment within 14 days after starting the first treatment. Conclusion: Individuals use more antibiotics, and adults more frequently require a second antibiotic prescription within 14 days, in rural areas compared with urban areas. Although the differences were small and the risks for the general rural population were not high, this difference should be investigated further

    Inclusion of the birth cohort dimension improved description and explanation of trends in statin use

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    Objective: Including the birth cohort dimension improves trend studies of mortality and health. We investigated the effect of including the birth cohort dimension in trend studies of prescription drug use by studying prevalence of statin use among adults. Study Design and Setting: Data from a drug prescription database in the Netherlands (IADB.nl) were used to obtain the number of users of statin per 1,000 population (prevalence) in the age range 18-85 years from 1994 to 2008. We applied descriptive graphs and standard age-period-cohort (APC) models. Results: From 1994 to 2008, the prevalence increased from similar to 10 to similar to 90 users per 1,000 population, with the peak in prevalence shifting from age 63 to 78 years. The APC model shows patterns that were masked in the age-period (AP) model. The prevalence rate ratio increased from the 1911 birth cohort to the 1930 birth cohort and then declined. Similar for both sexes, adding nonlinear period effects contributed similar to 4.4% to reductions in deviance, whereas adding nonlinear birth cohort effects contributed similar to 12.9%. Conclusion: Adding the birth cohort dimension to AP analysis is valuable for academic and professional practice as trends can be more accurately described and explained and it can help improve projections of future trends. (c) 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    The limitations of some European healthcare databases for monitoring the effectiveness of Pregnancy Prevention Programmes as risk minimisation measures

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    Purpose: Pregnancy prevention programmes (PPPs) exist for some medicines known to be highly teratogenic. It is increasingly recognised that the impact of these risk minimisation measures requires periodic evaluation. This study aimed to assess the extent to which some of the data needed to monitor the effectiveness of PPPs may be present in European healthcare databases. Methods: An inventory was completed for databases contributing to EUROmediCAT capturing pregnancy and prescription data in Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Italy (Tuscany/Emilia Romagna), Wales and the rest of the UK, to determine the extent of data collected that could be used to evaluate the impact of PPPs. Results: Data availability varied between databases. All databases could be used to identify the frequency and duration of prescriptions to women of childbearing age from primary care, but there were specific issues with availability of data from secondary care and private care. To estimate the frequency of exposed pregnancies, all databases could be linked to pregnancy data, but the accuracy of timing of the start of pregnancy was variable, and data on pregnancies ending in induced abortions were often not available. Data availability on contraception to estimate compliance with contraception requirements was variable and no data were available on pregnancy tests. Conclusion: Current electronic healthcare databases do not contain all the data necessary to fully monitor the effectiveness of PPP implementation, and thus, special data collection measures need to be instituted.</p

    Adaptive evolution of drug targets in producer and non-producer organisms

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    Mycophenolic acid (MPA) is an immunosuppressive drug produced by several fungi in Penicillium subgenus Penicillium. This toxic metabolite is an inhibitor of IMP dehydrogenase (IMPDH). The MPA biosynthetic cluster of P. brevicompactum contains a gene encoding a B-type IMPDH, IMPDH-B, which confers MPA-resistance. Surprisingly, all members of subgenus Penicillium contain genes encoding IMPDHs of both the A and B type, regardless of their ability to produce MPA. Duplication of the IMPDH gene occurred prior to and independent of the acquisition of the MPA biosynthetic cluster. Both P. brevicompactum IMPDHs are MPA-resistant while the IMPDHs from a nonproducer are MPA-sensitive. Resistance comes with a catalytic cost: while P. brevicompactum IMPDH-B is >1000-fold more resistant to MPA than a typical eukaryotic IMPDH, its value of k(cat)/K(m) is 0.5% of “normal”. Curiously, IMPDH-B of Penicillium chrysogenum, which does not produce MPA, is also a very poor enzyme. The MPA binding site is completely conserved among sensitive and resistant IMPDHs. Mutational analysis shows that the C-terminal segment is a major structural determinant of resistance. These observations suggest that the duplication of the IMPDH gene in Pencillium subgenus Penicillium was permissive for MPA production and that MPA production created a selective pressure on IMPDH evolution. Perhaps MPA production rescued IMPDH-B from deleterious genetic drift

    Asthma medication prescribing before, during and after pregnancy: a study in seven European regions

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    OBJECTIVES: To explore utilisation patterns of asthma medication before, during and after pregnancy as recorded in seven European population-based databases. DESIGN: A descriptive drug utilisation study. SETTING: 7 electronic healthcare databases in Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Italy (Emilia Romagna and Tuscany), Wales, and the Clinical Practice Research Datalink representing the rest of the UK. PARTICIPANTS: All women with a pregnancy ending in a delivery that started and ended between 2004 and 2010, who had been present in the database for the year before, throughout and the year following pregnancy. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The percentage of deliveries where the woman received an asthma medicine prescription, based on prescriptions issued (UK) or dispensed (non-UK), during the year before, throughout or during the year following pregnancy. Asthma medicine prescribing patterns were described for 3-month time periods and the choice of asthma medicine and changes in prescribing over the study period were evaluated in each database. RESULTS: In total, 1,165,435 deliveries were identified. The prevalence of asthma medication prescribing during pregnancy was highest in the UK and Wales databases (9.4% (CI95 9.3% to 9.6%) and 9.4% (CI95 9.1% to 9.6%), respectively) and lowest in the Norwegian database (3.7% (CI95 3.7% to 3.8%)). In the year before pregnancy, the prevalence of asthma medication prescribing remained constant in all regions. Prescribing levels peaked during the second trimester of pregnancy and were at their lowest during the 3-month period following delivery. A decline was observed, in all regions except the UK, in the prescribing of long-acting ÎČ-2-agonists during pregnancy. During the 7-year study period, there were only small changes in prescribing patterns. CONCLUSIONS: Differences were found in the prevalence of prescribing of asthma medications during and surrounding pregnancy in Europe. Inhaled ÎČ-2 agonists and inhaled corticosteroids were, however, the most popular therapeutic regimens in all databases

    Model projections on the impact of HCV treatment in the prevention of HCV transmission among people who inject drugs in Europe"

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    Prevention of hepatitis C virus (HCV) transmission among people who inject drugs (PWID) is critical for eliminating HCV in Europe. We estimated the impact of current and scaled-up HCV treatment with and without scaling up opioid substitution therapy (OST) and needle and syringe programmes (NSPs) across Europe over the next 10 years. We collected data on PWID HCV treatment rates, PWID prevalence, HCV prevalence, OST, and NSP coverage from 11 European settings. We parameterised an HCV transmission model to setting-specific data that project chronic HCV prevalence and incidence among PWID. At baseline, chronic HCV prevalence varied from <25% (Slovenia/Czech Republic) to >55% (Finland/Sweden), and <2% (Amsterdam/Hamburg/Norway/Denmark/Sweden) to 5% (Slovenia/Czech Republic) of chronically infected PWID were treated annually. The current treatment rates using new direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) may achieve observable reductions in chronic prevalence (38-63%) in 10 years in Czech Republic, Slovenia, and Amsterdam. Doubling the HCV treatment rates will reduce prevalence in other sites (12-24%; Belgium/Denmark/Hamburg/Norway/Scotland), but is unlikely to reduce prevalence in Sweden and Finland. Scaling-up OST and NSP to 80% coverage with current treatment rates using DAAs could achieve observable reductions in HCV prevalence (18-79%) in all sites. Using DAAs, Slovenia and Amsterdam are projected to reduce incidence to 2 per 100 person years or less in 10 years. Moderate to substantial increases in the current treatment rates are required to achieve the same impact elsewhere, from 1.4 to 3 times (Czech Republic and France), 5-17 times (France, Scotland, Hamburg, Norway, Denmark, Belgium, and Sweden), to 200 times (Finland). Scaling-up OST and NSP coverage to 80% in all sites reduces treatment scale-up needed by 20-80%. The scale-up of HCV treatment and other interventions is needed in most settings to minimise HCV transmission among PWID in Europe. Measuring the amount of HCV in the population of PWID is uncertain. To reduce HCV infection to minimal levels in Europe will require scale-up of both HCV treatment and other interventions that reduce injecting risk (especially OST and provision of sterile injecting equipment
