7 research outputs found
Quarterly (Wisconsin Medical Alumni), v. 9, no. 3
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- 01/01/1969
- Field of study
Quarterly (Wisconsin Medical Alumni), v. 10, no. 2
- Author
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- 01/01/1970
- Field of study
Quarterly (Wisconsin Medical Alumni), v. 9, no. 4
- Author
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- 01/01/1969
- Field of study
Quarterly (Wisconsin Medical Alumni), v. 10, no. 1
- Author
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- 01/01/1970
- Field of study
Information-Sharing to Promote Informed Choice in Prenatal Screening in the Spirit of the SOGC Clinical Practice Guideline: A Proposal for an Alternative Model
- Author
- Anderson
- Bartels
- Benkendorf
- Bhogal
- Bower
- Brunger
- Caplan
- Charles
- Charles
- Charles
- Chitayat
- Clarke
- Clarke
- Code
- Cunningham-Burley
- Durand
- Elwyn
- Emanuel
- Emery
- Fine
- Freire
- Garcia
- Grant
- Greendale
- Hodgson
- Hunt
- Hunt
- Jansen
- Kessler
- Kessler
- Kirklin
- Kolker
- Legare
- Markens
- McCarthy Veach
- McLeod
- Michie
- Parens
- Park
- Petersen
- Press
- Rantanen
- Rapp
- Rothman
- Sherwin
- Sherwin
- Smets
- Stacey
- Summers
- Summers
- Suter
- Thachuk
- Weil
- Wertz
- Whitney
- Whitney
- Williams
- Wilson
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Effects of sample size and network depth on a deep learning approach to species distribution modeling
- Author
- Abrams
- Akosa
- Allouche
- Autonomio
- Barbu
- Begenau
- Bergstra
- Besacier Monbertrand
- Bianchini
- Botella
- Buda
- Buschbacher
- Charles P. Hawkins
- Chen
- Chen
- Cho
- Chollet
- Christin
- Cutler
- Dedecker
- Diaz
- Donald J. Benkendorf
- Dyrmann
- Elith
- Evans
- Goethals
- Goodfellow
- Goodnight
- Guirado
- Hawkins
- Hawkins
- Hill
- Hoang
- Johnson
- Karsoliya
- Kingma
- Knight
- Krizhevsky
- Kubosova
- Lek
- Lek
- Liaw
- Lin
- Liu
- Marcus
- Mendoza
- Mhaskar
- Moss
- Nair
- Najafabadi
- Olaya-Marín
- Olden
- Olden
- Park
- Peters
- Popovič
- R Core Team
- Rammer
- Reichstein
- Richards
- Shiferaw
- Sor
- Srivastava
- Stockwell
- Sweeney
- Villa
- Vinson
- Wisz
- Wright
- Zhang
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Genetic Counseling: Preconception, Prenatal and Perinatal
- Author
- Aalfs
- Abdulrazzaq
- Abeliovich
- Abramsky
- Ahmad
- Alberman
- Almqvist
- Alonso
- AMA Policy H-140.899
- American Academy of Pediatrics
- American Society of Human Genetics
- American Society of Human Genetics and American College of Medical Genetics
- Amor
- Anguiano
- Antoniou
- Anvret
- Anwar
- Appleton
- ASHG statement
- Ashizawa
- Ashizawa
- Atkin
- Augarten
- Azofeifa
- Baars
- Baird
- Baird
- Baird
- Baird
- Bakker
- Balmer
- Barel
- Bartsocas
- Bastepe
- Baumiller
- Baumiller
- Bear
- Benkendorf
- Bergmann
- Bergoffen
- Besser
- Beutler
- Blumberg
- Blumberg
- Bobo
- Bolor
- Bond
- Bonduelle
- Bourne
- Boué
- Braverman
- Brenner
- Brent
- Brent
- Brook
- Brooke
- Brookes
- Brown
- Brunner
- Brzustowicz
- Bundey
- Burke
- Campuzano
- Cancel
- Capron
- Carnevale
- Chamcides
- Chandley
- Chang
- Chapman
- Charles
- Chudley
- Clarke
- Clarke
- Clarke
- Clarren
- Clayton-Smith
- Clinical Genetics Society (UK)
- Clinton
- Clow
- Cnossen
- Collie
- Committee of the International Huntington Association and the World Federation of Neurology
- Craufurd
- Creighton
- Cremers
- Crowther
- Curatolo
- Cystic Fibrosis Genotype-Phenotype Consortium
- Czeizel
- Dastgiri
- Davey
- Davies
- de Vigan
- de Vries
- Deal
- Decruyenaere
- DeGalan-Roosen
- deKretser
- Deltas
- Denayer
- Dindot
- Dohle
- Donnai
- Dork
- DudokdeWit
- Dugoff
- Dupont
- Eden
- Eggermann
- Einhorn
- El-Deiry
- Emery
- Emery
- Emery
- Endres
- Erpenstein
- Evans
- Evers-Kiebooms
- Evers-Kiebooms
- Falk
- Fanos
- Farrell
- Fokstuen
- Folstein
- Forrest
- Forrest
- Fournet
- Frank
- Franke
- Fraser
- Fries
- Fryers
- Furlong
- Galjaard
- Giardiello
- Gibbons
- Gillet
- Gilljam
- Girard
- Girardi
- Glasson
- Glinianaia
- Gordis
- Gorry
- Green
- Guerrini
- Gusella
- Halliday
- Hannig
- Hannula
- Harper
- Harper
- Harris
- Harris
- Harris
- Harvey
- Hasle
- Hasstedt
- Haxton
- Hayden
- Hayden
- Hennekam
- Henneman
- Herinklake
- Heyes
- Hill
- Hirschhorn
- Hitchins
- Hoffman
- Hojat
- Hollier
- Holmes-Seidle
- Hoo
- Horwich
- Hsia
- Hsia
- Huggins
- Hunter
- Hunter
- Iliyasu
- International Huntington Association and World Federation of Neurology
- Irvin
- Jaffe
- James
- Jaspert
- Jones
- Judson
- Julian-Reynier
- Kadir
- Kalousek
- Kalousek
- Kaplan
- Karna
- Katz
- Keeling
- Kellner
- Kelly
- Kerem
- Kessler
- Kessler
- Kessler
- Kessler
- Kessler
- Khoury
- King
- Kjaer
- Klaus
- Knoppers
- Konialis
- Kremer
- Kung
- Lacro
- Laken
- Lam
- Lamport
- Lancaster
- Lancaster
- Lantos
- Lawson
- Le
- Ledbetter
- Lenke
- Levetown
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lie
- Lipscomb
- Liu
- Loeys
- Looi
- Lopes
- Lorette
- Lovas
- Lucast
- Lund
- Ma
- Mackay
- Malcolm
- Malone
- Markel
- Marteau
- Martin
- Martinez-Frias
- Martinez-Frias
- Masaki
- Mathews
- Matsunaga
- Matthews
- Mauser Bunchoten
- McElvy
- McIntosh
- McKusick
- McKusick
- McKusick
- McMullen
- McPhee
- Meijboom
- Meloni
- Menage
- Menéndez
- Menéndez
- Meschede
- Michie
- Middeldorp
- Middleton
- Milewicz
- Miller
- Miller
- Milunsky
- Milunsky
- Milunsky
- Milunsky
- Milunsky
- Milunsky
- Milunsky
- Milunsky
- Milunsky
- Milunsky
- Milunsky
- Milunsky
- Milunsky
- Milunsky
- Milunsky
- Milunsky
- Milunsky
- Milunsky
- Milunsky
- Milunsky
- Milunsky
- Milunsky
- Moore
- Moore
- Moore
- Mornet
- MRC Vitamin Study Research Group
- Muller
- Murdoch
- Myrianthopoulos
- Najmabadi
- Nance
- Nance
- National Comprehensive Cancer Network
- Netchine
- Neyroud
- NICHD National Registry for Amniocentesis Study Group
- Nicholas
- Nicholls
- Njoh
- Nowakowski
- O'Doherty
- O'Hoy
- Odegaard
- Olafsson
- Pacini
- Palermo
- Palomaki
- Parkes
- Parris
- Passos-Bueno
- Passos-Bueno
- Patel
- Patja
- Peacocke
- Pelias
- Pembrey
- Pennell
- Penney
- Perk
- Perry
- Perveen
- Pinckers
- Pirson
- Plachot
- Politano
- Politano
- Prence
- Ptacek
- Pyeritz
- Quaid
- Queisser-Luft
- Raghunath
- Rankin
- Rantanen
- Rasmussen
- Rasmussen
- Rasmussen
- Ravine
- Ray
- Rebours
- Reijo
- Reijo
- Reilly
- Reller
- Reynolds
- Riccardi
- Ricker
- Robyr
- Roizen
- Rollnick
- Romera
- Ropers
- Rosas-Blum
- Rosenthal
- Ross
- Rossetti
- Rossignol
- Rowe
- Rubin
- Rudnik-Schöneborn
- Ryynänen Markku
- Saadallah
- Satge
- Schnur
- Schoenfeld
- Scriver
- Seller
- Shaer
- Shaw
- Shaw
- Shelbourne
- Shore
- Shores
- Shulman
- Sibinga
- Silber
- Simioni
- Simms
- Simms
- Simpson
- Sobesky
- Solomon
- Sorenson
- Sorenson
- Sorenson
- Souied
- Spence
- Stevanin
- Stoll
- Stoll
- Stoll
- Stoll
- Stoltenberg
- Stothard
- Strauss
- Sujansky
- Super
- Suthers
- Swerts
- Tan
- Targum
- Tassicker
- Taulan
- Taylor
- Telander
- Telenius
- Temple
- Temple-Smith
- Thomas
- Thompson
- Thorisson
- Thornton
- Tibben
- Tibben
- Traystman
- Tuddenham
- Turner
- Turnpenny
- Turpin
- Tóth
- Vabres
- van den Berghe
- van Langen
- van Schothorst
- van Spronsen
- Veldhuisen
- Verma
- Vianna-Morgante
- Voutoufianakis
- Vu
- Walsh
- Walter
- Warburton
- Watkins
- Weber
- Weijerman
- Weil
- Welkenhuysen
- Wengler
- Wertz
- Wertz
- Wertz
- Wertz
- Wertz
- White-van Mourik
- Wieringa
- Wiggins
- Wiggins
- Wilkins-Haug
- Wilkins-Haug
- Williams
- Williams
- Witt
- Woods
- Worden
- Working Party of the Royal College of Physicians
- World Health Organization
- World Health Organization Expert Committee
- Yang
- Zigman
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study