131 research outputs found

    Le héros dans la chanson de geste: l’exemple de La Chanson de Roland

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    La figure du héros littéraire au Moyen Âge est utilisée pour rassembler et représenter les valeurs et caractéristiques propres à une société donnée de manière symbolique, dont le féodalisme, la guerre et la religion, et de cette façon les renforcer et établir un sentiment d’appartenance à une nation ou un groupe à travers ce personnage collectif à qui tous les individus peuvent s’identifier. On présente ensuite une étude littéraire et théorique de cette figure. On part de l’analyse de la Chanson de Roland et de son personnage éponyme pour établir ses principales caractéristiques ainsi que celles de la propre chanson de geste et l’espace dans lequel elle se déroule en vue de séparer les éléments propres à cette oeuvre et garder ceux qui peuvent être communs au personnage du héros en général. Comme technique de séparation de ces deux grands types d’éléments on a décidé d’argumenter sur la base d’auteurs spécialisés dans la civilisation et la littérature du Moyen Âge comme Marc Bloch, Jacques Le Goff ou Georges Duby ainsi que sur la base d’études universitaires axés sur la figure de Roland comme Substratos míticos en el Cantar de Roldán ou sur l’espace comme Le sentiment de la nature dans la Chanson de Roland. Quelques considérations à propos du vers 814, sans oublier plusieurs dictionnaires littéraires et historiques. On s’est toujours efforcé de remettre tout cela en perspective historique et de mener une étude littéraire à l’obtention des conclusions les plus détaillées et exactes.La figura del héroe literario en el Medievo se utiliza para reunir y representar los valores y el carácter propios de una sociedad determinada de forma simbólica, entre ellos el feudalismo, la guerra y la religión y, de esta forma, fortalecerlos y establecer un sentimiento de pertenencia a una nación o un grupo a través de este personaje colectivo con el que todos los individuos se identifican. A continuación se muestra un estudio literario y teórico de esta figura. Se parte del análisis del Cantar de Roldán y su personaje homónimo para establecer sus principales características, así como las del propio cantar de gesta y el espacio en el que tiene lugar para separar los elementos propios de esta obra y conservar los que pueden ser comunes a la figura del héroe en general. Como técnica de separación de esos dos grandes tipos de elementos se decidió argumentar sobre la base de autores especializados en materia de civilización y la literatura de la Edad Media como Marc Bloch, Jacques Le Goff o Georges Duby, así como a partir de estudios universitarios centrados en la figura de Roldán como Substratos míticos en el Cantar de Roldán o en el espacio como Le sentiment de la nature dans la Chanson de Roland. Quelques considérations à propos du vers 814, sin olvidar varios diccionarios literarios e históricos. Siempre nos hemos centrado en darle a todo esto una perspectiva histórica y llevar a cabo un estudio literario para la provisión de los resultados más amplios y exactos posibles.Departamento de Filología Francesa y AlemanaGrado en Lenguas Modernas y sus Literatura

    Identification and Distribution of Human-Biting Ticks in Northwestern Spain

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    Ticks transmit a wide diversity of pathogens to a great variety of hosts, including humans. We conducted a tick surveillance study in northwestern Spain between 2014 and 2019. Ticks were removed from people and identified. Tick numbers, species, development stages, the timeline, seasonal and geographical distribution and epidemiological characteristics of people bitten by ticks were studied. We collected ticks from 8143 people. Nymphs of I. ricinus were the most frequently collected. Rhipicephalus bursa, R. sanguineus s.l., Hy. marginatum, Hy. lusitanicum, D. marginatus, D. reticulatus and H. punctata were also found, with adults as the main stage. The number of collected Hyalomma spp. and R. bursa has been progressively increasing over time. Although bites occurred throughout the year, the highest number of incidents was reported from April to July. The distribution patterns of the tick species were different between the north and the south of the region, which was related to cases detected in humans of the pathogens they carried. Adult men were more likely to be bitten by ticks than women. Ticks were most frequently removed from adults from the lower limbs, while for children, they were mainly attached to the head. Epidemiological surveillance is essential given the increase in tick populations in recent years, mainly of species potentially carrying pathogens causing emerging diseases in Spain, such as Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCFH).This research was funded by Junta de Castilla y León. Consejería de Sanidad.S

    A highly efficient organogenesis protocol based on zeatin riboside for in vitro regeneration of eggplant

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    [EN] Background Efficient organogenesis induction in eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) is required for multiple in vitro culture applications. In this work, we aimed at developing a universal protocol for efficient in vitro regeneration of eggplant mainly based on the use of zeatin riboside (ZR). We evaluated the effect of seven combinations of ZR with indoleacetic acid (IAA) for organogenic regeneration in five genetically diverse S. melongena and one S. insanum L. accessions using two photoperiod conditions. In addition, the effect of six different concentrations of indolebutyric acid (IBA) in order to promote rooting was assessed to facilitate subsequent acclimatization of plants. The ploidy level of regenerated plants was studied. Results In a first experiment with accessions MEL1 and MEL3, significant (p < 0.05) differences were observed for the four factors evaluated for organogenesis from cotyledon, hypocotyl and leaf explants, with the best results obtained (9 and 11 shoots for MEL1 and MEL3, respectively) using cotyledon tissue, 16 h light / 8 h dark photoperiod conditions, and medium E6 (2 mg/L of ZR and 0 mg/L of IAA). The best combination of conditions was tested in the other four accessions and confirmed its high regeneration efficiency per explant when using both cotyledon and hypocotyl tissues. The best rooting media was R2 (1 mg/L IBA). The analysis of ploidy level revealed that between 25 and 50% of the regenerated plantlets were tetraploid. Conclusions An efficient protocol for organogenesis of both cultivated and wild accessions of eggplant, based on the use of ZR, is proposed. The universal protocol developed may be useful for fostering in vitro culture applications in eggplant requiring regeneration of plants and, in addition, allows developing tetraploid plants without the need of antimitotic chemicals.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades, Agencia Estatal de Investigacion and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (grant RTI-2018-094592-B-100 from MCIU/AEI/FEDER, UE) and by Universitat Politecnica de Valencia. The Spanish Ministerio de Educacion, Cultura y Deporte funded a predoctoral fellowship granted to Edgar Garcia-Fortea (FPU17/02389). The Generalitat Valenciana and Fondo Social Europeo funded a post-doctoral fellowship granted to Mariola Plazas (APOSTD/2018/014). The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science funded a post-doctoral fellowship granted to Pietro Gramazio (FY 2019 Postdoctoral Fellowship for Research in Japan [Standard]). The funding bodies were not involved in the design of the study, collection, analysis, interpretation of data, or drafting of the manuscript.García-Fortea, E.; Lluch-Ruiz, A.; Pineda Chaza, BJ.; García-Pérez, A.; Bracho-Gil, JP.; Plazas Ávila, MDLO.; Gramazio, P.... (2020). A highly efficient organogenesis protocol based on zeatin riboside for in vitro regeneration of eggplant. BMC Plant Biology. 20(1):1-16. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12870-019-2215-yS116201FAO. FAOSTAT Food and Agriculture. 2019. http://www.fao.org/faostat. Accessed 18 July 2019.Gürbüza N, Uluişikb S, Frarya A, Frary A, Doğanlar S. Health benefits and bioactive compounds of eggplant. Food Chem. 2018;268:602–10. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2018.06.093.Rivas-Sendra A, Corral-Martínez P, Camacho-Fernández C, Seguí-Simarro JM. Improved regeneration of eggplant doubled haploids from microspore-derived calli through organogenesis. 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    Therapy-Induced Senescence Enhances the Efficacy of HER2-Targeted Antibody–Drug Conjugates in Breast Cancer

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    Eficàcia; Conjugats de fàrmacs; Càncer de mamaEficacia; Conjugados de medicamentos; Cáncer de mamaEfficacy; Drug conjugates; Breast cancerAntibody–drug conjugates (ADC) are antineoplastic agents recently introduced into the antitumor arsenal. T-DM1, a trastuzumab-based ADC that relies on lysosomal processing to release the payload, is approved for HER2-positive breast cancer. Next-generation ADCs targeting HER2, such as [vic-]trastuzumab duocarmazine (SYD985), bear linkers cleavable by lysosomal proteases and membrane-permeable drugs, mediating a bystander effect by which neighboring antigen-negative cells are eliminated. Many antitumor therapies, like DNA-damaging agents or CDK4/6 inhibitors, can induce senescence, a cellular state characterized by stable cell-cycle arrest. Another hallmark of cellular senescence is the enlargement of the lysosomal compartment. Given the relevance of the lysosome to the mechanism of action of ADCs, we hypothesized that therapies that induce senescence would potentiate the efficacy of HER2-targeting ADCs. Treatment with the DNA-damaging agent doxorubicin and CDK4/6 inhibitor induced lysosomal enlargement and senescence in several breast cancer cell lines. While senescence-inducing drugs did not increase the cytotoxic effect of ADCs on target cells, the bystander effect was enhanced when HER2-negative cells were cocultured with HER2-low cells. Knockdown experiments demonstrated the importance of cathepsin B in the enhanced bystander effect, suggesting that cathepsin B mediates linker cleavage. In breast cancer patient-derived xenografts, a combination treatment of CDK4/6 inhibitor and SYD985 showed improved antitumor effects over either treatment alone. These data support the strategy of combining next-generation ADCs targeting HER2 with senescence-inducing therapies for tumors with heterogenous and low HER2 expression. Significance: Combining ADCs against HER2-positive breast cancers with therapies that induce cellular senescence may improve their therapeutic efficacy by facilitating a bystander effect against antigen-negative tumor cells.This work was supported by Breast Cancer Research Foundation (BCRF-20-008), Instituto de Salud Carlos III (project reference numbers AC15/00062, CB16/12/00449 and PI19/01181), the EC under the framework of the ERA-NET TRANSCAN-2 initiative co-financed by FEDER, Fundación Mutua Madrileña and Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer. S. Duro-Sánchez is supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Universidades by the grant Formación de Profesorado Universitario (FPU20/05388). A. Esteve-Codina is funded by ISCIII /MINECO (PT17/0009/0019) and co-funded by FEDER. The authors acknowledge Alyson MacInnes for reviewing and editing the article

    IMAGINE study protocol of a clinical trial: a multi-center, investigator-blinded, randomized, 36-month, parallel-group to compare the effectiveness of motivational interview in rehabilitation of older stroke survivors

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    Background: Rehabilitation pathways are crucial to reduce stroke-related disability. Motivational Interviewing (MI), as a person-centered complex intervention, aimed to empower and motivate, and could be a resource to improve rehabilitation outcomes for older stroke survivors. The IMAGINE project aims to assess the impact of MI, as a complement to standard geriatric rehabilitation, on functional improvement at 30 days after admission, compared to standard geriatric rehabilitation alone, in persons admitted to geriatric rehabilitation after a stroke. Secondary objectives include assessing the impact of MI on physical activity and performance, self-efficacy, safety, cost-utility, participants' experiences and functional status at 3 months. Methods: We will conduct a multicenter randomized clinical trial in three geriatric rehabilitation hospitals in Spain. Older adults after mild-moderate stroke without previous severe cognitive impairment or disability will be randomized into the control or intervention group (136 per group, total N = 272). The intervention group will receive 4 sessions of MI by trained nurses, including the design of a personalized rehabilitation plan agreed between stroke survivors and nurses based on stroke survivors´ goals, needs, preferences and capabilities. Main outcome will be the Functional Independence Measure (FIM). In-hospital physical activity will be measured through accelerometers and secondary outcomes using validated scales. The study includes a process evaluation and cost-utility analysis. Discussion: Final results are expected by end of 2020. This study will provide relevant information on the implementation of MI as a rehabilitation reinforcement tool in older stroke survivors. A potential reduction in post-stroke disability and dependence would increase person's health-related quality of life and well-being and reduce health and social care costs. IMAGINE has the potential to inform practice and policymakers on how to move forward towards shared decision-making and shared responsibilities in the vulnerable population of older stroke survivors

    Laboratorio de temporal: mejorando el conocimiento aplicado del oído

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    Memoria ID-026. Ayudas de la Universidad de Salamanca para la innovación docente, curso 2019-2020.[ES]El objetivo principal del presente proyecto fue el desarrollo de conocimiento y habilidades sobre el hueso temporal, donde está alojado el sentido de la audición y el equilibrio, a través de la disección de hueso temporal de cadáver