91 research outputs found

    Espectroscopía gamma y de coincidencias ultrarápidas de isótopos de estaño alrededor del 132Sn

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Físicas, Departamento de Estructura de la Materia, Física Térmica y Electrónica, leída el 18-12-2020The evolution of the nuclear shell structure for nuclei with large neutron to proton ratios is an open problem in contemporary nuclear physics research. The study of the regions around exotic doubly-magic nuclei plays an important role in the understanding of how shell structure evolves, and provides key input for theoretical calculations, which can be then used over larger areas of the nuclear chart. The present PhD work is focused on the study of the nuclear structure in the region around 132Sn (Z=50 and N=82), the heaviest doubly-magic nucleus away from stability within reach at current experimental facilities. The nucleus 132Sn itself is of importance for the description of the exotic nuclear region around N = 82 and to provide insight into particle-hole couplings for both protons and neutrons. The nuclei with a valence particle or hole around 132Sn are relevant for investigating the single-particle states in the region, and the matrix elements of the electromagnetic transitions interconnecting them...La evolución de la estructura de capas en núcleos exóticos con exceso de neutrones es un tema de investigación de actualidad en física nuclear. El estudio de núcleos situados en las regiones alrededor de los núcleos doblemente mágicos resulta de vital importancia para comprender la evolución de la estructura de capas a medida que nos alejamos del valle de estabilidad. Es además importante para poder realizar cálculos teóricos que puedan extenderse a regiones amplias e inexploradas de la tabla de núcleos. Esta tesis doctoral se centra en el estudio de la región alrededor de 132Sn (Z=50 yN=82), el núcleo exótico doblemente mágico más pesado al alcance de las instalaciones experimentales actuales...Fac. de Ciencias FísicasTRUEunpu

    The most accurate determination of the 8B Half-life

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    Beta decay is a primary source of information of the structure of a nucleus. An accurate measurement of the half-life of a nucleus is essential for the proper determination of the reduced Gammow-Teller transition probability B(GT). In this work, we present an experiment using a compact set-up of Si-telescope detectors to measure the half-life of the B-8 nucleus. Three independent measurements have been analysed, obtaining the values 771.9(17) ms, 773.9(18) ms, and 770.9(27) ms. The value of the half-life obtained as the weighted averaged with the previous published measures is 771.17(94) ms which is a factor 3.2 of improvement in the uncertainty of the half-life

    Multi-quasiparticle sub-nanosecond isomers in W-178

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    We report on the first measurement of the half-lives of K-pi = 11(-) and 12(+) four-quasiparticle states in the even-even nucleus W-178. The sub-nanosecond half-lives were measured by applying the centroid shift method to data taken with LaBr3(Ce) scintillator detectors of the NuBall array at the ALTO facility in Orsay, France. The half-lives of these states only became experimentally accessible by the combination of several experimental techniques - scintillator fast timing, isomer spectroscopy with a pulsed beam, and the event-by-event calorimetry information provided by the NuBall array. The measured half-lives are 476(44)ps and 275(65)ps for the I-pi = 11(-) and 12(+) states, respectively. The decay transitions include weakly hindered E1 and E2 branches directly to the ground-state band, bypassing the two-quasiparticle states. This is the first such observation for an E1 transition. The interpretation of the small hindrance hinges on mixing between the ground-state band and the t-band. (C) 2019 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V

    Half-life measurements in Dy-164,Dy-166 using γ−γ fast-timing spectroscopy with the ν-Ball spectrometer

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    We report on the measurement of lifetimes of excited states in the near-mid-shell nuclei Dy-164,Dy-166 using the gamma-ray coincidence fast-timing method. The nuclei of interest were populated using reactions between an O-18 beam and a gold-backed isotopically enriched Dy-164 target of thickness 6.3 mg/cm(2) at primary beam energies of 71, 76, and 80 MeV from the IPN-Orsay laboratory, France. Excited states were populated in Dy-164, Dy-166, and W-178,W-179 following Coulomb excitation, inelastic nuclear scattering, two-neutron transfer, and fusion-evaporation reaction channels respectively. Gamma rays from excited states were measured using the nu-Ball high-purity germanium (HPGe)-LaBr3 hybrid gamma-ray spectrometer with the excited state lifetimes extracted using the fast-timing coincidence method using HPGe-gated LaBr3-LaBr3 triple coincident events. The lifetime of the first I-pi = 2(+) excited state in Dy-166 was used to determine the transition quadrupole deformation of this neutron-rich nucleus for the first time. The experimental methodology was validated by showing consistency with previously determined excited state lifetimes in Dy-164. The half-lives of the yrast 2(+) states in Dy-164 and Dy-166 were 2.35(6) and 2.3(2) ns, respectively, corresponding to transition quadrupole moment values of Q(0) = 7.58(9) and 7.5(4) eb, respectively. The lifetime of the yrast 2(+) state in Dy-166 is consistent with a quenching of nuclear quadrupole deformation at beta approximate to 0.35 as the N = 104 mid-shell is approached

    Nature of seniority symmetry breaking in the semimagic nucleus Ru-94

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    Direct lifetime measurements via gamma -gamma coincidences using a fast timing detector array consisting of LaBr3(Ce) scintillators has been applied to determine the lifetime of low-lying states in the semimagic (N = 50) nucleus Ru-94. The experiment was carried out as the first in a series of "FAIR-0" experiments with the DESPEC experimental setup at the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR). Excited states in Ru-94 were populated primarily via the beta-delayed proton emission of Pd-95 nuclei, produced in the projectile fragmentation of an 850 MeV/nucleon Xe-124 beam impinging on a 4 g/cm(2) Be-9 target. While the deduced E2 strength for the 2(+) -> 0(+) transition in the yrast cascade follows the expected behavior for conserved seniority symmetry, the intermediate 4(+) -> 2(+) transition exhibits a drastic enhancement of transition strength in comparison with pure-seniority model predictions as well as standard shell model predictions in the f pg proton hole space with respect to doubly magic Sn-100. The anomalous behavior is ascribed to a subtle interference between the wave function of the lowest seniority v = 2, I-pi = 4(+) state and that of a close-lying v = 4 state that exhibits partial dynamic symmetry. In addition, the observed strongly prohibitive 6(+) -> 4(+) transition can be attributed to the same mechanism but with a destructive interference. It is noted that such effects may provide stringent tests of the nucleon-nucleon interactions employed in state-of-the-art theoretical model calculations

    Optimized Multipactor-Resistant Wedge-Shaped Waveguide Bandpass Filters

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    [EN] Wedge-shaped waveguides present a certain advantage with respect to rectangular waveguides regarding their resistance to multipactor discharges. In this paper, the optimal configuration for the wedge geometry is investigated based on theoretical results, on a precise multipactor prediction tool, and on previous experience. In addition, design rules are presented, which allow us to achieve for wedge-shaped filters electrical performances comparable to the ones of rectangular waveguide filters, while at the same time improving the multipactor-free power range. As a proof of concept, two three-pole bandpass filters with equivalent electrical characteristic of 150-MHz bandwidth, centered at 12 GHz (Ku band), and the same Q factor have been designed, manufactured, and tested. The first design is based on conventional rectangular waveguide technology, while the second one has non-parallel broadside walls (wedge-shaped cross section). The multipactor power threshold and RF performance of the filters have been measured in order to validate the improvements achievable employing wedge-shaped resonators.This work was supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacion, Spain, under Research Project TEC2010-21520-C04-01/TCM.Hueso González, J.; Raboso García-Baquero, D.; Ernst, C.; Schmitt, D.; Boria Esbert, VE.; Gimeno Martinez, B.; Taroncher Calduch, M.... (2013). Optimized Multipactor-Resistant Wedge-Shaped Waveguide Bandpass Filters. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE. 41(8):2135-2144. https://doi.org/10.1109/TPS.2013.2253134S2135214441

    Forest productivity in southwestern Europe controlled by coupled North Atlantic and Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillations

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    The North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) depicts annual and decadal oscillatory modes ofvariability responsible for dry spells over the European continent. The NAO therefore holds agreat potential to evaluate the role, as carbon sinks, of water-limited forests under climatechange. However, uncertainties related to inconsistent responses of long-term forestproductivity to NAO have so far hampered firm conclusions on its impacts. We hypothesizethat, in part, such inconsistencies might have their origin in periodical sea surfacetemperature anomalies in the Atlantic Ocean (i.e., Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation, AMO).Here we show strong empirical evidence in support of this hypothesis using 120 years ofperiodical inventory data from Iberian pine forests. Our results point to AMO+ NAO+ andAMO−NAO− phases as being critical for forest productivity, likely due to decreased winterwater balance and abnormally low winter temperatures, respectively. Our findings could beessential for the evaluation of ecosystem functioning vulnerabilities associated with increasedclimatic anomalies under unprecedented warming conditions in the Mediterranean

    Methodology for an effective risk assessment of urban areas: progress and first results of the merisur project

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    The progress and results the MERISUR, Methodology for an Effective RISk assessment of URban areas, are presented. This project aims at developing an effective methodology for urban seismic risk assessment that provides solutions to some deficiencies detected after recent damaging events worldwide, including risk mitigation actions based on benefit/cost ratios. In a fisrt stage, the hazard and vulnerability models are developed and improved. A procedure to determine the hazard-controlling seismogenic fault, contsistent with different probability levels, is established. Methods to include active faults as individual sources and to consider near filed effects that significantly amplify ground motions are proposed. A more complete description of seismic vulnerability encompassing structural, non-structural components is accomplished. Vulnerability modifiers to incorporate effects or urban parameters on vulnerability classes are also quantified. A distinction is also made between damage to structural and non-structural building elements. For this purpose, a pushover analysis is specifically carried out to model building response and damage trends on non-structural elements. This gives the primary damage. In addition, the area covered by the resulting debris is also estimated both in inner spaces (within the building) and in the outer space (public roads and streets). In this way, a volume of debris will be associated to each area unit of the city, and the potential damage to persons and elements exposed, such as urban furniture and vehicles, will be assessed. This constitutes the secondary damage. A static level of occupation (building, urban furniture, etc.) and a dynamic level of occupation (persons, vehicles) will be assigned to each area unit of the city, hereby defining the exposure in time and space. Earthquake losses related to primary damage of building components and to secondary damage (such as urban furniture and vehicles) will be also assessed. Cost/benefit ratios between ex ante risk mitigation measurements will be developed in order to decide whether risk transfer or risk retention is preferable for different risk scenarios. This analysis will confer effectiveness to the results of a seismic risk study. Overall, the estimate of earthquake losses and cost/benefit ratios are topics with little presence in the scientific literature concerning damaging earthquakes in Spain. Thus, the results of this study will provide effective solutions to the challenge to society tackled in this proposal

    Aportaciones hidrogeológicas al estudio arqueológico de los orígenes de la Edad del Bronce de La Mancha: la cueva monumentalizada de Castillejo del Bonete (Terrinches, Ciudad Real-España)

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    Estudios recientes indican que las motillas, asentamientos de la Edad del Bronce de La Mancha, pudieron ser las más antiguas captaciones de agua subterránea en la Península Ibérica. Pero ¿por qué no existen motivas en el Campo de Montiel, territorio ubicado tradicionalmente en esta área cultural? En Castillejo del Bonete, sitio arqueológico situado en esa comarca, existe una cueva que fue utilizada y sellada durante la Prehistoria Reciente. Se presenta ahora la primera investigación paleohidrogeológica interdisciplinar en La Mancha, que ha analizado manantiales y niveles de agua subterránea del acuífero de Campo de Montiel, así como el interior de la sima de Castillejo del Bonete. Las conclusiones avanzan una relación entre el sustrato hidrogeomorfológico y la distribución espacial de las motillas. Además permiten descartar que la sima de Castillejo del Bonete fuera utilizada como mina o como acceso al acuífero, dos de las hipótesis de trabajo planteadas. De ese modo cobra fuerza que Castillejo del Bonete fuera un excepcional monumento funerario y simbólico durante el Calcolítico y la Edad del Bronce, perteneciente a una nueva clase de asentamientos desconocidos hasta ahora en el grupo cultural de la Edad del Bronce de La Mancha