223 research outputs found

    Disturbances monitoring from controller states

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    In this paper, it is proposed to implement a given controller using observer-based structures in order to estimate or to monitor some unmeasured plant states or external disturbances. Such a monitoring can be used to perform in-line or off-line analysis (supervising controller modes, capitalizing flight data to improve disturbance modelling, ...). This observer-based structure must involve a judicious onboard model selected to be representative of the physical phenomenon one want to monitor. This principle is applied to an aircraft longitudinal flight control law to monitor wind disturbances and to estimate the angle-of-attack


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    This paper analyses the effects of two recent institutional changes, the "Reelection Amendment" and the Law of Fiscal Responsibility, on political budget cycles and fiscal performance of Brazilian federal states. The empirical evidence shows that (1) contrarily to previous results, the Reelection increased public spending and debt level of states in electoral years; (2) the Law of Fiscal Responsibility significantly decreased the functionalism spending and capital revenue, and, on the other hand, increased the tax revenue of states.

    Indicadores de desempenho como ferramenta de controle: como assegurar a execução da estratégia da empresa : estudo de caso da empresa Votorantim Cimentos

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Sócio Econômico, Curso de Administração.O presente estudo visa a criação de uma ferramenta que de subsídios para controlar e assegurar a execução da estratégia da organização. Nesse intuito, abordou-se temas relacionados a administração estratégica pela perspectivas de autores como Mintzber (2000, 2003), Certo e Peter (1993) e Hrebiniak (2006). Trás uma fundamentação teórica que dá embasamento para a criação e implementação da ferramenta e virtual criação de vantagem competitiva dentro dos processos internos da organização. Dessa forma, realizar-se-á um estudo predominantemente qualitativo, do tipo estudo de caso, de cunho descritivo, e utilizando como técnicas para coleta dos dados primários a observação participante e a análise documental. Os resultados verificados alcançaram os objetivos propostos e a nova forma de trabalho implementada na rotina comercial da empresa se mostrou coerente com as estratégias globais da organização. Constatou-se que é possível, através de uma ferramenta de controle, assegurar a execução da estratégia ainda no nível operacional, o qual nesse estudo é o contato direto com o cliente. Como resultado final, a equipe que atuou com essa ferramenta foi reconhecida como melhor equipe de vendas do Brasil no primeiro semestre de 2009, período que foi realizado o projeto. Esse resultado indica a existência de um grande potencial competitivo e incentiva a disseminação da ferrament

    Black Holes and Large Order Quantum Geometry

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    We study five-dimensional black holes obtained by compactifying M theory on Calabi-Yau threefolds. Recent progress in solving topological string theory on compact, one-parameter models allows us to test numerically various conjectures about these black holes. We give convincing evidence that a microscopic description based on Gopakumar-Vafa invariants accounts correctly for their macroscopic entropy, and we check that highly nontrivial cancellations -which seem necessary to resolve the so-called entropy enigma in the OSV conjecture- do in fact occur. We also study analytically small 5d black holes obtained by wrapping M2 branes in the fiber of K3 fibrations. By using heterotic/type II duality we obtain exact formulae for the microscopic degeneracies in various geometries, and we compute their asymptotic expansion for large charges.Comment: 42 pages, 20 eps figures, small correction

    A emenda da reeleição e a Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal: impactos sobre ciclos políticos e performance fiscal dos Estados (1986-2002)

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    O presente trabalho estuda o comportamento fiscal dos Estados brasileiros no período 1986-2002, analisando, em particular, o impacto de duas mudanças institucionais recentes, a Emenda da Reeleição e a Lei de Res-ponsabilidade Fiscal, sobre os ciclos políticos orçamentários e sobre a performance fiscal dos Estados. Os resultados obtidos apontam que a Emenda da Reeleição implicou a intensificação dos ciclos políticos, estimulando manipulações oportunistas durante o período eleitoral; a Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal, por sua vez, constituiu um instrumento efetivo para o controle do endividamento e para a redução das despesas de custeio dos Estados. Constatou-se também que a amplitude dos ciclos políticos tem diminuído ao longo do tempo, fato que poderia ser atribuído ao aprendizado do eleitorado e à experiência adquirida com eleições sucessivas, que contribuem para elevar o nível de controle político, reduzindo, assim, a intensidade dos ciclos.This paper studies the fiscal behavior of Brazilian Federal States in the period 1986-2002, focusing, in particular, on the effects of two recent institutional changes, the "Reelection Amendment" and the "Fiscal Responsibility Law", on political budget cycles and on fiscal performance. The results provide evidence that the Reelection Amendment caused intensification in political cycles, stimulating opportunistic manipulations during the electoral period; and the Fiscal Responsibility Law constituted an effective instrument to control indebtedness and to reduce functionalism spending in States. The evidence also shows that the magnitude of the political cycles has been decreasing in time, a fact that could be attributed to the electorates learning and experience in successive elections, which contribute to increase the level of political control, so reducing the intensity of the cycles

    Pseudo-spin symmetry in density-dependent relativistic Hartree-Fock theory

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    The pseudo-spin symmetry (PSS) is investigated in the density-dependent relativistic Hartree-Fock theory by taking {the} doubly magic nucleus 132^{132}Sn as a representative. It is found that the Fock terms bring significant contributions to the pseudo-spin orbital potentials (PSOP) and make it comparable to the pseudo-centrifugal barrier (PCB). However, these Fock terms in the PSOP are counteracted by other exchange terms due to the non-locality of the exchange potentials. The pseudo-spin orbital splitting indicates that the PSS is preserved well for the partner states \lrb{\nu 3s_{1/2}, \nu2d_{3/2}} of 132^{132}Sn in the relativistic Hartree-Fock theory.Comment: 6 figue

    Density-Dependent Relativistic Hartree-Fock Approach

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    A new relativistic Hartree-Fock approach with density-dependent σ\sigma, ω\omega, ρ\rho and π\pi meson-nucleon couplings for finite nuclei and nuclear matter is presented. Good description for finite nuclei and nuclear matter is achieved with a number of adjustable parameters comparable to that of the relativistic mean field approach. With the Fock terms, the contribution of the π\pi-meson is included and the description for the nucleon effective mass and its isospin and energy dependence is improved.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Relativistic Continuum Hartree Bogoliubov Theory for Ground State Properties of Exotic Nuclei

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    The Relativistic Continuum Hartree-Bogoliubov (RCHB) theory, which properly takes into account the pairing correlation and the coupling to (discretized) continuum via Bogoliubov transformation in a microscopic and self-consistent way, has been reviewed together with its new interpretation of the halo phenomena observed in light nuclei as the scattering of particle pairs into the continuum, the prediction of the exotic phenomena -- giant halos in nuclei near neutron drip line, the reproduction of interaction cross sections and charge-changing cross sections in light exotic nuclei in combination with the Glauber theory, better restoration of pseudospin symmetry in exotic nuclei, predictions of exotic phenomena in hyper nuclei, and new magic numbers in superheavy nuclei, etc. Recent investigations on new effective interactions, the density dependence of the interaction strengthes, the RMF theory on the Woods-Saxon basis, the single particle resonant states, and the resonant BCS (rBCS) method for the pairing correlation, etc. are also presented in some details.Comment: 79 pages. Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. (2005) in pres