941 research outputs found

    The Fossil Phase in the Life of a Galaxy Group

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    We investigate the origin and evolution of fossil groups in a concordance LCDM cosmological simulation. We consider haloes with masses between (1-5)\times10^{13} \hMsun and study the physical mechanisms that lead to the formation of the large gap in magnitude between the brightest and the second most bright group member, which is typical for these fossil systems. Fossil groups are found to have high dark matter concentrations, which we can relate to their early formation time. The large magnitude-gaps arise after the groups have build up half of their final mass, due to merging of massive group members. We show that the existence of fossil systems is primarily driven by the relatively early infall of massive satellites, and that we do not find a strong environmental dependence for these systems. In addition, we find tentative evidence for fossil group satellites falling in on orbits with typically lower angular momentum, which might lead to a more efficient merger onto the host. We find a population of groups at higher redshifts that go through a ``fossil phase'': a stage where they show a large magnitude-gap, which is terminated by renewed infall from their environment.Comment: 9 pages and 8 figures, submitted to MNRA

    Molecular Screening for Terahertz Detection with Machine-Learning-Based Methods

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    The molecular requirements are explored for achieving efficient signal up-conversion in a recently developed technique for terahertz (THz) detection based on molecular optomechanics. We discuss which molecular and spectroscopic properties are most important for predicting efficient THz detection and outline a computational approach based on quantum-chemistry and machine-learning methods for calculating these properties. We validate this approach by bulk and surface-enhanced Raman scattering and infrared absorption measurements. We develop a virtual screening methodology performed on databases of millions of commercially available compounds. Quantum-chemistry calculations for about 3000 compounds are complemented by machine-learning methods to predict applicability of 93 000 organic molecules for detection. Training is performed on vibrational spectroscopic properties based on absorption and Raman scattering intensities. Our top molecules have conversion intensity two orders of magnitude higher than an average molecule from the database. We also discuss how other properties like molecular shape and self-assembling properties influence the detection efficiency. We identify molecular moieties whose presence in the molecules indicates high activity for THz detection and show an example where a simple modification of a frequently used self-assembling compound can enhance activity 85-fold. The capabilities of our screening method are demonstrated on narrow-band and broadband detection examples, and its possible applications in surface-enhanced spectroscopy are also discussed

    Structure of the RBM7-ZCCHC8 core of the NEXT complex reveals connections to splicing factors

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    The eukaryotic RNA exosome participates extensively in RNA processing and degradation. In human cells, three accessory factors (RBM7, ZCCHC8 and hMTR4) interact to form the nuclear exosome targeting (NEXT) complex, which directs a subset of non-coding RNAs for exosomal degradation. Here we elucidate how RBM7 is incorporated in the NEXT complex. We identify a proline-rich segment of ZCCHC8 as the interaction site for the RNA-recognition motif (RRM) of RBM7 and present the crystal structure of the corresponding complex at 2.0 resolution. On the basis of the structure, we identify a proline-rich segment within the splicing factor SAP145 with strong similarity to ZCCHC8. We show that this segment of SAP145 not only binds the RRM region of another splicing factor SAP49 but also the RRM of RBM7. These dual interactions of RBM7 with the exosome and the spliceosome suggest a model whereby NEXT might recruit the exosome to degrade intronic RNAs

    PLoS One

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    How Noisy Adaptation of Neurons Shapes Interspike Interval Histograms and Correlations

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    Channel noise is the dominant intrinsic noise source of neurons causing variability in the timing of action potentials and interspike intervals (ISI). Slow adaptation currents are observed in many cells and strongly shape response properties of neurons. These currents are mediated by finite populations of ionic channels and may thus carry a substantial noise component. Here we study the effect of such adaptation noise on the ISI statistics of an integrate-and-fire model neuron by means of analytical techniques and extensive numerical simulations. We contrast this stochastic adaptation with the commonly studied case of a fast fluctuating current noise and a deterministic adaptation current (corresponding to an infinite population of adaptation channels). We derive analytical approximations for the ISI density and ISI serial correlation coefficient for both cases. For fast fluctuations and deterministic adaptation, the ISI density is well approximated by an inverse Gaussian (IG) and the ISI correlations are negative. In marked contrast, for stochastic adaptation, the density is more peaked and has a heavier tail than an IG density and the serial correlations are positive. A numerical study of the mixed case where both fast fluctuations and adaptation channel noise are present reveals a smooth transition between the analytically tractable limiting cases. Our conclusions are furthermore supported by numerical simulations of a biophysically more realistic Hodgkin-Huxley type model. Our results could be used to infer the dominant source of noise in neurons from their ISI statistics

    Testing fluvial erosion models using the transient response of bedrock rivers to tectonic forcing in the Apennines, Italy

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    The transient response of bedrock rivers to a drop in base level can be used to discriminate between competing fluvial erosion models. However, some recent studies of bedrock erosion conclude that transient river long profiles can be approximately characterized by a transport‐limited erosion model, while other authors suggest that a detachment‐limited model best explains their field data. The difference is thought to be due to the relative volume of sediment being fluxed through the fluvial system. Using a pragmatic approach, we address this debate by testing the ability of end‐member fluvial erosion models to reproduce the well‐documented evolution of three catchments in the central Apennines (Italy) which have been perturbed to various extents by an independently constrained increase in relative uplift rate. The transport‐limited model is unable to account for the catchments’response to the increase in uplift rate, consistent with the observed low rates of sediment supply to the channels. Instead, a detachment‐limited model with a threshold corresponding to the field‐derived median grain size of the sediment plus a slope‐dependent channel width satisfactorily reproduces the overall convex long profiles along the studied rivers. Importantly, we find that the prefactor in the hydraulic scaling relationship is uplift dependent, leading to landscapes responding faster the higher the uplift rate, consistent with field observations. We conclude that a slope‐ dependent channel width and an entrainment/erosion threshold are necessary ingredients when modeling landscape evolution or mapping the distribution of fluvial erosion rates in areas where the rate of sediment supply to channels is low

    A discrete time neural network model with spiking neurons II. Dynamics with noise

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    We provide rigorous and exact results characterizing the statistics of spike trains in a network of leaky integrate and fire neurons, where time is discrete and where neurons are submitted to noise, without restriction on the synaptic weights. We show the existence and uniqueness of an invariant measure of Gibbs type and discuss its properties. We also discuss Markovian approximations and relate them to the approaches currently used in computational neuroscience to analyse experimental spike trains statistics.Comment: 43 pages - revised version - to appear il Journal of Mathematical Biolog

    Fossil Groups Origins: I. RX J105453.3+552102 a very massive and relaxed system at z~0.5

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    The most accepted scenario for the origin of fossil groups (FGs) is that they are galaxy associations in which the merging rate was fast and efficient. These systems have assembled half of their mass at early epoch of the Universe, subsequently growing by minor mergers. They could contain a fossil record of the galaxy structure formation. We have started a project in order to characterize a large sample of FGs. In this paper we present the analysis of the fossil system RX J105453.3+552102. Optical deep images were used for studying the properties of the brightest group galaxy and for computing the photometric luminosity function of the group. We have also performed a detail dynamical analysis of the system based on redshift data for 116 galaxies. This galaxy system is located at z=0.47, and shows a quite large line-of-sight velocity dispersion \sigma_{v}~1000 km/s. Assuming the dynamical equilibrium, we estimated a virial mass of M ~ 10^{15} h_{70} M_{\odot}. No evidence of substructure was found within 1.4 Mpc radius. We found a statistically significant departure from Gaussianity of the group members velocities in the most external regions of the group. This could indicate the presence of galaxies in radial orbits in the external region of the group. We also found that the photometrical luminosity function is bimodal, showing a lack of M_{r} ~ -19.5 galaxies. The brightest group galaxy shows low Sersic parameter (n~2) and a small peculiar velocity. Indeed, our accurate photometry shows that the difference between the brightest and the second brightest galaxies is 1.9 mag in the r-band, while the classical definition of FGs is based on a magnitude gap of 2. We conclude that this fossil system does not follow the empirical definition of FGs. Nevertheless, it is a massive, old and undisturbed galaxy system with little infall of L^{*} galaxies since its initial collapse.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication at A&
