8 research outputs found

    Die Rolle des Transkriptionsfaktors BRACHYURY in der Regulierung der Chromatinmodifikationen in frĂŒhen Mesodermzellen

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    The gene Brachyury, T, encodes for the founding member of the T-box family of transcription factors and was previously shown to be crucial for the proper specification and development of the mesodermal germ layer during mouse embryogenesis. In addition to their ability to directly activate and repress transcription by binding to T-box binding sites within target genes, T-box factors were also shown to modulate gene expression by their ability to modify the chromatin environment at target genes through a physical interaction with the MLL/Trithorax family of H3K4 methyltransferases, H3K27 demethylases, and BRG1, a component of the SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complex of enzymes. This interaction is important for the function of most T-box family members, as multiple mutations in T-box factors which are predicted to disrupt this interaction are found in human patients with congenital developmental disorders. I generated a point mutation within the endogenous T locus of mouse embryonic stem cells, creating an amino acid substitution (Y88A) in the T protein, to determine whether the interaction of T with histone-modifying enzymes is necessary for proper T function during mesodermal development. Mouse embryos expressing the mutant TY88A allele resemble T knockout embryos and lose the ability to maintain T expression, suggesting that the Y88 residue is necessary for proper T function and for maintenance of T expression itself. Gene expression profiling of T-positive mesodermal cells from embryos expressing the TY88A allele revealed that 60% of dysregulated genes were unique to the TY88A mutant when compared to T knockout embryos, suggesting that the amino acid substitution disrupts a critical function of T separate from the maintenance of T expression. Furthermore, gene expression profiling corroborated previous data that T may play a role in hemangioblast commitment, and uncovered a role for T in mammalian erythrocyte specification and development. Genome-wide histone modification profiling in T-positive cells differentiated into mesoderm in vitro revealed that functional interaction with H3K4 methyltransferases and H3K27 demethylases was not disrupted in the TY88A mutant, however, H3K27 acetylation at T binding sites was decreased. Overall, the data in this thesis suggest that the Y88 residue in T is necessary for proper T function during mesodermal specification, and is necessary in the control of H3K27 acetylation at target loci in early mesodermal cells.Brachyury, T, wurde als erstes Gen, das fĂŒr einen T-Box Transkriptionsfaktor kodiert identifiziert und begrĂŒndet daher diese Genfamilie. Brachyury ist essentiell fĂŒr die Spezifizierung und Entwicklung des mesodermalen Keimblattes wĂ€hrend der Embryonalentwicklung. T-Box Faktoren binden sogenannte T-Box Zielsequenzen in der genomischen DNA und können dadurch in der NĂ€he gelegene Gene aktivieren oder reprimieren. DarĂŒberhinaus konnte gezeigt werden, dass T-Box Faktoren durch die Bindung von Proteinkomplexen der MLL/Trithorax Familie der H3K4 Histonmethyltransferasen, H3K27 Histondemethylasen und dem Chromatinremodellierungs-Komplex BRG1, einem Mitglied der SWI/SNF Familie, die GenaktivitĂ€t beeinflussen können. Diese Interaktion ist fĂŒr die physiologische Funktion der T-Box Faktoren sehr wichtig, so sind mehrere Mutationen im humanen Genom bekannt, die AminosĂ€ureaustausche in T-Box Faktoren zur Folge haben, die diese Interaktionen verhindern und damit bei betroffenen Patienten zu schweren Symptomen fĂŒhren. Um festzustellen wie essentiell die Bindung von chromatinmodifizierenden Proteinkomplexen durch T-Box Faktoren ist, wurde das Genom von embryonale Stammzellen der Maus so verĂ€ndert, dass es fĂŒr ein T Protein mit einem AminosĂ€ureaustausch (Y88A) kodiert, welches diese Interaktion nicht mehr zulassen sollte. Die sich aus diesen verĂ€nderten Stammzellen entwickelnden Mausembryonen weisen morphologisch dieselben PhĂ€notypen wie T Null Mutanten auf. Des weiteren wird Brachyury-Expression in den TY88A Mutanten initiiert, aber nicht aufrecht erhalten, was zeigt, dass Y88 wichtig fĂŒr die normale Funktion von T ist, und T wichtig fĂŒr die Aufrechterhaltung der Expression seiner selbst. Der Vergleich von Genexpressionsprofilen zwischen T positiven, mesodermalen Zellen aus dem frĂŒhen Embryo von TY88A und T Null Mutanten zeigt, dass 60% der deregulierten Gene spezifisch nur in TY88A Mutanten dereguliert sind. Den meisten dieser Gene kann eine Funktion in der Entwicklung des HĂ€mangioblasten, einer Population multipotenter Stammzellen aus der Endothelzellen und Blutzellen hervorgehen, zugeordnet werden. Die genomweite Analyse und Vergleich von in vitro gewonnenen mesodermalen T positiven Zellen der TY88A Mutante zeigt ausserdem, dass H3K4- und H3K27-Methylierung nicht aberrant ist. Jedoch ist die H3K27- Acetylierung an Loci an denen T direkt bindet deutlich reduziert. Zusammengenommen zeigen die hier gewonnen Daten, dass die ĂŒber die AminosĂ€ure Y88 vermittelte Interaktion von BRACHYURY mit anderen Komplexen essentiell ist fĂŒr bestimmte Funktionen von BRACHYURY wĂ€hrend der Mesodermentwicklung und dass diese Interaktion wichtig ist fĂŒr die Acetylierung von Chromatin an von BRACHYURY gebundenen genomischen Regionen

    The Tissue-Specific lncRNA Fendrr Is an Essential Regulator of Heart and Body Wall Development in the Mouse

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    The histone-modifying complexes PRC2 and TrxG/MLL play pivotal roles in determining the activation state of genes controlling pluripotency, lineage commitment, and cell differentiation. Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) can bind to either complex, and some have been shown to act as modulators of PRC2 or TrxG/MLL activity. Here we show that the lateral mesoderm-specific lncRNA Fendrr is essential for proper heart and body wall development in the mouse. Embryos lacking Fendrr displayed upregulation of several transcription factors controlling lateral plate or cardiac mesoderm differentiation, accompanied by a drastic reduction in PRC2 occupancy along with decreased H3K27 trimethylation and/or an increase in H3K4 trimethylation at their promoters. Fendrr binds to both the PRC2 and TrxG/MLL complexes, suggesting that it acts as modulator of chromatin signatures that define gene activity. Thus, we identified an lncRNA that plays an essential role in the regulatory networks controlling the fate of lateral mesoderm derivatives

    The tissue-specific IncRNA Fendrr is an essential regulator of heart and body wall development in the mouse.

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    The histone-modifying complexes PRC2 and TrxG/MLL play pivotal roles in determining the activation state of genes controlling pluripotency, lineage commitment, and cell differentiation. Long noncoding RNAs (lncRNAs) can bind to either complex, and some have been shown to act as modulators of PRC2 or TrxG/MLL activity. Here we show that the lateral mesoderm-specific lncRNA Fendrr is essential for proper heart and body wall development in the mouse. Embryos lacking Fendrr displayed upregulation of several transcription factors controlling lateral plate or cardiac mesoderm differentiation, accompanied by a drastic reduction in PRC2 occupancy along with decreased H3K27 trimethylation and/or an increase in H3K4 trimethylation at their promoters. Fendrr binds to both the PRC2 and TrxG/MLL complexes, suggesting that it acts as modulator of chromatin signatures that define gene activity. Thus, we identified an lncRNA that plays an essential role in the regulatory networks controlling the fate of lateral mesoderm derivatives