261 research outputs found

    Heterogeneity of Radial Glia-Like Cells in the Adult Hippocampus.

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    Adult neurogenesis is tightly regulated by the neurogenic niche. Cellular contacts between niche cells and neural stem cells are hypothesized to regulate stem cell proliferation or lineage choice. However, the structure of adult neural stem cells and the contact they form with niche cells are poorly described. Here, we characterized the morphology of radial glia-like (RGL) cells, their molecular identity, proliferative activity, and fate determination in the adult mouse hippocampus. We found the coexistence of two morphotypes of cells with prototypical morphological characteristics of RGL stem cells: Type α cells, which represented 76% of all RGL cells, displayed a long primary process modestly branching into the molecular layer and type β cells, which represented 24% of all RGL cells, with a shorter radial process highly branching into the outer granule cell layer-inner molecular layer border. Stem cell markers were expressed in type α cells and coexpressed with astrocytic markers in type β cells. Consistently, in vivo lineage tracing indicated that type α cells can give rise to neurons, astrocytes, and type β cells, whereas type β cells do not proliferate. Our results reveal that the adult subgranular zone of the dentate gyrus harbors two functionally different RGL cells, which can be distinguished by simple morphological criteria, supporting a morphofunctional role of their thin cellular processes. Type β cells may represent an intermediate state in the transformation of type α, RGL stem cells, into astrocytes

    Distribution of Aldh1L1-CreERT2 Recombination in Astrocytes Versus Neural Stem Cells in the Neurogenic Niches of the Adult Mouse Brain

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    In the adult central nervous system, neural stem cells (NSCs) reside in two discrete niches: the subependymal zone (SEZ) of the lateral ventricle and the subgranular zone (SGZ) of the dentate gyrus (DG). Here, NSCs represent a population of highly specialized astrocytes that are able to proliferate and give rise to neuronal and glial progeny. This process, termed adult neurogenesis, is extrinsically regulated by other niche cells such as non-stem cell astrocytes. Studying these non-stem cell niche astrocytes and their role during adult neuro- and gliogenesis has been hampered by the lack of genetic tools to discriminate between transcriptionally similar NSCs and niche astrocytes. Recently, Aldh1L1 has been shown to be a pan-astrocyte marker and that its promoter can be used to specifically target astrocytes using the Cre-loxP system. In this study we explored whether the recently described Aldh1L1-CreERT2 mouse line (Winchenbach et al., 2016) can serve to specifically target niche astrocytes without inducing recombination in NSCs in adult neurogenic niches. Using short- and long-term tamoxifen protocols we revealed high recombination efficiency and specificity in non-stem cell astrocytes and little to no recombination in NSCs of the adult DG. However, in the SEZ we observed recombination in ependymal cells, astrocytes, and NSCs, the latter giving rise to neuronal progeny of the rostral migratory stream and olfactory bulb. Thus, we recommend the here described Aldh1L1-CreERT2 mouse line for predominantly studying the functions of non-stem cell astrocytes in the DG under physiological and pathological conditions

    Frequent detection of human polyomavirus 6 in keratoacanthomas

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    BACKGROUND: The recent discovery of the Merkel cell polyomavirus and its consistent association with Merkel cell carcinoma has drawn attention to the numerous recently discovered polyomaviruses and their possible involvement in the etiopathogenesis of non-melanoma skin cancer (NMSC). Data on the recently discovered human polyomavirus 6 (HPyV6) and its role in NMSC are sparse and in part controversial. METHODS: In the present study we tested a large number (n = 299) of NMSC specimens for the presence of human polyomavirus 6 (HPyV6) by DNA PCR and HPyV6 fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). In detail, 59 keratoacanthomas (KA), 109 basal cell carcinomas (BCC), 86 squamous cell carcinomas (SCC) and 45 trichoblastomas (TB) were tested for the presence of HPyV6. RESULTS: HPyV6 DNA PCR and subsequent sequence analysis revealed that 25 KAs (42.3 %), 23 BCCs (21.1 %), 8 SCCs (9.3 %) and 10 TBs (22.2 %) were HPyV6 positive. The presence of HPyV6 DNA was visualized and validated on the single cell level within the histomorphological context by HPyV6 fluorescence in situ hybridization. CONCLUSIONS: The high frequency of HPyV6 DNA in 42.3 % of KA possibly points to a role for HPyV6 in the etiopathogenesis of KAs. Although the detection rate of HPyV6 DNA in BCCs and TBs is within the previously reported detection range in normal skin, it does not exclude a possible role for HPyV6 in the carcinogenesis in a significant subset of these skin tumors

    The RNA-binding protein ELAV regulates Hox RNA processing, expression and function within the Drosophila nervous system

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    The regulated head-to-tail expression of Hox genes provides a coordinate system for the activation of specific programmes of cell differentiation according to axial level. Recent work indicates that Hox expression can be regulated via RNA processing but the underlying mechanisms and biological significance of this form of regulation remain poorly understood. Here we explore these issues within the developing Drosophila central nervous system (CNS). We show that the pan-neural RNA-binding protein (RBP) ELAV (Hu antigen) regulates the RNA processing patterns of the Hox gene Ultrabithorax (Ubx) within the embryonic CNS. Using a combination of biochemical, genetic and imaging approaches we demonstrate that ELAV binds to discrete elements within Ubx RNAs and that its genetic removal reduces Ubx protein expression in the CNS leading to the respecification of cellular subroutines under Ubx control, thus defining for the first time a specific cellular role of ELAV within the developing CNS. Artificial provision of ELAV in glial cells (a cell type that lacks ELAV) promotes Ubx expression, suggesting that ELAVdependent regulation might contribute to cell type-specific Hox expression patterns within the CNS. Finally, we note that expression of abdominal A and Abdominal B is reduced in elav mutant embryos, whereas other Hox genes (Antennapedia) are not affected. Based on these results and the evolutionary conservation of ELAV and Hox genes we propose that the modulation of Hox RNA processing by ELAV serves to adapt the morphogenesis of the CNS to axial level by regulating Hox expression and consequently activating local programmes of neural differentiation

    Sox9 regulates melanocytic fate decision of adult hair follicle stem cells

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    The bulge of hair follicles harbors Nestin+ (neural crest like) stem cells, which exhibit the potential to generate various cell types including melanocytes. In this study, we aimed to determine the role of Sox9, an important regulator during neural crest development, in melanocytic differentiation of those adult Nestin+ cells. Immunohistochemical analysis after conditional Sox9 deletion in Nestin+ cells of adult mice revealed that Sox9 is crucial for melanocytic differentiation of these cells and that Sox9 acts as a fate determinant between melanocytic and glial fate. A deeper understanding of factors that regulate fate decision, proliferation and differentiation of these stem cells provides new aspects to melanoma research as melanoma cells share many similarities with neural crest cells. In summary, we here show the important role of Sox9 in melanocytic versus glial fate decision of Nestin+ stem cells in the skin of adult mice

    Two novel CreERT2 transgenic mouse lines to study melanocytic cells in vivo

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    Abstract The skin of adult mammals protects from radiation, physical and chemical insults. While melanocytes and melanocyte‐producing stem cells contribute to proper skin function in healthy organisms, dysfunction of these cells can lead to the generation of malignant melanoma—the deadliest type of skin cancer. Addressing cells of the melanocyte lineage in vivo represents a prerequisite for the understanding of melanoma on cellular level and the development of preventive and treatment strategies. Here, the inducible Cre‐loxP‐system has emerged as a promising tool to specifically target, monitor, and modulate cells in adult mice. Re‐analysis of existing sequencing data sets of melanocytic cells revealed that genes with a known function in neural cells, including neural stem cells (Aldh1L1 and Nestin), are also expressed in melanocytic cells. Therefore, in this study, we explored whether the promoter activity of Nestin and Aldh1L1 can serve to target cells of the melanocyte lineage using the inducible CreERT2‐loxP‐system. Using an immunohistochemical approach and different time points of analysis, we were able to map the melanocytic fate of recombined stem cells in the adult hair follicle of Nestin‐CreERT2 and Aldh1L1‐CreERT2 transgenic mice. Thus, we here present two new mouse models and propose their use to study and putatively modulate adult melanocytic cells in vivo

    The adult spinal cord harbors a population of GFAP-positive progenitors with limited self-renewal potential

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    Adult neural stem cells (aNSCs) of the forebrain are GFAP-expressing cells that are intercalated within ependymal cells of the subventricular zone (SVZ). Cells showing NSCs characteristics in vitro can also be isolated from the periaqueductal region in the adult spinal cord (SC), but contradicting results exist concerning their glial versus ependymal identity. We used an induci- ble transgenic mouse line (hGFAP-CreERT2) to conditionally label GFAP-expressing cells in the adult SVZ and SC periaque- duct, and directly and systematically compared their self-renewal and multipotential properties in vitro. We demonstrate that a population of GFAP1 cells that share the morphology and the antigenic properties of SVZ-NSCs mostly reside in the dorsal aspect of the central canal (CC) throughout the spinal cord. These cells are non-proliferative in the intact spinal cord, but incorporate the S-phase marker EdU following spinal cord injury. Multipotent, clonal YFP-expressing neurospheres (i.e., deriv- ing from recombined GFAP-expressing cells) were successfully obtained from both the intact and injured spinal cord. These spheres however showed limited self-renewal properties when compared with SVZ-neurospheres, even after spinal cord injury. Altogether, these results demonstrate that significant differences exist in NSCs lineages between neurogenic and non- neurogenic regions of the adult CNS. Thus, although we confirm that a population of multipotent GFAP1 cells co-exists alongside with multipotent ependymal cells within the adult SC, we identify these cells as multipotent progenitors showing limited self-renewal properties

    Interneurons Scratch an Itch

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    may be developed to effectively treat neurological diseases, particularly those caused by cellular dysfunction or tissue injury

    Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Astrocytes Impairs the Generation of Reactive Astrocytes and Enhances Neuronal Cell Death in the Cortex Upon Photothrombotic Lesion

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    Mitochondria are key organelles in regulating the metabolic state of a cell. In the brain, mitochondrial oxidative metabolism is the prevailing mechanism for neurons to generate ATP. While it is firmly established that neuronal function is highly dependent on mitochondrial metabolism, it is less well-understood how astrocytes function rely on mitochondria. In this study, we investigate if astrocytes require a functional mitochondrial electron transport chain (ETC) and oxidative phosphorylation (oxPhos) under physiological and injury conditions. By immunohistochemistry we show that astrocytes expressed components of the ETC and oxPhos complexes in vivo. Genetic inhibition of mitochondrial transcription by conditional deletion of mitochondrial transcription factor A (Tfam) led to dysfunctional ETC and oxPhos activity, as indicated by aberrant mitochondrial swelling in astrocytes. Mitochondrial dysfunction did not impair survival of astrocytes, but caused a reactive gliosis in the cortex under physiological conditions. Photochemically initiated thrombosis induced ischemic stroke led to formation of hyperfused mitochondrial networks in reactive astrocytes of the perilesional area. Importantly, mitochondrial dysfunction significantly reduced the generation of new astrocytes and increased neuronal cell death in the perilesional area. These results indicate that astrocytes require a functional ETC and oxPhos machinery for proliferation and neuroprotection under injury conditions