16 research outputs found

    “One code to find them all”: a perl tool to conveniently parse RepeatMasker output files

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    International audienceBackground: Of the different bioinformatic methods used to recover transposable elements (TEs) in genome sequences, one of the most commonly used procedures is the homology-based method proposed by the RepeatMasker program. RepeatMasker generates several output files, including the .out file, which provides annotations for all detected repeats in a query sequence. However, a remaining challenge consists of identifying the different copies of TEs that correspond to the identified hits. This step is essential for any evolutionary/comparative analysis of the different copies within a family. Different possibilities can lead to multiple hits corresponding to a unique copy of an element, such as the presence of large deletions/insertions or undetermined bases, and distinct consensus corresponding to a single full-length sequence (like for long terminal repeat (LTR)-retrotransposons). These possibilities must be taken into account to determine the exact number of TE copies. Results: We have developed a perl tool that parses the RepeatMasker .out file to better determine the number and positions of TE copies in the query sequence, in addition to computing quantitative information for the different families. To determine the accuracy of the program, we tested it on several RepeatMasker .out files corresponding to two organisms (Drosophila melanogaster and Homo sapiens) for which the TE content has already been largely described and which present great differences in genome size, TE content, and TE families. Conclusions: Our tool provides access to detailed information concerning the TE content in a genome at the family level from the .out file of RepeatMasker. This information includes the exact position and orientation of each copy, its proportion in the query sequence, and its quality compared to the reference element. In addition, our tool allows a user to directly retrieve the sequence of each copy and obtain the same detailed information at the family level when a local library with incomplete TE class/subclass information was used with RepeatMasker. We hope that this tool will be helpful for people working on the distribution and evolution of TEs within genomes

    Structural Basis for the Regulation Mechanism of the Tyrosine Kinase CapB from Staphylococcus aureus

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    Bacteria were thought to be devoid of tyrosine-phosphorylating enzymes. However, several tyrosine kinases without similarity to their eukaryotic counterparts have recently been identified in bacteria. They are involved in many physiological processes, but their accurate functions remain poorly understood due to slow progress in their structural characterization. They have been best characterized as copolymerases involved in the synthesis and export of extracellular polysaccharides. These compounds play critical roles in the virulence of pathogenic bacteria, and bacterial tyrosine kinases can thus be considered as potential therapeutic targets. Here, we present the crystal structures of the phosphorylated and unphosphorylated states of the tyrosine kinase CapB from the human pathogen Staphylococcus aureus together with the activator domain of its cognate transmembrane modulator CapA. This first high-resolution structure of a bacterial tyrosine kinase reveals a 230-kDa ring-shaped octamer that dissociates upon intermolecular autophosphorylation. These observations provide a molecular basis for the regulation mechanism of the bacterial tyrosine kinases and give insights into their copolymerase function

    Tyrosine Phosphorylation of the UDP-Glucose Dehydrogenase of Escherichia coli Is at the Crossroads of Colanic Acid Synthesis and Polymyxin Resistance

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    BACKGROUND:In recent years, an idiosyncratic new class of bacterial enzymes, named BY-kinases, has been shown to catalyze protein-tyrosine phosphorylation. These enzymes share no structural and functional similarities with their eukaryotic counterparts and, to date, only few substrates of BY-kinases have been characterized. BY-kinases have been shown to participate in various physiological processes. Nevertheless, we are at a very early stage of defining their importance in the bacterial cell. In Escherichia coli, two BY-kinases, Wzc and Etk, have been characterized biochemically. Wzc has been shown to phosphorylate the UDP-glucose dehydrogenase Ugd in vitro. Not only is Ugd involved in the biosynthesis of extracellular polysaccharides, but also in the production of UDP-4-amino-4-deoxy-L-arabinose, a compound that renders E. coli resistant to cationic antimicrobial peptides. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:Here, we studied the role of Ugd phosphorylation. We first confirmed in vivo the phosphorylation of Ugd by Wzc and we demonstrated that Ugd is also phosphorylated by Etk, the other BY-kinase identified in E. coli. Tyrosine 71 (Tyr71) was characterized as the Ugd site phosphorylated by both Wzc and Etk. The regulatory role of Tyr71 phosphorylation on Ugd activity was then assessed and Tyr71 mutation was found to prevent Ugd activation by phosphorylation. Further, Ugd phosphorylation by Wzc or Etk was shown to serve distinct physiological purposes. Phosphorylation of Ugd by Wzc was found to participate in the regulation of the amount of the exopolysaccharide colanic acid, whereas Etk-mediated Ugd phosphorylation appeared to participate in the resistance of E. coli to the antibiotic polymyxin. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE:Ugd phosphorylation seems to be at the junction between two distinct biosynthetic pathways, illustrating the regulatory potential of tyrosine phosphorylation in bacterial physiology

    Étude structurale et fonctionnelle de tyrosine-kinases bactériennes

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    A new class of bacterial enzymes, named BY-kinases, has been shown to catalyze protein-tyrosine phosphorylation. These enzymes share no structural and functional similarities with their eukaryotic counterparts. Evidence of their involvement in extracellular polysaccharide biosynthesis has been provided, but their accurate functions and their catalytic mechanism remain largely unknown.First, we characterized the physiological role of tyrosine phosphorylation of Ugd, a UDP-glucose dehydrogenase, by the BY-kinases Wzc and Etk of E. coli. We demonstrated that Ugd phosphorylation by Wzc or Etk occurs on the same site and increases its activity. We also established that Wzc-mediated phosphorylation of Ugd participates in the regulation of colanic acid production whereas Ugd phosphorylation by Etk influences resistance to polymyxin.In addition, we performed a structure-function analysis of the cytoplasmic domain of two BY-kinases, namely CapA1/CapB2 from S. aureus and Wzc from E. coli. We showed that these two proteins associate in a ring-shaped octamer in which the motif EX2RX2R plays a crucial role. In addition, we showed that BY-kinases autophosphorylate using an intermolecular mechanism. We also identified the activation mechanism of BY-kinases and we revealed the role of a particular domain, found specifically in BY-kinases from proteobacteria, in Wzc autophosphorylation and colanic acid biosynthesis.Structural and functional characterization of BY-kinases represents an original and promising approach in order to develop new molecules inhibiting specifically these enzymes and to affect the virulence of bacterial pathogens.Au laboratoire, une famille de tyrosine kinases propres aux bactéries et ne présentant aucune ressemblance structurale avec les protéine-kinases d’origine eucaryote a été identifiée. Ces enzymes, appelées BY-kinases, sont notamment impliquées dans la biosynthèse des polysaccharides extracellulaires, mais leurs rôles précis ainsi que leurs mécanismes catalytiques sont encore peu compris.Dans la première partie de ce travail, nous avons caractérisé le rôle physiologique de la phosphorylation sur la tyrosine de la protéine Ugd, une UDP-glucose déshydrogénase, par les BY-kinases Wzc et Etk d’E. coli. Nous avons démontré que la phosphorylation d’Ugd sur un site commun à Wzc et Etk augmente son activité. Nous avons également établi que la phosphorylation d’Ugd par Wzc participe à la régulation de la quantité d’acide colanique produit, tandis que la phosphorylation d’Ugd par Etk influence la résistance de la bactérie à la polymyxine.Nous avons également effectué une analyse structure-fonction du domaine cytoplasmique de deux BY-kinases, CapA1/CapB2 de S. aureus et Wzc d’E. coli. Nous avons montré que ces deux protéines s’associent en octamère, grâce au motif EX2RX2R et qu’elle s’autophosphoryle selon un mécanisme intermoléculaire. Nous avons, de plus, identifié le mécanisme d’activation de ces protéines et révélé l’importance d’un domaine particulier dans l’autophosphorylation de Wzc et la biosynthèse de l’acide colanique.La caractérisation structurale et fonctionnelle des BY-kinases représente une approche prometteuse et originale en vue de l’élaboration de molécules inhibant spécifiquement leur activité et pouvant affecter le pouvoir virulent des bactéries pathogènes

    Structural and functional analysis of bacterial tyrosine kinases

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    Au laboratoire, une famille de tyrosine kinases propres aux bactéries et ne présentant aucune ressemblance structurale avec les protéine-kinases d’origine eucaryote a été identifiée. Ces enzymes, appelées BY-kinases, sont notamment impliquées dans la biosynthèse des polysaccharides extracellulaires, mais leurs rôles précis ainsi que leurs mécanismes catalytiques sont encore peu compris.Dans la première partie de ce travail, nous avons caractérisé le rôle physiologique de la phosphorylation sur la tyrosine de la protéine Ugd, une UDP-glucose déshydrogénase, par les BY-kinases Wzc et Etk d’E. coli. Nous avons démontré que la phosphorylation d’Ugd sur un site commun à Wzc et Etk augmente son activité. Nous avons également établi que la phosphorylation d’Ugd par Wzc participe à la régulation de la quantité d’acide colanique produit, tandis que la phosphorylation d’Ugd par Etk influence la résistance de la bactérie à la polymyxine.Nous avons également effectué une analyse structure-fonction du domaine cytoplasmique de deux BY-kinases, CapA1/CapB2 de S. aureus et Wzc d’E. coli. Nous avons montré que ces deux protéines s’associent en octamère, grâce au motif EX2RX2R et qu’elle s’autophosphoryle selon un mécanisme intermoléculaire. Nous avons, de plus, identifié le mécanisme d’activation de ces protéines et révélé l’importance d’un domaine particulier dans l’autophosphorylation de Wzc et la biosynthèse de l’acide colanique.La caractérisation structurale et fonctionnelle des BY-kinases représente une approche prometteuse et originale en vue de l’élaboration de molécules inhibant spécifiquement leur activité et pouvant affecter le pouvoir virulent des bactéries pathogènes.A new class of bacterial enzymes, named BY-kinases, has been shown to catalyze protein-tyrosine phosphorylation. These enzymes share no structural and functional similarities with their eukaryotic counterparts. Evidence of their involvement in extracellular polysaccharide biosynthesis has been provided, but their accurate functions and their catalytic mechanism remain largely unknown.First, we characterized the physiological role of tyrosine phosphorylation of Ugd, a UDP-glucose dehydrogenase, by the BY-kinases Wzc and Etk of E. coli. We demonstrated that Ugd phosphorylation by Wzc or Etk occurs on the same site and increases its activity. We also established that Wzc-mediated phosphorylation of Ugd participates in the regulation of colanic acid production whereas Ugd phosphorylation by Etk influences resistance to polymyxin.In addition, we performed a structure-function analysis of the cytoplasmic domain of two BY-kinases, namely CapA1/CapB2 from S. aureus and Wzc from E. coli. We showed that these two proteins associate in a ring-shaped octamer in which the motif EX2RX2R plays a crucial role. In addition, we showed that BY-kinases autophosphorylate using an intermolecular mechanism. We also identified the activation mechanism of BY-kinases and we revealed the role of a particular domain, found specifically in BY-kinases from proteobacteria, in Wzc autophosphorylation and colanic acid biosynthesis.Structural and functional characterization of BY-kinases represents an original and promising approach in order to develop new molecules inhibiting specifically these enzymes and to affect the virulence of bacterial pathogens

    Incidence of paediatric pneumococcal meningitis and emergence of new serotypes: a time-series analysis of a 16-year French national survey

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    Summary Background Successive implementation of seven-valent then 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCVs) led to a marked decrease in pneumococcal disease burden, including pneumococcal meningitis. We assessed the long-term effect of implementation of PCVs on incidence of pneumococcal meningitis in children in France over a 16-year period. Methods We did a quasi-experimental, population-based interrupted time-series analysis with a nationwide prospective survey over 16 years in France, recruiting children aged younger than 15 years from 227 paediatric wards from January, 2001, to December, 2016. The main outcome by the time-series model was the estimated incidence of pneumococcal meningitis per 100?000 children (of a population of 12·6 million children in 2017) before and after PCV7 and PCV13 implementation. The time-series model was based on segmented regression with autoregressive error. Findings We enrolled 1778 children with pneumococcal meningitis. PCV13 implementation led to a significant reduction in monthly incidence of pneumococcal meningitis from 0·12 per 100?000 children before PCV13 to a nadir of 0·07 in December, 2014 (?38%, 95% CI ?56·1 to ?20·4;

    Concurrent BMP Signaling Maintenance and TGF-beta Signaling Inhibition Is a Hallmark of Natural Resistance to Muscle Atrophy in the Hibernating Bear

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    Muscle atrophy arises from a multiplicity of physio-pathological situations and has very detrimental consequences for the whole body. Although knowledge of muscle atrophy mechanisms keeps growing, there is still no proven treatment to date. This study aimed at identifying new drivers for muscle atrophy resistance. We selected an innovative approach that compares muscle transcriptome between an original model of natural resistance to muscle atrophy, the hibernating brown bear, and a classical model of induced atrophy, the unloaded mouse. Using RNA sequencing, we identified 4415 differentially expressed genes, including 1746 up- and 2369 down-regulated genes, in bear muscles between the active versus hibernating period. We focused on the Transforming Growth Factor (TGF)-beta and the Bone Morphogenetic Protein (BMP) pathways, respectively, involved in muscle mass loss and maintenance. TGF-beta- and BMP-related genes were overall down- and up-regulated in the non-atrophied muscles of the hibernating bear, respectively, and the opposite occurred for the atrophied muscles of the unloaded mouse. This was further substantiated at the protein level. Our data suggest TGF-beta/BMP balance is crucial for muscle mass maintenance during long-term physical inactivity in the hibernating bear. Thus, concurrent activation of the BMP pathway may potentiate TGF-beta inhibiting therapies already targeted to prevent muscle atrophy

    Antibiotic Resistance of <i>Haemophilus influenzae</i> in Nasopharyngeal Carriage of Children with Acute Otitis Media and in Middle Ear Fluid from Otorrhea

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    Haemophilus influenzae (Hi) is one of the leading bacteria implicated in childhood acute otitis media (AOM). Recent concerns have been raised about the emergence of Hi-resistant strains. We aimed to analyze the evolution of β-lactam resistance to Hi among strains isolated from nasopharyngeal carriage in children with AOM and in mild ear fluid (MEF) after the spontaneous perforation of the tympanic membrane (SPTM) in France. In this national ambulatory-based cohort study over 16 years, we analyzed the rate of Hi nasopharyngeal carriage and the proportion of β-lactam-resistant Hi strains over time using a segmented linear regression model. Among the 13,865 children (median [IQR] age, 12.7 [9.3–17.3] months; 7400 [53.4%] male) with AOM included from November 2006 to July 2022, Hi was isolated in 7311 (52.7%) children by nasopharyngeal sampling. The proportion of β-lactamase-producing and β-lactamase-negative, ampicillin-resistant (BLNAR) Hi strains in nasopharyngeal carriage remained stable during the study period. Among the 783 children (median [IQR] age, 20 [12.3–37.8] months; 409 [52.2%] male) with SPTM included from October 2015 to July 2022, Hi was isolated in 177 (22.6%) cases by MEF sampling. The proportions of β-lactamase-producing and BLNAR Hi strains did not significantly differ between nasopharyngeal (17.6% and 8.8%, respectively) and MEF (12.6% and 7.4%) samples. Accordingly, amoxicillin remains a valid recommendation as the first-line drug for AOM in France