61 research outputs found

    Hippocampal Theta Input to the Amygdala Shapes Feedforward Inhibition to Gate Heterosynaptic Plasticity

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    The dynamic interactions between hippocampus and amygdala are critical for emotional memory. Theta synchrony between these structures occurs during fear memory retrieval and may facilitate synaptic plasticity, but the cellular mechanisms are unknown. We report that interneurons of the mouse basal amygdala are activated during theta network activity or optogenetic stimulation of ventral CA1 pyramidal cell axons, whereas principal neurons are inhibited. Interneurons provide feedforward inhibition that transiently hyperpolarizes principal neurons. However, synaptic inhibition attenuates during theta frequency stimulation of ventral CA1 fibers, and this broadens excitatory postsynaptic potentials. These effects are mediated by GABAB receptors and change in the Cl- driving force. Pairing theta frequency stimulation of ventral CA1 fibers with coincident stimuli of the lateral amygdala induces long-term potentiation of lateral-basal amygdala excitatory synapses. Hence, feedforward inhibition, known to enforce temporal fidelity of excitatory inputs, dominates hippocampus-amygdala interactions to gate heterosynaptic plasticity. Video Abstract: Hippocampal-amygdala interactions are critical for emotional memory, but the cellular mechanisms are unknown. In this paper, Bazelot, Bocchio et al. functionally demonstrate that GABAergic neurons of the basal amygdala gate principal neuron firing and heterosynaptic plasticity in the mouse amygdala

    Cannabidiol modulates phosphorylated rpS6 signalling in a zebrafish model of tuberous sclerosis complex

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    Tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) is a rare disease caused by mutations in the TSC1 or TSC2 genes and is characterized by widespread tumour growth, intractable epilepsy, cognitive deficits and autistic behaviour. CBD has been reported to decrease seizures and inhibit tumour cell progression, therefore we sought to determine the influence of CBD on TSC pathology in zebrafish carrying a nonsense mutation in the tsc2 gene. CBD treatment from 6 to 7 days post-fertilization (dpf) induced significant anxiolytic actions without causing sedation. Furthermore, CBD treatment from 3 dpf had no impact on tsc2-/- larvae motility nor their survival. CBD treatment did, however, reduce the number of phosphorylated rpS6 positive cells, and their cross-sectional cell size. This suggests a CBD mediated suppression of mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) activity in the tsc2-/- larval brain. Taken together, these data suggest that CBD selectively modulates levels of phosphorylated rpS6 in the brain and additionally provides an anxiolytic effect. This is pertinent given the alterations in mTOR signalling in experimental models of TSC. Additional work is necessary to identify upstream signal modulation and to further justify the use of CBD as a possible therapeutic strategy to manage TSC

    Self-sustained activity of low firing rate in balanced networks

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    Self-sustained activity in the brain is observed in the absence of external stimuli and contributes to signal propagation, neural coding, and dynamic stability. It also plays an important role in cognitive processes. In this work, by means of studying intracellular recordings from CA1 neurons in rats and results from numerical simulations, we demonstrate that self-sustained activity presents high variability of patterns, such as low neural firing rates and activity in the form of small-bursts in distinct neurons. In our numerical simulations, we consider random networks composed of coupled, adaptive exponential integrate-and-fire neurons. The neural dynamics in the random networks simulates regular spiking (excitatory) and fast spiking (inhibitory) neurons. We show that both the connection probability and network size are fundamental properties that give rise to self-sustained activity in qualitative agreement with our experimental results. Finally, we provide a more detailed description of self-sustained activity in terms of lifetime distributions, synaptic conductances, and synaptic currents

    Origine des potentiels de champ unitaires et macroscopiques dans la région CA3 de l'hippocampe

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    L électroencéphalogramme (EEG) est largement utilisé comme mesure de l activité des populations de neurones. Néanmoins, les mécanismes gouvernant se genèse restent peu connus. La première étude a confirmé que les cellules inhibitrices génèrent un champ monosynaptique détectable. Nous avons utilisé des faisceaux d électrodes extracellulaires disposées le long du stratum pyramidale ou dans l axe somato-dendritique des cellules pyramidales de CA3 afin d étudier le patron spatial des événements. La technique de clusterisation par la méthode k-means nous a permis d'isoler l'activité d'interneurones innervant des zones distinctes de la membrane somato-dendritique ou d'interneurones innervant des zones périsomatiques diverses. La seconde étude a eu pour but de déterminer les altérations de la région CA3 de l hippocampe des souris KO pour la doublecortine. Lorsque cette protéine est mutée chez la souris, la migration neuronale est désorganisée. Les tranches d hippocampes issues des animaux KO sont spontanément épileptiques. Il se produit une augmentation de l activité des interneurones, et ceux-ci semblent innerver à la fois les deux couches de cellules pyramidales. Nous avons enfin mis en évidence que les cellules pyramidales de CA3 sont également capables d initier un potentiel de champ extracellulaire. Les mécanismes contribuant à la genèse des sharp-waves ne sont pas complètement connus. Nos données suggèrent que (1) les sharp-waves sont initiées au niveau de sites qui varient lors d un enregistrement, (2) se propagent au sein même de CA3 et (3) comprennent des champs initiés par les interneurones périsomatiques de la région CA3PARIS-BIUSJ-Biologie recherche (751052107) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Butterflies and the brain

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    Hippocampal theta input to the amygdala shapes feedforward inhibition to gate heterosynaptic plasticity

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    The dynamic interactions between hippocampus and amygdala are critical for emotional memory. Theta synchrony between these structures occurs during fear memory retrieval and may facilitate synaptic plasticity, but the cellular mechanisms are unknown. We report that interneurons of the mouse basal amygdala are activated during theta network activity or optogenetic stimulation of ventral CA1 pyramidal cell axons, whereas principal neurons are inhibited. Interneurons provide feedforward inhibition that transiently hyperpolarizes principal neurons. However, synaptic inhibition attenuates during theta frequency stimulation of ventral CA1 fibers, and this broadens excitatory postsynaptic potentials. These effects are mediated by GABAB receptors and change in the Cl(-) driving force. Pairing theta frequency stimulation of ventral CA1 fibers with coincident stimuli of the lateral amygdala induces long-term potentiation of lateral-basal amygdala excitatory synapses. Hence, feedforward inhibition, known to enforce temporal fidelity of excitatory inputs, dominates hippocampus-amygdala interactions to gate heterosynaptic plasticity. VIDEO ABSTRACT