306 research outputs found

    Indirect RKKY interaction in any dimensionality

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    We present an analytical method which enables one to find the exact spatial dependence of the indirect RKKY interaction between the localized moments via the conduction electrons for the arbitrary dimensionality nn. The corresponding momentum dependence of the Lindhard function is exactly found for any nn as well. Demonstrating the capability of the method we find the RKKY interaction in a system of metallic layers weakly hybridized to each other. Along with usual 2kF2k_F in-plane oscillations the RKKY interaction has the sign-reversal character in a direction perpendicular to layers, thus favoring the antiferromagnetic type of layers' stacking.Comment: 3 pages, REVTEX, accepted to Phys.Rev.

    Hidrogenionic potential (pH) of the attractant, trap density and control threshold for Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: tephritidae) on Hamlin oranges in São Paulo central region, Brazil

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    This study evaluated the effect of initial pH values of 4.5, 6.5 and 8.5 of the attractant (protein bait) Milhocina® and borax (sodium borate) in the feld, on the capture of fruit flies in McPhail traps, using 1, 2, 4 and 8 traps per hectare, in order to estimate control thresholds in a Hamlin orange grove in the central region of the state of São Paulo. The most abundant fruit fly species was Ceratitis capitata, comprising almost 99% of the fruit flies captured, of which 80% were females. The largest captures of C. capitata were found in traps baited with Milhocina® and borax at pH 8.5. Captures per trap for the four densities were similar, indicating that the population can be estimated with one trap per hectare in areas with high populations. It was found positive relationships between captures of C. capitata and the number of Hamlin oranges damaged, 2 and 3 weeks after capture. It was obtained equations that correlate captures and damage levels which can be used to estimate control thresholds. The average loss caused in Hamlin orange fruits by C. capitata was 2.5 tons per hectare or 7.5% of production.Esta pesquisa teve como objetivos: avaliar o efeito do pH inicial, 4.5; 6.5 e 8.5, do atrativo proteico Milhocina® e bórax (tetraborato de sódio) na captura de moscas-das-frutas em armadilhas McPhail; estudar densidades de armadilhas, 1; 2; 4 e 8 por hectare, para estimar níveis de controle em laranja cv. Hamlin, na região central de São Paulo. A espécie predominante, com 99% das moscas-das-frutas capturadas, foi Ceratitis capitata, sendo 80% de fêmeas. As maiores capturas de C. capitata ocorreram nas armadilhas com Milhocina® e bórax em pH 8.5. As capturas, nas 4 densidades, foram semelhantes, indicando que a população pode ser estimada com uma armadilha por hectare em áreas de altas populações. Houve relações positivas entre capturas de C. capitata e o número de frutos danificados, 2 e 3 semanas após a captura. Assim, foram obtidas equações que relacionam a captura e o dano, possibilitando estimar níveis de controle desse inseto. As perdas médias causadas por C. capitata em laranja cv. Hamlin chegaram a 2,5 toneladas de frutos por hectare ou 7,5% da produção.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Risk factors for cluster seizures in canine idiopathic epilepsy

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    Cluster seizures (CS), two or more seizures within a 24-hour period, are reported in 38–77% of dogs with idiopathic epilepsy (IE). Negative outcomes associated with CS include a reduced likelihood of achieving seizure freedom, decreased survival time and increased likelihood of euthanasia. Previous studies have found factors including breed, sex and neuter status are associated with CS in dogs with IE; however, only one UK study in a multi-breed study of CS in IE patients exists to the author's knowledge, and thus further data is required to confirm these results. Data from 384 dogs treated at a multi-breed canine specific epilepsy clinic were retrospectively collected from electronic patient records. 384 dogs were included in the study, of which nearly half had a history of CS (49.1%). Dogs with a history of CS had a younger age at onset than those without (p = 0.033). In a multivariate model, three variables predicted risk of CS: a history of status epilepticus (p = 0.047), age at seizure onset (p = 0.066) and breed (German Shepherd Dog) (p < 0.001). Dogs with a history of status epilepticus and dogs with an older age at seizure onset were less likely to be affected by cluster seizures. German Shepherd Dogs (71% experiencing CS) were significantly more likely to suffer from CS compared to Labrador Retrievers (25%) (p < 0.001). There was no association between sex, neuter status, body size and CS. Further studies into the pathophysiology and genetics of CS are required to further understand this phenomenon

    Exclusive Radiative B-Decays in the Light-Cone QCD Sum Rule Approach

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    We carry out a detailed study of exclusive radiative rare BB-decays in the framework of the QCD sum rules on the light cone, which combines the traditional QCD sum rule technique with the description of final state vector mesons in terms of the light-cone wave functions of increasing twist. The decays considered are: Bu,dK+γ,Bu,dρ+γ,Bdω+γB_{u,d} \to K^* +\gamma, B_{u,d}\to \rho+\gamma, B_d\to \omega+\gamma and the corresponding decays of the BsB_s mesons, Bsϕ+γB_s\to \phi+\gamma and BsK+γB_s\to K^*+\gamma. Based on our estimate of the transition form factor F_1^{B \to K^*\pg}(0) =0.32\pm0.05, we find for the branching ratio BR(BK+γ)=(4.8±1.5)×105BR(B \to K^* + \gamma) = (4.8\pm 1.5)\times 10^{-5}, which is in agreement with the observed value measured by the CLEO collaboration. We present detailed estimates for the ratios of the radiative decay form factors, which are then used to predict the rates for the exclusive radiative B-decays listed above. This in principle allows the extraction of the CKM matrix element Vtd|V_{td}| from the penguin-dominated CKM-suppressed radiative decays when they are measured. We give a detailed discussion of the dependence of the form factors on the bb-quark mass and on the momentum transfer, as well as their interrelation with the CKM-suppressed semileptonic decay form factors in Bρ++νB\to \rho+\ell+\nu, which we also calculate in our approach.Comment: 32 pages, 10 uuencoded figures, LaTeX, preprint CERN-TH 7118/9

    The check of QCD based on the tau-decay data analysis in the complex q^2-plane

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    The thorough analysis of the ALEPH data on hadronic tau-decay is performed in the framework of QCD. The perturbative calculations are performed in 3 and 4-loop approximations. The terms of the operator product expansion (OPE) are accounted up to dimension D=8. The value of the QCD coupling constant alpha_s(m_tau^2)=0.355 pm 0.025 was found from hadronic branching ratio R_tau. The V+A and V spectral function are analyzed using analytical properties of polarization operators in the whole complex q^2-plane. Borel sum rules in the complex q^2 plane along the rays, starting from the origin, are used. It was demonstrated that QCD with OPE terms is in agreement with the data for the coupling constant close to the lower error edge alpha_s(m_tau^2)=0.330. The restriction on the value of the gluonic condensate was found =0.006 pm 0.012 GeV^2. The analytical perturbative QCD was compared with the data. It is demonstrated to be in strong contradiction with experiment. The restrictions on the renormalon contribution were found. The instanton contributions to the polarization operator are analyzed in various sum rules. In Borel transformation they appear to be small, but not in spectral moments sum rules.Comment: 24 pages; 1 latex + 13 figure files. V2: misprints are corrected, uncertainty in alpha_s is explained in more transparent way, acknowledgement is adde

    Making things happen : a model of proactive motivation

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    Being proactive is about making things happen, anticipating and preventing problems, and seizing opportunities. It involves self-initiated efforts to bring about change in the work environment and/or oneself to achieve a different future. The authors develop existing perspectives on this topic by identifying proactivity as a goal-driven process involving both the setting of a proactive goal (proactive goal generation) and striving to achieve that proactive goal (proactive goal striving). The authors identify a range of proactive goals that individuals can pursue in organizations. These vary on two dimensions: the future they aim to bring about (achieving a better personal fit within one’s work environment, improving the organization’s internal functioning, or enhancing the organization’s strategic fit with its environment) and whether the self or situation is being changed. The authors then identify “can do,” “reason to,” and “energized to” motivational states that prompt proactive goal generation and sustain goal striving. Can do motivation arises from perceptions of self-efficacy, control, and (low) cost. Reason to motivation relates to why someone is proactive, including reasons flowing from intrinsic, integrated, and identified motivation. Energized to motivation refers to activated positive affective states that prompt proactive goal processes. The authors suggest more distal antecedents, including individual differences (e.g., personality, values, knowledge and ability) as well as contextual variations in leadership, work design, and interpersonal climate, that influence the proactive motivational states and thereby boost or inhibit proactive goal processes. Finally, the authors summarize priorities for future researc

    Measurement of the Atmospheric Muon Spectrum from 20 to 3000 GeV

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    The absolute muon flux between 20 GeV and 3000 GeV is measured with the L3 magnetic muon spectrometer for zenith angles ranging from 0 degree to 58 degree. Due to the large exposure of about 150 m2 sr d, and the excellent momentum resolution of the L3 muon chambers, a precision of 2.3 % at 150 GeV in the vertical direction is achieved. The ratio of positive to negative muons is studied between 20 GeV and 500 GeV, and the average vertical muon charge ratio is found to be 1.285 +- 0.003 (stat.) +- 0.019 (syst.).Comment: Total 32 pages, 9Figure

    Derivation of the clinical grade human embryonic stem cell line RCe021-A (RC-17)

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    AbstractThe human embryonic stem cell line RCe020-A (RC-16) was derived under quality assured compliance with UK regulation, European Union Directives and International guidance for tissue procurement, processing and storage according to Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) standards. The cell line was derived from a failed to fertilise oocyte voluntarily donated as unsuitable or surplus to fertility requirements following informed consent. RCe020-A (RC-16) shows normal pluripotency marker expression and differentiates to mesoderm and potentially ectoderm in vitro. It has an abnormal 47XX, +14, i(20)(q10) female karyotype and microsatellite PCR identity, HLA and blood group typing data is available

    Amyloid and tau pathology associations with personality traits, neuropsychiatric symptoms, and cognitive lifestyle in the preclinical phases of sporadic and autosomal dominant Alzheimer’s disease

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    Background Major prevention trials for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) are now focusing on multidomain lifestyle interventions. However, the exact combination of behavioral factors related to AD pathology remains unclear. In 2 cohorts of cognitively unimpaired individuals at risk of AD, we examined which combinations of personality traits, neuropsychiatric symptoms, and cognitive lifestyle (years of education or lifetime cognitive activity) related to the pathological hallmarks of AD, amyloid-β, and tau deposits. Methods A total of 115 older adults with a parental or multiple-sibling family history of sporadic AD (PREVENT-AD [PRe-symptomatic EValuation of Experimental or Novel Treatments for AD] cohort) underwent amyloid and tau positron emission tomography and answered several questionnaires related to behavioral attributes. Separately, we studied 117 mutation carriers from the DIAN (Dominant Inherited Alzheimer Network) study group cohort with amyloid positron emission tomography and behavioral data. Using partial least squares analysis, we identified latent variables relating amyloid or tau pathology with combinations of personality traits, neuropsychiatric symptoms, and cognitive lifestyle. Results In PREVENT-AD, lower neuroticism, neuropsychiatric burden, and higher education were associated with less amyloid deposition (p = .014). Lower neuroticism and neuropsychiatric features, along with higher measures of openness and extraversion, were related to less tau deposition (p = .006). In DIAN, lower neuropsychiatric burden and higher education were also associated with less amyloid (p = .005). The combination of these factors accounted for up to 14% of AD pathology. Conclusions In the preclinical phase of both sporadic and autosomal dominant AD, multiple behavioral features were associated with AD pathology. These results may suggest potential pathways by which multidomain interventions might help delay AD onset or progression