187 research outputs found

    Trust As a Factor in the Development of the Economy in the Context of Digitalization

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    In the era of the development of digital technologies, a low level of trust in the digital environment with the spasmodic growth of transactions becomes one of the challenges. In Russia, ensuring the accelerated implementation of digital technologies in the economy and social sphere is one of the national development goals. A high and stable level of trust of citizens and entrepreneurs in basic institutions largely determines the country’s ability to achieve socio-economic development. In turn, the confidence indicator also reflects the economic situation and the potential for socioeconomic development of the country. The purpose of the study is to assess the level of trust and its dynamics in Russian society for the period 2012–2018, using an indicator of confidence in business. The empirical base is the Edelman PR Worldwide analytical reports — “Edelman Trust Barometer”, the results of the annual Deloitte Millennial Survey, and the Doing Business analytical reports prepared by the World Bank and the International Finance Corporation. Despite the penultimate places of Russia in the ranking of the countries where the survey was conducted, there is a positive trend: an increase in the level of trust from 38% in 2016 to 41% in 2018 and, accordingly, a shift in the rating position from 27th place in 2016 to 25th place in 2018. The change in the level of confidence of Russian citizens was carried out in relation to four basic enlarged groups of institutions: government organizations, the media, business and non-governmental organizations. A long-term trend of the level of trust was built and its features in the Russian Federation revealed. Keywords: trust, digital economy, institutions, socio-economic developmen

    Change in blood glucose level in rats after immobilization

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    Experiments were carried out on male white rats divided into four groups. In group one the blood glucose level was determined immediately after immobilization. In the other three groups, two hours following immobilization, the blood glucose level was determined every 20 minutes for 3 hours 40 minutes by the glucose oxidase method. Preliminary immobilization for 2 hours removed the increase in the blood glucose caused by the stress reaction. By the 2nd hour of immobilization in the presence of continuing stress, the blood glucose level stabilized and varied within 42 + or - 5.5 and 47 + or - 8.1 mg %. Within 2 hours after the immobilization, the differences in the blood glucose level of the rats from the control groups were statistically insignificant

    Assessment of competitive advantages in the field of educational services: approaches to the formation and measurement

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    In modern Russian science, it has been a trend to use the term "cluster" to the field of educational services. Main direction of creating clusters in the regions is the formation of clusters around Federal universities, which requires theoretical and methodological understanding. The author proposes a methodology for evaluating the competitive advantages of universities, as well as identify the level of clustering in the field of educational services and its impact on the competitiveness of higher professional education institutions using a modified matrix General Electric and McKinsey.В российской науке сложилась тенденция применения понятия «кластер» к сфере образовательных услуг. Основным его направлением создания кластеров в системе высшего образования в регионах является формирование кластеров вокруг федеральных университетов, что требует теоретического и методологического осмысления. Автор предлагает методику оценки конкурентных преимуществ вузов, а также выявления уровня кластеризации в сфере образовательных услуг и ее влияния на конкурентоспособность высших профессиональных учебных заведений с помощью модифицированной матрицы General Electric and McKinsey

    Conceptual Approach to Managing the Development of Creative Industries in Second-Tier Industrial Cities

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    Relevance. In contemporary urban development, knowledge and creativity play pivotal roles in transforming cities into instruments for increased attractiveness, economic growth, and citizen well-being. Despite this recognition, second-tier cities face challenges due to the lack of a comprehensive concept for managing creative industries. The creative economy, proven effective in various countries, holds potential solutions to address accumulated issues.Research objective. This study aims to conceptualize the management of the creative sector in second-tier industrial cities, fostering their revitalization and transformation into growth zones.Data and methods. The empirical focus includes 14 creative clusters in old industrial second-tier cities of the Urals and Siberia in Russia. The study constructs a typology delineating five types of creative cluster formation, based on public-private sector interaction. Content analysis examines research literature and is complemented by a systematic approach.Results. The article systematizes the most pivotal problems in the management of creative industries' development and shows the importance of addressing institutional and coordination issues. Types of creative cluster formation are identified based on the degree of interaction between the public and private sectors in the development of creative industries. Two key types of creative cluster formation—initiative-based and dependent—are identified through case studies. The study formulates a conceptual approach to managing creative industries in second-tier industrial cities.Conclusions. The management of creative industries in second-tier cities deserves to be acknowledged as a distinct area of management. Development of creative industries requires a systematic state support system and a well-defined strategy. Local authorities play a crucial role in this process, acting as focal points for cooperative efforts through regulatory innovations in urban creative industries. Key instruments for effective policy implementation include the transformation of urban spaces, establishment of creative clusters, provision of grants to support small businesses, and stimulation of export activities


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    The article discusses the features of the constitutional process and the legal status of subjects of legislative initiative inUkraine. Constitutionally legal relationship as indeed, any other relationship which are governed by the law are extremely complex, diverse and multi-faceted, multi-dimensional and they are marked gradation. These features require theStateto establish legal mechanisms, procedures for the use of rights, duties, assuming responsibility. To this end, the state creates procedural rules designed to ensure optimal and efficient implementation of the rights and legitimate interests of the constitutional relations enshrined in the constitutional norms of substantive law.Central among all kinds of legal process without a doubt takes the constitutional process. Constitutional process (from Lat. Processus – cheats, promotion, forward) – it is an established constitutional law procedure of its stakeholders on the creation, interpretation and implementation of the constitutional law and other legal provisions aimed at implementing the substantive constitutional rights in the course of these subjects their duties and powers of implementation, some of them of their rights and legitimate interests.The essence of the constitutional process, it is manifested in such terms: due to the simultaneous occurrence and harmonization of procedural rules with substantive norms, the implementation of which these procedural rules provide; requires compliance with the procedural rules of the legislative level appropriate level of legal norms of substantive law; is inconsistent with the norms of constitutional law, implemented in full compliance with them; contains a mandatory component of establishing a procedural remedial order, which provides the desired option of the constitutional rights and responsibilities, and in which, however, in some cases, each legal entity is able to independently and at their own discretion, but within the law, to elect one of the alternative ways such implementation; based on the principles of democracy and rule of law, priority rights and freedoms of citizens; has a systemic nature, which provides an efficient and optimal organization of constitutional and procedural regulation, its sequence and timing.Consequently, the constitutional and procedural rules forming the constitutional process, should determine the latter purpose, the type of regulated relations, the persons who are directly involved in this process, the actions to be carried out by them, the timing and sequencing of implementation of these actions, as well as legal means, that ensure the functioning of the process. Revealing the content of the constitutional process, it is also advisable to determine the place of procedural rules in the legal system of society. Settlement of legal activity procedural rules, its quality depends on the degree of importance of appropriate social relations to society, their complexity and diversity, the imperative or dispositive legal norms regulating material, a number of other objective and subjective factors. As constitutional law regulates the most important for society social relations that are celebrated complicated political and legal nature and multifaceted structural construction, the imperative nature of legal regulation, it is logical to assume that the constitutional  process itself is determinative for the state and society.The notion of the constitutional process in the science of constitutional and procedural law is usually regarded in the broad and narrow sense. In the narrow sense of the constitutional process is traditionally understood as the statutory procedure for the consideration and decision of the constitutional justice cases by the constitutional ideas and appeals subjects constitutional process. Also under the constitutional process is sometimes understood as separate subjects procedure attraction constitutional relationship to the constitutional and legal responsibility, and sometimes even to build the constitutional process in the design and adoption of the Constitution and constitutional laws as the legal foundations of state building, in other words, is the process of creating the foundations of the state. In a broad sense as the constitutional process consider how to resolve the constitutional and procedural rules of the activities of public authorities and their officials and other authorized entities, aimed at the implementation of substantive constitutional, as well as some other related industries right in the creation, interpretation and implementation of legal norms that constitute the legal basis for these branches of law.Based on the definition of the constitutional process as established constitutional norms about the activities of he creation, interpretation and implementation of constitutional law and other legal norms aimed at achieving certain ocial or legal result, it is appropriate to classify the constitutional process for the types of legal activity on the lawmaking, aw and explanatory implements right.Constitutional-law-making process is an established constitutional law procedures of entities constitutional relationship f legal analysis and assessment of the needs of society, and the formation of appropriate and adequate social development of egal decisions and acts. Depending on the types of law-making and the nature of its subjects can be identified legislative, lectoral process (the last two are also considering and implementing the activities of the positions right, if we consider the participation of citizens in these processes procedure realization of their political rights under the Constitution). Consequently, in the law-making process involved public authorities, as well as people as its only legitimate media.The subjects of the right process can be any legal subjects. However, the special form of the right – law enforcement, only authorized entities that public authorities may have the right to perform any act aimed at the implementation of this activity. And in order enforcement is carried out basic function of government – protection and enforcement of the right as well as the use of state coercion.Constitutional process in its broadest sense is based on several principles as defining, guiding ideas for its implementation.For the most part these principles constitute the foundation principles of the individual state bodies and their officials who represent so legal specifics procedural forms of their activity (for example, general principles of justice provided for in the Constitution or the principles of the electoral process, certain electoral law, and the like).In the development of the content of the constitutional process its most characteristic feature is the sequence that indicates a severe regulatory requirements of priority actions, which governs perfection, optimality and efficiency of the constitutional process. On the contrary, the lack of legal regulation of this sequence, and the more her absence, significantly reduces the quality of the constitutional process, its dynamics and, consequently, makes it impossible or significantly complicates the implementation subjects constitutional relationship to their legal rights and obligations. Sequence of actions established constitutional procedural rules, finds expression in the stages of the constitutional process.В статье рассматриваются особенности правого статуса субъектов конституционного процесса в Украине. Конституционно-правовые отношения, как и любые отношения, которые регулируются правом, чрезвычайно сложные, разнообразные и многогранные, определяются многоаспектностью и ступенчатостью. Эти черты указывают на установление в государстве правовых механизмов, процедур использования прав, исполнения обязанностей, процедуры привлечения к ответственности. Для реализации данной цели государство принимает процессуальные нормы, которые обеспечивают оптимальную и эффективную реализацию прав и законных интересов субъектов конституционных правоотношений, закрепленных в нормах конституционного материального права.У статті розглядаються особливості правового статусу суб’єктів конституційного процесу в Україні. Конституційно-правові відносини, як і будь-які інші відносини, що регулюються правом, надзвичайно складні, різноманітні і багатогранні, відзначаються багатоаспектністю та ступеневістю. Зазначені риси вимагають встановлення у державі правових механізмів, процедур використання прав, виконання обов’язків, несення відповідальності. З цією метою держава створює процесуальні норми, покликані забезпечувати оптимальну та ефективну реалізацію прав та законних інтересів суб’єктів конституційних правовідносин, закріплених у нормах конституційногоматеріального права


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    The article is devoted to the consideration of fundamental philosophical and methodological approaches to the process of formation of cultural and aesthetic competence of students of the University Culture and Arts. A brief description of the concept of «cultural and aesthetic competence of a student of the University of Culture and Arts» has been given; on the basis of the study of philosophical, cultural, psycho-pedagogical literature, the significance and meanings of the realization in the educational practice of the University of Culture and Arts of unity of cultural, axiological (value), polyartistic, polyestetic (expressional) approaches have been analyzed. The general results of research work on the problem of formation of cultural and aesthetic competence of students of universities of culture and art, carried out on the basis of the budget educational institution of higher education of the Chuvash Republic «Chuvash State Institute of Culture and Arts» of the Ministry of Culture, Nationalities and Archival Affairs of the Chuvash Republic, are presented.El artículo está dedicado a la consideración de enfoques filosóficos y metodológicos fundamentales para el proceso de formación de la competencia cultural y estética de los estudiantes de la Universidad de Cultura y Artes. Se ha presentado una breve descripción del concepto de «competencia cultural y estética de un estudiante de la Universidad de Cultura y Artes»; Sobre la base del estudio de la literatura filosófica, cultural, psicopedagógica, el significado y los significados de la realización en la práctica educativa de la Universidad de Cultura y Artes de la unidad cultural, axiológica (valor), poliartística, poliestetica (expresiva) Los enfoques han sido analizados. Los resultados generales del trabajo de investigación sobre el problema de la formación de la competencia cultural y estética de los estudiantes de universidades de cultura y arte, realizado sobre la base del presupuesto de la institución educativa de educación superior de la República de Chuvash «Chuvash State Institute of Culture and Arts »Del Ministerio de Cultura, Nacionalidades y Actos de Archivo de la República de Chuvash.Статья посвящена рассмотрению основополагающих философско-методологических подходов к процессу формирования культурно-эстетической компетентности студентов вуза культуры и искусства. Дана краткая характеристика понятия «культурно-эстетическая компетентность студента вуза культуры и искусства»; на основе изучения философской, культурологической, психолого-педагогической литературы проанализированы значение и смыслы реализации в образовательной практике вуза культуры и искусства единства культурологического, аксиологического (ценностного), полихудожественного, полиэстетического (выразительностного) подходов. Представлены общие результаты исследовательской работы по проблеме формирования культурно-эстетической компетентности студентов вузов культуры и искусства, проведенной на базе бюджетного образовательного учреждения высшего образования Чувашской Республики «Чувашский государственный институт культуры и искусств» Министерства культуры, по делам национальностей и архивного дела Чувашской Республики. &nbsp

    Принципи формування та функції комплексу просування інновацій

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    В статті розглянуті основні принципи формування комплексу просування інновацій в умовах транзитивної економіки України. Також зазначено, які функції і яким саме чином буде виконувати даний комплекс. При цитуванні документа, використовуйте посилання http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3650В статье рассмотрены основные принципы формирования комплекса продвижения инноваций в условиях транзитивной экономики Украины. Также отмечено, какие функции, и каким именно образом будет выполнять предложенный комплекс. При цитировании документа, используйте ссылку http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3650In article main formations principles of a promotion of innovations complex in conditions of transitive economy of Ukraine are considered. Also it is marked, what functions, and which image the suggested complex will carry out. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/365

    Perspective materials for drug delivery in the ophthalmic dosage form: a short review of polymers for electrospinning

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    The traditional ophthalmological dosage forms have a low bioavailability, a rapid precorneal clearance and a low corneal permeability. The gelling system or system with a prolonged action (prolonged eye-drops) may be overcome by the application of fibers. An innovative dosage form was described for ophthalmology and perspective drug development. The authors also conducted an overview of the polymers investigated in the production of films or tablets for oral dosage form

    Entrepreneurial city in Russian economy: Quantitative and qualitative parameters of identification

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    This paper is devoted to research the entrepreneurial city in Russian economy. Firstly the authors analyze the development of the concept in foreign studies and compare the results with Russian authors researches. This concept is not so widespread both in scientific sphere and in municipal level in Russia. Then the authors propose two groups of parameters that give the opportunity to identify entrepreneurial city using Russian statistics. From the one hand there are quantitative parameters that include the degree of economic diversity and services; presence of human capital; the degree of the urban environment and living conditions. Each of criteria was evaluated on the several statistic indicators. From the other hand there are qualitative parameters that help to explain differences between similar cities. For example, the authors consider two close Ural cities, Chelyabinsk and Yekaterinburg, and analyze its differences according quantitative and qualitative criteria of entrepreneurial city. © The Authors, published by EDP Sciences, 2020

    Theoretical approaches to identifying creative industries

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    Relevance. The relevance of the study is determined by the growing importance of creative industries in the global economy, which necessitates the formation of common approaches to identifying and defining creative industries to make effective management decisions at the state level. The lack of a unified approach to defining the conceptual and methodological apparatus necessitates additional research on this topic.Purpose of the study. The purpose of this study is to conduct a comparative analysis of approaches to identifying creative industries that have developed in the international and domestic academic community.Data and methods. The study is based on the Scoping review method, which consists of a full analysis of the existing literature in the context of key concepts of a given area of research. The international bibliographic database Scopus was used to select publications for the review. To consider the national specifics of research, the sample was expanded to include articles from the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI).Results. The article reviews and summarizes the existing scientific approaches to identifying creative industries, highlights the main debatable issues of terminology in the field of the creative economy. Based on a comprehensive review of the approaches of international and domestic researchers, the article presents a system of criteria for identifying creative industries, which are differentiated by types of sources, specifics, and results. The application of this system of criteria will allow us to determine the boundaries of creative industries and distinguish creative industries from the general array of economic sectors. Conclusion. Systematization of theoretical approaches to defining and identifying creative industries is a necessary condition for their further classification and evaluation. The proposed system of criteria is a synthesis of existing approaches, which makes it universal and suggests the possibility of its practical application for solving a wide range of tasks related to managerial decision-making in the field of creative economy development