71 research outputs found

    Teacher Leadership: Contending with Adversity

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    A life history of a male immigrant racial-minority teacher reveals not only how he makes sense of his own life but also how structural factors have shaped that life. I describe the work of such a “teacher leader”—a teacher whose relationships with students and colleagues extend beyond conventional classroom practice. I also show how his own experiences and intentions on the one hand, and administrative and collegial expectations on the other, shape the roles he plays in the implementation of equity goals. L’histoire de la vie d’un enseignant immigrant faisant partie d’une minorité raciale révèle non seulement comment il donne un sens à sa vie, mais aussi comment les facteurs structurels ont façonné sa vie. L’auteure décrit dans cet article le travail d’un tel “leader éducateur”—un enseignant dont les relations avec ses élèves et ses collègues ne se confine pas aux pratiques pédagogiques habituelles. L’auteure explique en outre comment, d’une part, les expériences et les intentions de cet enseignant et, d’autre part, les attentes de la part de l’administration et des collègues ont une incidence sur les rôles qu’il joue dans la mise en place d’objectifs en matière d’équité.

    Teachers’ Organizations and Educational Reform: Resistance and Beyond

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    This paper presents case studies of teacher union-government relationships in three Canadian provinces – British Columbia, Ontario, and Alberta – where teacher organizations have undertaken divergent strategic positions relative to educational reform. It identifies critical factors that may lead teacher unions to challenge government reforms, how and when a teacher organization might instead accommodate governmental reform, and under what circumstances union renewal drives an organization to establish reform strategies of its own. The paper demonstrates the results of these varied strategies and suggests that teacher unions’ stances, including when they are resistant, are rational and, arguably, necessary.&nbsp

    La RelaciĂłn Entre la MotivaciĂłn Docente y Variables de la OrganizaciĂłn: RevisiĂłn de la Literatura

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    Abstract Teacher motivation plays a central role in education because ofitsimpacton student motivation. Previous reviews of teacher motivation have focused on individual variables and psychopathology indicators. However, it is also important to understand the effect of organizational variableson teacher motivationbecause these highlightthe contextthat the teacher is a part of(i.e.,the school). The literature review in this paper analysed studies related to teacher motivation and a pre-defined group of organizational variablesthat werepublished between 1990 and 2014 in several electronic databases.The study found that organizational culture was the most studied variable associated with teacher motivationand most studies in this area were published between 2010 and 2014.Further,there was a prevalence of quantitative studies. This paper concludes with the theoreticaland practical implications of the results,as well assuggestions for future research directions

    Why women teachers become active in unions

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    The other side of the equation: professional development and the organizational capacity of teacher unions

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    This paper describes three different types of nonformal and informal professional development provided by teachers' organizations. It identifies strategies for improving the "fit" between available professional development and teachers' occupational needs. Rather than recommending a single "best" professional development strategy, the paper emphasizes sociological and organizational factors germane to teachers' organizations themselves - that is, it considers teachers' organizations' role in teacher socialization, the demographics of teacher organization participation, and internal structure features. These factors suggest that teachers' organizations must look within at a variety of organizational issues, and consider a wide variety of organizational strategies simultaneously. The paper draws from conceptual and empirical research on national, state/provincial and local teacher union reform activities, on teachers' perceptions of their organizations, and on teacher involvement with their organizations over the past decade.National Research Network on New Approaches to Lifelong Learning (NALL) founded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) Grant No. 818-96-103

    After the Dust Has Settled : Enduring Teacher Unionism

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    The question this article attempts to answer is, how can teacher unions take advantage of the opportunities afforded by their organizational structures while minimizing the factors that have stood in the way of educational and societal change?  Drawing from examples of teacher unions’ strategies from studies of several organizations outside of the United States, it provides examples of how teacher unions have “crafted coherence” between their inner dimensions and outward-looking strategies, and contributes to the advancement of critical education by recommending ways that teacher organizations can more effectively support social justice and social change

    Teachers’ Organizations and Educational Reform: Resistance and Beyond

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    This paper presents case studies of teacher union-government relationships in three Canadian provinces – British Columbia, Ontario, and Alberta – where teacher organizations have undertaken divergent strategic positions relative to educational reform. It identifies critical factors that may lead teacher unions to challenge government reforms, how and when a teacher organization might instead accommodate governmental reform, and under what circumstances union renewal drives an organization to establish reform strategies of its own. The paper demonstrates the results of these varied strategies and suggests that teacher unions’ stances, including when they are resistant, are rational and, arguably, necessary
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