9 research outputs found

    Heterosis and Inbreeding Depression for economic traits in desi cotton

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    Seven parents in five cross combinations were studied for heterosis in F1 and inbreeding depression in F2 populations fornumber of bolls per plant, boll weight, halo length, ginning outturn and seed cotton yield per plant. In F1 hybrids, maximumheterosis was observed for seed cotton yield per plant followed by bolls per plant. Majority of the F2 population displayedinbreeding depression and it was high for seed cotton yield per plant followed by bolls per plant. Inbreeding depression washigher in Blach-1 x DLSA-17 cross followed by the hybrid DD-8NLE x MDL 2582 and in remaining hybrids it was lower.In F1 generation, heterosis over better parent ranged from 172.82 to 127.94 % for seed cotton yield per plant. The inbreedingdepression was lower when RDC 88 and 9749 was used as male parents in combination with MDL 2582 and MDL 2601 asmale parents

    Digital Logic Gate Simulation using Arduino Microcontroller

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    The present world is witnessing the tremendous growth in technology and practices. The electronic products have become part of our life and living without them is next to impossible. It is due to following reasons namely, increased efficiency in operation and ease of handling, cost and availability.  The increased adoption  of special electronic add on often leads to monopoly in business and service causing repurchase because of non availability of serviceable parts or components for the public. A proper understanding of the individual components of an electronic circuit by the service man and designer can fill the life to dead components by replacing them with the programmable components like Arduino controller. Arduino controller is a very flexible, user friendly and can role itself as a best component for various needs.  Therefore, an attempt is made to demonstrate the working of logic gates and Boolean algebra using Arduino controller. This practice is also an innovative teaching learning method. Logic gates and Boolean algebra can be demonstrated along with the regular presentation for the clear and better understanding using proposed work.

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    Not AvailablePomegranate (Punica granatum L.), an ancient and commercially important fruit of both tropical and subtropical countries, is extensively cultivated around the Mediterranean and other parts of world including India. Regarded as a fruit of paradise, is one among the major fruit crops of arid zone. In India, it is regarded as a “vital cash crop”, grown in an area of 1.5 lakh ha with a production of 11.0 lakh tons. The fruits are immensely important as they are delicious, have high food value and rich in carbohydrates, calcium, iron, sulphur and vitamin-c and citric acid. Pomegranate fruits are known to posses pharmaceutical and therapeutic properties. It is a symbol of health, fertility, eternal life and also being valued as medicinal plant to treat diabetes, cancer, hypertension, gastric inflammation and heart and kidney diseases. Hence, they are consumed by many people of the world. The crop is becoming more popular among the growers and attained a status of commercial crop. The diseases are also spreading faster and becoming a major limiting factor in attaining high yield. Pomegranate is suffering from several economically important diseases like anthracnose, caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides (Penz.) Penz. and Sacc. which has become a potentially destructive disease both under orchard and post-harvest storage conditions. In severely affected orchards, defoliation, dropping of flowers and fruit resulting in drastic reduction of fruit yield and quality while, after harvest it reduces the market value of fruits. Propagules of pathogen cause spots and decay the fruit. Management study under field conditions revealed that the treatments with foliar sprays of carbendazim + mancozeb(0.3 %) and propiconazole (0.1 %) reduced the disease drastically with high yield and good quality fruits. With an aim to search for resistance genotypes against anthracnose, 19 genotypes were evaluated under in vitro conditions using detached leaf technique. Among them Ganesh, Araktha and Kesar found to be susceptible and none of them were resistant. Thus the present study revealed that, for better quality of fruits it is necessary to manage the anthracnose effectively both in orchards and also after harvest.Not Availabl