456 research outputs found

    Optical properties of apple skin and flesh in the wavelength range from 350 to 2200 nm

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    Optical measurement of fruit quality is challenging due to the presence of a skin around the fruit flesh and the multiple scattering by the structured tissues. To gain insight in the light-tissue interaction, the optical properties of apple skin and flesh tissue are estimated in the 350-2200nm range for three cultivars. For this purpose, single integrating sphere measurements are combined with inverse adding- doubling. The observed absorption coefficient spectra are dominated by water in the near infrared and by pigments and chlorophyll in the visible region, whose concentrations are much higher in skin tissue. The scattering coefficient spectra show the monotonic decrease with increasing wavelength typical for biological tissues with skin tissue being approximately three times more scattering than flesh tissue. Comparison to the values from time-resolved spectroscopy reported in literature showed comparable profiles for the optical properties, but overestimation of the absorption coefficient values, due to light losses

    Cross-scale modelling of transpiration from stomata via the leaf boundary layer

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    Background and Aims Leaf transpiration is a key parameter for understanding land surface-climate interactions, plant stress and plant structure-function relationships. Transpiration takes place at the microscale level, namely via stomata that are distributed discretely over the leaf surface with a very low surface coverage (approx. 0·2-5 %). The present study aims to shed more light on the dependency of the leaf boundary-layer conductance (BLC) on stomatal surface coverage and air speed. Methods An innovative three-dimensional cross-scale modelling approach was applied to investigate convective mass transport from leaves, using computational fluid dynamics. The gap between stomatal and leaf scale was bridged by including all these scales in the same computational model (10−5-10−1 m), which implies explicitly modelling individual stomata. Key Results BLC was strongly dependent on stomatal surface coverage and air speed. Leaf BLC at low surface coverage ratios (CR), typical for stomata, was still relatively high, compared with BLC of a fully wet leaf (hypothetical CR of 100 %). Nevertheless, these conventional BLCs (CR of 100 %), as obtained from experiments or simulations on leaf models, were found to overpredict the convective exchange. In addition, small variations in stomatal CR were found to result in large variations in BLCs. Furthermore, stomata of a certain size exhibited a higher mass transfer rate at lower CRs. Conclusions The proposed cross-scale modelling approach allows us to increase our understanding of transpiration at the sub-leaf level as well as the boundary-layer microclimate in a way currently not feasible experimentally. The influence of stomatal size, aperture and surface density, and also flow-field parameters can be studied using the model, and prospects for further improvement of the model are presented. An important conclusion of the study is that existing measures of conductances (e.g. from artificial leaves) can be significantly erroneous because they do not account for microscopic stomata, but instead assume a uniform distribution of evaporation such as found for a fully-wet leaf. The model output can be used to correct or upgrade existing BLCs or to feed into higher-scale models, for example within a multiscale framewor

    Prediction of ‘Nules Clementine’ mandarin susceptibility to rind breakdown disorder using Vis/NIR spectroscopy

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    The use of diffuse reflectance visible and near infrared (Vis/NIR) spectroscopy was explored as a non-destructive technique to predict ‘Nules Clementine’ mandarin fruit susceptibility to rind breakdown (RBD) disorder by detecting rind physico-chemical properties of 80 intact fruit harvested from different canopy positions. Vis/NIR spectra were obtained using a LabSpec® spectrophotometer. Reference physico-chemical data of the fruit were obtained after 8 weeks of storage at 8 °C using conventional methods and included RBD, hue angle, colour index, mass loss, rind dry matter, as well as carbohydrates (sucrose, glucose, fructose, total carbohydrates), and total phenolic acid concentrations. Principal component analysis (PCA) was applied to analyse spectral data to identify clusters in the PCA score plots and outliers. Partial least squares (PLS) regression was applied to spectral data after PCA to develop prediction models for each quality attribute. The spectra were subjected to a test set validation by dividing the data into calibration (n = 48) and test validation (n = 32) sets. An extra set of 40 fruit harvested from a different part of the orchard was used for external validation. PLS-discriminant analysis (PLS-DA) models were developed to sort fruit based on canopy position and RBD susceptibility. Fruit position within the canopy had a significant influence on rind biochemical properties. Outside fruit had higher rind carbohydrates, phenolic acids and dry matter content and lower RBD index than inside fruit. The data distribution in the PCA and PLS-DA models displayed four clusters that could easily be identified. These clusters allowed distinction between fruit from different preharvest treatments. NIR calibration and validation results demonstrated that colour index, dry matter, total carbohydrates and mass loss were predicted with significant accuracy, with residual predictive deviation (RPD) for prediction of 3.83, 3.58, 3.15 and 2.61, respectively. The good correlation between spectral information and carbohydrate content demonstrated the potential of Vis/NIR as a non-destructive tool to predict fruit susceptibility to RBD

    LOOP:A physical artifact to facilitate seamless interaction with personal data in everyday life

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    We investigated how a physical artifact could support seamless interaction with personal activity data in everyday life. We introduce LOOP (Figure 1), a physical artifact that changes its shape according to the activity data of the owner, providing an abstract visualization. This paper reports on the design process of LOOP that was informed by interviews and co-creation sessions with end users. We conclude with future work on the evaluation of the concept. This paper makes two main contributions. Firstly, LOOP is proposed as an example of an alternative approach to physically represent activity data. Secondly, the design process and rationale behind LOOP are presented as design knowledge

    Integral solutions to boundary quantum Knizhnik–Zamolodchikov equations

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    We construct integral representations of solutions to the boundary quantum Knizhnik–Zamolodchikov equations. These are difference equations taking values in tensor products of Verma modules of quantum affine , with the K-operators acting diagonally. The integrands in question are products of scalar-valued elliptic weight functions with vector-valued trigonometric weight functions (boundary Bethe vectors). These integrals give rise to a basis of solutions of the boundary qKZ equations over the field of quasi-constant meromorphic functions in weight subspaces of the tensor product

    Boundary quantum Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations and fusion

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    In this paper we extend our previous results concerning Jackson integral solutions of the boundary quantum Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations with diagonal K-operators to higher-spin representations of quantum affine sl2\mathfrak{sl}_2. First we give a systematic exposition of known results on RR-operators acting in the tensor product of evaluation representations in Verma modules over quantum sl2\mathfrak{sl}_2. We develop the corresponding fusion of KK-operators, which we use to construct diagonal KK-operators in these representations. We construct Jackson integral solutions of the associated boundary quantum Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equations and explain how in the finite-dimensional case they can be obtained from our previous results by the fusion procedure

    X-ray microtomography provides new insights into vacuum impregnation of spinach leaves

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    Vacuum impregnation is used in the food industry to facilitate the impregnation of porous products with, e.g. firming, antioxidant, antimicrobial or cryoprotective agents. X-ray micro-tomography (CT) was used to study the process of vacuum impregnation in spinach leaves. Low (300 mbar absolute pressure) and mild vacuum (150 mbar absolute pressure) impregnation protocols were used to impregnate an isotonic solution of trehalose in the leaves and CT was used to make observations of the cross section of the impregnated samples and quantify their porosity. Results revealed that the free volume in the spongy mesophyll is easier to impregnate than the spaces around the palisade mesophyll. The low vacuum impregnation protocol provoked less impregnation close to the edge of the leaf than in its centre, probably accounting for an influence of the tissue structure on impregnation. The vacuum impregnation protocols tested in this investigation drastically decreased the proportion of large pores (>100 m) and increased the proportion of small pores (<50 m). The mild vacuum impregnation protocol, which was designed on the basis of measured apparent porosity, did not achieve full impregnation of the tissue.V. Panarese acknowledges the financial support from the Portuguese Foundation of Science (FCT). F. Gomez Galindo acknowledges the financial support from European Community's Seventh Framework Program (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no. 245280, also known under the acronym PRESERF. Financial support of FWO Vlaanderen (project G.0645.13), the Flemish government agency for Innovation by Science and Technology (project IWT SBO120033 TomFood) and the University of Leuven (project OT 12/055) is gratefully acknowledged. Dennis Cantre is an IRO scholar of KU Leuven. We also acknowledge the Hercules foundation for supporting the X-ray CT facility (AKUL001(HER/09/016))

    Tissue specific analysis reveals a differential organization and regulation of both ethylene biosynthesis and E8 during climacteric ripening of tomato

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    Background: Solanum lycopersicum or tomato is extensively studied with respect to the ethylene metabolism during climacteric ripening, focusing almost exclusively on fruit pericarp. In this work the ethylene biosynthesis pathway was examined in all major tomato fruit tissues: pericarp, septa, columella, placenta, locular gel and seeds. The tissue specific ethylene production rate was measured throughout fruit development, climacteric ripening and postharvest storage. All ethylene intermediate metabolites (1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC), malonyl-ACC (MACC) and S-adenosyl-L-methionine (SAM)) and enzyme activities (ACC-oxidase (ACO) and ACC-synthase (ACS)) were assessed. Results: All tissues showed a similar climacteric pattern in ethylene productions, but with a different amplitude. Profound differences were found between tissue types at the metabolic and enzymatic level. The pericarp tissue produced the highest amount of ethylene, but showed only a low ACC content and limited ACS activity, while the locular gel accumulated a lot of ACC, MACC and SAM and showed only limited ACO and ACS activity. Central tissues (septa, columella and placenta) showed a strong accumulation of ACC and MACC. These differences indicate that the ethylene biosynthesis pathway is organized and regulated in a tissue specific way. The possible role of inter- and intra-tissue transport is discussed to explain these discrepancies. Furthermore, the antagonistic relation between ACO and E8, an ethylene biosynthesis inhibiting protein, was shown to be tissue specific and developmentally regulated. In addition, ethylene inhibition by E8 is not achieved by a direct interaction between ACO and E8, as previously suggested in literature. Conclusions: The Ethylene biosynthesis pathway and E8 show a tissue specific and developmental differentiation throughout tomato fruit development and ripening