268 research outputs found

    The Water System of Tall Jalul

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    The Problem Components of the water system of Tall Jalul have been discovered since 2009 in Fields G and W. Although articles and reports have been written, no comprehensive study has been conducted. Therefore, this thesis will present and discuss the water system of Jalul from 2009 to 2016 and look for comparisons with similar Iron Age structures in the Ancient Near East. The Method For this project, the ruins from Fields G and W were analyzed. First, selected water systems in Palestine were introduced, followed by a review of preliminary reports and personal observations on the site of Tall Jalul. Second, a literature review was done to find similar structures in the Ancient Near East. Finally, a comparison between these structures was made. The Results Parallels to the water system of Jalul were found in the literature review, and a comparison between them was done, helping to understand their function as well as the function of the structures at Jalul with the evidence so far available. Conclusions It was possible to conclude that the Tall Jalul water system was unique in its size and function; however, not so developed in storage and water protection, as was the case with similar Iron Age water systems in the Ancient Near East

    O desenvolvimento das narrativas textuais e imagéticas na Assíria

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    O presente artigo tem como objetivo providenciar uma breve introdução a respeito das narrativas textuais e imagéticas que são encontradas na assíria, bem como sua evolução e desenvolvimento desde o final do período Médio Assírio até o final do Império Neoassírio. Se faz necessário uma breve reconstrução do contexto histórico e ideológico do império neoassírio, uma vez que as narrativas textuais e imagéticas refletem o modo de comportamento e pensamento da realeza assíria. O surgimento da assíria, sua localização e interações regionais especialmente durante o seu período de reavivamento e expansão imperial são essenciais para compreendermos a origem dessas narrativas. Embora os temas retratados nas narrativas imagéticas neoassírias fizessem parte do contexto cultural da mesopotâmia desde ao redor de 3500 a.C., eles foram arranjados de forma sistêmica, de acordo com a evidência arqueológica, somente a partir do período neoassírio, mais precisamente durante o reinado de Assurnasirpal II em seu novo palácio em Calah. De objetos mais comuns como altares e obeliscos durante o período Médio Assírio, até complexos mais sofisticados como palácios reais adornados parcialmente ou em quase sua totalidade durante o período neoassírio, as narrativas imagéticas e textuais na assíria passaram por vários processos de desenvolvimento ao longo dos séculos, mas sempre mantiveram um padrão temático. A forma como as narrativas textuais eram apresentadas nos diversos monumentos e espaços do palácio também será sumarizada. Por fim, uma análise comparativa dos relevos assírios durante o império neoassírio é realizada para que se possa compreender seu desenvolvimento, diversas transformações e propósito ao longo do império

    Socioeconomic and Demographic Characteristics of Living Conditions of Elderly Quilombolas from Maranhão, Northeast Region, Brazil

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    The elderly from Quilombola communities are groups socially vulnerable with specific needs. Quilombola communities are territories made up of descendants of escaped slaves, located in remote rural areas. This study aims to describe the socioeconomic, sanitary, and demographic characteristics of the living conditions of the elderly. A household survey was conducted with 208 older persons from 11 Quilombola communities in the Maranhão, Northeast, Brazil. Among the 208 elderly people interviewed, 54.3% were women, 48.6% were between 60 and 69 years old, 59.1% declared themselves black, 35.6% were married, and 54.3% did not know how to read and write. About 81% of the elderly are in the worst income stratum. Among 59.6% of households, the water supply comes from a well/spring on the property itself, and garbage was burned/buried in 89.4% of the houses. In overall, housing construction, 64.4% of the elderly had appropriate materials used on the walls, 89.9% in the construction of the roof, and only 30.7% in the construction of the floor. The majority of the elderly did not have adequate construction of ceiling, floor, and walls according to sex and age. It was observed that the elderly live in a situation of vulnerability and precarious living conditions

    Process Transparency on Construction Sites: Examples from Construction Companies in Brazil

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    Process transparency is the core concept in Visual Management (VM), which is one of the founding blocks of the Toyota Production System. This paper presents the preliminary results of a collaborative research conducted between Brazil and the UK, as part of a research effort focused on the application of Visual Management in construction. How process transparency is realized on construction sites is the main research question of the paper. The use of this concept and the implementation of the transparency theory were investigated through multiple case studies, carried out in nine different construction companies. The findings are explained through six theoretical transparency increasing approaches. The affecting parameters in the application of, the management’s perception of and several methods in process transparency in construction were identified. Further work, especially exploring the functions of process transparency on construction sites and reflecting the worker perception of the issue, is necessary to elaborate the process transparency concept


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    Objetivo: identificar fatores associados à motivação e às mudanças nas práticas assistenciais entre profissionais de enfermagem participantes de atividades de educação permanente. Metodologia: pesquisa quantitativa, com 283 profissionais de enfermagem. Os dados foram analisados no programa STATA versão 13. Realizou-se análise descritiva e inferencial. Resultados: 90,46% dos participantes sentem-se motivados a participar das atividades de educação permanente; para 90,81% dos participantes, houve mudança na prática assistencial. A motivação em participar das atividades foi associada positivamente ao sexo feminino, proferir religião, trabalhar no campo da pesquisa por até oito anos e pertencer ao vínculo empregatício celetista. Já as repercussões na prática profissional foram associadas estatisticamente a ser técnico/auxiliar de enfermagem, ser formado há até dez anos e trabalhar no campo da pesquisa por até oito anos. Conclusão: a motivação para participar das atividades de educação permanente entre profissionais de enfermagem caracterizou-se como propulsora de mudanças nas práticas assistenciais da enfermagem.Descritores: Educação Permanente. Capacitação em Serviço. Equipe de Enfermagem

    Estágio Supervisionado em Secretariado Executivo: A Visão do Graduando Concluinte

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    Este trabalho objetivou compreender a visão do graduando em Secretariado Executivo a respeito da prática do estágio supervisionado nas organizações. Metodologicamente foi realizada uma pesquisa descritiva com 26 alunos do curso de Bacharelado em Secretariado Executivo, estagiários, que estão cursando o último período do curso de uma Instituição Privada, no período 2013.2. Aplicou-se um questionário com questões fechadas dividido em dois blocos de perguntas, uma parte de múltiplas escolhas e a outra com escala de likert de cinco pontos onde se abordava o grau de concordância. A análise dos dados foi realizada por meio da estatística descritiva. Os principais resultados foram: o valor agregador do estágio supervisionado como atividade didático-pedagógica para o graduando, a busca pelo estagiário do curso de Secretariado Executivo por organizações do setor público e a alocação de estagiários para setores mais específicos, permitindo que o estagiário agregue conhecimentos pertinentes à sua área de formação.  Conclui-se que a prática do campo e a formação pedagógica se mostram convergentes, bem como os graduados se mostras satisfeitos com a atuação supervisionada.DOI: 10.7769/gesec.v5i2.267

    Growth and initial development of passion fruit plants in different concentrations of biostimulants

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    The objective of this research was to evaluate the vegetative growth of yellow passion fruit seedlings, propagated by seeds, regarding the rates of use and application of two biostimulants in two types of soil. The experiment was carried out at the State University of Piauí (UESPI) / Campus de Corrente, with Passiflora edulis as a research culture, on a 50% brightness screen. The completely randomized design consisted of four treatments arranged according to the following application doses (0, 4, 8, 12 and 16 mL), using the biostimulant Solofull® and Stimulate® via soil, with six replicates per treatment, totaling 24 units experimental. The soil used came from two situations, soil 1 (area in the process of degradation, Gilbués - PI) and soil 2 (pasture area, Corrente, PI). At 65 days after sowing, height, stem diameter, number of true leaves, leaf area, plant height ratio and stem diameter and root length were evaluated. The data were submitted to analysis of variance. The application of the Stimulate® biostimulant in seedlings produced in soil cultivated by pasture, promoted the best development of the aerial and root system of the plants

    Pollution prevention and wastewater treatment in fish canning industries of Northern Portugal

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    The main environmental problems of fish canning industries are high water consumption and high organic matter, oil and grease and salt content in their wastewaters. This work aims to analyze the situation (water consumption, wastewater production, wastewater characterization, etc.) of different plants located north of Douro river, in Portugal, in order to propose various solutions to their problems. Thus, initially it was made an identification and implementation of prevent and control pollution measures within the industrial units in order to reduce water consumption, minimize the wastewater production and reduce the pollutant load to treat. Then, the evaluation of wastewater treatability was started through a sedimentation and coagulation-flocculation process, with two organic coagulants (RIPOL 070 and RIFLOC 1815), commonly used in wastewater treatment. Sedimentation experiments showed that the flotation of 54% of oils and greases occurred, and 36% of total suspended solids were removed. The coagulation-flocculation process gave good results, especially in terms of oil and grease and total suspended solids removal. The best suspended solids removal efficiencies were 53% and 79%, using 400 mg/L of RIPOL 070 and 150 mg/L of RIFLOC 1815, respectively. At these dosages, both coagulants demonstrated excellent oil and grease removals, about 99% for RIFLOC 1815 and 88% for RIPOL 070info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Objective: to identify the spatio-temporal pattern of tuberculosis mortality and its related factors.Method: ecological study, using as unit of analysis the municipalities of the state of Ceará, Brazil, during the period from 2001 to 2017. Tuberculosis mortality was analyzed by temporal and spatial analysis techniques.Results: in the period, 1,513 deaths from tuberculosis were reported. An average annual increase of 15% in mortality was detected (95% Confidence Interval: 6.2 - 24.6). The indicators that most influenced mortality were life expectancy at birth (β=3.38), households with inadequate water supply and sanitation (β=-0.01) and probability of survival to 60 years (β=-2.26).Conclusion: this study evidenced the increase in the temporal pattern of tuberculosis mortality over the years. Care strategies aimed at treatment adherence and public health strategies aimed at improving the environment of the population should therefore be emphasized