1,127 research outputs found

    Factores determinantes del descenso histórico de la fecundidad marital en España

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    Some doubts have been cast on the results of research carried out within the Princeton European Fertility Project, as the changes in fertility over time may not have been measured appropriately. We set out to test the explanatory capacity of some socioeconomic variables which have been used to interpret the historical decline in fertility in traditional demographic transition theory: mortality, education, economic development, urbanisation and employment. We collected information for 49 Spanish provinces over a very long period of time (1860-2001) and we carried out panel cointegrating regressions (FMOLS and DOLS). We show that the decline of mortality, the increase in educational level and the economic factors played a leading role in the historical decline in fertility (first demographic transition). The demographic transition theory was dramatically shattered as a result of the research carried out in the course of the Princeton European Fertility Project, but analyses using new econometric techniques show that socioeconomic variables did indeed have a major role in the historical decline in fertility. When modern statistical methods are used, the role of socioeconomic factors in the historical decline of fertility is restored. In the debate surrounding the causes of fertility transition, the results obtained from our analysis of Spanish data oblige us to position ourselves among those experts who maintain that changes in socioeconomic conditions have encouraged couples to have smaller families (adjustment theories).Los resultados del Proyecto Europeo de Investigación de Princeton han sido cuestionados puesto que los cambios temporales en los niveles de fecundidad pudieron haberse hecho de manera inadecuada. Hemos comprobado la capacidad explicativa de algunas variables socioeconómicas usadas por la teoría tradicional de la transición demográfica para interpretar el descenso histórico de la fecundidad: mortalidad, nivel educativo, desarrollo económico, nivel de urbanización y empleo. Hemos recogido información para 49 provincias españolas durante un largo período temporal (1860-2001) y hemos llevado a cabo regresiones de cointegración (FMOLS y DOLS en sus siglas en inglés). Mostramos que el descenso de la mortalidad, el incremento en los niveles educativos y los factores económicos desempeñaron un papel fundamental en el descenso histórico de la fecundidad (primera transición demográfica). La teoría de la transición demográfica fue puesta en entredicho como resultado de las investigaciones llevadas a cabo por el Proyecto Europeo de Fecundidad de Princeton, pero los análisis que utilizan nuevas técnicas econométricas muestran que las variables socioeconómicas sí tuvieron realmente un papel destacado en el descenso histórico de la fecundidad. Cuando se utilizan modernos métodos estadísticos, el papel que los factores socioeconómicos vuelve a cobrar protagonismo. En el debate sobre las causas de la transición de la fecundidad, nuestros resultados obtenidos del análisis de los datos españoles nos obligan a posicionarnos con los expertos que mantienen que los cambios en las condiciones socioeconómicas animaron a las parejas a tener familias más pequeñas (teorías del ajuste)

    Association Between Egg Consumption and Dementia Risk in the EPIC-Spain Dementia Cohort

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    Current evidence suggests that egg composition might have potential neuroprotective effects. Our aim was to determine the association between egg consumption and the risk of dementia in a Mediterranean population. MethodsThis study was carried out in 3 centers from the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC)-Spain Dementia Cohort, i.e., 25,015 participants aged 30-70 years, recruited in 1992-1996, and followed up for a mean of 21.5 years. ResultsA total of 774 incident dementia cases were diagnosed and validated, of which 518 were Alzheimer's disease (AD). Data on egg consumption were estimated using a validated dietary history questionnaire at recruitment. Cox proportional hazards models, adjusted for confounders, were used in the analyses. No association was observed between egg consumption and either total dementia [hazard ratio between extreme quartiles (HRQ4vs.Q1: 1.05; 95% CI 0.85-1.31; p-trend = 0.93)] or AD (HRQ4vs.Q1 0.93; 95% CI 0.72-1.21; p-trend = 0.50) risks. After dividing the population by adherence to the relative Mediterranean diet (rMED) score, a borderline inverse association was found between egg intake and both total dementia (HRQ4vs.Q1: 0.52; 95% CI 0.30-0.90; p-trend = 0.10) and AD (HRQ4vs.Q1: 0.52; 95% CI 0.27-1.01; p-trend = 0.13) risks within participants with low adherence to rMED score. However, no association was observed in participants with medium and high adherence to rMED score. ConclusionThis prospective study suggests that egg consumption is associated with a reduced risk of dementia, and specifically of AD, in the adult population with low adherence to rMED score; whereas it has no impact in subjects with moderate and high MD adherence

    Lifestyle, dietary factors and antibody levels to oral bacteria in cancer-free participants of a European cohort study

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    Background—Increasing evidence suggests that oral microbiota play a pivotal role in chronic diseases, in addition to the well-established role in periodontal disease. Moreover, recent studies suggest that oral bacteria may also be involved in carcinogenesis; periodontal disease has been linked several cancers. In this study, we examined whether lifestyle factors have an impact on antibody levels to oral bacteria. Methods—Data on demographic characteristics, lifestyle factors, and medical conditions were obtained at the time of blood sample collection. For the current analysis, we measured antibody levels to 25 oral bacteria in 395 cancer-free individuals using an immunoblot array. Combined total immunglobin G (IgG) levels were obtained by summing concentrations for all oral bacteria measured. Results—IgG antibody levels were substantially lower among current and former smokers (1697 and 1677 ng/mL, respectively) than never smokers (1960 ng/mL; p-trend = 0.01), but did not vary by other factors, including BMI, diabetes, physical activity, or by dietary factors, after adjusting for age, sex, education, country and smoking status. The highest levels of total IgG were found among individuals with low education (2419 ng/mL). Conclusions—Our findings on smoking are consistent with previous studies and support the notion that smokers have a compromised humoral immune response. Moreover, other major factors known to be associated with inflammatory markers, including obesity, were not associated with antibody levels to a large number of oral bacteria

    Complement Factor H Is Expressed in Adipose Tissue in Association With Insulin Resistance

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    10 páginas, 5 figuras, 5 tablas -- PAGS nros. 200-209OBJECTIVE Activation of the alternative pathway of the complement system, in which factor H (fH; complement fH [CFH]) is a key regulatory component, has been suggested as a link between obesity and metabolic disorders. Our objective was to study the associations between circulating and adipose tissue gene expressions of CFH and complement factor B (fB; CFB) with obesity and insulin resistance. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS Circulating fH and fB were determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in 398 subjects. CFH and CFB gene expressions were evaluated in 76 adipose tissue samples, in isolated adipocytes, and in stromovascular cells (SVC) (n = 13). The effects of weight loss and rosiglitazone were investigated in independent cohorts. RESULTS Both circulating fH and fB were associated positively with BMI, waist circumference, triglycerides, and inflammatory parameters and negatively with insulin sensitivity and HDL cholesterol. For the first time, CFH gene expression was detected in human adipose tissue (significantly increased in subcutaneous compared with omental fat). CFH gene expression in omental fat was significantly associated with insulin resistance. In contrast, CFB gene expression was significantly increased in omental fat but also in association with fasting glucose and triglycerides. The SVC fraction was responsible for these differences, although isolated adipocytes also expressed fB and fH at low levels. Both weight loss and rosiglitazone led to significantly decreased circulating fB and fH levels. CONCLUSIONS Increased circulating fH and fB concentrations in subjects with altered glucose tolerance could reflect increased SVC-induced activation of the alternative pathway of complement in omental adipose tissue linked to insulin resistance and metabolic disturbances.Obesity is closely associated with a cluster of metabolic diseases, such as dyslipidemia, hypertension, insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and atherosclerosis (1). Adipose tissue is well known for its essential role as an energy storage depot and for secreting adipokines that influence sites as diverse as brain, liver, muscle, β-cells, gonads, lymphoid organs, and systemic vasculature (2,3). Expression analysis of macrophage and nonmacrophage cell populations isolated from adipose tissue demonstrates that adipose tissue macrophages are responsible for most of the proinflammatory cytokines (4). In recent years, it has become evident that alterations in the function of the innate immune system are intrinsically linked to metabolic pathways in humans (5–8). The complement system is a major component of the innate immune system, defending the host against pathogens, coordinating various events during inflammation, and bridging innate and adaptive immune responses. Complement deficiency and abnormalities in the regulation of the complement system lead to increased susceptibility to infection and chronic inflammatory diseases (9,10,11). Factor H (fH) is a relatively abundant plasma glycoprotein that is essential to maintain complement homeostasis and to restrict the action of complement to activating surfaces. fH acts as a cofactor for factor I–mediated cleavage of C3b (the active fragment of the third component of complement C3), accelerates the dissociation of the alternative pathway C3 convertases (a bimolecular enzymatic complex formed by active fragments of C3 and factor B [fB]), and competes with fB for binding to C3b. fH regulates complement both in fluid phase and on cellular surfaces (12–16). It has been suggested that activation of the alternative pathway of the complement system could be a link between obesity and metabolic disorders (17–21). Moreover, fB and factor D (fD, adipsin) are produced by adipose tissue where they likely influence formation of the alternative pathway component C3 convertase and the production of the anaphylatoxin C3a and its carboxypeptidase B-anaphylatoxic–inactivated derivative C3adesArg (acylation-stimulating protein [ASP]). Both ASP/C3adesArg and C3a interact with the receptor C5L2 to effectively stimulate triglyceride synthesis in cultured adipocytes (22). C3 knockout (C3KO) mice are obligatorily ASP deficient and present lipid abnormalities (23). In humans, ASP levels are increased in obesity, type 2 diabetes, and in individuals at risk of arterial disease, including those with hypertension, type 2 diabetes, dyslipidemia, and coronary artery disease, whereas exercise or weight loss decreases ASP levels (24,25). These data suggest a relationship between these conditions and activation of the alternative pathway of complement. There is also a correlation between increased C3 concentration and decreased insulin action (26,27). Levels of C3 and fB were higher in subjects with insulin resistance and other features of the metabolic syndrome (28,29).Given these interactions among activation of the alternative pathway of complement, metabolic disturbances, and a chronic low-level inflammatory state, we designed experiments to study the associations among circulating fH, fB, insulin resistance, lipid parameters, and inflammatory markers. We found that circulating fH and fB are strongly associated with obesity. For that reason, we also studied whether adipose tissue could constitute a source of circulating fH and fBThis work was partially supported by research grants from the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (SAF2008-02073). CIBEROBN Fisiopatología de la Obesidad y Nutrición is an initiative from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III from SpainPeer reviewe

    Comparison of abdominal adiposity and overall obesity in relation to risk of small intestinal cancer in a European Prospective Cohort

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    Published version. Source at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10552-016-0772-z Background: The etiology of small intestinal cancer (SIC) is largely unknown, and there are very few epidemiological studies published to date. No studies have investigated abdominal adiposity in relation to SIC. Methods: We investigated overall obesity and abdominal adiposity in relation to SIC in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC), a large prospective cohort of approximately half a million men and women from ten European countries. Overall obesity and abdominal obesity were assessed by body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), hip circumference (HC), waist-to-hip ratio (WHR), and waist-to-height ratio (WHtR). Multivariate Cox proportional hazards regression modeling was performed to estimate hazard ratios (HRs) and 95 % confidence intervals (CIs). Stratified analyses were conducted by sex, BMI, and smoking status. Results: During an average of 13.9 years of follow-up, 131 incident cases of SIC (including 41 adenocarcinomas, 44 malignant carcinoid tumors, 15 sarcomas and 10 lymphomas, and 21 unknown histology) were identified. WC was positively associated with SIC in a crude model that also included BMI (HR per 5-cm increase = 1.20, 95 % CI 1.04, 1.39), but this association attenuated in the multivariable model (HR 1.18, 95 % CI 0.98, 1.42). However, the association between WC and SIC was strengthened when the analysis was restricted to adenocarcinoma of the small intestine (multivariable HR adjusted for BMI = 1.56, 95 % CI 1.11, 2.17). There were no other significant associations. Conclusion: WC, rather than BMI, may be positively associated with adenocarcinomas but not carcinoid tumors of the small intestine. Impact: Abdominal obesity is a potential risk factor for adenocarcinoma in the small intestine

    Lung cancers attributable to environmental tobacco smoke and air pollution in non-smokers in different European countries: a prospective study

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    BACKGROUND: Several countries are discussing new legislation on the ban of smoking in public places, and on the acceptable levels of traffic-related air pollutants. It is therefore useful to estimate the burden of disease associated with indoor and outdoor air pollution. METHODS: We have estimated exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) and to air pollution in never smokers and ex-smokers in a large prospective study in 10 European countries (European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition)(N = 520,000). We report estimates of the proportion of lung cancers attributable to ETS and air pollution in this population. RESULTS: The proportion of lung cancers in never- and ex-smokers attributable to ETS was estimated as between 16 and 24%, mainly due to the contribution of work-related exposure. We have also estimated that 5-7% of lung cancers in European never smokers and ex-smokers are attributable to high levels of air pollution, as expressed by NO2 or proximity to heavy traffic roads. NO2 is the expression of a mixture of combustion (traffic-related) particles and gases, and is also related to power plants and waste incinerator emissions. DISCUSSION: We have estimated risks of lung cancer attributable to ETS and traffic-related air pollution in a large prospective study in Europe. Information bias can be ruled out due to the prospective design, and we have thoroughly controlled for potential confounders, including restriction to never smokers and long-term ex-smokers. Concerning traffic-related air pollution, the thresholds for indicators of exposure we have used are rather strict, i.e. they correspond to the high levels of exposure that characterize mainly Southern European countries (levels of NO2 in Denmark and Sweden are closer to 10-20 ug/m3, whereas levels in Italy are around 30 or 40, or higher).Therefore, further reduction in exposure levels below 30 ug/m3 would correspond to additional lung cancer cases prevented, and our estimate of 5-7% is likely to be an underestimate. Overall, our prospective study draws attention to the need for strict legislation concerning the quality of air in Europe