67 research outputs found

    Últimos avances sobre los mecanismos reguladores de la absorción de fósforo

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    P as an essential nutrient has been researched for many years, but now, due to the polluting effect of this mineral, that is released into the environment through the manure of domestic animals, new research lines has come up with the aim to identify nutritional requirements and determine the factors affecting excretion. Absorption is perhaps one of the factors that influence the metabolic kinetics of P, and this in turn, is influenced by several factors to keep its homeostasis. There are differences between ruminant and monogastric animals in relation to the way P is metabolized in the body, however intestinal absorption systems have similar characteristics. The discovery of several P transport systems in the intestinal epithelial cell membranes, and several substances that affect it, has helped to clarify the metabolism of this mineral and why is completely linked to Ca metabolism. Therefore, is interesting to consider these features to increase the use of P in different physiological stages of domestic animals, avoiding its excessive excretion, when the absorption capacity is diminished, or increasing dietary P, when the absorption is increased in stages mineral replacement.Como nutriente esencial el P ha sido investigado durante muchos años, pero en la actualidad, debido al efecto contaminante de este mineral, liberado en el ambiente a través de las excretas de los animales domésticos, nuevas líneas de investigación han aparecido con miras a determinar las exigencias nutricionales y a determinar los factores que afectan la excreción. La absorción es tal vez uno de los factores que más influencia la cinética metabólica del P, y esta a su vez, es influenciada por varios factores para mantener estable su homeostasis. Existen diferencias entre los animales rumiantes y monogástricos en relación a la forma como el P es metabolizado en el organismo, sin embargo los sistemas de absorción intestinal poseen características semejantes. El descubrimiento de varios sistemas de transporte del P en las membranas celulares del epitelio intestinal, y de varias sustancias que lo afectan, ha contribuido a esclarecer el metabolismo de este mineral y de porqué está completamente acoplado al metabolismo del Ca. Por lo tanto, resulta interesante considerar estas características para aumentar la utilización del P en las diferentes etapas fisiológicas de los animales domésticos, evitando su excesiva excreción, cuando la capacidad de absorción esta disminuida, o incrementando el P dietético, cuando su absorción se encuentra aumenta en las etapas de reposición mineral

    MicroRNAs and Drinking: Association between the Pre-miR-27a rs895819 Polymorphism and Alcohol Consumption in a Mediterranean Population

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    Recently, microRNAs (miRNA) have been proposed as regulators in the different processes involved in alcohol intake, and differences have been found in the miRNA expression profile in alcoholics. However, no study has focused on analyzing polymorphisms in genes encoding miRNAs and daily alcohol consumption at the population level. Our aim was to investigate the association between a functional polymorphism in the pre-miR-27a (rs895819 A>G) gene and alcohol consumption in an elderly population. We undertook a cross-sectional study of PREvencion con DIeta MEDiterranea (PREDIMED)-Valencia participants (n = 1007, including men and women aged 67 +/- 7 years) and measured their alcohol consumption (total and alcoholic beverages) through a validated questionnaire. We found a strong association between the pre-miR-27a polymorphism and total alcohol intake, this being higher in GG subjects (5.2 +/- 0.4 in AA, 5.9 +/- 0.5 in AG and 9.1 +/- 1.8 g/day in GG; p(adjusted) = 0.019). We also found a statistically-significant association of the pre-miR-27a polymorphism with the risk of having a high alcohol intake (> 2 drinks/day in men and > 1 in women): 5.9\% in AA versus 17.5\% in GG; p(adjusted) < 0.001. In the sensitivity analysis, this association was homogeneous for sex, obesity and Mediterranean diet adherence. In conclusion, we report for the first time a significant association between a miRNA polymorphism (rs895819) and daily alcohol consumption.This study was funded, by the Spanish Ministry of Health (Instituto de Salud Carlos III) and the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad-Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (Projects CNIC-06/2007, RTIC G03/140, CIBER 06/03, PI06-1326, PI07-0954, PI11/02505, SAF2009-12304, AGL2010-22319-C03-03 and PRX14/00527), by the lUniversity Jaume I (Project P1-1B2013-54), by Contracts 53-K06-5-10 and 58-1950-9-001 from the U.S. Department of Agriculture Research Service, USA, by the Generalitat Valenciana (ACOMP2010-181, AP111/10, AP-042/11, ACOM2011/145, ACOMP/2012/190, ACOMP/2013/159 and ACOMP/213/165), and with the collaboration of the Real Colegio Complutense at Harvard University, Cambridge. MA, USA. Rocio Barragon's contract is funded by the Ayudas para la contratacion de personal investigador en formacion de caracter predoctoral, Programa ``VALencia Investigacion mas Desarrollo´´ (VALi+d). Conselleria d'Educacio, Investigacio, Cultura i Esport. Generalitat Valenciana, Spain (ACIF/2013/168).S

    Revisiting K2-233 spectroscopic time-series with multidimensional Gaussian processes

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    Detecting planetary signatures in radial velocity time-series of young stars is challenging due to their inherently strong stellar activity. However, it is possible to learn information about the properties of the stellar signal by using activity indicators measured from the same stellar spectra used to extract radial velocities. In this manuscript, we present a reanalysis of spectroscopic High Accuracy Radial Velocity Planet Searcher data of the young star K2-233, which hosts three transiting planets. We perform a multidimensional Gaussian process regression on the radial velocity and the activity indicators to characterize the planetary Doppler signals. We demonstrate, for the first time on a real data set, that the use of a multidimensional Gaussian process can boost the precision with which we measure the planetary signals compared to a one-dimensional Gaussian process applied to the radial velocities alone. We measure the semi-amplitudes of K2-233 b, c, and d as 1.31+0.81−0.74, 1.81+0.71−0.67, and 2.72+0.66−0.70 m s−1, which translate into planetary masses of 2.4+1.5−1.3, 4.6+1.8−1.7, and 10.3+2.4−2.6 M⊕, respectively. These new mass measurements make K2-233 d a valuable target for transmission spectroscopy observations with JWST. K2-233 is the only young system with two detected inner planets below the radius valley and a third outer planet above it. This makes it an excellent target to perform comparative studies, to inform our theories of planet evolution, formation, migration, and atmospheric evolution

    Bitter, Sweet, Salty, Sour and Umami Taste Perception Decreases with Age: Sex-Specific Analysis, Modulation by Genetic Variants and Taste-Preference Associations in 18 to 80 Year-Old Subjects

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    There is growing interest in relating taste perception to diet and healthy aging. However, there is still limited information on the influence of age, sex and genetics on taste acuity as well as on the relationship between taste perception and taste preferences. We have analysed the influence of age on the intensity rating of the five basic tastes: sweet, salty, bitter, sour and umami (separately and jointly in a ``total taste score´´) and their modulation by sex and genetics in a relatively healthy population (men and women) aged 18-80 years (n = 1020 Caucasian European participants). Taste perception was determined by challenging subjects with solutions of the five basic tastes using standard prototypical tastants (6-n-propylthiouracil (PROP), NaCl, sucrose, monopotassium glutamate and citric acid) at 5 increasing concentrations (I to V). We also measured taste preferences and determined the polymorphisms of the genes taste 2 receptor member 38 (TAS2R38), taste 1 receptor member 2 (TAS2R38) and sodium channel epithelial 1 beta subunit (SCNN1B), as TAS2R38-rs713598, TAS1R2-rs35874116 and SCNN1B-rs239345 respectively. We found a statistically significant decrease in taste perception (total taste score) with increasing age for all the concentrations analysed. This association was stronger for the higher concentrations (p = 0.028; p = 0.012; p = 0.005; p = 4.20 x 10(-5) and p = 1.48 x 10(-7), for I to V in the multivariable-adjusted models). When we analysed taste qualities (using concentration V), the intensity rating of all the 5 tastes was diminished with age (p < 0.05 for all). This inverse association differed depending on the test quality, being higher for bitter (PROP) and sour. Women perceived taste significantly more intense than men (p = 1.4 x 10(-8) for ``total taste score´´). However, there were differences depending on the taste, umami being the lowest (p = 0.069). There was a complex association between the ability to perceive a taste and the preference for the same. Significant associations were, nevertheless, found between a higher perception of sour taste and a higher preference for it in women. In contrast, the higher perception of sweet was significantly associated with a higher preference for bitter in both, men and women. The TAS2R38-rs713598 was strongly associated with bitter (PROP) taste (p = 1.38 x 10(-50)), having a significant interaction with sex (p = 0.030). The TAS1R2-rs35874116 was not significantly associated with sweet, whereas the SCNN1B-rs239345 was associated (p = 0.040) with salty taste. In conclusion, the inverse association between age and perceived taste intensity as well as the additional influence of sex and some genetic polymorphisms give rise to large inter-individual differences in taste perception and taste preferences that should be taken into account in future studies and for applications in precision nutrition for healthy aging.This study was partially funded, by the Spanish Ministry of Health (Instituto de Salud Carlos III) and the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad-Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) (grants CIBER 06/03, PRX17/00500, PI16/00366, PI06/1326 and SAF2016-80532-R); the University Jaume I (grants P1-1B2013-54 and COGRUP/2016/06); the Fundacio La Marato de TV3 (grant 538/U/2016); the Real Colegio Complutense at Harvard University and the Generalitat Valenciana (grant PROMETEO2017/017).S

    Three Small Planets Transiting a Hyades Star

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    We present the discovery of three small planets transiting K2-136 (LP 358 348, EPIC 247589423), a late K dwarf in the Hyades. The planets have orbital periods of 7.9757±0.00117.9757 \pm 0.0011, 17.306810.00036+0.0003417.30681^{+0.00034}_{-0.00036}, and 25.57150.0040+0.003825.5715^{+0.0038}_{-0.0040} days, and radii of 1.05±0.161.05 \pm 0.16, 3.14±0.363.14 \pm 0.36, and 1.550.21+0.241.55^{+0.24}_{-0.21} RR_\oplus, respectively. With an age of 600-800 Myr, these planets are some of the smallest and youngest transiting planets known. Due to the relatively bright (J=9.1) host star, the planets are compelling targets for future characterization via radial velocity mass measurements and transmission spectroscopy. As the first known star with multiple transiting planets in a cluster, the system should be helpful for testing theories of planet formation and migration.Comment: Accepted to The Astronomical Journa

    Exoplanets around Low-mass Stars Unveiled by K2

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    We present the detection and follow-up observations of planetary candidates around low-mass stars observed by the K2 mission. Based on light-curve analysis, adaptive-optics imaging, and optical spectroscopy at low and high resolution (including radial velocity measurements), we validate 16 planets around 12 low-mass stars observed during K2 campaigns 5-10. Among the 16 planets, 12 are newly validated, with orbital periods ranging from 0.96-33 days. For one of the planets (K2-151b) we present ground-based transit photometry, allowing us to refine the ephemerides. Combining our K2 M-dwarf planets together with the validated or confirmed planets found previously, we investigate the dependence of planet radius RpR_p on stellar insolation and metallicity [Fe/H]. We confirm that for periods P2P\lesssim 2 days, planets with a radius Rp2RR_p\gtrsim 2\,R_\oplus are less common than planets with a radius between 1-2R\,R_\oplus. We also see a hint of the "radius valley" between 1.5 and 2R\,R_\oplus that has been seen for close-in planets around FGK stars. These features in the radius/period distribution could be attributed to photoevaporation of planetary envelopes by high-energy photons from the host star, as they have for FGK stars. For the M dwarfs, though, the features are not as well defined, and we cannot rule out other explanations such as atmospheric loss from internal planetary heat sources, or truncation of the protoplanetary disk. There also appears to be a relation between planet size and metallicity: those few planets larger than about 3 RR_\oplus are found around the most metal-rich M dwarfs.Comment: 29 pages, 21 figures, 6 tables, Accepted in Astronomical Journa

    A Radial Velocity Study of the Planetary System of pi Mensae: Improved Planet Parameters for pi Mensae c and a Third Planet on a 125 Day Orbit

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    π Men hosts a transiting planet detected by the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite space mission and an outer planet in a 5.7 yr orbit discovered by radial velocity (RV) surveys. We studied this system using new RV measurements taken with the HARPS spectrograph on ESO's 3.6 m telescope, as well as archival data. We constrain the stellar RV semiamplitude due to the transiting planet, π Men c, as Kc = 1.21 ± 0.12 m s^{−1}, resulting in a planet mass of M_{c} = 3.63 ± 0.38 M_{⊕}. A planet radius of R_{c} = 2.145 ± 0.015 R_{⊕} yields a bulk density of ρc = 2.03 ± 0.22 g cm^{−3}. The precisely determined density of this planet and the brightness of the host star make π Men c an excellent laboratory for internal structure and atmospheric characterization studies. Our HARPS RV measurements also reveal compelling evidence for a third body, π Men d, with a minimum mass M_{d} sin i_{d} = 13.38 ± 1.35 M_{⊕} orbiting with a period of Porb,d = 125 days on an eccentric orbit (e_{d} = 0.22). A simple dynamical analysis indicates that the orbit of π Men d is stable on timescales of at least 20 Myr. Given the mutual inclination between the outer gaseous giant and the inner rocky planet and the presence of a third body at 125 days, π Men is an important planetary system for dynamical and formation studies

    Company for the ultra-high density, ultra-short period sub-Earth GJ 367 b: discovery of two additional low-mass planets at 11.5 and 34 days

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    GJ 367 is a bright (V \approx 10.2) M1 V star that has been recently found to host a transiting ultra-short period sub-Earth on a 7.7 hr orbit. With the aim of improving the planetary mass and radius and unveiling the inner architecture of the system, we performed an intensive radial velocity follow-up campaign with the HARPS spectrograph -- collecting 371 high-precision measurements over a baseline of nearly 3 years -- and combined our Doppler measurements with new TESS observations from sectors 35 and 36. We found that GJ 367 b has a mass of MbM_\mathrm{b} = 0.633 ±\pm 0.050 M_{\oplus} and a radius of RbR_\mathrm{b} = 0.699 ±\pm 0.024 R_{\oplus}, corresponding to precisions of 8% and 3.4%, respectively. This implies a planetary bulk density of ρb\rho_\mathrm{b} = 10.2 ±\pm 1.3 g cm3^{-3}, i.e., 85% higher than Earth's density. We revealed the presence of two additional non transiting low-mass companions with orbital periods of \sim11.5 and 34 days and minimum masses of McsinicM_\mathrm{c}\sin{i_\mathrm{c}} = 4.13 ±\pm 0.36 M_{\oplus} and MdsinidM_\mathrm{d}\sin{i_\mathrm{d}} = 6.03 ±\pm 0.49 M_{\oplus}, respectively, which lie close to the 3:1 mean motion commensurability. GJ 367 b joins the small class of high-density planets, namely the class of super-Mercuries, being the densest ultra-short period small planet known to date. Thanks to our precise mass and radius estimates, we explored the potential internal composition and structure of GJ 367 b, and found that it is expected to have an iron core with a mass fraction of 0.910.23+0.07^{+0.07}_{-0.23}. How this iron core is formed and how such a high density is reached is still not clear, and we discuss the possible pathways of formation of such a small ultra-dense planet.Comment: 28 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in ApJ

    The EXPRES Stellar Signals Project II. State of the Field in Disentangling Photospheric Velocities

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    Measured spectral shifts due to intrinsic stellar variability (e.g., pulsations, granulation) and activity (e.g., spots, plages) are the largest source of error for extreme-precision radial-velocity (EPRV) exoplanet detection. Several methods are designed to disentangle stellar signals from true center-of-mass shifts due to planets. The Extreme-precision Spectrograph (EXPRES) Stellar Signals Project (ESSP) presents a self-consistent comparison of 22 different methods tested on the same extreme-precision spectroscopic data from EXPRES. Methods derived new activity indicators, constructed models for mapping an indicator to the needed radial-velocity (RV) correction, or separated out shape- and shift-driven RV components. Since no ground truth is known when using real data, relative method performance is assessed using the total and nightly scatter of returned RVs and agreement between the results of different methods. Nearly all submitted methods return a lower RV rms than classic linear decorrelation, but no method is yet consistently reducing the RV rms to sub-meter-per-second levels. There is a concerning lack of agreement between the RVs returned by different methods. These results suggest that continued progress in this field necessitates increased interpretability of methods, high-cadence data to capture stellar signals at all timescales, and continued tests like the ESSP using consistent data sets with more advanced metrics for method performance. Future comparisons should make use of various well-characterized data sets—such as solar data or data with known injected planetary and/or stellar signals—to better understand method performance and whether planetary signals are preserved

    Transit timings variations in the three-planet system: TOI-270

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    We present ground- and space-based photometric observations of TOI-270 (L231-32), a system of three transiting planets consisting of one super-Earth and two sub-Neptunes discovered by TESS around a bright (K-mag = 8.25) M3V dwarf. The planets orbit near low-order mean-motion resonances (5:3 and 2:1) and are thus expected to exhibit large transit timing variations (TTVs). Following an extensive observing campaign using eight different observatories between 2018 and 2020, we now report a clear detection of TTVs for planets c and d, with amplitudes of ∼10 min and a super-period of ∼3 yr, as well as significantly refined estimates of the radii and mean orbital periods of all three planets. Dynamical modelling of the TTVs alone puts strong constraints on the mass ratio of planets c and d and on their eccentricities. When incorporating recently published constraints from radial velocity observations, we obtain masses of Mb=1.48± 0.18, M⊕, Mc=6.20± 0.31, M⊕, and Md=4.20± 0.16, M⊕ for planets b, c, and d, respectively. We also detect small but significant eccentricities for all three planets: eb = 0.0167 ± 0.0084, ec = 0.0044 ± 0.0006, and ed = 0.0066 ± 0.0020. Our findings imply an Earth-like rocky composition for the inner planet, and Earth-like cores with an additional He/H2O atmosphere for the outer two. TOI-270 is now one of the best constrained systems of small transiting planets, and it remains an excellent target for atmospheric characterization