183 research outputs found

    Respuesta de la ahuyama (Curcubita maxima L.) a la fertilización con N, P, K y materia orgánica en el Valle del Cauca.

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    En un suelo de la serie Palmeras (PM) clasificado como Vertic ustropept del CNI Palmira, se realizó en 1986 una investigación para evaluar el efecto de la fertilización química y orgánica en el rendimiento del zapallo (Cucurbita maxima L.) variedad peruana. Se estudiaron 27 combinaciones de N-P-K (factorial) más 3 dosis de materia orgánica MO (gallinaza), en un diseño de bloques completos al azar con 3 repeticiones. El P y K se aplicaron 8 días después de la siembra, el N y la MO fraccionadas, en 2 aplicaciones iguales, 8 y 30 días después de la siembra. Los niveles de cada nutriente, en kg/ha, fueron: 0, 25 y 50 de N, 0, 50 y 100 de oxido fosfórico, 0, 25 y 50 kg/ha de oxido de potasio y 2.5, 5.0 y 7.5 t/ha de gallinaza. Hubo diferencias de 19.78 y 19.71 t/ha entre los 2 rendimientos más altos, correspondientes a los tratamientos 50-100-25 y 50-50-25, en su orden y el rendimiento más bajo (25-100-50). Respecto al testigo absoluto se observaron incrementos en rendimiento de 15.03 y 14.83 por ciento, respectivamente. Con las aplicaciones individuales la principal respuesta se obtuvo con 50 kg/ha de oxido fosfórico, para un incremento en rendimiento de 7.4 por ciento con relación al testigo absoluto, el K, en dosis de 25 y 50 kg/ha oxido de potasio, disminuyó el rendimiento en 34 y 22.3 por ciento, respectivamente. Los tratamientos con MO aumentaron el rendimiento en 126, 131 y 105 por ciento, respectivamente, usando dosis de 2.5, 5.0 y 7.5 t/ha de gallinaza. El mayor número de frutos comerciales se obtuvo con aplicaciones de 50-100-25 kg/ha de N, P O y K O, respectivamente. El tratamiento 25-50-25 t/ha de gallinaza, kg P O /ha y kg K O/ha respectivamente, produjo el más alto peso promedio de frutos. El mayor número de flores femeninas (43.3 y 39.3) se consiguió aplicando 5 t/ha de gallinaza, más 50-25 kg/ha de P O y K O y 50-50-25 kg/ha de N, P O y K su orden.;Las relaciones flor femenina-flormasculina más altas (4.76 y 3.88) se obtuvieron con la aplicación de 100 kg/ha de P O y 25-50-0 kg/ha de N, P O y K. Para agricultores con suficiente capital se recomienda el tratamiento 50-50-25 kg/ha de N, P O y K O por presentar: tasa alta de retorno marginal (TRM), mayor beneficio neto, y consistencia a las fluctuaciones de precios de los insumos. Para cultivadores de escasos recursos se recomiendan los tratamientos 25-0-25 y 0-50-0 kg/ha de N, P O y K O, con los cuales se obtiene una TRM alta, menores costos variables y consistencia a fluctuaciones de precios de los insumosAhuyama-Calabaza (cucúrbita), Cucurbita máxim

    Aportación a la farmacoterapia del siglo XVIII: el recetario médico de Anselmo Arias Teixeiro

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    Among a number of eighteen century manuscripts attributed to Anselmo Arias Teixeiro we had located the document presented in this research, a heterogeneous set of recipes aimed at a public with low income. It is a relatively common type of work throughout the century, whereby, its author based on some popular editions which circulate with relative success despite its limitations from a therapeutic point of view. The manuscript, which we present entirely helps to see the therapeutic of eighteenth century from a different perspective away from medical treatises or the official pharmacopoeia that characterize the new enlightened science.<br><br>Entre una serie de manuscritos del siglo XVIII atribuidos a Anselmo Arias Teixeiro hemos localizado el documento que presentamos en esta investigación, un conjunto heterogéneo de recetas destinadas a un público con escasos recursos económicos. Se trata de un tipo de obra relativamente frecuente a lo largo de aquel siglo, por lo cual, el autor se basa en algunas ediciones que circularon con relativo éxito, a pesar de sus evidentes limitaciones desde el punto de vista terapéutico. El manuscrito, que presentamos íntegramente, contribuye a ver la terapéuticadel siglo XVIII desde una óptica diferente, alejada de los tratados de medicina o las farmacopeas oficiales que caracterizaban a la nueva ciencia ilustrada. [gl] Entre unha serie de manuscritos do século XVIII atribuidos a Anselmo Arias Teixeiro localizamos o documento que amosamos nesta investigación, un conxunto heteroxéneo de receitas destiñadas a un público con escasos recursos económicos. Trátase dun tipo de obra relativamente frecuente ao longo daquel século, polo cal, o autor baséase nalgunhas edicións que circularon con relativo éxito, a pesares das súas evidentes limitacións dende o punto de vista terapéutico. O manuscrito, o cal amosamos íntegramente, contribúe a ve-la terapéutica do século XVIII dende unha óptica diferente, alonxada dos tratados de mediciña ou das farmacopeas oficiáis que caracterizaban a nova ciencia ilustrada

    Ears of the Armadillo: Global Health Research and Neglected Diseases in Texas

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    Neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) have\ud been recently identified as significant public\ud health problems in Texas and elsewhere in\ud the American South. A one-day forum on the\ud landscape of research and development and\ud the hidden burden of NTDs in Texas\ud explored the next steps to coordinate advocacy,\ud public health, and research into a\ud cogent health policy framework for the\ud American NTDs. It also highlighted how\ud U.S.-funded global health research can serve\ud to combat these health disparities in the\ud United States, in addition to benefiting\ud communities abroad

    Informal support to first-parents after childbirth: a qualitative study in low-income suburbs of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In Tanzania, and many sub-Saharan African countries, postpartum health programs have received less attention compared to other maternity care programs and therefore new parents rely on informal support. Knowledge on how informal support is understood by its stakeholders to be able to improve the health in families after childbirth is required. This study aimed to explore discourses on health related informal support to first-time parents after childbirth in low-income suburbs of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Thirteen focus group discussions with first-time parents and female and male informal supporters were analysed by discourse analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The dominant discourse was that after childbirth a first time mother needed and should be provided with support for care of the infant, herself and the household work by the maternal or paternal mother or other close and extended family members. In their absence, neighbours and friends were described as reconstructing informal support. Informal support was provided conditionally, where poor socio-economic status and non-adherence to social norms risked poor support. Support to new fathers was constructed as less prominent, provided mainly by older men and focused on economy and sexual matters. The discourse conveyed stereotypic gender roles with women described as family caretakers and men as final decision-makers and financial providers. The informal supporters regulated the first-time parents' contacts with other sources of support.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Strong and authoritative informal support networks appear to persist. However, poverty and non-adherence to social norms was understood as resulting in less support. Family health in this context would be improved by capitalising on existing informal support networks while discouraging norms promoting harmful practices and attending to the poorest. Upholding stereotypic notions of femininity and masculinity implies great burden of care for the women and delimited male involvement. Men's involvement in reproductive and child health programmes has the potential for improving family health after childbirth. The discourses conveyed contradicting messages that may be a source of worry and confusion for the new parents. Recognition, respect and raising awareness for different social actors' competencies and limitations can potentially create a health-promoting environment among families after childbirth.</p

    Mammalian cell entry genes in Streptomyces may provide clues to the evolution of bacterial virulence

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    Understanding the evolution of virulence is key to appreciating the role specific loci play in pathogenicity. Streptomyces species are generally non-pathogenic soil saprophytes, yet within their genome we can find homologues of virulence loci. One example of this is the mammalian cell entry (mce) locus, which has been characterised in Mycobacterium tuberculosis. To investigate the role in Streptomyces we deleted the mce locus and studied its impact on cell survival, morphology and interaction with other soil organisms. Disruption of the mce cluster resulted in virulence towards amoebae (Acanthamoeba polyphaga) and reduced colonization of plant (Arabidopsis) models, indicating these genes may play an important role in Streptomyces survival in the environment. Our data suggest that loss of mce in Streptomyces spp. may have profound effects on survival in a competitive soil environment, and provides insight in to the evolution and selection of these genes as virulence factors in related pathogenic organisms

    MEKK1-MKK4-JNK-AP1 Pathway Negatively Regulates Rgs4 Expression in Colonic Smooth Muscle Cells

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    Background: Regulator of G-protein Signaling 4 (RGS4) plays an important role in regulating smooth muscle contraction, cardiac development, neural plasticity and psychiatric disorder. However, the underlying regulatory mechanisms remain elusive. Our recent studies have shown that upregulation of Rgs4 by interleukin (IL)-1b is mediated by the activation of NFkB signaling and modulated by extracellular signal-regulated kinases, p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase, and phosphoinositide-3 kinase. Here we investigate the effect of the c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) pathway on Rgs4 expression in rabbit colonic smooth muscle cells. Methodology/Principal Findings: Cultured cells at first passage were treated with or without IL-1b (10 ng/ml) in the presence or absence of the selective JNK inhibitor (SP600125) or JNK small hairpin RNA (shRNA). The expression levels of Rgs4 mRNA and protein were determined by real-time RT-PCR and Western blot respectively. SP600125 or JNK shRNA increased Rgs4 expression in the absence or presence of IL-1b stimulation. Overexpression of MEKK1, the key upstream kinase of JNK, inhibited Rgs4 expression, which was reversed by co-expression of JNK shRNA or dominant-negative mutants for MKK4 or JNK. Both constitutive and inducible upregulation of Rgs4 expression by SP600125 was significantly inhibited by pretreatment with the transcription inhibitor, actinomycin D. Dual reporter assay showed that pretreatment with SP600125 sensitized the promoter activity of Rgs4 in response to IL-1b. Mutation of the AP1-binding site within Rgs

    Identification and Phylogenetic Analysis of Tityus pachyurus and Tityus obscurus Novel Putative Na+-Channel Scorpion Toxins

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    Background: Colombia and Brazil are affected by severe cases of scorpionism. In Colombia the most dangerous accidents are caused by Tityus pachyurus that is widely distributed around this country. In the Brazilian Amazonian region scorpion stings are a common event caused by Tityus obscurus. The main objective of this work was to perform the molecular cloning of the putative Na+-channel scorpion toxins (NaScTxs) from T. pachyurus and T. obscurus venom glands and to analyze their phylogenetic relationship with other known NaScTxs from Tityus species. Methodology/Principal Findings: cDNA libraries from venom glands of these two species were constructed and five nucleotide sequences from T. pachyurus were identified as putative modulators of Na+-channels, and were named Tpa4, Tpa5, Tpa6, Tpa7 and Tpa8; the latter being the first anti-insect excitatory b-class NaScTx in Tityus scorpion venom to be described. Fifteen sequences from T. obscurus were identified as putative NaScTxs, among which three had been previously described, and the others were named To4 to To15. The peptides Tpa4, Tpa5, Tpa6, To6, To7, To9, To10 and To14 are closely related to the a-class NaScTxs, whereas Tpa7, Tpa8, To4, To8, To12 and To15 sequences are more related to the b-class NaScTxs. To5 is possibly an arthropod specific toxin. To11 and To13 share sequence similarities with both a and b NaScTxs. By means of phylogenetic analysis using the Maximum Parsimony method and the known NaScTxs from Tityus species, these toxins were clustered into 14 distinct groups. Conclusions/Significance: This communication describes new putative NaScTxs from T. pachyurus and T. obscurus and their phylogenetic analysis. The results indicate clear geographic separation between scorpions of Tityus genus inhabiting the Amazonian and Mountain Andes regions and those distributed over the Southern of the Amazonian rainforest. Based on the consensus sequences for the different clusters, a new nomenclature for the NaScTxs is proposed

    A community-based lifestyle and weight loss intervention promoting a Mediterranean-style diet pattern evaluated in the stroke belt of North Carolina: the Heart Healthy Lenoir Project

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    Abstract Background Because residents of the southeastern United States experience disproportionally high rates of cardiovascular disease (CVD), it is important to develop effective lifestyle interventions for this population. Methods The primary objective was to develop and evaluate a dietary, physical activity (PA) and weight loss intervention for residents of the southeastern US. The intervention, given in eastern North Carolina, was evaluated in a 2 year prospective cohort study with an embedded randomized controlled trial (RCT) of a weight loss maintenance intervention. The intervention included: Phase I (months 1–6), individually-tailored intervention promoting a Mediterranean-style dietary pattern and increased walking; Phase II (months 7–12), option of a 16-week weight loss intervention for those with BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2 offered in 2 formats (16 weekly group sessions or 5 group sessions and 10 phone calls) or a lifestyle maintenance intervention; and Phase III (months 13–24), weight loss maintenance RCT for those losing ≥ 8 lb with all other participants receiving a lifestyle maintenance intervention. Change in diet and PA behaviors, CVD risk factors, and weight were assessed at 6, 12, and 24 month follow-up. Results Baseline characteristics (N = 339) were: 260 (77 %) females, 219 (65 %) African Americans, mean age 56 years, and mean body mass index 36 kg/m2. In Phase I, among 251 (74 %) that returned for 6 month follow-up, there were substantial improvements in diet score (4.3 units [95 % CI 3.7 to 5.0]), walking (64 min/week [19 to 109]), and systolic blood pressure (−6.4 mmHg [−8.7 to −4.1]) that were generally maintained through 24 month follow-up. In Phase II, 138 (57 group only, 81 group/phone) chose the weight loss intervention and at 12 months, weight change was: −3.1 kg (−4.9 to −1.3) for group (N = 50) and −2.1 kg (−3.2 to −1.0) for group/phone combination (N = 75). In Phase III, 27 participants took part in the RCT. At 24 months, weight loss was −2.1 kg (−4.3 to 0.0) for group (N = 51) and −1.1 kg (−2.7 to 0.4) for combination (N = 72). Outcomes for African American and whites were similar. Conclusions The intervention yielded substantial improvement in diet, PA, and blood pressure, but weight loss was modest. Trial registration clinicaltrials.gov Identifier: NCT0143348
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