4,706 research outputs found

    Midwest China Oral History and Archives Collection

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    Early life: education; receives orders from US Army for China, 1923. China experience: organizes language school for US Army officers; gathers information for military intelligence regarding warlords prior to the Japanese war; response to the White Russians in China; impressions of missionaries, foreign business people and Chiang Kai-shek memerable American military figures in China; rescue of lost American servicemen during WWII.https://digitalcommons.luthersem.edu/china_histories/1024/thumbnail.jp

    A uniformly ergodic Gibbs sampler for Bayesian survival analysis

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    Finite sample inference for Cox models is an important problem in many settings, such as clinical trials. Bayesian procedures provide a means for finite sample inference and incorporation of prior information if MCMC algorithms and posteriors are well behaved. On the other hand, estimation procedures should also retain inferential properties in high dimensional settings. In addition, estimation procedures should be able to incorporate constraints and multilevel modeling such as cure models and frailty models in a straightforward manner. In order to tackle these modeling challenges, we propose a uniformly ergodic Gibbs sampler for a broad class of convex set constrained multilevel Cox models. We develop two key strategies. First, we exploit a connection between Cox models and negative binomial processes through the Poisson process to reduce Bayesian computation to iterative Gaussian sampling. Next, we appeal to sufficient dimension reduction to address the difficult computation of nonparametric baseline hazards, allowing for the collapse of the Markov transition operator within the Gibbs sampler based on sufficient statistics. We demonstrate our approach using open source data and simulations

    Factors for Success: Supporting Black Doctoral Students

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    Myriad factors impact Black doctoral student lived experiences. Black doctoral students face unique challenges in educational institutions that are not shared by their White cohorts. This literature review surveys current scholarship about these challenges and the educational experiences that emerge from them. Using an intersectional framework, the authors review the extant literature from the perspective of four primary themes: socialization, mentoring, financial wellness, and belonging. The authors contend that improving practices related to each of these areas can result in improved experiences and outcomes for Black doctoral students as they matriculate through graduate programs

    A Viscous Heating Mechanism for the Hot Plasma in the Galactic Center Region

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    In addition to lines originating in a soft phase at ~0.8 keV and to cold molecular clouds, the X-ray spectra from the Galactic center region also exhibit properties similar to those of a diffuse, thin, very hot plasma at 8 keV on a scale of hundreds of parsecs. This phase is surprising for more than one reason. First, such a hot plasma should not be bound to the Galactic plane and the power needed to sustain the escaping matter would be higher then any known source. Second, there is no known mechanism able to heat the plasma to more than a few keV. Recently we have suggested that, hydrogen having escaped, the hot plasma could be a helium plasma, heavy enough to be gravitationally confined. In this case, the required power is much more reasonable. We present here a possible heating mechanism which taps the gravitational energy of the molecular clouds. We note that the 8 keV plasma is highly viscous and we show how viscous friction of molecular clouds flowing within the hot phase can dissipate energy in the gas and heat it. We detail the MHD wake of a spherical cloud by considering the different MHD waves the cloud can excite. We find that most of the energy is dissipated by the damping of Alfvenic perturbations in two possible manners, namely by non-linear effects and by a large scale curvature of the field lines. Depending on the field strength, this heating can balance the radiative cooling. We note that the plasma parameters may be optimal to make the dissipation most efficient, suggesting a self-regulation mechanism. The loss of kinetic and gravitational energy also causes accretion of the clouds and may have significant action on the gas dynamics in this region between the large scale, bar dominated flow and the central accretion to the massive black hole.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    Agricultural Turns, Geographical Turns: Retrospect and Prospect.

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    It is accepted that British rural geography has actively engaged with the ‘cultural turn’, leading to a resurgence of research within the sub-discipline. However, a reading of recent reviews suggests that the cultural turn has largely, if not completely, bypassed those geographers interested in the agricultural sector. Farming centred engagements with notions of culture have been relatively limited compared with those concerned with the non-agricultural aspects of rural space. Indeed, agricultural geography represents something of an awkward case in the context of the disciplinary turn to culture, a situation that demands further exposition. In seeking explanation, it becomes evident that research on the farm sector is more culturally informed than initially appears. This paper argues that there have been both interesting and important engagements between agricultural geography and cultural perspectives over the past decade. The paper elaborates four specific areas of research which provide evidence for concern about the ‘culture’ within agriculture. The future contribution that culturally informed perspectives in geographical research can bring to agricultural issues is outlined by way of conclusion

    Testing causality violation on spacetimes with closed timelike curves

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    Generalized quantum mechanics is used to examine a simple two-particle scattering experiment in which there is a bounded region of closed timelike curves (CTCs) in the experiment's future. The transitional probability is shown to depend on the existence and distribution of the CTCs. The effect is therefore acausal, since the CTCs are in the experiment's causal future. The effect is due to the non-unitary evolution of the pre- and post-scattering particles as they pass through the region of CTCs. We use the time-machine spacetime developed by Politzer [1], in which CTCs are formed due to the identification of a single spatial region at one time with the same region at another time. For certain initial data, the total cross-section of a scattering experiment is shown to deviate from the standard value (the value predicted if no CTCs existed). It is shown that if the time machines are small, sparsely distributed, or far away, then the deviation in the total cross-section may be negligible as compared to the experimental error of even the most accurate measurements of cross-sections. For a spacetime with CTCs at all points, or one where microscopic time machines pervade the spacetime in the final moments before the big crunch, the total cross-section is shown to agree with the standard result (no CTCs) due to a cancellation effect.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figures, late

    Tisa: A Language Design and Modular Verification Technique for Temporal Policies in Web Services

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    Web services are distributed software components, that are decoupled from each other using interfaces with specified functional behaviors. However, such behavioral specifications are insufficient to demonstrate compliance with certain temporal non-functional policies. An example is demonstrating that a patient’s health-related query sent to a health care service is answered only by a doctor (and not by a secretary). Demonstrating compliance with such policies is important for satisfying governmental privacy regulations. It is often necessary to expose the internals of the web service implementation for demonstrating such compliance, which may compromise modularity. In this work, we provide a language design that enables such demonstrations, while hiding majority of the service’s source code. The key idea is to use greybox specifications to allow service providers to selectively hide and expose parts of their implementation. The overall problem of showing compliance is then reduced to two subproblems: whether the desired properties are satisfied by the service’s greybox specification, and whether this greybox specification is satisfied by the service’s implementation. We specify policies using LTL and solve the first problem by model checking. We solve the second problem by refinement techniques

    A Study of the Δ\Delta^--component of the wave-function in light nuclei

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    We have measured cross sections for the (π+,π±p) (\pi^+,\pi^\pm p) reactions on 3H{\rm ^3H}, 4He{\rm ^4He}, 6Li{\rm ^6Li} and 7Li{\rm ^7Li} in quasi-free kinematics at incident pion beam energy 500 MeV. An enhancement of the (π+,πp)(\pi^+,\pi^- p) cross section in this kinematics is observed. If this is interpreted as due to quasi-free scattering from pre-existing Δ\Delta components of the nuclear wave function, the extracted probabilities are in agreement with theoretical expectations.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl