153 research outputs found

    Significados y funciones del deporte en la vida ¿colegial?: análisis de tres películas de cine mudo

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    La pregunta general que orienta una investigación más amplia es: ¿cómo se presenta y define el deporte -y, por ende, los modelos y capitales corporales que condicionan la vida de las personas de distinta clase y condición- en los relatos del 'subgénero' de cine deportivo? En ese marco, en este artículo nos ceñimos a tres películas mudas, producidas durante los felices años veinte estadounidenses (Brown of Harvard, 1926; College, 1927; The Freshman, 1925), cuyas tramas se desarrollan en recintos universitarios.El análisis que llevamos a cabo consta de dos partes: En la primera, desguazamos el contenido de dichos relatos fílmicos con el fin de mostrar los discursos dominantes (imagen de la vida colegial universitaria, función del deporte en dicho contexto social, modelos de feminidad y masculinidad, signos de fragilidad y desposesión, etc.) y, dentro de ellos, las posibles divergencias. En la segunda, a modo de (innecesaria) triangulación, proponemos el contraste entre el tono de lo que se dice en las películas y lo que se podía leer en esa época en otros medios más académicos.La conclusión a la que llegamos, ateniéndonos a dicha (innecesaria) triangulación, es que las explicaciones contenidas en estos tres relatos fílmicos coinciden con lo que se dice en los textos escritos. En consecuencia, no hay que despreciar su valor como fuente primaria de estudio.The general question that orientates a wider research is this: how it is presented and defined sport (and, therefore, a variety of body capitals that determine people's lives) by the subgenre of sport movies? In this framework, this article focus on three silent films (Brown of Harvard, 1926; College, 1927; The Freshman, 1925) produced in the USA during the Roaring Twenties. The plots of these three stories take place in different university campuses.We have organized our tale in two parts: firstly, we summarize the content analysis of those films in order to show the dominant discourses (image of university life, role of sport in this social context, models of femininity and masculinity, signs of fragility and dispossession...) and, within them, possible discrepancies. Secondly, as an (unnecessary) triangulation, we propose the contrast between the tone of what is said in the movies and what could be read at that time in other, more academic, texts.If we abide by this (unnecessary) triangulation, the conclusion is that the explanations contained in these three films coincide with what is said in the written texts of the field. Consequently, we must not underestimate its value as a primary source for research

    (Re)presentación del profesorado de Educación Física en el cine

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    Aim: To analyze the (re)presentation of PE teachers in the movies. Taking into account McCullick, Belcher, Hardin & Hardin’s work (2003), based on 18 films produced in the USA between 1990-2000, the sample is broadened (contexts, countries, movie’s features) and conclusions are compared. Method: Content analysis reproducing to a great extent the process followed by the mentioned study. Conclusions: One big agreement and many discrepancies with the reference article. The agreement refers to the confusing contexts, idiosyncrasies and identities of PE teachers and coaches so the differences between those figures are indecipherable. Discrepancies revolve around: i) PE teachers’ lack of pedagogical ability in comparison with others; ii) the idea that PE teachers, by action or omission, humiliate and bully their pupils: although such characterization is sometimes evident, that’s not always the case and, furthermore, PE teachers seem to be as incompetent and insensitive in dealing with bullying as those of other subjects; and iii) about the general characterization of female PE teachers as “butch lesbians”, and their male counterparts as “hormone-raging heterosexuals” and ill-educated “buffoons”.Objetivo: analizar la (re)presentación del profesorado de Educación Física (EF, en adelante) en el cine. Tomando como referencia el trabajo de McCullick, Belcher, Hardin y Hardin (2003) basado en 18 películas estadounidenses del periodo 1990-2000, se amplía la muestra (épocas, países de origen y modalidad-características de las películas) y se contrastan las conclusiones. Método: análisis de contenido reproduciendo en buena medida el proceso seguido en el estudio mencionado. Conclusiones: un gran acuerdo y bastantes discrepancias con el trabajo de referencia. El acuerdo concierne a la similitud de idiosincrasia e identidad del entre el profesor de EF y el entrenador deportivo de modo que las diferencias entre ellos son indescifrables. Los desacuerdos giran en torno a i) las carencias en el quehacer pedagógico de los docentes de EF en comparación con los de las otras áreas; ii) la idea de que el profesorado de EF, por acción u omisión, acose o humille a sus alumnos: si bien dicha caracterización aparece, no siempre es así y, además, en el caso del bullying, los docentes de EF se muestran tan incompetentes e insensibles como los de las otras materias; y iii) sobre la caracterización de las profesoras como “butch lesbians”, de los docentes varones como “hormone-raging heterosexuals” y, también estos últimos, como graciosillos o maleducados bufones.Actividad Física y Deport


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    Drawing upon the movie Diamantes Negros (Black Diamonds), the purpose of this paper is to illustrate the potential of cinema as a resource, or text, of public sociology. The film deals with the issue of African child trafficking in soccer. The clarity of the story, the relevance of the problem addressed and the emotional involvement, moved us to inquire into such a problematic. Having considered the academic-scientific literature, we have confirmed, among other things, the following: a) the (almost) pioneering character of the filmic text within the Spanish context; and b) the discursive similarities among the academic texts and the cinematographic fiction. Taking into account these similarities and the content and formal features of the movie, it is argued that Diamantes Negros is a good example of a public sociology text.El propósito de este artículo es mostrar, sirviéndonos de la película Diamantes Negros, el potencial del cine como medio, recurso o texto de sociología pública. La película escogida aborda el asunto del tráfico de niños (africanos) en el ámbito del fútbol. Su claridad expositiva, la relevancia del problema narrado y el compromiso emocional que genera nos impulsó a indagar en dicha problemática. Al repasar la literatura académico-científica, hemos constatado, entre otras cosas, primero, el carácter casi pionero en el contexto español de dicho texto fílmico y, segundo, grandes coincidencias discursivas entre los escritos académicos convencionales y la ficción cinematográfica. Teniendo en cuenta dichas similitudes y el contenido y características formales de la película, se defiende que Diamantes Negros es un buen texto de sociología pública.Este artigo tem como propósito mostrar, utilizando-nos do filme Diamantes Negros, o potencial do cinema como meio, recurso ou texto de sociologia pública. O filme escolhido aborda o tema do tráfico de meninos (africanos) no âmbito do futebol. Foi sua clareza expositiva, a relevância do problema narrado e o compromisso emocional que nos impulsionou a tratar tal problemática. Ao revisar a literatura acadêmico-cientifica, constatamos, entre outros, primeiro, o caráter quase pioneiro do dito texto fílmico no contexto espanhol e, segundo, grandes coincidências discursivas entre os escritos acadêmicos convencionais e a ficção cinematográfica. Considerando tais similitudes, o conteúdo e as características formais do filme, defendemos que Diamantes Negros é exemplo de um bom texto de sociologia pública

    ¿De qué hablan los niños cuando hablan de Educación Física?

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    Aim: To look at Primary school children understanding of PE. Context: Two mixed class-groups (25 boys, 23 girls), fifth and sixth school year (age, 10-12) of an urban middle-class state-public Primary School; PE was taught by two experienced female teachers. Methodology: Four months of participant observation; besides the observation of the PE lessons, we sharpened our listening of children’ informal conversations and activated strategies to stimulate the spontaneous production of verbal and written texts; triangulation was carried out by one of the authors who played the role of an external critical friend analyzing the process, assessing the increasing systematization of the observations and partial drafts. Conclusions: Pupils’ views depends on their subject experiences; having said that, their discourse reproduces the results of other studies carried out through questionnaires and, mostly, in Secondary Education; children emphasize that they have a very good relation with their PE teaches, who are very nice and design cool lessons; PE lessons consist mainly on games and sports, it’s their favorite subject, there are not books, nobody fails and there are not worth mentioning conflicts.Objetivo: indagar en el significado de la EF para los niños. Contexto: dos grupos-clases mixtos (25 y 23 niños y niñas) de tercer ciclo de Educación Primaria (10-12 años) de un colegio público urbano de clase media; las clases de EF eran impartidas por dos experimentadas profesoras. Metodología: cuatro meses de observación participante; además de observar las clases de EF, se agudizó la escucha de las conversaciones informales y se activaron estrategias para estimular la producción espontánea de textos orales y escritos; triangulación a cargo de uno de los autores que desempeñó el papel de amigo crítico externo en el análisis y creciente sistematización del material, del proceso y de los escritos preliminares. Conclusiones: la visión de los niños depende de su experiencia en las clases de la asignatura; a partir de ahí, su discurso coincide con los resultados de otros estudios llevados a cabo mediante cuestionarios y, en la mayoría de los casos, en Educación Secundaria; según los niños, las profesoras son muy majas, se llevan muy bien con ellas y les preparan unas clases muy chulas; la EF se basa en juegos y deportes, es muy divertida, es su asignatura favorita, no hay libros, no suspende nadie y no hay conflictos reseñables

    New chromium steel grade for creep applications

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    In this study, a novel Chromium steel grade (COIN2) is produced as a result of a new steel composition and an innovative heat treatment. This new steel grade COIN2 evolves from the P92 steel grade and other novel steel grade recently created by the authors (COIN), and represents an enhancement of hardness, tensile properties, and creep behaviour with respect to them, which validates the metallurgical strategy used for further research in order to increase the efficiency of power plants and thus reduce the CO2 emissions. The characterization reveals a significant property improvement with the innovative thermal treatment, contributing to the production of a novel and more competitive steel grade for creep applications.This research was funded by the Basque Government under the ELKARTEK programme [KK-2019/00074]

    New chromium steel grade for creep applications

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    In this study, a novel Chromium steel grade (COIN2) is produced as a result of a new steel composition and an innovative heat treatment. This new steel grade COIN2 evolves from the P92 steel grade and other novel steel grade recently created by the authors (COIN), and represents an enhancement of hardness, tensile properties, and creep behaviour with respect to them, which validates the metallurgical strategy used for further research in order to increase the efficiency of power plants and thus reduce the CO2 emissions. The characterization reveals a significant property improvement with the innovative thermal treatment, contributing to the production of a novel and more competitive steel grade for creep applications.This research was funded by the Basque Government under the ELKARTEK programme [KK-2019/00074]

    Involvement of synaptonemal complex proteins in sex chromosome segregation during marsupial male meiosis

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    Marsupial sex chromosomes break the rule that recombination during first meiotic prophase is necessary to ensure reductional segregation during first meiotic division. It is widely accepted that in marsupials X and Y chromosomes do not share homologous regions, and during male first meiotic prophase the synaptonemal complex is absent between them. Although these sex chromosomes do not recombine, they segregate reductionally in anaphase I. We have investigated the nature of sex chromosome association in spermatocytes of the marsupial Thylamys elegans, in order to discern the mechanisms involved in ensuring their proper segregation. We focused on the localization of the axial/lateral element protein SCP3 and the cohesin subunit STAG3. Our results show that X and Y chromosomes never appear as univalents in metaphase I, but they remain associated until they orientate and segregate to opposite poles. However, they must not be tied by a chiasma since their separation precedes the release of the sister chromatid cohesion. Instead, we show they are associated by the dense plate, a SCP3-rich structure that is organized during the first meiotic prophase and that is still present at metaphase I. Surprisingly, the dense plate incorporates SCP1, the main protein of the central element of the synaptonemal complex, from diplotene until telophase I. Once sex chromosomes are under spindle tension, they move to opposite poles losing contact with the dense plate and undergoing early segregation. Thus, the segregation of the achiasmatic T. elegans sex chromosomes seems to be ensured by the presence in metaphase I of a synaptonemal complex-derived structure. This feature, unique among vertebrates, indicates that synaptonemal complex elements may play a role in chromosome segregation

    Relatos autobiográficos sobre la incompetencia motriz aprendida de un docente novel de Educación Física y sus posibilidades autoformativas

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    El objetivo del presente artículo, centrado en los relatos autobiográficos acerca de la incompetencia motriz aprendida de un maestro novel especialista en Educación Física, es ilustrar el modo en que tales relatos pueden contribuir a la autoformación permanente de un profesor al facilitar la toma de conciencia sobre los procesos mediante los que la educación física recrea rasgos de la identidad tan importantes como los sentimientos de incompetencia motriz y de alienación del propio cuerpo. La conclusión a la que se llega es un tanto ambigua: por un lado, se indica que, gracias a dicho proceso reflexivo, el docente novel se cuestiona y transforma el enfoque de la asignatura que imparte. Por otro, sin embargo, se muestra que no es capaz de desembarazarse por completo de los modelos y de la cultura hegemónicos a los cuales, paradójicamente, trata de aproximarse y encarnar

    Oral and Palmitate Paliperidone Long-Acting Injectable Formulations’ Use in Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders: A Retrospective Cohort Study from the First Episode Psychosis Intervention Program (CRUPEP)

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    Background: Long-acting injectable antipsychotics (LAIs) may be a suitable therapeutic option for those patients in earlier stages of psychosis to avoid relapses and disease progression. Despite that, there is a lack of evidence in the literature regarding the use of LAIs in this profile of patients. Methods: This is a retrospective cohort analysis to assess the efficacy, tolerability, and pattern of use of palmitate paliperidone long-acting injectable (PPLAI) formulations (1- and 3-month doses) compared to oral paliperidone/risperidone in patients with a nonaffective first episode of psychosis (FEP) over 12 months of follow-up. Relevant sociodemographic and clinical information were assessed, as well as main clinical scales: Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale, Personal and Social Performance Scale, and Clinical Global Impression Scale Improvement and Severity measures. Results: The study included 48 patients, 16 per arm, who were aged 20-50 years and had an FEP. Significant improvements were registered for all treatment groups. Despite that, patients receiving PPLAI 1- and 3-month formulations obtained greater improvements than those in the oral group in the main domains assessed (P < .001). We found no statistically significant differences in hospitalizations between groups. Side effects were presented in 24% of patients. A trend towards reducing antipsychotic doses was observed in 43.8% of patients to achieve the minimum effective dose and avoid the occurrence of side effects. Conclusions: To our knowledge, this is the first study assessing the use of palmitate paliperidone long-acting formulations versus oral risperidone or paliperidone in FEP. Treatment with PPLAI formulations seems to be an effective therapeutic choice at earlier stages of the disease