68 research outputs found

    Monitoring of the “Energiewende” – energy efficiency indicators for Germany

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    The increasing number of energy and climate targets both at national and international level induces a rising demand for regular monitoring. In this paper, we analyse the possibilities and limits of using energy efficiency indicators as a tool for monitoring these targets. We refer to the energy efficiency targets of the German “Energiewende” and calculate and discuss several energy efficiency indicators for Germany both at the level of the overall economy and the main energy consumption sectors. We make use of the energy efficiency indicator toolbox that we have developed within the ODYSSEE database in recent years and find that there is still a considerable gap to close to achieve the overall energy efficiency targets in Germany by 2020. We also show that progress in energy efficiency slowed down between 2008 and 2012, i.e. compared to the base year of most of the German energy efficiency targets and find that energy efficiency progress in the industrial sector during the last decade has been especially slow. We conclude that improvements in energy efficiency have to speed up considerably in order to achieve the targets for 2020. Although the use of energy efficiency indicators is limited by data constraints and some methodological problems, these indicators give a deep insight into the factors determining energy consumption and can therefore complement the official monitoring process of the German “Energiewende” which only relies on highly aggregated indicators for energy efficiency

    External Costs of Road, Rail and Air Transport - a Bottom-Up Approach

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    This paper aims to describe the calculation of environmental and health externalities caused by air pollutants, accidents and noise from different transport modes (road, rail, air) on the route Frankfurt-Milan. The investigation is part of the QUITS project (QUITS = Quality Indicators for Transport Systems), commissioned by the European Commission DG VII. The evaluation of the external costs is based on a bottom-up approach. The calculation involves four stages: emissions, dispersion, impacts, and costs, following the impact pathway approach. An integrated model for the valuation of environmental and health costs due to air pollutants will be presented consisting of three computer programmes which are linked together. For passenger road traffic, total external costs amount to about 44 ECU/1000 pkm on the route Frankfurt -Milan, including the impact categories air pollutants (15.6), global warming (5.2), noise (3.8), and accidents (19.6 ECU/1000 pkm). Concerning a comparison of the transport modes, external costs of passenger road traffic are about 9 times as high as those of rail traffic and about twice as high as those of air traffic. For goods transport by road, the total external costs (30.6 ECU/1000 tkm) are about 11 times as high as those of rail traffic. --external costs,transport systems,environmental impacts,bottom-up approach

    Characterization of the household electricity consumption in the EU, potential energy savings and specific policy recommendations

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    Although significant improvements in energy efficiency have been achieved in home appliances and lighting, the electricity consumption in the European Union household has increased by 2% per year during the past 10 years. Some reasons are associated with an increased degree of basic comfort and level of amenities and with the widespread utilisation of new types of loads. Wishing to increase the understanding of the energy consumption in the EU households for the different types of equipment including the consumers’ behaviour and comfort levels, and to identify demand trends, an energy monitoring campaign, was carried out in 12 geographically representative EU countries, accompanied by a lifestyle survey. From the measurements carried out it was concluded that Information Technologies and entertainment loads are key contributors to the power demand. In basically all types of loads there is wide range of performance levels in the models available in the market. Available technology, associated with responsible consumer behaviour, can reduce wasteful consumption. Based on a bottom up approach the European residential sector potential electricity savings that can be implemented by existing technologies and improved behaviour can reach 48%. The paper presents policy recommendations promoting market transformation and behavioural changes in the equipment selection and operation

    External Costs of Road, Rail and Air Transport - a Bottom-Up Approach

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    This paper aims to describe the calculation of environmental and health externalities caused by air pollutants, accidents and noise from different transport modes (road, rail, air) on the route Frankfurt-Milan. The investigation is part of the QUITS project (QUIT

    20% by 2020? Economy-wide impacts of energy efficiency improvement in Germany

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    The paper presents results of the implementation of an efficiency strategy in Germany until 2020 which is focused on cost-effective measures. The efficiency measures are calculated in bottom-up models and translated into a top-down macro-economic model. The comparison to a business as usual simulation shows some economy-wide rebound effects of about 17% of the overall energy savings. The analysis is limited to 2020. Given that an efficiency strategy is a long-term strategy, this puts the results on the rather conservative side. The results clearly show that improved energy efficiency results in a variety of positive effects on the economy and the environment. These range from reduced greenhouse gas emissions to improved competitiveness of firms and budget savings for consumers to economy wide impacts like additional employment and economic growth. Even the consideration of rebound effects did not change this picture significantly. Thus, exploiting the huge potential stemming from cost-effective efficiency measures should have high priority for the design of energy and climate policies.energy efficiency, bottom up scenario analysis, climate policy

    Standby and off-mode Power Demand of new Appliances in the Market

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    Proccedings are online at http://re.jrc.ec.europa.eu/energyefficiency/EEDAL/EEDAL11_Proceedings/19/138_Almeida_Anibal_ConsumerElectronics&ICT2.pdfPresentation available at http://www.eedal.dk/Conference/~/media/EEDAL/Sessions/Session%205/SELINA-EEDAL2011_Copenhagen_Gigli.ashxInternational audienceFor more than a decade, it has been recognized that the energy consumption in low power modes for electrical and electronic products is an important issue because it represent permanent loads (sometimes up to 24 hours per day) of a huge number of products. With the 1 W standby initiative of the International Energy Agency (IEA), several low power mode measurement campaigns have been led on a regular basis in a number of countries outside and inside Europe Union (EU). Based on these results and on the Energy-using Products Study Lot 6, the EU has prepared new regulation to limit the standby and off-mode power consumption of non-networked household electronic and electrical equipment, which is being applied since January 2010. The IEE project SELINA carried out a large scale monitoring campaign in shops in order to characterize the low power modes of new appliances being sold in the EU market. In order to ensure consistency of the collected data, a common measurement methodology was developed and the same high resolution measurement equipment was used by all partners. This publication analyzes the results of more than 6000 different equipments measured in the 12 EU countries involved in the project. Standby and off-mode values by product categories are analyzed and compared with data from other regions of the World. The measurements are also benchmarked against the new 2010/2013 EU standby and off mode regulation thresholds and the impact of the EU regulation is discussed. In parallel with the measurement campaign, an awareness study of the retailers was carried out. This survey helps to understand the customers' buying motivations and the influence of retailers' advice in their choices. An overview of the collected policies and initiatives to improve the low power mode energy consumption are reviewed

    Energieeffizienz, Strukturwandel und Produktionsentwicklung der deutschen Industrie

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    Aufbauend auf den Ergebnissen der Enquete-Kommission "Vorsorge zum Schutz der Erdatmosphäre des 11. Deutschen Bundestages im Jahre 1990 hatte die Bundesregierung in mehreren Kabinettsbeschlüssen Anfang der 90er Jahre die wesentlichen Grundelemente einer umfangreichen Strategie zur Reduktion der anthropogenen Emissionen von Treibhausgasen festgelegt. Besonderes Gewicht haben dabei die energiebedingten Emissionen und hier besonders die CO2_{2}-Emissionen, die durch die Verbrennung fossiler Energieträger entstehen. Seit den ersten Beschlüssen der Bundesregierung, die CO2_{2}-Emissionen bis zum Jahre 2005 um üehr als 25 % gegenüber seinem Ausgangswert von 1,08 Mrd. t im Jahre 1987 zu vermindern, sind die Emissionen der Treibhausgase deutlich zurückgegangen, die CO2_{2}-Emissionen bis Ende 1995 auf etwa 890 Mio. 1. Das Reduktionsziel wurde von Bundeskanzler Kohl auf der ersten Nachfolgekonferenz der Klimarahmenkonvention im April 1995 in Berlin nochmals bestätigt. Heute bezweifeln nicht wenige Praktiker in Wirtschaft und Verwaltung, daß dieses Ziel unter halbwegs akzeptablen Kosten und bei dem verbleibenden Zehn-Jahres-Zeithorizont noch zu erreichen sei, weil die bisherigen CO2_{2}-Emissionsminderungen ausschließlich in Ostdeutschland durch den Zusammenbruch der Wirtschaft und die erhebliche Substitution von Braunkohle durch Erdgas und Heizöl sowie mehr Energieeffizienz erreicht wurden. Andererseits betonen die Klimatologen, Geophysiker und Biologen, daß die Zielsetzung der Verminderung klimarelevanter Gasemissionen der Industrieländer weitere Etappen für 2020 mit 40 bis 50 % (ebenfalls bezogen auf das Jahr 1987) und für Mitte des kommenden Jahrhunderts mit 80 % zu erfüllen habe, wenn man eine nicht vermeidbare moderate Zunahme der Nutzung von fossilen Energieträgern der Schwellen- und Entwicklungsländer in den nächsten Jahrzehnten mitbetrachte. Aufgrund bisheriger Analysen sind einige Energiewirtschaftler - darunter auch die Autoren - der Meinung, daß die Kosten der zur Zielerreichung notwendigen Maßnahmen durchaus im Rahmen des Möglichen seien und andere positive Begleitwirkungen wie netto mehr Beschäftigung, eine bessere Position der Investitionsgtüterindustrie im Export und weniger Umweltschaden zu erwarten seien. Um die Frage von Akzeptanz und Kosten verschiedener klimapolitischer Optionen auf eine hinreichend präzise Basis stellen zu können, dient nunmehr u.a das IKARUS-Instrumentarium dazu, die politische Diskussion um energie-, verkehrs- und klimapolitische Optionen anhand quantitativ arbeitender Modelle und einer großen Datenbank zu unterstützen. Innerhalb von vier Jahren wurde nunmehr ein Instrumentarium erarbeitet, das einerseits über eine einheitlich strukturierte, breit und wissenschaftlich gut abgesicherte Datenbasis verfügt und andererseits aus einer Reihe von Rechenmodellen für Analysen besteht, die der Komplexität des [...

    Wirkung der Maßnahmen der Bundesregierung innerhalb der Zielarchitektur zum Umbau der Energieversorgung

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    Um die weitere Entwicklung der Energiewende zu gestalten, wurde mit dem Ersten Fortschrittsbericht zur Energiewende eine Strukturierung der verschiedenen Energiewendeziele nach Sektoren und Kategorien vorgenommen und in eine Hierarchie nach Strategie- und Steuerungsebene gebracht. Diese Strukturierung der Ziele wird in dieser Studie (und auch darüber hinaus) als Zielarchitektur bezeichnet. In der vorliegenden Studie werden die Wirkungen der Instrumente innerhalb der Zielarchitektur und ihr Zusammenspiel zur Erreichung der energiepolitischen Ziele analysiert. Auf Basis der erzielten Ergebnisse wird die Zielarchitektur im Hinblick auf die Erreichung der energie- und klimapolitischen Ziele sowie einer weiteren Optimierung der Energiewende hin untersucht. Dabei sollen insbesondere anhand der beiden Leitkriterien Kosteneffizienz und Systemintegration mögliche Korridore für Steuerungsziele wie auch Flexibilisierungsoptionen der Ziele identifiziert werden

    Standby and Off-Mode Energy Losses In New Appliances Measured in Shops

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    Selina project website at http://selina-project.eu PDF available online at http://selina-project.eu/files/SELINA_book.pdfInternational audienceThis document provides an overview of the most important results of the Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) Project SELINA - Standby and Off-Mode Energy Losses In New Appliances Measured in Shops. Standby power is a general term commonly used to describe the low power modes in which many electrical and electronic products are, when not performing their main function. For more than a decade, it has been recognized that the energy consumption in low power modes for electrical and electronic products is an important issue because it represent permanent loads (sometimes up to 24 hours per day) of a huge number of products. With the 1 W standby initiative of the International Energy Agency (IEA), several low power mode measurement campaigns have been led on a regular basis in a number of countries outside and inside Europe Union (EU). Based on these results and on the Energy-using Products Study Lot 6, the EU has prepared new regulation to limit the standby and off-mode power consumption of non-networked household electronic and electrical equipment, which is being applied since January 2010. The IEE project SELINA carried out a large scale monitoring campaign in shops in order to characterise the low power modes of new appliances being sold in the EU market. In order to ensure consistency of the collected data, a common measurement methodology was developed and the same high resolution measurement equipment was used by all partners. This document analyzes the results of more than 6000 different equipments measured in the 12 EU countries involved in the project. Standby and off-mode values by product categories were analysed and compared with data from other regions of the World. The measurements were also benchmarked against the new 2010/2013 EU standby and off mode regulation thresholds and the impact of the EU regulation is discussed. It was found that 18.5% of the equipments, whose off-mode power was measured, do not respect the EU regulation threshold of 1 W. When the measurements are compared to the 2013 threshold of 0.5 W, this percentage raises up to 41.5%. Regarding standby mode input power, 31% of the measured products did not comply with EU regulation limit for the 2010 threshold. When the standby measured values are compared to the 2013 limit, the number of products over the EU regulation target increases to 66.4%. When comparing the 2009 and 2010 measurements, only a slight decrease of the share of appliances exceeding the EU regulation limits was observed. In parallel with the measurement campaign, an awareness study of the retailers was carried out. This survey helps to understand the customers' buying motivations and the influence of retailers' advice in their choices. The results of the survey show that, despite of retailer's consciousness about the energy consumption and energy labels of the products, other types of sales arguments like the appliance price or functionalities are more frequently used to sell a product. This could be due to lack of visible information in shops related to the equipment energy consumption. Furthermore, the results show that retailers try to adapt their advice to the customers' needs (price and product functionalities). The retailers admitted that publishing more information regarding the energy consumption of products and some kind of cost saving calculator/reference would make the clients to opt for more efficient equipments. Based on the survey results and on the analysis of different existing policies targeting electrical and electronic products in Europe, examples of policies to improve the low power modes situation of the EU market are reviewed. The survey on measures enhancing the market transformation towards more energy-efficient electrical appliances showed a wide range of actions and policy tools in the SELINA partner countries. In national workshops, which mainly took place in the late summer/early autumn 2010, these measures were presented and discussed with all relevant national stakeholders. In most countries, information campaigns (esp. brochures, leaflets, websites, and national labels) are the dominating measure type. In some countries, however, financial subsidies for very energy-efficient appliances, often paid by an energy utility and not by the government, play an important role, too (e.g. in the Czech Republic or Switzerland). In general, the impact of a financial programme is easier to quantify than the single impact of an information campaign, which often serves as an accompanying measure for regulations (labels, minimum efficiency standards) or fiscal and financial measures. International cooperation with key institutions outside the EU, involved in similar efforts, such as the IEA Implementing Agreement 4E (Efficient Electrical End-use Equipment) with an Annex on Standby, the Energy Star/EPA in USA, the Australia Standby Initiative and the Swiss Federal Office of Energy, were used to promote synergies in the definition of common approaches to characterize the market and to define realistic and cost-effective performance targets which can be achieved in a short time frame. Special care is required when promoting low standby consumption products (without consideration of other attributes) to ensure that there are no perverse effects such as the inadvertent promotion of products with low active mode efficiency and high energy consumption. It is desirable to follow a vertical approach to standby, where low power modes are combined with active modes to give total energy consumption. This approach is particularly preferable for products where the total energy consumption is significant. The definition of usage patterns under such a vertical approach is necessarily product specific and this could vary by region or country. The new technologies offer many opportunities for energy savings potential but there are also some threats which need to be recognized and understood. There is a strong need to ensure that energy saving paradigms and strategies become a core consideration in future product designs. It is recognized that equipments connected to networks are of growing importance. It is recommended that increased efforts to compile data and measurements, of networked products, from a variety of sources in order to obtain better information on networked product characteristics, needs to be made. An online database was created so that everyone can access the input power values, in the different equipment low power modes, of the more than 6000 equipments measured. A Standby Calculator Tool was also developed and can be accessed through the project website. It can be used to calculate the consumed energy, the annual cost and the equivalent CO2 emissions. In order to compare the results in an easy way, a diagram that shows the energy consumption of the different models is presented. Furthermore, the values for the most efficient device are also showed, in order to have an additional comparison. One of the main objectives of this project was to identify effective market transformation policies initiatives targeted at all the key stakeholders involved in the manufacture, distribution, sales, purchasing and operation of appliances with standby and off-mode losses. As a result of the future policy actions that may appear after the end of the project, considering loads in networked mode, it is expected to achieve very large cost-effective savings of electricity (80 TWh projected by 2020) and carbon emissions (30 MTons of CO2 by 2020)

    Establishing What Constitutes a Healthy Human Gut Microbiome: State of the Science, Regulatory Considerations, and Future Directions.

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    On December 17, 2018, the North American branch of the International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI North America) convened a workshop "Can We Begin to Define a Healthy Gut Microbiome Through Quantifiable Characteristics?" with >40 invited academic, government, and industry experts in Washington, DC. The workshop objectives were to 1) develop a collective expert assessment of the state of the evidence on the human gut microbiome and associated human health benefits, 2) see if there was sufficient evidence to establish measurable gut microbiome characteristics that could serve as indicators of "health," 3) identify short- and long-term research needs to fully characterize healthy gut microbiome-host relationships, and 4) publish the findings. Conclusions were as follows: 1) mechanistic links of specific changes in gut microbiome structure with function or markers of human health are not yet established; 2) it is not established if dysbiosis is a cause, consequence, or both of changes in human gut epithelial function and disease; 3) microbiome communities are highly individualized, show a high degree of interindividual variation to perturbation, and tend to be stable over years; 4) the complexity of microbiome-host interactions requires a comprehensive, multidisciplinary research agenda to elucidate relationships between gut microbiome and host health; 5) biomarkers and/or surrogate indicators of host function and pathogenic processes based on the microbiome need to be determined and validated, along with normal ranges, using approaches similar to those used to establish biomarkers and/or surrogate indicators based on host metabolic phenotypes; 6) future studies measuring responses to an exposure or intervention need to combine validated microbiome-related biomarkers and/or surrogate indicators with multiomics characterization of the microbiome; and 7) because static genetic sampling misses important short- and long-term microbiome-related dynamic changes to host health, future studies must be powered to account for inter- and intraindividual variation and should use repeated measures within individuals