317 research outputs found

    New Approaches to Multi-functional Soft Materials

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    Soft robotics is a relatively new, but fast-developing field of science and technology that utilizes soft materials such as polymers in their body structure. Despite significant progress in soft robotic devices, robots that can sense their environments are still very rare. Although some soft robots have exhibited sensing capabilities, they still have not demonstrated synergistic coupling of sensing and actuation. From our perspective, this type of coupling may take us one step closer to fabricate soft robots with autonomous feedback dynamics. In this work, we present new approaches to soft robotic devices, which are fabricated from responsive soft materials and are able to exhibit synergistic coupling of structural color-based sensing and actuation in response to environmental stimuli. Cephalopods, such as cuttlefish, are excellent models of coupled sensing and actuation. They demonstrate remarkable adaptability to the coloration and texture of their surroundings by modulating their skin color and surface morphology simultaneously and reversibly, for adaptive camouflage and signal communication. Inspired by this unique feature of cuttlefish skins, we present a general approach to remote-controlled, smart films that undergo simultaneous changes of surface color and morphology upon infrared (IR) actuation. The smart film has a reconfigurable laminated structure that comprises an IR-responsive nanocomposite actuator layer and a mechanochromic elastomeric photonic crystal layer. Upon global or localized IR irradiation, the actuator layer exhibits fast, large, and reversible strain in the irradiated region, which causes a synergistically coupled change in the shape of the laminated film and color of the mechanochromic elastomeric photonic crystal layer in the same region. Complex 3D shapes, such as bending and twisting deformations, can be created under IR irradiation, by modulating the strain direction in the actuator layer of the laminated film. Finally, the laminated film has been used in a remote-controlled inchworm walker that can directly couple a color-changing skin with the robotic movements. Such IR-actuated, reconfigurable films could enable new functions in soft robots and wearable devices. A crucial aspect of soft robotics is the sensing capabilities of the robot. Colorimetric sensing based on structural colors, mostly photonic crystals, has been explored. A major challenge is overcoming the problems of limited scalability and time-consuming fabrication process, which affect the real-world applications of photonic crystals. Herein, we have developed a new scalable and affordable platform technology for fabrication of stimuli-responsive, interference colored films. Our system is composed of a thin film of a transparent polymer deposited on a metal-coated substrate. The facile fabrication process allows us to create full spectrum of interference colors on both rigid and soft substrates by simply adjusting the thickness of the polymer layer. Furthermore, our films have been used as colorimetric sensors which undergo fast and reversible change of surface color upon changes in environmental humidity. Such polymer-based, responsive interference coloration could empower colorimetric sensing of various environmental stimuli (e.g. humidity, chemicals, heat, and mechanical forces), which could enable a wide range of applications

    Infrared actuation-induced simultaneous reconfiguration of surface color and morphology for soft robotics

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    Cephalopods, such as cuttlefish, demonstrate remarkable adaptability to the coloration and texture of their surroundings by modulating their skin color and surface morphology simultaneously, for the purpose of adaptive camouflage and signal communication. Inspired by this unique feature of cuttlefish skins, we present a general approach to remote-controlled, smart films that undergo simultaneous changes of surface color and morphology upon infrared (IR) actuation. The smart film has a reconfigurable laminated structure that comprises an IR-responsive nanocomposite actuator layer and a mechanochromic elastomeric photonic crystal layer. Upon global or localized IR irradiation, the actuator layer exhibits fast, large, and reversible strain in the irradiated region, which causes a synergistically coupled change in the shape of the laminated film and color of the mechanochromic elastomeric photonic crystal layer in the same region. Bending and twisting deformations can be created under IR irradiation, through modulating the strain direction in the actuator layer of the laminated film. Furthermore, the laminated film has been used in a remote-controlled inchworm walker that can directly couple a color-changing skin with the robotic movements. Such remote-controlled, smart films may open up new application possibilities in soft robotics and wearable devices

    Improving levodopa delivery: IPX203, a novel extended-release carbidopa-levodopa formulation.

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    INTRODUCTION: IPX203 is a novel oral extended-release (ER) formulation of carbidopa (CD) and levodopa (LD) developed to address the short half-life and limited area for absorption of LD in the gastrointestinal tract. This paper presents the formulation strategy of IPX203 and its relationship to the pharmacokinetics (PK) and pharmacodynamic profile of IPX203 in Parkinson\u27s disease (PD) patients. METHODS: IPX203 was developed with an innovative technology containing immediate-release (IR) granules and ER beads that provides rapid LD absorption to achieve desired plasma concentration and maintaining it within the therapeutic range for longer than can be achieved with current oral LD formulations. The PK and pharmacodynamics of IPX203 were compared with IR CD-LD in a Phase 2, open-label, rater-blinded, multicenter, crossover study in patients with advanced PD. RESULTS: Pharmacokinetic data showed that on Day 15, LD concentrations were sustained above 50% of peak for 6.2 h with IPX203 vs. 3.9 h with IR CD-LD (P = 0.0002). Pharmacodynamic analysis demonstrated that mean MDS-UPDRS Part III scores prior to administration of the first daily dose were significantly lower among patients receiving IPX203 than IR CD-LD (LS mean difference –8.1 [25.0], P = 0.0255). In a study conducted in healthy volunteers, a high-fat, high-calorie meal delayed plasma LD Tmax by 2 h, and increased Cmax and AUCtau by approximately 20% compared with a fasted state. Sprinkling capsule contents on applesauce did not affect PK parameters. CONCLUSION: These data confirm that the unique design of IPX203 addresses some of the limitations of oral LD delivery

    A Novel Approach to the Common Due-Date Problem on Single and Parallel Machines

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    This paper presents a novel idea for the general case of the Common Due-Date (CDD) scheduling problem. The problem is about scheduling a certain number of jobs on a single or parallel machines where all the jobs possess different processing times but a common due-date. The objective of the problem is to minimize the total penalty incurred due to earliness or tardiness of the job completions. This work presents exact polynomial algorithms for optimizing a given job sequence for single and identical parallel machines with the run-time complexities of O(nlogn)O(n \log n) for both cases, where nn is the number of jobs. Besides, we show that our approach for the parallel machine case is also suitable for non-identical parallel machines. We prove the optimality for the single machine case and the runtime complexities of both. Henceforth, we extend our approach to one particular dynamic case of the CDD and conclude the chapter with our results for the benchmark instances provided in the OR-library.Comment: Book Chapter 22 page

    TLR7-mediated skin inflammation remotely triggers chemokine expression and leukocyte accumulation in the brain

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    Background: The relationship between the brain and the immune system has become increasingly topical as, although it is immune-specialised, the CNS is not free from the influences of the immune system. Recent data indicate that peripheral immune stimulation can significantly affect the CNS. But the mechanisms underpinning this relationship remain unclear. The standard approach to understanding this relationship has relied on systemic immune activation using bacterial components, finding that immune mediators, such as cytokines, can have a significant effect on brain function and behaviour. More rarely have studies used disease models that are representative of human disorders. Methods: Here we use a well-characterised animal model of psoriasis-like skin inflammation—imiquimod—to investigate the effects of tissue-specific peripheral inflammation on the brain. We used full genome array, flow cytometry analysis of immune cell infiltration, doublecortin staining for neural precursor cells and a behavioural read-out exploiting natural burrowing behaviour. Results: We found that a number of genes are upregulated in the brain following treatment, amongst which is a subset of inflammatory chemokines (CCL3, CCL5, CCL9, CXCL10, CXCL13, CXCL16 and CCR5). Strikingly, this model induced the infiltration of a number of immune cell subsets into the brain parenchyma, including T cells, NK cells and myeloid cells, along with a reduction in neurogenesis and a suppression of burrowing activity. Conclusions: These findings demonstrate that cutaneous, peripheral immune stimulation is associated with significant leukocyte infiltration into the brain and suggest that chemokines may be amongst the key mediators driving this response

    Targeting CXCR7/ACKR3 as a therapeutic strategy to promote remyelination in the adult central nervous system

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    Current treatment modalities for the neurodegenerative disease multiple sclerosis (MS) use disease-modifying immunosuppressive compounds but do not promote repair. Although several potential targets that may induce myelin production have been identified, there has yet to be an approved therapy that promotes remyelination in the damaged central nervous system (CNS). Remyelination of damaged axons requires the generation of new oligodendrocytes from oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs). Although OPCs are detected in MS lesions, repair of myelin is limited, contributing to progressive clinical deterioration. In the CNS, the chemokine CXCL12 promotes remyelination via CXCR4 activation on OPCs, resulting in their differentiation into myelinating oligodendrocytes. Although the CXCL12 scavenging receptor CXCR7/ACKR3 (CXCR7) is also expressed by OPCs, its role in myelin repair in the adult CNS is unknown. We show that during cuprizone-induced demyelination, in vivo CXCR7 antagonism augmented OPC proliferation, leading to increased numbers of mature oligodendrocytes within demyelinated lesions. CXCR7-mediated effects on remyelination required CXCR4 activation, as assessed via both phospho-S339-CXCR4–specific antibodies and administration of CXCR4 antagonists. These findings identify a role for CXCR7 in OPC maturation during remyelination and are the first to use a small molecule to therapeutically enhance myelin repair in the demyelinated adult CNS

    Effect of the Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein-1/CC Chemokine Receptor 2 System on Nephrin Expression in Streptozotocin-Treated Mice and Human Cultured Podocytes

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    OBJECTIVE-Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1), a chemokine binding to the CC chemokine receptor 2 (CCR2) and promoting monocyte infiltration, has been implicated in the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy. To assess the potential relevance of the MCP-1/CCR2 system in the pathogenesis of diabetic proteinuria, we studied in vitro if MCP-1 binding to the CCR2 receptor modulates nephrin expression in cultured podocytes. Moreover, we investigated in vivo if glomerular CCR2 expression is altered in kidney biopsies from patients with diabetic nephropathy and whether lack of MCP-1 affects proteinuria and expression of nephrin in experimental diabetes. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS-Expression of nephrin was assessed in human podocytes exposed to rh-MCP-1 by immunofluorescence and real-time PCR. Glomerular CCR2 expression was studied in 10 kidney sections from patients with overt nephropathy and eight control subjects by immunohistochemistry. Both wild-type and MCP-1 knockout mice were made diabetic with streptozotocin. Ten weeks after the onset of diabetes, albuminuria and expression of nephrin, synaptopodin, and zonula occludens-1 were examined by immunofluorescence and immunoblotting. RESULTS-In human podocytes, MCP-1 binding to the CCR2 receptor induced a significant reduction in nephrin both mRNA and protein expression via a Rho-dependent mechanism. The MCP-1 receptor, CCR2, was overexpressed in the glomerular podocytes of patients with overt nephropathy. In experimental diabetes, MCP-1 was overexpressed within the glomeruli and the absence of MCP-1 reduced both albuminuria and downregulation of nephrin and synaptopodin. CONCLUSIONS-These findings suggest that the MCP-1/CCR2 system may be relevant in the pathogenesis of proteinuria in diabetes

    A review of the relationship between proinflammatory cytokines and major depressive disorder.

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    BACKGROUND: Determining etiological factors and reviewing advances in diagnostic modalities sensitive and specific to Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is of importance in its evaluation and treatment. The inflammatory hypothesis is one of the most prevalent topics concerning MDD and may provide insight into the pathogenesis of depression, development of biomarkers, and ultimately production of more effective depression therapies. METHOD: We reviewed several studies to evaluate contemporary concepts concerning proinflammatory cytokines and their relationship to various depressive disorders, the use of anti-inflammatory therapies in MDD treatment, and the application of neuroimaging in conjunction with cytokine profiles from both plasma and CSF as possible diagnostic tools. RESULTS: Proinflammatory cytokines in both plasma and CSF have been found to influence the progression and severity of depressive disorders in different populations. Studies have shown elevated serum levels of IL-1, IL-6, TNF-α, CRP, and MCP-1 in depressed patients, but have presented mixed results with IL-8 serum levels, and with IL-6 and MCP-1 CSF levels. Anti-inflammatory treatment of MDD may have adjuvant properties with current depression medications. MRI and NIRS neuroimaging confirm neurological abnormalities in the presence of elevated proinflammatory cytokines in depressed or stressed patients. LIMITATIONS: Heterogeneity of MDD and limited CSF cytokine research complicate the study of MDD pathogenesis. CONCLUSION: There is significant evidence that inflammatory processes influence the development and progression of MDD. Future studies with larger arrays of cytokine profiles aided by neuroimaging may provide more sensitive and specific modes of diagnostics in determining MDD etiology and provide guidance in individual therapies

    Glioblastoma cellular cross-talk converges on NF-κB to attenuate EGFR inhibitor sensitivity

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    Funding Information: We thank Dr. David James, Dr. Frederick Lang, Dr. Cameron Brennan, and Dr. Harley Kornblum for GBM-PDX neurospheres. We thank Dr. Karen Arden for continuous support and critical evaluation of the results. We thank Dr. Robert Davis, Dr. German Gomez, Dr. Tiffany Taylor, Dr. Rachel Reed, Dr. Melissa Mcalonis, and Dr. Sora Lee for technical support. In memory of Rosa Lupo. This work was supported by the Defeat GBM Research Collaborative, a subsidiary of the National Brain Tumor Society (F.B.F. and P.S.M.), R01-NS080939 (F.B.F.), the James S. McDonnell Foundation (F.B.F.), the National Cancer Institute (2T32CA009523-29A1) (A.H.T), and 1RO1NS097649-01 (C.C.C.). C.Z. was partially supported by an American-Italian Cancer Foundation post-doctoral research fellowship. F.L. received a Gao Feng Gao Yuan Scholarship Award. T.C.G., A.K.S., P.S.M., W.K.C., and F.B.F. receive salary and additional support from the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research. Publisher Copyright: © 2017 Zanca et al.In glioblastoma (GBM), heterogeneous expression of amplified and mutated epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) presents a substantial challenge for the effective use of EGFR-directed therapeutics. Here we demonstrate that heterogeneous expression of the wild-type receptor and its constitutively active mutant form, EGFRvIII, limits sensitivity to these therapies through an interclonal communication mechanism mediated by interleukin-6 (IL-6) cytokine secreted from EGFRvIII-positive tumor cells. IL-6 activates a NF-κB signaling axis in a paracrine and autocrine manner, leading to bromodomain protein 4 (BRD4)-dependent expression of the prosurvival protein survivin (BIRC5) and attenuation of sensitivity to EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs). NF-κB and survivin are coordinately up-regulated in GBM patient tumors, and functional inhibition of either protein or BRD4 in in vitro and in vivo models restores sensitivity to EGFR TKIs. These results provide a rationale for improving anti-EGFR therapeutic efficacy through pharmacological uncoupling of a convergence point of NF-κB-mediated survival that is leveraged by an interclonal circuitry mechanism established by intratumoral mutational heterogeneity.publishersversionPeer reviewe