86 research outputs found

    “Compliance” empresarial: la labor de empresa más allá de los bienes jurídico-penales. Perspectiva española

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    This paper analyzes, the link that ties the study of the phenom­enon of criminal compliance with global strategic priorities (human security, sustainable development) established by international organizations such as the United Nations) from a comparative law perspective. The phenomenon of criminal compliance is capable of avoiding or reducing the risks arising from business activity to levels of social tolerance. It is considered that this approach will serve for democratic States to strengthen the rule of law and, particularly, the legal guidelines related to the prevention of compliance within and outside national borders. Thus, the present work, for the drafting of which a variety of strategic criminal and extra-criminal documents were examined, warns that the preventive model offered by compliance in order to protect legal-criminal assets may be useful to contain other risks that cause insecurity in current societies.Este artículo analiza, desde una óptica de derecho comparado, el vínculo que une el estudio del fenómeno del criminal compliance, capaz de evitar o reducir hasta niveles de tolerancia social los riesgos emanados de la actividad empresarial, con las prioridades estratégicas globales (seguridad humana, desarrollo sostenible) establecidas por organismos internacionales como, por ejemplo, Naciones Unidas. Se considera que este enfoque servirá para que los Estados democráticos fortalezcan el Estado de derecho y, particu­larmente, las pautas legales relativas a la prevención en materia de compliance dentro y fuera de las fronteras nacionales. Así, el presente trabajo, para cuya redacción se examinó una variedad de documentos estratégicos penales y extrapenales, advierte que el modelo preventivo ofrecido por el compliance en aras de proteger bienes jurídico-penales puede ser útil para contener otros riesgos que causan inseguridad en las sociedades actuales

    Seguridad, Ciencias Penales y Compliance: management empresarial y delincuencia corporativa

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    [ES] El trabajo está estructurado en cinco capítulos, respondiendo su temática a la demostración de unos objetivos concretos en cada uno de ellos, siendo el objetivo principal de esta investigación acreditar que las personas jurídicas de grandes dimensiones son capaces de afectar la seguridad nacional, la seguridad humana, los derechos humanos y los bienes jurídico-penales como consecuencia de un déficit estructural organizativo que enlazaría con los criterios de imputación penal con base en la autorresponsabilidad. Además, es de interés de este trabajo, compartir y generar conocimiento sobre los delitos corporativos, pero también propuestas de elaboración, modificación e interpretación de la ley penal para que los programas de cumplimiento no se conviertan en una bula papal, sinónimo de impunidad para las macro corporaciones y una carga económica insostenible para las Pymes. Por ello, la investigación se realiza plenamente desde una perspectiva de cumplimento normativo, por lo que la visión de compliance será transveral a toda la investigación. En definitiva, es fin de este trabajo de investigación poder elaborar un discurso argumentativo sobre la distinción entre fenómenos delictivos de grandes y pequeñas organizaciones, destacando, además, el valor de los programas de cumplimiento normativo desde la triple perspectiva de las Ciencias Penales, para la prevención y reacción frente a la delincuencia corporativa. Así, el objetivo final será elegir la alternativa más apropiada para elaborar leyes legítimas y eficaces contra la delincuencia corporativa, desde el profundo conocimiento de su etiología criminal concreta mediante el análisis de casos reales

    Security, corruption, and development: A global view from Compliance perspective. Spanish point of view

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    El presente trabajo de investigación tiene por finalidad analizar la vinculación de los fenómenos delincuenciales corporativos con conductas propias de la corrupción y el deterioro de los bienes jurídico-penales, los derechos humanos y la seguridad nacional. Si el management empresarial es responsable, diligente, ético con base en el cumplimiento normativo las empresas pueden contribuir al logro de la seguridad en sentido amplio. Por el contrario, las organizaciones que gestionen sus actividades desde el mal gobierno, la no ética y la falta de diligencia debida pueden convertirse en una amenaza para la seguridad y el desarrollo económico de los Estados democráticos. En consecuencia, el compliance no es cuestión ajena a nociones de seguridad y derechos humanos dentro de un mundo ultra competitivo en lo económico y en el que el Estado del bienestar se encuentra claramente en retroceso.This paper has as aim to link corporate crimes to corrupt behaviours and to the depreciation of criminal legal assets, human rights and national security. Provided that the enterprise management is responsible, diligent, ethical, based on compliance, enterprises will obtain the security understood as a broad concept. Notwithstanding, enterprises that have a bad governance, an unethical behaviour and a lack of diligence, may become a threat to national security and economic development of States. As a consequence, criminal compliance is related to the concepts of security and human rights in a competitive environment as well as in a world where the welfare state is shrinking

    Nuevos desafíos frente a la criminalidad organizada transnacional y el terrorismo

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    - Divulgação dos SUMÁRIOS das obras recentemente incorporadas ao acervo da Biblioteca Ministro Oscar Saraiva do STJ. Em respeito à Lei de Direitos Autorais, não disponibilizamos a obra na íntegra.- Localização na estante: 343.9 N989d- Coordenado por: Laura Zúñiga Rodríguez e Julio Ballesteros Sánchez

    Impacts of swat weather generator statistics from high-resolution datasets on monthly streamflow simulation over Peninsular Spain

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    [EN] Study region: Peninsular Spain. Study focus: Weather data are the key drivers of hydrological modelling. However, available weather data can present gaps in data sequences and are often limited in their spatial coverage for use in such hydrological models as the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). To overcome this limitation, SWAT includes a weather generator algorithm that can complete this data based on long-term weather statistics. This work presents a newly developed weather statistics dataset for Peninsular Spain (PSWG), calculated from national gridded datasets according to the SWAT model format. PSWG provides a higher resolution that stands as a compelling alternative to the statistics calculated from the Climate Forecast System Reanalysis (CFSR) that are available on the SWAT website. New hydrological insights for the region: The dataset has been evaluated using PSWG and CFSR datasets for different data availability scenarios to reconstruct weather series in three watersheds with contrasting weather climates. Results underscore the superiority of the PSWG dataset in reconstructing missing data for hydrological simulations. This approach provides a strong alternative for SWAT applications in Peninsular Spain and the applied methodology can be replicated in other countries that dispose of high-resolution gridded rainfall and temperature datasets.This research was funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of Spain under grants RTC-2017-6389-5 and RTI2018096384BI00. This work has also received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme within the framework of the project SMARTLAGOON under grant agreement No. 101017861. Adrian Lopez Ballesteros was sponsored by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities of Spain under an FPU grant (FPU17/00923) and Jose M. Cecilia under the Ramon y Cajal Program (Grant No. RYC2018025580I) . The authors would like to acknowledge AEMET for the precipitation and air temperature data provided for this work (AEMET grid dataset can be found at http:// www.aemet.es/es/serviciosclimaticos/cambio_climat) .Senent-Aparicio, J.; Jimeno-Sáez, P.; López-Ballesteros, A.; Ginés Giménez, J.; Pérez-Sánchez, J.; Cecilia-Canales, JM.; Srinivasan, R. (2021). Impacts of swat weather generator statistics from high-resolution datasets on monthly streamflow simulation over Peninsular Spain. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies. 35:1-15. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejrh.2021.100826S1153

    What drives growth of Scots pine in continental Mediterranean climates: drought, low temperatures or both?

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    Scots pine forests subjected to continental Mediterranean climates undergo cold winter temperatures and drought stress. Recent climatic trends towards warmer and drier conditions across the Mediterranean Basin might render some of these pine populations more vulnerable to drought-induced growth decline at the Southernmost limit of the species distribution. We investigated how cold winters and dry growing seasons drive the radial growth of Scots pine subject to continental Mediterranean climates by relating growth to climate variables at local (elevational gradient) and regional (latitudinal gradient) scales. Local climate-growth relationships were quantified on different time scales (5-, 10- and 15-days) to evaluate the relative role of elevation and specific site characteristics. A negative water balance driven by high maximum temperatures in June (low-elevation sites) and July (high-elevation sites) was the major constraint on growth, particularly on a 5- to 10-day time scale. Warm nocturnal conditions in January were associated with wider rings at the high-elevation sites. At the regional scale, Scots pine growth mainly responded positively to July precipitation, with a stronger association at lower elevations and higher latitudes. January minimum temperatures showed similar patterns but played a secondary role as a driver of tree growth. The balance between positive and negative effects of summer precipitation and winter temperature on radial growth depends on elevation and latitude, with low-elevation populations being more prone to suffer drought and heat stress; whereas, high-elevation populations may be favoured by warmer winter conditions. This negative impact of summer heat and drought has increased during the past decades. This interaction between climate and site conditions and local adaptations is therefore decisive for the future performance and persistence of Scots pine populations in continental Mediterranean climates. Forecasting changes in the Scots pine range due to climate change should include this site-related information to obtain more realistic predictions, particularly in Mediterranean rear-edge areas

    Actualización, Investigación y Desarrollo en el Entorno Docente de Arquitectura de Computadores en la Universidad de Extremadura

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    En este articulo exponemos las experiencias docentes de diversos profesores que imparten docencia en una unidad temática formada por asignaturas del área de arquitectura de computadores, en la titulación de Ingeniería Informática de la Universidad de Extremadura. Resaltamos la innovación en la docencia a través de la implementación de laboratorios avanzados (dotados de hardware y software que son utilizados actualmente en el mercado tecnológico), el uso de simuladores de propósito especifico (que cubren aspectos puntuales de la docencia, algunos de los cuales se han desarrollado específicamente con este fin), la actualización de los contenidos docentes (mediante la renovación continuada de los fondos bibliográficos y mediante la relación con otras universidades), y la conexión con la investigación (resultados de la investigación desarrollada que revierten en la docencia)

    Plasticity in dendroclimatic response across the distribution range of Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis)

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    We investigated the variability of the climate-growth relationship of Aleppo pine across its distribution range in the Mediterranean Basin. We constructed a network of tree-ring index chronologies from 63 sites across the region. Correlation function analysis identified the relationships of tree-ring index to climate factors for each site. We also estimated the dominant climatic gradients of the region using principal component analysis of monthly, seasonal, and annual mean temperature and total precipitation from 1,068 climatic gridpoints. Variation in ring width index was primarily related to precipitation and secondarily to temperature. However, we found that the dendroclimatic relationship depended on the position of the site along the climatic gradient. In the southern part of the distribution range, where temperature was generally higher and precipitation lower than the regional average, reduced growth was also associated with warm and dry conditions. In the northern part, where the average temperature was lower and the precipitation more abundant than the regional average, reduced growth was associated with cool conditions. Thus, our study highlights the substantial plasticity of Aleppo pine in response to different climatic conditions. These results do not resolve the source of response variability as being due to either genetic variation in provenance, to phenotypic plasticity, or a combination of factors. However, as current growth responses to inter-annual climate variability vary spatially across existing climate gradients, future climate-growth relationships will also likely be determined by differential adaptation and/or acclimation responses to spatial climatic variation. The contribution of local adaptation and/or phenotypic plasticity across populations to the persistence of species under global warming could be decisive for prediction of climate change impacts across populations. In this sense, a more complex forest dynamics modeling approach that includes the contribution of genetic variation and phenotypic plasticity can improve the reliability of the ecological inferences derived from the climate-growth relationships.This work was partially supported by Spanish Ministry of Education and Science co-funded by FEDER program (CGL2012-31668), the European Union and the National Ministry of Education and Religion of Greece (EPEAEK- Environment – Archimedes), the Slovenian Research Agency (program P4-0015), and the USDA Forest Service. The cooperation among international partners was supported by the COST Action FP1106, STREeSS