214 research outputs found

    A review of the polygraph: history, methodology and current status

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    The history of research into psychophysiological measurements as an aid to detecting lying, widely known as the ‘lie detector’ or polygraph is the focus of this review. The physiological measurements used are detailed and the debates that exist in regards to its role in the investigative process are introduced. Attention is given to the main polygraph testing methods, namely the Comparative Question Test and the Concealed Information Test. Discussion of these two central methods, their uses and problems forms the basis of the review. Recommendations for future research are made specifically in regards to improving current polygraph technology and exploring the role of the polygraph in combination with other deception detection techniques

    Elemental Composition of Natural Nanoparticles and Fine Colloids in European Forest Stream Waters and Their Role as Phosphorus Carriers

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    "This is the peer reviewed version of the following article: Gottselig, N., W. Amelung, J. W. Kirchner, R. Bol, W. Eugster, S. J. Granger, C. Hernández-Crespo, et al. 2017. Elemental Composition of Natural Nanoparticles and Fine Colloids in European Forest Stream Waters and Their Role as Phosphorus Carriers. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 31 (10). American Geophysical Union (AGU): 1592 1607. doi:10.1002/2017gb005657, which has been published in final form at https://doi.org/10.1002/2017GB005657. This article may be used for non-commercial purposes in accordance with Wiley Terms and Conditions for Self-Archiving."[EN] Biogeochemical cycling of elements largely occurs in dissolved state, but many elements may also be bound to natural nanoparticles (NNP, 1-100 nm) and fine colloids (100-450 nm). We examined the hypothesis that the size and composition of stream water NNP and colloids vary systematically across Europe. To test this hypothesis, 96 stream water samples were simultaneously collected in 26 forested headwater catchments along two transects across Europe. Three size fractions (similar to 1-20 nm, >20-60 nm, and >60 nm) of NNP and fine colloids were identified with Field Flow Fractionation coupled to inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and an organic carbon detector. The results showed that NNP and fine colloids constituted between 2 +/- 5% (Si) and 53 +/- 21% (Fe; mean +/- SD) of total element concentrations, indicating a substantial contribution of particles to element transport in these European streams, especially for P and Fe. The particulate contents of Fe, Al, and organic C were correlated to their total element concentrations, but those of particulate Si, Mn, P, and Ca were not. The fine colloidal fractions >60 nm were dominated by clay minerals across all sites. The resulting element patterns of NNP <60 nm changed from North to South Europe from Fe-to Ca-dominated particles, along with associated changes in acidity, forest type, and dominant lithology.The authors gratefully acknowledge the assistance of the following people in locating suitable sampling sites, contacting site operators, performing the sampling, and providing data: A. Avila Castells (Autonomous University of Barcelona), R. Batalla (University of Lleida), P. Blomkvist (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences), H. Bogena (Julich Research Center), A.K. Boulet (University of Aveiro), D. Estany (University of Lleida), F. Garnier (French National Institute of Agricultural Research), H.J. Hendricks-Franssen (Research Center Julich), L. JacksonBlake (James Hutton Institute, NIVA), T. Laurila (Finnish Meteorological Institute), A. Lindroth (Lund University), M.M. Monerris (Universitat Politecnica de Valencia), M. Ottosson Lofvenius (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences), I. Taberman (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences), F. Wendland (Research Center Julich), T. Zetterberg (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences and The Swedish Environmental Research Institute, IVL) and further unnamed contributors. The Swedish Infrastructure for Ecosystem Science (SITES) and the Swedish Integrated Monitoring, the latter financed by the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, and ICOS Sweden have supported sampling and provided data for the Swedish sites. J.J.K. gratefully acknowledges the support from CESAM (UID/AMB/50017/2013), funded by the FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC) with cofunding by FEDER through COMPETE. N.G. gratefully acknowledges all those who contributed to organizing and implementing the continental sampling. The raw data can be found at http://hdl.handle.net/2128/14937. This project was partly funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG KL2495/1-1).Gottselig, N.; Amelung, W.; Kirchner, J.; Bol, R.; Eugster, W.; Granger, S.; Hernández Crespo, C.... (2017). Elemental Composition of Natural Nanoparticles and Fine Colloids in European Forest Stream Waters and Their Role as Phosphorus Carriers. Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 31(10):1592-1607. https://doi.org/10.1002/2017GB005657S159216073110Baken, S., Moens, C., van der Grift, B., & Smolders, E. (2016). Phosphate binding by natural iron-rich colloids in streams. Water Research, 98, 326-333. doi:10.1016/j.watres.2016.04.032Baken, S., Regelink, I. C., Comans, R. N. J., Smolders, E., & Koopmans, G. F. (2016). Iron-rich colloids as carriers of phosphorus in streams: A field-flow fractionation study. Water Research, 99, 83-90. doi:10.1016/j.watres.2016.04.060Benedetti, M. F., Van Riemsdijk, W. H., Koopal, L. K., Kinniburgh, D. G., Gooddy, D. C., & Milne, C. J. (1996). Metal ion binding by natural organic matter: From the model to the field. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 60(14), 2503-2513. doi:10.1016/0016-7037(96)00113-5Binkley, D., Ice, G. G., Kaye, J., & Williams, C. A. (2004). 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    Explanatory factors for first and second-generation non-western women’s inadequate prenatal care utilisation: a prospective cohort study

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    Background Little research into non-western women’s prenatal care utilisation in industrialised western countries has taken generational differences into account. In this study we examined non-western women’s prenatal care utilisation and its explanatory factors according to generational status. Methods Data from 3300 women participating in a prospective cohort of primary midwifery care clients (i.e. women with no complications or no increased risk for complications during pregnancy, childbirth and the puerperium who receive maternity care by autonomous midwives) in the Netherlands (the DELIVER study) was used. Gestational age at entry and the total number of prenatal visits were aggregated into an index. The extent to which potential factors explained non-western women’s prenatal care utilisation was assessed by means of blockwise logistic regression analyses and percentage changes in odds ratios. Results The unadjusted odds of first and second-generation non-western women making inadequate use of prenatal care were 3.26 and 1.96 times greater than for native Dutch women. For the first generation, sociocultural factors explained 43% of inadequate prenatal care utilisation, socioeconomic factors explained 33% and demographic and pregnancy factors explained 29%. For the second generation, sociocultural factors explained 66% of inadequate prenatal care utilisation. Conclusion Irrespective of generation, strategies to improve utilisation should focus on those with the following sociocultural characteristics (not speaking Dutch at home, no partner or a first-generation non-Dutch partner). For the first generation, strategies should also focus on those with the following demographic, pregnancy and socioeconomic characteristics (aged ≤19 or ≥36, unplanned pregnancies, poor obstetric histories (extra-uterine pregnancy, molar pregnancy or abortion), a low educational level, below average net household income and no supplementary insurance.(aut. ref.

    Cross-language differences in fundamental frequency range: a comparison of English and German

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    This paper presents a systematic comparison of various measures of f0 range in female speakers of English and German. F0 range was analysed along two dimensions, level (i.e. overall f0 height) and span (extent of f0 modulation within a given speech sample). These were examined using two types of measures, one based on 'long-term distributional' (LTD) methods, and the other based on specific landmarks in speech that are linguistic in nature ('linguistic' measures). The various methods were used to identify whether and on what basis or bases speakers of these two languages differ in f0 range. Findings yielded significant cross-language differences in both dimensions of f0 range, but effect sizes were found to be larger for span than for level, and for linguistic than for LTD measures. The linguistic measures also uncovered some differences between the two languages in how f0 range varies through an intonation contour. 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    Prevalence and determinants of human papillomavirus genital infection in men

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    Four-hundred-forty-five husbands of women with invasive cervical carcinoma, 165 of women with in situ cervical cancer, and 717 of control women (age range 19–82 years) were interviewed and a sample of exfoliated cells from the penis obtained in seven case–control studies conducted by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. The characteristics of human papillomavirus-positive and human papillomavirus-negative husbands were compared using odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals. Thirteen per cent of the husbands of control women, 18% of the husbands of women with invasive cervical carcinoma, and 21% of the husbands of in situ cervical carcinoma women were positive for penile human papillomavirus DNA. Human papillomavirus 16 was detected in 45 husbands, human papillomavirus 18, 31 or 33 in 19, and human papillomavirus 6/11 in 6, but the majority of human papillomavirus infection (158) was with other or unspecified human papillomavirus types. The same human papillomavirus type was seldom identified in both husband and wife. The strongest variation in penile human papillomavirus infection was by country, with percentages among the husbands of control women ranging between 3% in Spain and 39% in Brazil. Having had over 50 lifetime sexual partners, compared with only one, was associated with an odds ratio of 2.3