164 research outputs found


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    A short review of university courses in Slovenia, with long tradition, is given. Permanent organized research, development, rational ization and modernisat ion in the courses in geo-technology and mining, and cooper-ation are accentuated.Izložen je kratak pregled univerzitetskih studija i duge tradicije u Sloveniji. Naglašeni su stalno organizirana istraživanja, razvitak, racion¬alizacija, modernizacija i studija rudarstva i geotehnologije,. te kooper¬acija

    Evaluation of CRM software developement methodology

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    Namen diplomske naloge je na podlagi predstavljene literature pripraviti dopolnjen model za evaluacijo procesa razvoja programske opreme (ang. software development methodology - SDM ), ki SDM ne ocenjuje enovito, ampak preko njegovih ključnih aktivnosti. V diplomski nalogi je predstavljena literatura, model za evaluacijo SDM ter študija primera, ki uporablja model. V drugem poglavju, pregledu literature, je predstavljena Rogersova teorija o difuziji informacij in njej sorodne teorije, model evaluacije SDM, ki ga predlagata Vavpotič in Hovelja ter sistem uravnoteženih kazalnikov. V tretjem poglavju je predstavljen razviti model, ki se v četrtem poglavju predstavi v kontekstu študije primera. Razviti model je bil uporabljen v podjetju, kjer se je izkazal za učinkovitega.The aim of this document is to present an improved model for the evaluation of software development methodology (SDM ). The model does not evaluate SDM as a whole, but through SDM’s key activities. The document consists of literature review, developed evaluation model and case study, where the developed model has been utilized. In the second chapter (literature review) Rogers’ Diffusion of innovations theory is presented, along with its related theories, SDM evaluation model suggested by Vavpotiˇc and Hovelja, and Balanced scorecard. In chapter three developed model is presented, which is then used in the case study, covered by chapter four. The developed model was utilized in a company and yielded positive results

    Mobile concrete factory profiability analysis

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    Diploma task deals with the preparation of concrete in the mobile and stationary concrete factory, transport of concrete and the comparison between the cost of preparation of concrete in the mobile and stationary concrete factory. Represented is the way of preparation of concrete in the mobile and stationary concrete factory. I conducted an analysis of the viability of mobile concrete factory, based on a comparison of the cost of preparation of concrete in the mobile and the cost of preparing in the stationary concrete factory. The analysis involved 21 different sites in Slovenia. For each construction site, I then calculated the factor Fb, which is defined as the ratio between the cost of preparation of concrete in the stationary concrete factory and the cost of making in the mobile concrete factory. With this factor in the choice of concrete factory, already taking into account the factor of distance from the stationary concrete factory, the amount of installed concrete, and the amount of built-times of the construction site. Annex to diploma task is a program that is based on the data to be entered, calculated factor Fb. The analysis showed that the mobile concrete factory is viable in the case where the times of the site is longer than 6 months, the quantity of installed concrete is more than 10,000 m3 and when the distance is usually greater than 40 km. In the selection is not enough only to consider the factor Fb, but also other factors that affect this decision

    Designing climate change mitigation plans that add up.

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    Mitigation plans to combat climate change depend on the combined implementation of many abatement options, but the options interact. Published anthropogenic emissions inventories are disaggregated by gas, sector, country, or final energy form. This allows the assessment of novel energy supply options, but is insufficient for understanding how options for efficiency and demand reduction interact. A consistent framework for understanding the drivers of emissions is therefore developed, with a set of seven complete inventories reflecting all technical options for mitigation connected through lossless allocation matrices. The required data set is compiled and calculated from a wide range of industry, government, and academic reports. The framework is used to create a global Sankey diagram to relate human demand for services to anthropogenic emissions. The application of this framework is demonstrated through a prediction of per-capita emissions based on service demand in different countries, and through an example showing how the "technical potentials" of a set of separate mitigation options should be combined

    Railway track elements and the calculation of forces and stresses in the superstructure

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    In the first part of thesis, based on Pravilnik o zgornjem ustroju železniških prog published in UL RS 92/2010, elements and their characteristic of the railway superstructure, which decisive impact on the state of railway tracks are in detail described. These elements are rail, sleeper, ballast bed and railway fastening. \ud In the second part of this thesis the main and regional lines in the Slovenian rail network are introduced. Slovenian railway network is ranked into nine categories based on the allowable length and axle load. In this section Winkler's, Zimmermann's and Eisenmann's methods for calculating forces and stresses in the superstructure calculation are listed and described in detail. Based on superstructure elements characteristics, which valid for three sections on the X corridor, dynamic bending moments, dynamic bending stress, pressure and bending have been calculated separately for Zimmermann's and Eisenmann's method and for 2 different locomotives, namely Siemens locomotive SŽ 541 and locomotive SŽ 363 running at different speeds. Based on this calculation I found out that locomotive SŽ 541 cause for 36% higher dynamic bending stress than locomotive SŽ 363 but the results are still within the permissible stresses. In the end of this thesis a comparison of bending moments and stress for those two locomotives calculated according to Zimmermann's method has been made. I found out that those two locomotives have the same bending moments and bending stress in case when locomotive SŽ 541 runs alt speed 10 km/h and locomotive SŽ 363 runs at speed 115 km /h. \u

    Rebound effects could offset more than half of avoided food loss and waste

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    Acknowledgements We thank Peter Newton, Sebastian Dueñas-Ocampo, Rayna Benzeev, Lee Frankel-Goldwater, Waverly Eichhorst, Ryan Langendorf, and Hilary Brumberg for their feedback on earlier drafts of this document; and Ryan Langendorf for helpful feedback and discussion on the economic analysis. M.H. and M.G.B. acknowledge funding from the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) (Award number: 2020-38420-30727), and the University of Colorado Boulder Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) (start-up grant to M.G.B.). S.J.D. was supported by the US National Science Foundation and US Department of Agriculture (INFEWS grant EAR 1639318) and by the ClimateWorks Foundation (grant 22-2100). .Peer reviewedPostprin

    An energy- and nutrient-corrected functional unit to compare LCAs of diets

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    Dietary choices, a main driver of food production, play a significant role within the climate change arena. Consequently, there is a growing trend on publishing research assessing the environmental impacts of diets and dietary shifts, mainly following the life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology. However, several methodological issues still bring a challenge, especially in the definition of the function and the quantification of the functional unit (FU). The FU is the reference unit of an LCA study, and it is the basis for allowing comparison among different systems. This short communication defines the function of diets as the supply of the daily required amount of calories and nutrients, and it proposes a novel FU that accounts for the energy intake and the nutritional quality of the diet. In order to compare the performance of the proposed FU to the most commonly ones used for diet LCAs (mass-based and isocaloric), dietary scenarios within the Spanish context are assessed. On the one hand, using a mass-based FU, greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are underestimated, since the nutrition properties of food are not considered, and, on the other hand, the isocaloric substitution does not allow comparison among diets with different levels of energy intake. In contrast, the proposed caloric- and nutrient-corrected FU allows to compare diets that differ in energy and nutritional quality in a fairer way. Finally, it is recommended to use this FU for future diet LCAs.This study is part of the Ceres-Procon Project: Food production and consumption strategies for climate change mitigation (CTM2016-76176-C2-1-R) (AEI/FEDER, UE), financed by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, which aims to determine strategies to improve the sustainability of current food production and consumption