68 research outputs found

    Effects of brake wear nanoparticles on the protection and repair functions of the airway epithelium

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    Long term exposure to particulate air pollution is known to increase respiratory morbidity and mortality. In urban areas with dense traffic most of these particles are generated by vehicles, via engine exhaust or wear processes. Non-exhaust particles come from wear processes such as those concerning brakes and their toxicity is little studied. To improve our understanding of the lung toxicity mechanisms of the nanometric fraction of brake wear nanoparticles (BWNPs), we studied whether these particles affect the barrier properties of the respiratory epithelium considering particle translocation, mucus production and repair efficiency. The Calu-3 cell line grown in two-compartment chambers was used to mimic the bronchial epithelial barrier. BWNPs detected by single-particle ICP-MS were shown to cross the epithelial tissue in small amounts without affecting the barrier integrity properties, because the permeability to Lucifer yellow was not increased and there was no cytotoxicity as assessed by the release of lactate-dehydrogenase. The interaction of BWNPs with the barrier did not induce a pro-inflammatory response, but increased the expression and production of MU5AC, a mucin, by a mechanism involving the epidermal growth factor receptor pathway. During a wound healing assay, BWNP-loaded cells exhibited the same ability to migrate, but those at the edge of the wound showed higher 5-ethynyl-2'-deoxyuridine incorporation, suggesting a higher proliferation rate. Altogether these results showed that BWNPs do not exert overt cytotoxicity and inflammation but can translocate through the epithelial barrier in small amounts and increase mucus production, a key feature of acute inflammatory and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases. Their loading in epithelial cells may impair the repair process through increased proliferation.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figure

    Size-partitioning of an urban aerosol to identify particle determinants involved in the proinflammatory response induced in airway epithelial cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The contribution of air particles in human cardio-respiratory diseases has been enlightened by several epidemiological studies. However the respective involvement of coarse, fine and ultrafine particles in health effects is still unclear. The aim of the present study is to determine which size fraction from a chemically characterized background aerosol has the most important short term biological effect and to decipher the determinants of such a behaviour.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Ambient aerosols were collected at an urban background site in Paris using four 13-stage low pressure cascade impactors running in parallel (winter and summer 2005) in order to separate four size-classes (PM<sub>0.03–0.17 </sub>(defined here as ultrafine particles), PM<sub>0.17–1 </sub>(fine), PM<sub>1–2.5</sub>(intermediate) and PM<sub>2.5–10 </sub>(coarse)). Accordingly, their chemical composition and their pro-inflammatory potential on human airway epithelial cells were investigated. Considering isomass exposures (same particle concentrations for each size fractions) the pro-inflammatory response characterized by Granulocyte Macrophage-Colony Stimulating Factor (GM-CSF) release was found to decrease with aerosol size with no seasonal dependency. When cells were exposed to isovolume of particle suspensions in order to respect the particle proportions observed in ambient air, the GM-CSF release was maximal with the fine fraction. In presence of a recombinant endotoxin neutralizing protein, the GM-CSF release induced by particles is reduced for all size-fractions, with exception of the ultra-fine fraction which response is not modified. The different aerosol size-fractions were found to display important chemical differences related to the various contributing primary and secondary sources and aerosol age. The GM-CSF release was correlated to the organic component of the aerosols and especially its water soluble fraction. Finally, Cytochrome P450 1A1 activity that reflects PAH bioavailability varied as a function of the season: it was maximal for the fine fraction in winter and for the ultrafine fraction in summer.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In the frame of future regulations, a particular attention should thus be paid to the ultrafine/fine (here referred to as PM1) fraction due to their overwhelming anthropogenic origin and predominance in the urban aerosol and their pro-inflammatory potential.</p

    Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon components contribute to the mitochondria-antiapoptotic effect of fine particulate matter on human bronchial epithelial cells via the aryl hydrocarbon receptor

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Nowadays, effects of fine particulate matter (PM<sub>2.5</sub>) are well-documented and related to oxidative stress and pro-inflammatory response. Nevertheless, epidemiological studies show that PM<sub>2.5 </sub>exposure is correlated with an increase of pulmonary cancers and the remodeling of the airway epithelium involving the regulation of cell death processes. Here, we investigated the components of Parisian PM<sub>2.5 </sub>involved in either the induction or the inhibition of cell death quantified by different parameters of apoptosis and delineated the mechanism underlying this effect.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this study, we showed that low levels of Parisian PM<sub>2.5 </sub>are not cytotoxic for three different cell lines and primary cultures of human bronchial epithelial cells. Conversely, a 4 hour-pretreatment with PM<sub>2.5 </sub>prevent mitochondria-driven apoptosis triggered by broad spectrum inducers (A23187, staurosporine and oligomycin) by reducing the mitochondrial transmembrane potential loss, the subsequent ROS production, phosphatidylserine externalization, plasma membrane permeabilization and typical morphological outcomes (cell size decrease, massive chromatin and nuclear condensation, formation of apoptotic bodies). The use of recombinant EGF and specific inhibitor led us to rule out the involvement of the classical EGFR signaling pathway as well as the proinflammatory cytokines secretion. Experiments performed with different compounds of PM<sub>2.5 </sub>suggest that endotoxins as well as carbon black do not participate to the antiapoptotic effect of PM<sub>2.5</sub>. Instead, the water-soluble fraction, washed particles and organic compounds such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) could mimic this antiapoptotic activity. Finally, the activation or silencing of the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) showed that it is involved into the molecular mechanism of the antiapoptotic effect of PM<sub>2.5 </sub>at the mitochondrial checkpoint of apoptosis.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The PM<sub>2.5</sub>-antiapoptotic effect in addition to the well-documented inflammatory response might explain the maintenance of a prolonged inflammation state induced after pollution exposure and might delay repair processes of injured tissues.</p

    Carbon black and titanium dioxide nanoparticles elicit distinct apoptotic pathways in bronchial epithelial cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Increasing environmental and occupational exposures to nanoparticles (NPs) warrant deeper insight into the toxicological mechanisms induced by these materials. The present study was designed to characterize the cell death induced by carbon black (CB) and titanium dioxide (TiO<sub>2</sub>) NPs in bronchial epithelial cells (16HBE14o- cell line and primary cells) and to investigate the implicated molecular pathways.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Detailed time course studies revealed that both CB (13 nm) and TiO<sub>2</sub>(15 nm) NP exposed cells exhibit typical morphological (decreased cell size, membrane blebbing, peripheral chromatin condensation, apoptotic body formation) and biochemical (caspase activation and DNA fragmentation) features of apoptotic cell death. A decrease in mitochondrial membrane potential, activation of Bax and release of cytochrome <it>c </it>from mitochondria were only observed in case of CB NPs whereas lipid peroxidation, lysosomal membrane destabilization and cathepsin B release were observed during the apoptotic process induced by TiO<sub>2 </sub>NPs. Furthermore, ROS production was observed after exposure to CB and TiO<sub>2 </sub>but hydrogen peroxide (H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>) production was only involved in apoptosis induction by CB NPs.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Both CB and TiO<sub>2 </sub>NPs induce apoptotic cell death in bronchial epithelial cells. CB NPs induce apoptosis by a ROS dependent mitochondrial pathway whereas TiO<sub>2 </sub>NPs induce cell death through lysosomal membrane destabilization and lipid peroxidation. Although the final outcome is similar (apoptosis), the molecular pathways activated by NPs differ depending upon the chemical nature of the NPs.</p

    Inducible expression of beta defensins by human respiratory epithelial cells exposed to Aspergillus fumigatus organisms

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Aspergillus fumigatus</it>, a saprophytic mould, is responsible for life-threatening, invasive pulmonary diseases in immunocompromised hosts. The role of the airway epithelium involves a complex interaction with the inhaled pathogen. Antimicrobial peptides with direct antifungal and chemotactic activities may boost antifungal immune response.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The inducible expression of defensins by human bronchial epithelial 16HBE cells and A549 pneumocyte cells exposed to <it>A. fumigatus </it>was investigated. Using RT-PCR and real time PCR, we showed an activation of hBD2 and hBD9 defensin genes: the expression was higher in cells exposed to swollen conidia (SC), compared to resting conidia (RC) or hyphal fragments (HF). The kinetics of defensin expression was different for each one, evoking a putative distinct function for each investigated defensin. The decrease of defensin expression in the presence of heat-inactivated serum indicated a possible link between defensins and the proteins of the host complement system. The presence of defensin peptide hBD2 was revealed using immunofluorescence that showed a punctual cytoplasmic and perinuclear staining. Quantification of the cells stained with anti hBD2 antibody demonstrated that SC induced a greater number of cells that synthesized hBD2, compared to RC or HF. Labelling of the cells with anti-hBD-2 antibody showed a positive immunofluorescence signal around RC or SC in contrast to HF. This suggests co-localisation of hBD2 and digested conidia. The HBD2 level was highest in the supernatants of cells exposed to SC, as was determined by sandwich ELISA. Experiments using neutralising anti-interleukine-1β antibody reflect the autocrine mechanism of defensin expression induced by SC. Investigation of defensin expression at transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels demonstrated the requirement of transcription as well as new protein synthesis during <it>A. fumigatus </it>defensin induction. Finally, induced defensin expression in primary culture of human respiratory cells exposed to <it>A. fumigatus </it>points to the biological significance of described phenomena.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our findings provide evidence that respiratory epithelium might play an important role in the immune response during <it>Aspergillus </it>infection. Understanding the mechanisms of regulation of defensin expression may thus lead to new approaches that could enhance expression of antimicrobial peptides for potential therapeutic use during aspergillosis treatment.</p

    Nanomaterials Versus Ambient Ultrafine Particles: An Opportunity to Exchange Toxicology Knowledge

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    BACKGROUND: A rich body of literature exists that has demonstrated adverse human health effects following exposure to ambient air particulate matter (PM), and there is strong support for an important role of ultrafine (nanosized) particles. At present, relatively few human health or epidemiology data exist for engineered nanomaterials (NMs) despite clear parallels in their physicochemical properties and biological actions in in vitro models. OBJECTIVES: NMs are available with a range of physicochemical characteristics, which allows a more systematic toxicological analysis. Therefore, the study of ultrafine particles (UFP, <100 nm in diameter) provides an opportunity to identify plausible health effects for NMs, and the study of NMs provides an opportunity to facilitate the understanding of the mechanism of toxicity of UFP. METHODS: A workshop of experts systematically analyzed the available information and identified 19 key lessons that can facilitate knowledge exchange between these discipline areas. DISCUSSION: Key lessons range from the availability of specific techniques and standard protocols for physicochemical characterization and toxicology assessment to understanding and defining dose and the molecular mechanisms of toxicity. This review identifies a number of key areas in which additional research prioritization would facilitate both research fields simultaneously. CONCLUSION: There is now an opportunity to apply knowledge from NM toxicology and use it to better inform PM health risk research and vice versa.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Interactions between Magnetic Nanowires and Living Cells : Uptake, Toxicity and Degradation

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    We report on the uptake, toxicity and degradation of magnetic nanowires by NIH/3T3 mouse fibroblasts. Magnetic nanowires of diameters 200 nm and lengths comprised between 1 {\mu}m and 40 {\mu}m are fabricated by controlled assembly of iron oxide ({\gamma}-Fe2O3) nanoparticles. Using optical and electron microscopy, we show that after 24 h incubation the wires are internalized by the cells and located either in membrane-bound compartments or dispersed in the cytosol. Using fluorescence microscopy, the membrane-bound compartments were identified as late endosomal/lysosomal endosomes labeled with lysosomal associated membrane protein (Lamp1). Toxicity assays evaluating the mitochondrial activity, cell proliferation and production of reactive oxygen species show that the wires do not display acute short-term (< 100 h) toxicity towards the cells. Interestingly, the cells are able to degrade the wires and to transform them into smaller aggregates, even in short time periods (days). This degradation is likely to occur as a consequence of the internal structure of the wires, which is that of a non-covalently bound aggregate. We anticipate that this degradation should prevent long-term asbestos-like toxicity effects related to high aspect ratio morphologies and that these wires represent a promising class of nanomaterials for cell manipulation and microrheology.Comment: 21 pages 12 figure

    Vers une mesure du potentiel oxydant des particules fines: Identification d’un indicateur du potentiel oxydant des particules atmosphériques

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    National audienceLa pollution atmosphérique est complexe et difficilement mesurable dans sa totalité. Une première composante en est celle engendrée notamment par le trafic qui demeure une préoccupation constante. Parmi les approches envisagées, la mesure des concentrations de suie est souvent citée car elle donne une bonne indication sur les émissions liées au trafic automobile (diesel). Outre les automobiles, il existe d’autres sources de polluants dans l’atmosphère de natures et d’origines diverses. Dans le projet POTOX, il est donc proposé une approche, qui pourrait donc compléter la mesure des suies : la mesure du potentiel oxydant de certaines sources d’aérosols

    Impacts physiopathologiques des nanoparticules inhalées

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    Le développement des nanotechnologies s’accompagne de la production de nanomatériaux qui se caractérisent par une dimension externe à l’échelle nanométrique, de 1 nm à 100 nm, ou qui au moins possèdent une structure interne ou de surface à l’échelle nanométrique. À cette échelle, ces matériaux acquièrent des propriétés nouvelles que ne possèdent pas des matériaux de même nature mais de taille micrométrique, expliquant leur utilisation croissante dans une multitude de secteurs. Mais ces nouvelles propriétés font craindre que ces nanoparticules manufacturées puissent interagir avec les systèmes biologiques, ce qui nécessite d’évaluer leur danger. La production croissante de nanomatériaux augmente les probabilités d’exposition, tant pour la population générale que pour les travailleurs, et la voie respiratoire est une voie d’entrée majeure dans le cadre d’expositions non intentionnelles. La taille réduite des nanoparticules favorise leur pénétration profonde dans l’appareil respiratoire où elles vont se déposer par diffusion, interagir avec les cellules épithéliales et les macrophages, voire passer les barrières épithéliales pour atteindre la circulation sanguine. L’inhalation des nanoparticules provoque à court terme une inflammation pulmonaire dont l’importance est dépendante de leurs caractéristiques physico-chimiques telles que la composition, la taille, la forme, la solubilité... La diminution de taille s’accompagne de propriétés de surface particulières qui confèrent aux nanoparticules une forte réactivité biologique, liée notamment à leur capacité à produire des espèces réactives de l’oxygène. Les mécanismes de toxicité des nanoparticules passent ainsi très souvent par l’induction d’un stress oxydant. Mais cette réactivité de surface favorise aussi des interactions avec des protéines qui s’adsorbent à la surface des nanoparticules. Selon les propriétés de surface des nanoparticules, la nature des protéines adsorbées ainsi que l’impact sur la structure de ces protéines peuvent varier, modulant la capacité des nanoparticules à interagir avec les cellules et d’activer des récepteurs/voies de signalisation cellulaire. Compte tenu du potentiel d’application des nanotechnologies et des retombées économiques associées, l’évaluation des risques potentiels de ces nanomatériaux pour la santé humaine dans le cadre d’expositions non intentionnelles, notamment par la voie respiratoire, est toujours d’actualité. De plus l’amélioration de nos connaissances sur les caractéristiques physico-chimiques des nanoparticules impliquées dans leur toxicité permettrait d’envisager la création de nanoparticules plus sûres