435 research outputs found

    Density functional theory study of the multimode Jahn-Teller effect – ground state distortion of benzene cation

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    The multideterminental-DFT approach performed to analyze Jahn-Teller (JT) active molecules is described. Extension of this method for the analysis of the adiabatic potential energy surfaces and the multimode JT effect is presented. Conceptually a simple model, based on the analogy between the JT distortion and reaction coordinates gives further information about microscopic origin of the JT effect. Within the harmonic approximation the JT distortion can be expressed as a linear combination of all totally symmetric normal modes in the low symmetry minimum energy conformation, which allows calculating the Intrinsic Distortion Path, IDP, exactly from the high symmetry nuclear configuration to the low symmetry energy minimum. It is possible to quantify the contribution of different normal modes to the distortion, their energy contribution to the total stabilization energy and how their contribution changes along the IDP. It is noteworthy that the results obtained by both multideterminental-DFT and IDP methods for different classes of JT active molecules are consistent and in agreement with available theoretical and experimental values. As an example, detailed description of the ground state distortion of benzene cation is given

    A QM/MM approach for the study of monolayer-protected gold clusters

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    We report the development and implementation of hybrid methods that combine quantum mechanics (QM) with molecular mechanics (MM) to theoretically characterize thiolated gold clusters. We use, as training systems, structures such as Au25(SCH2-R)18 and Au38(SCH2-R)24, which can be readily compared with recent crystallographic data. We envision that such an approach will lead to an accurate description of key structural and electronic signatures at a fraction of the cost of a full quantum chemical treatment. As an example, we demonstrate that calculations of the 1H and 13C NMR shielding constants with our proposed QM/MM model maintain the qualitative features of a full DFT calculation, with an order-of-magnitude increase in computational efficiency.Comment: Journal of Materials Science, 201

    Ionic high-pressure form of elemental boron

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    Boron is an element of fascinating chemical complexity. Controversies have shrouded this element since its discovery was announced in 1808: the new 'element' turned out to be a compound containing less than 60-70 percent of boron, and it was not until 1909 that 99-percent pure boron was obtained. And although we now know of at least 16 polymorphs, the stable phase of boron is not yet experimentally established even at ambient conditions. Boron's complexities arise from frustration: situated between metals and insulators in the periodic table, boron has only three valence electrons, which would favour metallicity, but they are sufficiently localized that insulating states emerge. However, this subtle balance between metallic and insulating states is easily shifted by pressure, temperature and impurities. Here we report the results of high-pressure experiments and ab initio evolutionary crystal structure predictions that explore the structural stability of boron under pressure and, strikingly, reveal a partially ionic high-pressure boron phase. This new phase is stable between 19 and 89 GPa, can be quenched to ambient conditions, and has a hitherto unknown structure (space group Pnnm, 28 atoms in the unit cell) consisting of icosahedral B12 clusters and B2 pairs in a NaCl-type arrangement. We find that the ionicity of the phase affects its electronic bandgap, infrared adsorption and dielectric constants, and that it arises from the different electronic properties of the B2 pairs and B12 clusters and the resultant charge transfer between them.Comment: Published in Nature 453, 863-867 (2009

    Electronic stress tensor analysis of hydrogenated palladium clusters

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    We study the chemical bonds of small palladium clusters Pd_n (n=2-9) saturated by hydrogen atoms using electronic stress tensor. Our calculation includes bond orders which are recently proposed based on the stress tensor. It is shown that our bond orders can classify the different types of chemical bonds in those clusters. In particular, we discuss Pd-H bonds associated with the H atoms with high coordination numbers and the difference of H-H bonds in the different Pd clusters from viewpoint of the electronic stress tensor. The notion of "pseudo-spindle structure" is proposed as the region between two atoms where the largest eigenvalue of the electronic stress tensor is negative and corresponding eigenvectors forming a pattern which connects them.Comment: 22 pages, 13 figures, published online, Theoretical Chemistry Account

    Intriguing Electrostatic Potential of CO: Negative Bond-ends and Positive Bond-cylindrical-surface

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    The strong electronegativity of O dictates that the ground state of singlet CO has positively charged C and negatively charged O, in agreement with ab initio charge analysis, but in disagreement with the dipole direction. Though this unusual phenomenon has been fairly studied, the study of electrostatic potential (EP) for noncovalent interactions of CO is essential for better understanding. Here we illustrate that both C and O atom-ends show negative EP (where the C end gives more negative EP), favoring positively charged species, whereas the cylindrical surface of the CO bond shows positive EP, favoring negatively charged ones. This is demonstrated from the interactions of CO with Na+, Cl-, H2O, CO and benzene. It can be explained by the quadrupole driven electrostatic nature of CO (like N2) with very weak dipole moment. The EP is properly described by the tripole model taking into account the electrostatic multipole moments, which has a large negative charge at a certain distance protruded from C, a large positive charge on C, and a small negative charge on O. We also discuss the EP of the first excited triplet COopen0

    Calculation of molecular thermochemical data and their availability in databases

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    Thermodynamic properties of molecules can be obtained by experiment, by statistical mechanics in conjunction with electronic structure theory and by empirical rules like group additivity. The latter two methods are briefly re-viewed in this chapter. The overview of electronic structure methods is intended for readers less experienced in electronic structure theory and focuses on concepts without going into mathematical details. This is followed by a brief description of group additivity schemes; finally, an overview of databases listing reliable thermochemical data is given

    Towards the simulation of biomolecules: optimisation of peptide-capped glycine using FFLUX

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    YesThe optimisation of a peptide-capped glycine using the novel force field FFLUX is presented. FFLUX is a force field based on the machine-learning method kriging and the topological energy partitioning method called Interacting Quantum Atoms. FFLUX has a completely different architecture to that of traditional force fields, avoiding (harmonic) potentials for bonded, valence and torsion angles. In this study, FFLUX performs an optimisation on a glycine molecule and successfully recovers the target density-functional theory energy with an error of 0.89 ± 0.03 kJ mol−1. It also recovers the structure of the global minimum with a root-mean-squared deviation of 0.05 Å (excluding hydrogen atoms). We also show that the geometry of the intra-molecular hydrogen bond in glycine is recovered accurately.EPSRC Established Career Fellowship [grant number EP/K005472

    A comparative study of the hydrogen-bonding patterns and prototropism in solid 2-thiocytosine (potential antileukemic agent) and cytosine, as studied by 1H-14N NQDR and QTAIM/ DFT

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    A potential antileukemic and anticancer agent, 2-thiocytosine (2-TC), has been studied experimentally in the solid state by 1H-14N NMR-NQR double resonance (NQDR) and theoretically by the quantum theory of atoms in molecules (QTAIM)/density functional theory (DFT). Eighteen resonance frequencies on 14N were detected at 180 K and assigned to particular nitrogen sites (−NH2, –N=, and –NH–) in 2-thiocytosine. Factors such as the nonequivalence of molecules (connected to the duplication of sites) and possible prototropic tautomerism (capable of modifying the type of site due to proton transfer) were taken into account during frequency assignment. The result of replacing oxygen with sulfur, which leads to changes in the intermolecular interaction pattern and molecular aggregation, is discussed. This study demonstrates the advantages of combining NQDR and DFT to extract detailed information on the H-bonding properties of crystals with complex H-bonding networks. Solid-state properties were found to have a profound impact on the stabilities and reactivities of both compounds

    Stationarity of electron distribution in ground-state molecular systems

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    Stationarity of electron probability distribution within the resolution of atomic orbitals is considered involving some concepts from Orbital Communication Theory and the theory of Markov Processes. A new method of evaluating electron conditional probabilities based on natural orbitals is proposed and briefly discussed
