43 research outputs found

    The Role of Boundary Organizations in Collaborations between Incumbent Firms and Start-ups: Exploring Innovation Opportunities in Fashion-Tech

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    This paper investigates how boundary organizations enable and assist collaborations between incumbent firms and start-ups. This particular type of inter-organizational collaborations is puzzling, in that on the surface they are potentially fruitful for both parties, yet difficult to build and manage, and frequently result in a fiasco. Through a field study of an open innovation programme involving a former venture accelerator, an established global company in the fashion industry, and a group of high-tech start-ups, this paper illustrates three boundary-spanning processes through which boundary organizations enable and assist collaborations across organizational as well as disciplinary boundaries: (i) cross-domain framing work, (ii) misaligned translation work, and (iii) collective orchestration work. Our analysis also delineate the implications of such processes for the collaborating firms which, in turn, facilitate the execution of experimental collaboration projects, and lead to the emergence of new business opportunities. Our findings promote a dynamic, processual view of the morphing role of boundary organizations in inter-organizational collaborations, and have implications for theory and future research on boundary organizations, collaboration processes between incumbent firms and start- ups, and the emerging role of accelerators in open innovation

    Treatment of non-restrictive cor triatriatum sinister during concomitant cardiac surgery

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    Abstract Background Cor triatriatum is a rare congenital heart disease representing the 0.4% of all congenital cardiac anomalies. To date, no specific genetic alteration has been associated to cor triatriatum. The left-sided presentation (cor triatriatum sinister (CTS)) generally consists in a fibromuscular membrane that divides the left atrium into two chambers, therefore generating a varying grade of flow obstruction depending on the shape, location, and membrane fenestration size. Cor triatriatum sinister can be isolated or associated to other congenital heart defects such as ostium secundum atrial septal defect, patent foramen ovale or abnormal pulmonary veins drainage. Case presentation Our case is a 63-year-old woman who was diagnosed with a non-restrictive membrane during a hospitalization for acute heart failure. In the following 6 months, she started to become symptomatic. However, the onset of symptoms was more likely related to mitral valve regurgitation worsening and previously unknown coronary artery disease, rather than to CTS. She underwent bi-atrial surgical ablation (Cox Maze IV procedure) for atrial fibrillation (AF), surgical resection of interatrial membrane with mitral annuloplasty, and myocardial revascularization. Conclusion The onset and severity of symptoms in patients with CTS mostly depend on membrane fenestration size, grade of stenosis generated and pulmonary veins drainage site. However, some cases may remain asymptomatic until adulthood; the degree of pulmonary hypertension and congestive heart failure is determined by the presence of additional cardiac anomalies and the fibromuscular membrane fenestration. In some cases, CTS may remain asymptomatic, thus the diagnosis can be incidental

    Del Nido cardioplegia in adult cardiac surgery: Clinical outcomes in a single center all-comer study

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    Introduction: The use of Del Nido Cardioplegia (DNC) has been extended in the latest years from pediatrics to adult cardiac surgery with encouraging results. We sought to investigate clinical and biochemical outcomes in adult patients who underwent cardiac surgery with different degrees of complexity who received DNC for myocardial protection.Methods: Data on one-thousand patients were retrospectively collected from 2020 to 2022. The only exclusion criteria was off-pump adult cardiac surgery. Surgical procedures weight was categorized according EuroSCORE II in six groups: Single-CABG(G1), isolated non-CABG(mitral) (G2), isolated non-CABG(aortic) (G3), isolated non-CABG(any) (G4), 2-procedures(G5), 3/more-procedures(G6). Primary endpoint was to identify a binomial correlation between hs-TnT/CK-MB and the cross-clamp time (X-Clamp). A secondary endpoint was the comparison between the treatment groups of the vasoactive-inotropic score (VIS) and the need of mechanical circulatory support (MCS).Results: A linear correlation was identified between hs-TnT and X-clamp in the overall population (rho:0.447, p< .001) and in the treatment groups (G1:rho=0.357, p< .001/G2:rho=0.455, p< .001/G3:rho=0.307, p= .001/G4:rho=0.165, p= .257/G5:rho=0.157, p= .031/G6:rho=0.226, p= .015). Similarly, a linear correlation between CK-MB and X-clamp in the overall population (rho=0.457, p< .001) and treatment group (G1:rho=0.282, p< .001/G2:rho=0.287, p= .025/G3:rho=0.211, p= .009/G4:rho=0.0878, p= .548/G5:rho=0.309, p< .001/G6: rho=0.212, p= .024) was identified. As regard for the secondary endpoint, no differences were reported between the treatment groups in terms of VIS and MCS (VIS G1:7; G2:4; G3:7; G4:7, G5:5.5, G6:6, p-value= .691) (MCS G1: 4.5%; G2:4.8%; G3:3.3%; G4:3.1%; G5:1.4%; G6:5.3%; p-value= .372).Conclusions: Del Nido Cardioplegia is a safe and useful tool in adult cardiac surgery allowing operators to achieve a stable and durable cardioplegic arrest. Despite accounting with different types of surgery, the six subgroups of our study population showed similar perioperative results

    What do they do after class? extra curriculum activities of medical students of ribeirão preto-University of São Paulo

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    Em 1999, o Programa Especial de Treinamento da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, da Universidade de São Paulo realizou um estudo com 326 alunos, do primeiro ao quarto ano, com o objetivo de identificar e descrever as atividades extracurriculares desses alunos. Em 2002, o estudo foi repetido, utilizando-se o mesmo instrumento, aplicado em 360 alunos. Trata-se, portanto, de estudo transversal, cujas variáveis estudadas são: idade, sexo, ano do curso, atividades extracurriculares ligadas à FMRP-USP, motivo da pratica de tais atividades, horas despendidas com elas, grau de satisfação e motivo de satisfação e insatisfação. Do total de entrevistados, 64% são homens e 36% são mulheres. A média da idade é 20,7 anos e apenas 8% (29) não estavam engajados em nenhuma atividade extracurricular na época da entrevista. Das atividades mais freqüentadas estão as ligas (73%), os treinos esportivos (53%), os estágios em laboratório de iniciação científica (31,5%) e os plantões voluntários (31%). Das atividades não relacionadas à Faculdade, 36% referiram-se ao estudo de uma língua estrangeira e 24,5%, à música ou ao teatro. A maioria gasta, pelo menos, cinco horas semanais com essas atividades. Maior número de atividades foi encontrado, associado ao maior o tempo de permanência do aluno no curso médico (p=0,002), embora a carga horária da grade curricular também aumente com o passar do tempo. Embora não tenham sido encontradas grandes diferenças, ao compararmos os alunos entrevistados em 1999 e 2002, houve aumento significativo de participação em ligas, já que novas foram criadas no período.In 1999 the Special Training Programme of the Medical School of Ribeirão Preto conducted a study with 326 undergraduate students from the first to the fourth grade aiming to identify and describe their extra curriculum activities. In 2002 the study was repeated administering the same questionnaire among 360 students. It is, therefore, a cross-seccional study in which the variables are age, sex, grade of course, extra curriculum activities linked to the school, reasons for these activities, weekly hours spent with them, satisfaction levels and reasons for satisfaction or dissatisfaction. From the total of interviewees 64% are male and 36% female, the median age found was 20,7 years old and only 8% (29) of students are not enrolled in any extra curriculum activity at the time of the interview. Belonging to a study group named “leagues” (73%), practicing some sport (53%), developing research (31,5%) or voluntary medical night calls (31%) are amongst the most popular actitivies. Among the activities not linked to the school most students reported to study a foreign language (36%), music or theatre (24,5%). Most of them reported spending at least five hours per week with some of these activivies. Greater number of activities were found associated to higher grade at medical school (p=0,002) despite the increase of time in class. Although there were not found great differences among the students interviewed in 1999 and 2002, there was a significant increase of participation in “leagues” since new of them were created during this time

    Minimal residual disease in Myeloma: Application for clinical care and new drug registration

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    The development of novel agents has transformed the treatment paradigm for multiple myeloma, with minimal residual disease (MRD) negativity now achievable across the entire disease spectrum. Bone marrow–based technologies to assess MRD, including approaches using next-generation flow and next-generation sequencing, have provided real-time clinical tools for the sensitive detection and monitoring of MRD in patients with multiple myeloma. Complementary liquid biopsy–based assays are now quickly progressing with some, such as mass spectrometry methods, being very close to clinical use, while others utilizing nucleic acid–based technologies are still developing and will prove important to further our understanding of the biology of MRD. On the regulatory front, multiple retrospective individual patient and clinical trial level meta-analyses have already shown and will continue to assess the potential of MRD as a surrogate for patient outcome. Given all this progress, it is not surprising that a number of clinicians are now considering using MRD to inform real-world clinical care of patients across the spectrum from smoldering myeloma to relapsed refractory multiple myeloma, with each disease setting presenting key challenges and questions that will need to be addressed through clinical trials. The pace of advances in targeted and immune therapies in multiple myeloma is unprecedented, and novel MRD-driven biomarker strategies are essential to accelerate innovative clinical trials leading to regulatory approval of novel treatments and continued improvement in patient outcomes

    Reducing the environmental impact of surgery on a global scale: systematic review and co-prioritization with healthcare workers in 132 countries

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    Abstract Background Healthcare cannot achieve net-zero carbon without addressing operating theatres. The aim of this study was to prioritize feasible interventions to reduce the environmental impact of operating theatres. Methods This study adopted a four-phase Delphi consensus co-prioritization methodology. In phase 1, a systematic review of published interventions and global consultation of perioperative healthcare professionals were used to longlist interventions. In phase 2, iterative thematic analysis consolidated comparable interventions into a shortlist. In phase 3, the shortlist was co-prioritized based on patient and clinician views on acceptability, feasibility, and safety. In phase 4, ranked lists of interventions were presented by their relevance to high-income countries and low–middle-income countries. Results In phase 1, 43 interventions were identified, which had low uptake in practice according to 3042 professionals globally. In phase 2, a shortlist of 15 intervention domains was generated. In phase 3, interventions were deemed acceptable for more than 90 per cent of patients except for reducing general anaesthesia (84 per cent) and re-sterilization of ‘single-use’ consumables (86 per cent). In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for high-income countries were: introducing recycling; reducing use of anaesthetic gases; and appropriate clinical waste processing. In phase 4, the top three shortlisted interventions for low–middle-income countries were: introducing reusable surgical devices; reducing use of consumables; and reducing the use of general anaesthesia. Conclusion This is a step toward environmentally sustainable operating environments with actionable interventions applicable to both high– and low–middle–income countries