28 research outputs found

    El archivo digital como objeto de estudio para comprender mecanismos de subjetivación que ocurren en la red

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    Per a analitzar el digital com a objecte d'estudi és necessari establir una base teòrica en les humanitats, de manera que es pugui comprendre quins canvis i reconfiguracions sofreixen les cultures, les societats i l'art. En aquest sentit, el present article pren el concepte de la subjectivitat i el situa en el context de la connexió a Internet massiva i l'ús d'aparells electrònics, per a comprendre les seves condicions d'existència. El que aquí es desenvolupa es pot extrapolar a diferents entramats conceptuals complexos que es reconfiguren en les lògiques d'Internet i les noves tecnologies de la informació i la comunicació, permetent així pensar el digital a un nivell general, comprenent una base de conceptes necessaris per a analitzar les humanitats i l'art en la cultura digital. S'estableix, doncs, un entramat teòric conceptual secundat per alguns exemples pertinents d'obres i situacions específiques, per a oferir nous punts de vista reflexius entorn de teories culturals i literàries. Així mateix s'exploraran les problemàtiques que susciten les noves tecnologies i la seva relació amb els usuaris i els objectes artístics.In order to analyze the digital as an object of study it is necessary to establish a theoretical basis in the humanities, to understand the changes and reconfigurations that cultures, societies and the arts have experienced. As such, the aim of this article is to situate the concept of subjectivity in the context of the massive Internet connection and the use of electronic devices, to comprehend how it is possible in the digital. Thus, this thesis can be extrapolated to different conceptual frameworks, which are reconfigured under electronic and networked environments, and new information and communication technologies. This allows a critical study of the digital on a general level, comprehending a base of concepts that are needed to analyze the humanities and the arts in the digital cultures. A theoretical-conceptual framework is established, alongside examples of artistic works and real-life situations, so new points of view are added to literary and cultural theories. Likewise, this article will explore the issues present in the relations between users, artistic objects and new technologies.Para analizar lo digital como objeto de estudio es necesario establecer una base teórica en las humanidades, de modo que se pueda comprender qué cambios y reconfiguraciones sufren las culturas, las sociedades y el arte. En ese sentido, el presente artículo toma el concepto de la subjetividad y lo sitúa en el contexto de la conexión a Internet masiva y el uso de aparatos electrónicos, para comprender sus condiciones de existencia. Lo que aquí se desarrolla se puede extrapolar a diferentes entramados conceptuales complejos que se reconfiguran en las lógicas de Internet y las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, permitiendo así pensar lo digital a un nivel general, comprendiendo una base de conceptos necesarios para analizar las humanidades y el arte en la cultura digital

    Problemas contemporáneos en la filosofía de la bioquímica: lecciones desde el plegamiento de proteínas y el problema in-vitro/in-vivo

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    Si bien en la filosofía de las ciencias ya se han explorado algunos ejemplos provenientes de la bioquímica como casos de estudio, la filosofía de la bioquímica (i.e. el estudio filosófico sistemático de los problemas metacientíficos de esta ciencia) es una subdisciplina naciente. En este artículo estudiaremos dos problemas filosóficos de relevancia contemporánea en esta ciencia. Por un lado, examinaremos las bases epistemológicas del problema del plegamiento de proteínas. En particular lo relacionado con la predicción de la estructura tridimensional de las proteínas a partir de su secuencia, asunto que ha dado mucho que hablar debido a los nuevos avances utilizando deep learning. Por otro lado, exploraremos el problema in-vitro/in-vivo y, más generalmente, el problema de la extrapolación en las ciencias biológicas. Finalmente, a partir de las consecuencias de ambos temas consideraremos algunas reflexiones filosóficas generales acerca del reduccionismo, el pluralismo y el lugar de la bioquímica en las ciencias biológicas

    A²ML: A general human-inspired motion language for anthropomorphic arms based on movement primitives

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    The recent increasing demands on accomplishing complicated manipulation tasks necessitate the development of effective task-motion planning techniques. To help understand robot movement intention and avoid causing unease or discomfort to nearby humans toward safe human–robot interaction when these tasks are performed in the vicinity of humans by those robot arms that resemble an anthropomorphic arrangement, a dedicated and unified anthropomorphism-aware task-motion planning framework for anthropomorphic arms is at a premium. A general human-inspired four-level Anthropomorphic Arm Motion Language (A²ML) is therefore proposed for the first time to serve as this framework. First, six hypotheses/rules of human arm motion are extracted from the literature in neurophysiological field, which form the basis and guidelines for the design of A²ML. Inspired by these rules, a library of movement primitives and related motion grammar are designed to build the complete motion language. The movement primitives in the library are designed from two different but associated representation spaces of arm configuration: Cartesian-posture-swivel-angle space and human arm triangle space. Since these two spaces can be always recognized for all the anthropomorphic arms, the designed movement primitives and consequent motion language possess favorable generality. Decomposition techniques described by the A²ML grammar are proposed to decompose complicated tasks into movement primitives. Furthermore, a quadratic programming based method and a sampling based method serve as powerful interfaces for transforming the decomposed tasks expressed in A²ML to the specific joint trajectories of different arms. Finally, the generality and advantages of the proposed motion language are validated by extensive simulations and experiments on two different anthropomorphic arms

    Lack of EEG modifications during prolonged acoustic stimulation in man: a computer analysis.

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    ISOEN 2009

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    Updated Tactile Feedback with a Pin Array Matrix Helps Blind People to Reduce Self-Location Errors

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    Autonomous navigation in novel environments still represents a challenge for people with visual impairment (VI). Pin array matrices (PAM) are an effective way to display spatial information to VI people in educative/rehabilitative contexts, as they provide high flexibility and versatility. Here, we tested the effectiveness of a PAM in VI participants in an orientation and mobility task. They haptically explored a map showing a scaled representation of a real room on the PAM. The map further included a symbol indicating a virtual target position. Then, participants entered the room and attempted to reach the target three times. While a control group only reviewed the same, unchanged map on the PAM between trials, an experimental group also received an updated map representing, in addition, the position they previously reached in the room. The experimental group significantly improved across trials by having both reduced self-location errors and reduced completion time, unlike the control group. We found that learning spatial layouts through updated tactile feedback on programmable displays outperforms conventional procedures on static tactile maps. This could represent a powerful tool for navigation, both in rehabilitation and everyday life contexts, improving spatial abilities and promoting independent living for VI people