197 research outputs found

    Застосування методу заміни вхідних змінних в мікропрограмному автоматі з операційним автоматом переходів

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    The object of research is a microprogram finite-state machine with datapath of transitions. In its structure, the input signals are fed to the input of the block that forms the codes for the transition operations. A large number of inputs of this unit does not allow to realize it in the basis of memory blocks. The only available basis is the basis of LUT elements of FPGA or similar.To reduce the number of LUT elements used by the circuit of FSM, it is proposed to use the known method of replacement of input variables. Its application leads to the fact that an additional block is added into the structure of the FSM, which converts the input signals of the FSM into special intermediate signals, the number of which is much less than the number of input signals. This leads to a decrease in the input signals of the block that forms the codes of the transition operations, and makes it possible to synthesize it in the basis of the memory blocks without the use of LUT elements.An additional unit that converts input signals into intermediate ones can be synthesized in the basis of multiplexers, which are standard functional blocks of modern FPGAs. This makes it possible to use a smaller number of LUT elements in the structure of the FSM with replacement of input variables than in the prototype structure. Saved in this way LUT elements can be used to implement other units of the FSM or elements of projected computing system.The proposed approach contributes to the saving of hardware amount in the logical circuit of the microprogram finite-state machine with datapath of transitions. This makes this structure more preferable in comparison with the prototype structure from the point of view of hardware amount affecting the final cost of the control unit and the computing system as a whole.Предложено использовать известный метод замены входных переменных для оптимизации аппаратурных затрат в микропрограммном автомате с операционным автоматом переходов. Метод позволяет использовать для синтеза схемы устройства гетерогенный элементный базис, что способствует уменьшению аппаратурных затрат в схеме автомата. В результате применения данного метода разработана новая структурная модель автомата, для которой определены критерии эффективности в сравнении со структурой-прототипом.Запропоновано використовувати відомий метод заміни вхідних змінних для оптимізації апаратурних витрат у мікропрограмному автоматі з операційним автоматом переходів. Метод дозволяє використовувати для синтезу схеми пристрою гетерогенний елементний базис, що сприяє зменшенню апаратурних витрат в схемі автомата. В результаті застосування даного методу розроблено нову структурну модель автомата, для якої визначені критерії ефективності в порівнянні зі структурою-прототипом

    Don't lose the message while paraphrasing: A study on content preserving style transfer

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    Text style transfer techniques are gaining popularity in natural language processing allowing paraphrasing text in the required form: from toxic to neural, from formal to informal, from old to the modern English language, etc. Solving the task is not sufficient to generate some neural/informal/modern text, but it is important to preserve the original content unchanged. This requirement becomes even more critical in some applications such as style transfer of goal-oriented dialogues where the factual information shall be kept to preserve the original message, e.g. ordering a certain type of pizza to a certain address at a certain time. The aspect of content preservation is critical for real-world applications of style transfer studies, but it has received little attention. To bridge this gap we perform a comparison of various style transfer models on the example of the formality transfer domain. To perform a study of the content preservation abilities of various style transfer methods we create a parallel dataset of formal vs. informal task-oriented dialogues. The key difference between our dataset and the existing ones like GYAFC [17] is the presence of goal-oriented dialogues with predefined semantic slots essential to be kept during paraphrasing, e.g. named entities. This additional annotation allowed us to conduct a precise comparative study of several state-of-the-art techniques for style transfer. Another result of our study is a modification of the unsupervised method LEWIS [19] which yields a substantial improvement over the original method and all evaluated baselines on the proposed task.Comment: Published at the NLDB 2023 conferenc

    Comparison of freezing tolerance, compatible solutes and polyamines in geographically diverse collections of Thellungiella sp. and Arabidopsis thaliana accessions

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    Background: Thellungiella has been proposed as an extremophile alternative to Arabidopsis to investigate environmental stress tolerance. However, Arabidopsis accessions show large natural variation in their freezing tolerance and here the tolerance ranges of collections of accessions in the two species were compared. Results: Leaf freezing tolerance of 16 Thellungiella accessions was assessed with an electrolyte leakage assay before and after 14 days of cold acclimation at 4 degrees C. Soluble sugars (glucose, fructose, sucrose, raffinose) and free polyamines (putrescine, spermidine, spermine) were quantified by HPLC, proline photometrically. The ranges in nonacclimated freezing tolerance completely overlapped between Arabidopsis and Thellungiella. After cold acclimation, some Thellungiella accessions were more freezing tolerant than any Arabidopsis accessions. Acclimated freezing tolerance was correlated with sucrose levels in both species, but raffinose accumulation was lower in Thellungiella and only correlated with freezing tolerance in Arabidopsis. The reverse was true for leaf proline contents. Polyamine levels were generally similar between the species. Only spermine content was higher in nonacclimated Thellungiella plants, but decreased during acclimation and was negatively correlated with freezing tolerance. Conclusion: Thellungiella is not an extremophile with regard to freezing tolerance, but some accessions significantly expand the range present in Arabidopsis. The metabolite data indicate different metabolic adaptation strategies between the species

    The dependence of cylindrical resonator natural frequencies on the fluid density

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    The article examines the dependence of cylindrical resonator natural frequencies (sensitive element) on the density (mass) of different fluids flowing through it. The cylindrical resonators are being widely applied in automatic control systems of technological processes as oscillating transducer density meter. The article presents the experimental results that prove the dependence of natural frequencies and vibration amplitude on the fluid density

    Экологическая оценка различных методов удаления мышьяка в водоочистке

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    Високий рівень арсену в питній воді є значною проблемою для багатьох країн світу. У деяких регіонах України, особливо в Карпатах, підземні води також мають високу концентрацію сполук арсену. Існує багато різних методів видалення арсену з води, але основна частина цих підходів не є екологічно безпечними через утворення токсичних відходів під час очищення. Таким чином, екологічна оцінка є дуже важливою при виборі методу деарсенізації. Інтегральна оцінка базується на точках зору трьох експертів і включає оцінювання різних критеріїв.High arsenic level in drinking water is very big problem for many countries in the world. In some regions of Ukraine, especially in the Carpathians, groundwater also has high concentration of arsenic. There are a lot of different methods of arsenic removal from water, but main part of these approaches is not environmental friendly due to producing of toxic waster during treatment process. Thus, ecological assessment is very important in the selection of the treatment method for arsenic removal. Integral assessment is based on the points of view of three experts and includes evaluation of different criteria.Высокий уровень мышьяка в питьевой воде является большой проблемой для многих стран мира. В некоторых регионах Украины подземные воды также имеют высокую концентрацию мышьяка. Существует много различных методов удаления мышьяка из воды, но основная часть этих подходов не является экологически безопасной из-за образования токсичных отходов в процессе очистки. То есть, экологическая оценка очень важна при выборе метода деарсенизации. Интегральная оценка основана на точках зрения трех экспертов и включает оценивание различных критериев

    Direct evidence of nuclear Argonaute distribution during transcriptional silencing links the actin cytoskeleton to nuclear RNAi machinery in human cells

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    Mammalian RNAi machinery facilitating transcriptional gene silencing (TGS) is the RNA-induced transcriptional gene silencing-like (RITS-like) complex, comprising of Argonaute (Ago) and small interfering RNA (siRNA) components. We have previously demonstrated promoter-targeted siRNA induce TGS in human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV), which profoundly suppresses retrovirus replication via heterochromatin formation and histone methylation. Here, we examine subcellular co-localization of Ago proteins with promoter-targeted siRNAs during TGS of SIV and HIV-1 infection. Analysis of retrovirus-infected cells revealed Ago1 co-localized with siRNA in the nucleus, while Ago2 co-localized with siRNA in the inner nuclear envelope. Mismatched and scrambled siRNAs were observed in the cytoplasm, indicating sequence specificity. This is the first report directly visualizing nuclear compartment distribution of Ago-associated siRNA and further reveals a novel nuclear trafficking mechanism for RITS-like components involving the actin cytoskeleton. These results establish a model for elucidating mammalian TGS and suggest a fundamental mechanism underlying nuclear delivery of RITS-like components

    Morphology and Dynamics of the Baltic Sea Shore within Kaliningrad Oblast (Overview)

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    A review of morphological and morphodynamic studies of the coast of the Kaliningrad oblast has been carried out for half a century. The studies include monitoring measurements by the Atlantic Branch of the Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (AB IO RAS) with the participation of the state institute Baltberegozashchita (BBZ), as well as pre-war studies and cartographic analyses of long-term coastline migration carried out by the private company Baltic Aerogeodetic Enterprise (BaltAGE). It shows the spatial alternation of abrasive and accumulative areas, as well as frequent changes in beach width and height within the same morphological coast type. A change in the development trend of particular coast sections from year to year was noted. The significant influence of anthropogenic factors on the coastal development was emphasized, including changes in the direction of coastal retreat/advance along an extensive coastal stretch. Comparison of the interannual and nearly century-old dynamics of the coast revealed noticeable differences between them, with opposite trends in several large-scale coast sections