926 research outputs found

    How unpredictable is the individual scanning process in socially foraging mammals?

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    In group-forming prey species, theory assumes that individuals within groups should scan independently of one another, with vigilance sequences being relatively unpredictable, making interscan durations highly variable. We attempted to detect any divergence from randomness in the scanning process in three mammalian prey species phylogenetically and geographically separated and exposed to different levels of predation: waterbuck, Kobus ellipsiprymnus defassa, under a high observed predation risk, eastern grey kangaroo, Macropus giganteus, still experiencing occasional predation and European roe deer, Capreolus capreolus, under a very low natural predation risk. Our results revealed that the focal interscan duration increased when the duration of the preceding interscan increased, whatever the studied species and the predation risk that its individuals experienced, and decreased with the preceding scan duration in two species under, respectively, occasional and low predation risks. The exponential distribution was the tested model that fitted the observed distributions of interscan durations least well. We discuss what can trigger non-randomness in scanning, through a non-homogenous Poisson process, at both intra-individual and inter-individual levels, particularly with regard to previous studies that have demonstrated synchronisation of vigilance in such mammals. Our results suggest the need to reconsider any assumption of randomness in scanning in the basic model predicting form and frequency of scanning behaviour by prey species

    Annotation and visualization of endogenous retroviral sequences using the Distributed Annotation System (DAS) and eBioX

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The Distributed Annotation System (DAS) is a widely used network protocol for sharing biological information. The distributed aspects of the protocol enable the use of various reference and annotation servers for connecting biological sequence data to pertinent annotations in order to depict an integrated view of the data for the final user.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>An annotation server has been devised to provide information about the endogenous retroviruses detected and annotated by a specialized <it>in silico </it>tool called RetroTector. We describe the procedure to implement the DAS 1.5 protocol commands necessary for constructing the DAS annotation server. We use our server to exemplify those steps. Data distribution is kept separated from visualization which is carried out by eBioX, an easy to use open source program incorporating multiple bioinformatics utilities. Some well characterized endogenous retroviruses are shown in two different DAS clients. A rapid analysis of areas free from retroviral insertions could be facilitated by our annotations.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The DAS protocol has shown to be advantageous in the distribution of endogenous retrovirus data. The distributed nature of the protocol is also found to aid in combining annotation and visualization along a genome in order to enhance the understanding of ERV contribution to its evolution. Reference and annotation servers are conjointly used by eBioX to provide visualization of ERV annotations as well as other data sources. Our DAS data source can be found in the central public DAS service repository, <url>http://www.dasregistry.org</url>, or at <url>http://loka.bmc.uu.se/das/sources</url>.</p

    A family tree of Markov models in systems biology

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    Motivated by applications in systems biology, we seek a probabilistic framework based on Markov processes to represent intracellular processes. We review the formal relationships between different stochastic models referred to in the systems biology literature. As part of this review, we present a novel derivation of the differential Chapman-Kolmogorov equation for a general multidimensional Markov process made up of both continuous and jump processes. We start with the definition of a time-derivative for a probability density but place no restrictions on the probability distribution, in particular, we do not assume it to be confined to a region that has a surface (on which the probability is zero). In our derivation, the master equation gives the jump part of the Markov process while the Fokker-Planck equation gives the continuous part. We thereby sketch a {}``family tree'' for stochastic models in systems biology, providing explicit derivations of their formal relationship and clarifying assumptions involved.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figure

    Nitrogen and phosphorus additions negatively affect tree species diversity tropical forest regrowth trajectories.

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    Nutrient enrichment is increasingly affecting many tropical ecosystems, but there is no information on how this affects tree biodiversity. To examine dynamics in vegetation structure and tree species biomass and diversity, we annually remeasured tree species before and for six years after repeated additions of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) in permanent plots of abandoned pasture in Amazonia. Nitrogen and, to a lesser extent, phosphorus addition shifted growth among woody species. Nitrogen stimulated growth of two common pioneer tree species and one common tree species adaptable to both high- and lowlight environments, while P stimulated growth only of the dominant pioneer tree Rollinia exsucca (Annonaceae). Overall, N or P addition reduced tree assemblage evenness and delayed tree species accrual over time, likely due to competitive monopolization of other resources by the few tree species responding to nutrient enrichment with enhanced establishment and/or growth rates. Absolute tree growth rates were elevated for two years after nutrient addition. However, nutrient-induced shifts in relative tree species growth and reduced assemblage evenness persisted for more than three years after nutrient addition, favoring two nutrientresponsive pioneers and one early-secondary tree species. Surprisingly, N ĂŸ P effects on tree biomass and species diversity were consistently weaker than N-only and P-only effects, because grass biomass increased dramatically in response to N ĂŸ P addition. The resulting intensi?ed competition probably prevented an expected positive N ĂŸ P synergy in the tree assemblage. Thus, N or P enrichment may favor unknown tree functional response types, reduce the diversity of coexisting species, and delay species accrual during structurally and functionally complex tropical rainforest secondary succession

    Genetic Resistance to Malaria Is Associated With Greater Enhancement of Immunoglobulin (Ig)M Than IgG Responses to a Broad Array of Plasmodium falciparum Antigens

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    Background. People of the Fulani ethnic group are more resistant to malaria compared with genetically distinct ethnic groups, such as the Dogon people, in West Africa, and studies suggest that this resistance is mediated by enhanced antibody responses to Plasmodium falciparum antigens. However, prior studies measured antibody responses to <0.1% of P falciparum proteins, so whether the Fulani mount an enhanced and broadly reactive immunoglobulin (Ig)M and IgG response to P falciparum remains unknown. In general, little is known about the extent to which host genetics influence the overall antigen specificity of IgM and IgG responses to natural infections. Methods. In a cross-sectional study in Mali, we collected plasma from asymptomatic, age-matched Fulani (n = 24) and Dogon (n = 22) adults with or without concurrent P falciparum infection. We probed plasma against a protein microarray containing 1087 P falciparum antigens and compared IgM and IgG profiles by ethnicity. Results. We found that the breadth and magnitude of P falciparum-specific IgM and IgG responses were significantly higher in the malaria-resistant Fulani versus the malaria-susceptible Dogon, and, unexpectedly, P falciparum-specific IgM responses more strongly distinguished the 2 ethnic groups. Conclusions. These findings point to an underappreciated role for IgM in protection from malaria, and they suggest that host genetics may influence the antigen specificity of IgM and IgG responses to infection

    "Practical Knowledge" and Perceptions of Antibiotics and Antibiotic Resistance Among Drugsellers in Tanzanian Private Drugstores.

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    Studies indicate that antibiotics are sold against regulation and without prescription in private drugstores in rural Tanzania. The objective of the study was to explore and describe antibiotics sale and dispensing practices and link it to drugseller knowledge and perceptions of antibiotics and antibiotic resistance. Exit customers of private drugstores in eight districts were interviewed about the drugstore encounter and drugs bought. Drugsellers filled in a questionnaire with closed- and open-ended questions about antibiotics and resistance. Data were analyzed using mixed quantitative and qualitative methods. Of 350 interviewed exit customers, 24% had bought antibiotics. Thirty percent had seen a health worker before coming and almost all of these had a prescription. Antibiotics were dispensed mainly for cough, stomachache, genital complaints and diarrhea but not for malaria or headache. Dispensed drugs were assessed as relevant for the symptoms or disease presented in 83% of all cases and 51% for antibiotics specifically. Non-prescribed drugs were assessed as more relevant than the prescribed. The knowledge level of the drugseller was ranked as high or very high by 75% of the respondents. Seventy-five drugsellers from three districts participated. Seventy-nine percent stated that diseases caused by bacteria can be treated with antibiotics but 24% of these also said that antibiotics can be used for treating viral disease. Most (85%) said that STI can be treated with antibiotics while 1% said the same about headache, 4% general weakness and 3% 'all diseases'. Seventy-two percent had heard of antibiotic resistance. When describing what an antibiotic is, the respondents used six different kinds of keywords. Descriptions of what antibiotic resistance is and how it occurs were quite rational from a biomedical point of view with some exceptions. They gave rise to five categories and one theme: Perceiving antibiotic resistance based on practical experience. The drugsellers have considerable "practical knowledge" of antibiotics and a perception of antibiotic resistance based on practical experience. In the process of upgrading private drugstores and formalizing the sale of antibiotics from these outlets in resource-constrained settings, their "practical knowledge" as well as their perceptions must be taken into account in order to attain rational dispensing practices

    Antimicrobial resistance profile of Enterococcus species and molecular characterization of Vancomycin resistant Enterococcus faecium from the fecal samples of newly diagnosed adult HIV patients in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

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    Background: Enterococci are becoming clinically more important especially among immunocompromised patients. Of concern are vancomycin resistant enterococci (VRE) which have both intrinsic and acquired forms of resistance. This work aimed to determine the antimicrobial resistance patterns of Enterococcus spp. and characterize VRE isolate obtained from HIV-infected patient using whole genome sequencing (WGS). Methods: Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was done on 57 enterococci isolates by both the disk diffusion method and Epsilometer test (E-Test). WGS was performed on VRE isolate determined by E-test. Results: Out of the 57 enterococci isolates; 58% (33/57) were E. faecalis, 39% (22/57) E. faecium and 4% (2/57) were E. gallinarum. The highest antimicrobial resistance was observed in E. faecalis isolates. The most prevalent antimicrobial resistance was observed towards quinupristin-dalfopristin (56%, 32/57), followed by ciprofloxacin (28%), tigecycline (18%), daptomycin (16%), chloramphenicol (14%), ampicillin and teicoplanin (2%). Multidrug resistance (MDR) was detected in 11% (6/57) of the isolates. Vancomycin resistance and high-level gentamycin resistance (HLGR) were observed in one E. faecium and one E. faecalis isolates respectively. The VRE was typed as ST80, carried vanA and other resistance genes for aminoglycosides, tetracyclines, quinolones and ampicillin. Furthermore, the isolate had chromosomal mutations responsible for quinolone (gyrA (p.S83I) and parC (p.S80I) and ampicillin (pbp5) resistance. Conclusions: The detection of VRE, HLGR and MDR in the study settings underscores the sustained surveillance of VRE in high-risk groups and institution of infection control measures for prompt identification and isolation of carriers to prevent the spread of VRE in the community and hospital settings

    Macro-Climatic Distribution Limits Show Both Niche Expansion and Niche Specialization among C4 Panicoids

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    Grasses are ancestrally tropical understory species whose current dominance in warm open habitats is linked to the evolution of C4 photosynthesis. C4 grasses maintain high rates of photosynthesis in warm and water stressed environments, and the syndrome is considered to induce niche shifts into these habitats while adaptation to cold ones may be compromised. Global biogeographic analyses of C4 grasses have, however, concentrated on diversity patterns, while paying little attention to distributional limits. Using phylogenetic contrast analyses, we compared macro-climatic distribution limits among ~1300 grasses from the subfamily Panicoideae, which includes 4/5 of the known photosynthetic transitions in grasses. We explored whether evolution of C4 photosynthesis correlates with niche expansions, niche changes, or stasis at subfamily level and within the two tribes Paniceae and Paspaleae. We compared the climatic extremes of growing season temperatures, aridity, and mean temperatures of the coldest months. We found support for all the known biogeographic distribution patterns of C4 species, these patterns were, however, formed both by niche expansion and niche changes. The only ubiquitous response to a change in the photosynthetic pathway within Panicoideae was a niche expansion of the C4 species into regions with higher growing season temperatures, but without a withdrawal from the inherited climate niche. Other patterns varied among the tribes, as macro-climatic niche evolution in the American tribe Paspaleae differed from the pattern supported in the globally distributed tribe Paniceae and at family level.Fil: Aagesen, Lone. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Instituto de BotĂĄnica Darwinion. Academia Nacional de Ciencias Exactas, FĂ­sicas y Naturales. Instituto de BotĂĄnica Darwinion; ArgentinaFil: Biganzoli, Fernando. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de AgronomĂ­a. Departamento de MĂ©todos Cuantitativos y Sistemas de InformaciĂłn; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas; ArgentinaFil: Bena, MarĂ­a Julia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Instituto de BotĂĄnica Darwinion. Academia Nacional de Ciencias Exactas, FĂ­sicas y Naturales. Instituto de BotĂĄnica Darwinion; ArgentinaFil: Godoy BĂŒrki, Ana Carolina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Instituto de BotĂĄnica Darwinion. Academia Nacional de Ciencias Exactas, FĂ­sicas y Naturales. Instituto de BotĂĄnica Darwinion; ArgentinaFil: Reinheimer, Renata. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - Santa Fe. Instituto de AgrobiotecnologĂ­a del Litoral. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Instituto de AgrobiotecnologĂ­a del Litoral; ArgentinaFil: Zuloaga, Fernando Omar. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Instituto de BotĂĄnica Darwinion. Academia Nacional de Ciencias Exactas, FĂ­sicas y Naturales. Instituto de BotĂĄnica Darwinion; Argentin

    A dissociative fluorescence enhancement technique for one-step time-resolved immunoassays

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    The limitation of current dissociative fluorescence enhancement techniques is that the lanthanide chelate structures used as molecular probes are not stable enough in one-step assays with high concentrations of complexones or metal ions in the reaction mixture since these substances interfere with lanthanide chelate conjugated to the detector molecule. Lanthanide chelates of diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) are extremely stable, and we used EuDTPA derivatives conjugated to antibodies as tracers in one-step immunoassays containing high concentrations of complexones or metal ions. Enhancement solutions based on different ÎČ-diketones were developed and tested for their fluorescence-enhancing capability in immunoassays with EuDTPA-labelled antibodies. Characteristics tested were fluorescence intensity, analytical sensitivity, kinetics of complex formation and signal stability. Formation of fluorescent complexes is fast (5 min) in the presented enhancement solution with EuDTPA probes withstanding strong complexones (ethylenediaminetetra acetate (EDTA) up to 100 mM) or metal ions (up to 200 ΌM) in the reaction mixture, the signal is intensive, stable for 4 h and the analytical sensitivity with Eu is 40 fmol/L, Tb 130 fmol/L, Sm 2.1 pmol/L and Dy 8.5 pmol/L. With the improved fluorescence enhancement technique, EDTA and citrate plasma samples as well as samples containing relatively high concentrations of metal ions can be analysed using a one-step immunoassay format also at elevated temperatures. It facilitates four-plexing, is based on one chelate structure for detector molecule labelling and is suitable for immunoassays due to the wide dynamic range and the analytical sensitivity
