305 research outputs found

    Appropriate kernels for Divisive Normalization explained by Wilson-Cowan equations

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    Cascades of standard Linear+NonLinear-Divisive Normalization transforms [Carandini&Heeger12] can be easily fitted using the appropriate formulation introduced in [Martinez17a] to reproduce the perception of image distortion in naturalistic environments. However, consistently with [Rust&Movshon05], training the model in naturalistic environments does not guarantee the prediction of well known phenomena illustrated by artificial stimuli. For example, the cascade of Divisive Normalizations fitted with image quality databases has to be modified to include a variety aspects of masking of simple patterns. Specifically, the standard Gaussian kernels of [Watson&Solomon97] have to be augmented with extra weights [Martinez17b]. These can be introduced ad-hoc using the intuition to solve the empirical failures found in the original model, but it would be nice a better justification for this hack. In this work we give a theoretical justification of such empirical modification of the Watson&Solomon kernel based on the Wilson-Cowan [WilsonCowan73] model of cortical interactions. Specifically, we show that the analytical relation between the Divisive Normalization model and the Wilson-Cowan model proposed here leads to the kind of extra factors that have to be included and its qualitative dependence with frequency

    Cortical-Inspired Wilson–Cowan-Type Equations for Orientation-Dependent Contrast Perception Modelling

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    We consider the evolution model proposed in Bertalmío (Front Comput Neurosci 8:71, 2014), Bertalmío et al. (IEEE Trans Image Process 16(4):1058–1072, 2007) to describe illusory contrast perception phenomena induced by surrounding orientations. Firstly, we highlight its analogies and differences with the widely used Wilson–Cowan equations (Wilson and Cowan in BioPhys J 12(1):1–24, 1972), mainly in terms of efficient representation properties. Then, in order to explicitly encode local directional information, we exploit the model of the primary visual cortex (V1) proposed in Citti and Sarti (J Math Imaging Vis 24(3):307–326, 2006) and largely used over the last years for several image processing problems (Duits and Franken in Q Appl Math 68(2):255–292, 2010; Prandi and Gauthier in A semidiscrete version of the Petitot model as a plausible model for anthropomorphic image reconstruction and pattern recognition. SpringerBriefs in Mathematics, Springer, Cham, 2017; Franceschiello et al. in J Math Imaging Vis 60(1):94–108, 2018). The resulting model is thus defined in the space of positions and orientation, and it is capable of describing assimilation and contrast visual bias at the same time. We report several numerical tests showing the ability of the model to reproduce, in particular, orientation-dependent phenomena such as grating induction and a modified version of the Poggendorff illusion. For this latter example, we empirically show the existence of a set of threshold parameters differentiating from inpainting to perception-type reconstructions and describing long-range connectivity between different hypercolumns in V1

    Derivatives and Inverse of a Linear-Nonlinear Multi-Layer Spatial Vision Model

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    Analyzing the mathematical properties of perceptually meaningful linear-nonlinear transforms is interesting because this computation is at the core of many vision models. Here we make such analysis in detail using a specific model [Malo & Simoncelli, SPIE Human Vision Electr. Imag. 2015] which is illustrative because it consists of a cascade of standard linear-nonlinear modules. The interest of the analytic results and the numerical methods involved transcend the particular model because of the ubiquity of the linear-nonlinear structure. Here we extend [Malo&Simoncelli 15] by considering 4 layers: (1) linear spectral integration and nonlinear brightness response, (2) definition of local contrast by using linear filters and divisive normalization, (3) linear CSF filter and nonlinear local con- trast masking, and (4) linear wavelet-like decomposition and nonlinear divisive normalization to account for orientation and scale-dependent masking. The extra layers were measured using Maximum Differentiation [Malo et al. VSS 2016]. First, we describe the general architecture using a unified notation in which every module is composed by isomorphic linear and nonlinear transforms. The chain-rule is interesting to simplify the analysis of systems with this modular architecture, and invertibility is related to the non-singularity of the Jacobian matrices. Second, we consider the details of the four layers in our particular model, and how they improve the original version of the model. Third, we explicitly list the derivatives of every module, which are relevant for the definition of perceptual distances, perceptual gradient descent, and characterization of the deformation of space. Fourth, we address the inverse, and we find different analytical and numerical problems in each specific module. Solutions are proposed for all of them. Finally, we describe through examples how to use the toolbox to apply and check the above theory. In summary, the formulation and toolbox are ready to explore the geometric and perceptual issues addressed in the introductory section (giving all the technical information that was missing in [Malo&Simoncelli 15])

    Plan de marketing para la bebida Bio Camu de AJEPER S.A.

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    El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo realizar el plan de marketing para un nuevo producto del grupo AJE llamado BIO Camu. En primer lugar, hicimos análisis del ambiente interno, seguido por uno de recursos, VRIO (valor, rareza, imitabilidad y organización); y del macro y micro ambiente. Estos análisis nos sirvieron para identificar los principales atributos de AJEPER S.A., así como factores que resaltaron en cuanto a fortalezas, debilidades, oportunidades y amenazas. Luego, se investigó al cliente, para entender la percepción de los consumidores. Para ello, se utilizó una metodología de tipo cualitativo y cuantitativo. La primera, consistió en trabajar con dos grupos focales. La parte cuantitativa consistió en elaborar una encuesta para conocer el atractivo del producto en el mercado peruano de bebidas saludables. Asimismo, diseñamos un canal de Marketing mix. Finalmente, se calculó una proyección de ventas de 3,460,500 unidades anuales. En conclusión, el proyecto se calificó como viable para AJE

    Vision models for wide color gamut imaging in cinema

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    Gamut mapping is the problem of transforming the colors of image or video content so as to fully exploit the color palette of the display device where the content will be shown, while preserving the artistic intent of the original content's creator. In particular, in the cinema industry, the rapid advancement in display technologies has created a pressing need to develop automatic and fast gamut mapping algorithms. In this article, we propose a novel framework that is based on vision science models, performs both gamut reduction and gamut extension, is of low computational complexity, produces results that are free from artifacts and outperforms state-of-the-art methods according to psychophysical tests. Our experiments also highlight the limitations of existing objective metrics for the gamut mapping problem

    A survey of partial differential equations in geometric design

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    YesComputer aided geometric design is an area where the improvement of surface generation techniques is an everlasting demand since faster and more accurate geometric models are required. Traditional methods for generating surfaces were initially mainly based upon interpolation algorithms. Recently, partial differential equations (PDE) were introduced as a valuable tool for geometric modelling since they offer a number of features from which these areas can benefit. This work summarises the uses given to PDE surfaces as a surface generation technique togethe

    On the Duality Between Retinex and Image Dehazing

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    Image dehazing deals with the removal of undesired loss of visibility in outdoor images due to the presence of fog. Retinex is a color vision model mimicking the ability of the Human Visual System to robustly discount varying illuminations when observing a scene under different spectral lighting conditions. Retinex has been widely explored in the computer vision literature for image enhancement and other related tasks. While these two problems are apparently unrelated, the goal of this work is to show that they can be connected by a simple linear relationship. Specifically, most Retinex-based algorithms have the characteristic feature of always increasing image brightness, which turns them into ideal candidates for effective image dehazing by directly applying Retinex to a hazy image whose intensities have been inverted. In this paper, we give theoretical proof that Retinex on inverted intensities is a solution to the image dehazing problem. Comprehensive qualitative and quantitative results indicate that several classical and modern implementations of Retinex can be transformed into competing image dehazing algorithms performing on pair with more complex fog removal methods, and can overcome some of the main challenges associated with this problem