193 research outputs found

    Relatively Complete Verification of Probabilistic Programs: An Expressive Language for Expectation-Based Reasoning

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    We study a syntax for specifying quantitative “assertions” - functions mapping program states to numbers - for probabilistic program verification. We prove that our syntax is expressive in the following sense: Given any probabilistic program C, if a function f is expressible in our syntax, then the function mapping each initial state σ to the expected value of f evaluated in the final states reached after termination C on σ (also called the weakest preexpectation wp[C](f)) is also expressible in our syntax. As a consequence, we obtain a relatively complete verification system for verifying expected values and probabilities in the sense of Cook: Apart from a single reasoning step about the inequality of two functions given as syntactic expressions in our language, given f, g, and C, we can check whether g ≤ wp[C](f)

    First HARPSpol discoveries of magnetic fields in massive stars

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    In the framework of the Magnetism in Massive Stars (MiMeS) project, a HARPSpol Large Program at the 3.6m-ESO telescope has recently started to collect high-resolution spectropolarimetric data of a large number of Southern massive OB stars in the field of the Galaxy and in many young clusters and associations. In this Letter, we report on the first discoveries of magnetic fields in two massive stars with HARPSpol - HD 130807 and HD 122451, and confirm the presence of a magnetic field at the surface of HD 105382 that was previously observed with a low spectral resolution device. The longitudinal magnetic field measurements are strongly varying for HD 130807 from \sim-100 G to \sim700 G. Those of HD 122451 and HD 105382 are less variable with values ranging from \sim-40 to -80 G, and from \sim-300 to -600 G, respectively. The discovery and confirmation of three new magnetic massive stars, including at least two He-weak stars, is an important contribution to one of the MiMeS objectives: the understanding of origin of magnetic fields in massive stars and their impacts on stellar structure and evolution.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in A&A Lette

    Implementing Diversity Training Targeting Faculty Microaggressions and Inclusion: Practical Insights and Initial Findings

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    Despite the importance of faculty diversity training for advancing an inclusive society, little research examines whether participation improves inclusion perceptions and belongingness. Integrating training and diversity education literature concepts, this study examines the effectiveness of training targeting microaggressions in six STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) oriented departments at a research-intensive university. Reactions data collected at the end of face-to-face training suggested that participation generally increased inclusion understanding. Self-assessments on inclusion concepts collected from 45% of participants before and three weeks after training suggest participation increases perceptions of the importance of inclusion, microaggression allyship awareness, inclusive behaviors, and organizational identification. Compared to white men, women and minorities reported a greater increase in satisfaction with their department affiliation. While self-assessment results are exploratory and have limitations, analysis suggests that diversity training may enhance knowledge of microaggressions, allyship, inclusive behaviors, and belongingness perceptions. We provide insights for evaluating and implementing diversity training interventions

    CONCERTO: High-fidelity simulation of millimeter line emissions of galaxies and [CII] intensity mapping

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    The intensity mapping of the [CII] 158-μm line redshifted to the submillimeter window is a promising probe of the za>4 star formation and its spatial distribution into large-scale structures. To prepare the first-generation experiments (e.g., CONCERTO), we need realistic simulations of the submillimeter extragalactic sky in spectroscopy. We present a new version of the simulated infrared dusty extragalactic sky (SIDES) model including the main submillimeter lines around 1 mm (CO, [CII], [CI]). This approach successfully reproduces the observed line luminosity functions. We then use our simulation to generate CONCERTO-like cubes (125-305 GHz) and forecast the power spectra of the fluctuations caused by the various astrophysical components at those frequencies. Depending on our assumptions on the relation between the star formation rate and [CII] luminosity, and the star formation history, our predictions of the za∼6 [CII] power spectrum vary by two orders of magnitude. This highlights how uncertain the predictions are and how important future measurements will be to improve our understanding of this early epoch. SIDES can reproduce the CO shot noise recently measured at a4;100 GHz by the millimeter-wavelength intensity mapping experiment (mmIME). Finally, we compare the contribution of the different astrophysical components at various redshifts to the power spectra. The continuum is by far the brightest, by a factor of three to 100, depending on the frequency. At 300 GHz, the CO foreground power spectrum is higher than the [CII] one for our base scenario. At lower frequencies, the contrast between [CII] and extragalactic foregrounds is even worse. Masking the known galaxies from deep surveys should allow us to reduce the foregrounds to 20% of the [CII] power spectrum up to z∼ 6.5. However, this masking method will not be sufficient at higher redshifts. The code and the products of our simulation are released publicly, and can be used for both intensity mapping experiments and submillimeter continuum and line surveys

    Multisite spectroscopic seismic study of the beta Cep star V2052 Oph: inhibition of mixing by its magnetic field

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    We used extensive ground-based multisite and archival spectroscopy to derive observational constraints for a seismic modelling of the magnetic beta Cep star V2052 Ophiuchi. The line-profile variability is dominated by a radial mode (f_1=7.14846 d^{-1}) and by rotational modulation (P_rot=3.638833 d). Two non-radial low-amplitude modes (f_2=7.75603 d^{-1} and f_3=6.82308 d^{-1}) are also detected. The four periodicities that we found are the same as the ones discovered from a companion multisite photometric campaign (Handler et al. 2012) and known in the literature. Using the photometric constraints on the degrees l of the pulsation modes, we show that both f_2 and f_3 are prograde modes with (l,m)=(4,2) or (4,3). These results allowed us to deduce ranges for the mass (M \in [8.2,9.6] M_o) and central hydrogen abundance (X_c \in [0.25,0.32]) of V2052 Oph, to identify the radial orders n_1=1, n_2=-3 and n_3=-2, and to derive an equatorial rotation velocity v_eq \in [71,75] km s^{-1}. The model parameters are in full agreement with the effective temperature and surface gravity deduced from spectroscopy. Only models with no or mild core overshooting (alpha_ov \in [0,0.15] local pressure scale heights) can account for the observed properties. Such a low overshooting is opposite to our previous modelling results for the non-magnetic beta Cep star theta Oph having very similar parameters, except for a slower surface rotation rate. We discuss whether this result can be explained by the presence of a magnetic field in V2052 Oph that inhibits mixing in its interior.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures and 5 tables; accepted for publication in MNRAS on 2012 August 1

    ISOGAL: A deep survey of the obscured inner Milky Way with ISO at 7 and 15 micron and with DENIS in the near-infrared

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    The ISOGAL project is an infrared survey of specific regions sampling the Galactic Plane selected to provide information on Galactic structure,stellar populations,stellar mass-loss and the recent star formation history of the inner disk and Bulge of the Galaxy. ISOGAL combines 7 and 15 micron ISOCAM observations - with a resolution of 6'' at worst - with DENIS IJKs data to determine the nature of the sources and theinterstellar extinction. We have observed about 16 square degrees with a sensitivity approaching 10-20mJy, detecting ~10^5 sources,mostly AGB stars,red giants and young stars. The main features of the ISOGAL survey and the observations are summarized in this paper,together with a brief discussion of data processing and quality. The primary ISOGAL products are described briefly (a full description is given in Schuller et al. 2003, astro-ph/0304309): viz. the images and theISOGAL-DENIS five-wavelength point source catalogue. The main scientific results already derived or in progress are summarized. These include astrometrically calibrated 7 and 15um images,determining structures of resolved sources; identification and properties of interstellar dark clouds; quantification of the infrared extinction law and source dereddening; analysis of red giant and (especially) AGB stellar populations in the central Bulge,determining luminosity,presence of circumstellar dust and mass--loss rate,and source classification,supplemented in some cases by ISO/CVF spectroscopy; detection of young stellar objects of diverse types,especially in the inner Bulge with information about the present and recent star formation rate; identification of foreground sources with mid-IR excess. These results are the subject of about 25 refereed papers published or in preparation.Comment: A&A in press. 19 pages,10 Ps figures; problems with figures fixe

    First ISOCAM images of the Milky Way

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    ISOGAL is a 15 μm ISOCAM survey of ∼ 12 deg2 in the Galactic Plane interior to |ℓ| = 45°. In combination with IJK data from the near-infrared southern sky survey DENIS, the ISO images allow the first detailed study of stellar populations throughout the inner Galaxy. We present preliminary results from a test observation at ℓ = 45° with 6" pixels and completeness limit 8 mJy. Of the ∼ 3000 sources deg2 detected, about half are KM giants, seen through extinction of up to Av, ∼, 30,while most of the remainder are probably dusty young stars. Although away from bright IRAS regions, the field displays spectacular emission features, and, unexpectedly, a number of regions which are optically thick at 15 μm. The dark regions are presumably dense filaments with Av, >, 25