363 research outputs found


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    Igualdad laboral entre trabajador inmigrante y teletrabajador transnacional

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    42-45 p

    Medidas de proteção e controle de inundações urbanas na bacia do rio Mamanguape/PB

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    The urban floods are constituted one of the most important impacts on the society. Those impacts could happen due to the urbanization or to the natural flood of the riverside area. In the current context, several prevention and protection measures against urban floods are adopted, in general, measures of corrective character. The measures can be structural (when they modify the fluvial system and reduce risks of flood damages) and non-structural (a better coexistence of the population with the floods). This project has as main aim the elaboration of a plan of measures that contemplates the prevention aspects against the occupation of the spaces with flood risks, through structural and non-structural measures, associated or not, for the municipal districts located within Mamanguape river basin in Paraíba State, prone to floods since almost all of them occupy the flood plains of the main water courses. Several problems could be associated with the occurrence of those events: inadequate occupation of the river beds; lack of resources for dwelling and waste water system; lack of planning for the occupation of the urban space; and lack of systems for catastrophe alert and for evacuation of the flooded areas. Therefore, it is presented practical and efficient solutions for the best use of the risk areas, which would lead to a better life quality for the urban areas. The effective participation of the public government and the responsible department for the environmental and urban administration in the implementation of a politics of environmental education and elaboration of a management plan that prioritizes the flood control in the urban areas is indispensableCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPESAs inundações urbanas constituem-se num dos mais importantes impactos sobre a sociedade. Esses impactos podem ocorrer devido à urbanização ou à inundação natural da várzea ribeirinha. No contexto atual, diversas medidas de prevenção e proteção contra enchentes urbanas são adotadas, em geral, medidas de caráter corretivo. As medidas podem ser estruturais (quando modificam o sistema fluvial evitando os prejuízos decorrentes das enchentes) e não-estruturais (melhor convivência da população com as enchentes). Este projeto tem como abordagem principal a elaboração de um plano de medidas que contemple os aspectos de prevenção contra a ocupação dos espaços de riscos de enchentes, através de medidas estruturais e não-estruturais, associadas ou não, para os municípios localizados na Bacia do Rio Mamanguape/PB, que apresentam tendências a cheias por ocuparem, na sua maioria, as planícies de inundação de importantes cursos d água. Diversos problemas podem estar associados à ocorrência desses eventos: ocupação inadequada dos leitos dos rios; falta de recursos para moradia e saneamento; falta de planejamento de ocupação do espaço urbano; e inexistência de sistemas de alerta em catástrofes e de planos de desocupação de áreas atingidas. Portanto, são apresentadas soluções práticas e eficientes para o melhor aproveitamento das áreas de risco, o que possibilitará uma melhor qualidade de vida no meio urbano. A participação efetiva do poder público e dos órgãos responsáveis pela gestão ambiental e urbana na implementação de uma política de educação ambiental e na elaboração de um plano diretor que priorize o controle de inundação no meio urbano deve ser imprescindíve

    Estágio supervisionado como espaço de revisão de conceitos na formação inicial de futuros professores de Geografia

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    A formação inicial de professores é desafiada a desenvolver um trabalho que rompa com a histórica dissociação entre teoria e prática. Nessa perspectiva o presente trabalho buscou compreender as concepções de estágio de estudantes de uma Licenciatura em Geografia ao longo de dois anos de envolvimento no componente curricular Estágio Supervisionado.  O foco foi desenvolver uma práxis no sentido de atingir uma mudança não apenas conceitual, mas prática. A pesquisa-ação foi o caminho que usamos para acompanhar as possíveis reconstruções das referidas concepções. A análise dos dados nos mostrou que as mudanças superaram a mera concepção de estágio, que deixou de ser momento de colocar em prática os conteúdos, “habilidades” e “práticas” aprendidos na licenciatura, para ser um campo de conhecimento. A compreensão da articulação entre as problemáticas vividas na sala de aula e na escola com a realidade social mais ampla; a origem das “teorias” e práticas pessoais e coletivas; são alguns dos aprendizados destacados pelos alunos ao final do componente curricular

    PROGRAMA BENEFÍCIO DE PRESTAÇÃO CONTINUADA (BPC) NA ESCOLA: a atuação do Centro de Referência da Assistência Social e a inclusão escolar dos beneficiários.

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    Resumo Este trabalho visa analisar o papel da Assistência Social para o favorecimento da inclusão escolar das pessoas com deficiência, beneficiárias do Programa BPC na escola. Onde se aponta a importância do trabalho intersetorial e como as políticas públicas se complementam para alcançar um determinado objetivo, que aqui é a inclusão das pessoas com deficiência, que historicamente vêm sendo excluídas de seus direitos na aplicação prática, apesar de declarados na Constituição Federal. Para esta pesquisa, foi aplicada metodologia de cunho qualitativo, buscando-se suporte teórico em Mantoan (2017), em sites oficiais, em documentários e em relatórios produzidos no Centro de Referência de Assistência Social (CRAS) do Município de Quebrangulo.

    Judo for elite Brazilian women: A successful trajectory into the 21st century: A narrative review

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    Background: The objective of this study was to verify, in a perspective way, the history and evolution of the development of the Brazilian Elite Female Judo. Brazilian women's Judo is one of the best Judo teams in the world. Performance and achievement in Olympic and world championships has reached a significant and expressive increase. That is, of course, medal winnings at different competitive levels. Making it one of the most prestigious sport in Brazil. Methods: This is a Narrative Review study, where the Scielo, Google Scholar and PubMed databases were used, with no initial period restriction until the year 2022. Results: Women's Brazilian Judo evolved both individually and as a team. Achieving expressive results in national and international competitions, in the Olympic Games and World Championships. In addition, these results have raised the competitive level of the Brazilian judo team worldwide. It has solidified women within sport and combat sports. However, some barriers (social resistance, lack of investment, little credibility and social representation) persist, albeit with less intensity. Conclusion: We conclude that Brazilian Women's Judo is a strong representative in the competitive, social and world scenario. In addition, that the participation of women raised the sport to a high level of social representation

    Multimodal Anaesthesia in a Crab-eating Fox (Cerdocyon thous) Undergoing Hemilaminectomy and Sacrococcygeal Stabilization

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    Background:  Several researches have shown the impacts of roads more directly to wildlife in Brazil. The crab-eating fox (Cerdocyon thous) is a frequent run over victim. Dissociative drugs are commonly used, but inhalation anesthesia is indicated in cases of extensive and prolonged surgeries. Despite their similarity with domestic dogs, the literature is scarce regarding the association of new anesthetic techniques and protocols in wild canids. The aim of this paper was to report the viability of multimodal anesthesia in a crab-eating fox, victim of running over, undergoing hemilaminectomy and sacrococcygeal stabilization.Case: An adult male specimen of crab-eating fox was rescued after being run over and taken to a wild animal screening center. Physical examination showed superficial and deep pain, lack of support for the pelvic limbs and proprioception, increased reflexes, and reduced tail mobility. Chemical restraint with intramuscular (IM) tiletamine-zolazepam (6.0 mg/kg) and morphine (0.5 mg/kg) was performed. Meloxicam (0.2 mg/kg IM) and enrofloxacin (5.0 mg/kg IM) were also administered. The animal was sequentially admitted to the veterinary hospital. Radiographic images showed compaction of the spinal column of the T10 and T11 thoracic vertebrae and the sacrococcygeal region. Sixty min after chemical restraint, the anesthesia was supplemented with IM tiletamine-zolazepam (4.5 mg/kg), and fluid therapy with 0.9% NaCl (10 mL/kg/h) was started. Ten min later, intravenous propofol dose-effect (2.5 mg/kg) was administered and general anesthesia was maintained with isoflurane (FiO2 = 1.0). Thirty min after the induction of anesthesia, the animal was urdergoing hemilaminectomy and sacrococcygeal stabilization. Constant rate infusions (CRI) of dexmedetomidine (0.5 μg/kg/h) and ketamine (0.6 mg/kg/h) were started. Lidocaine (7.0 mg/kg) and bupivacaine (2.0 mg/kg) were administered into the surgical site on the T10 and T11 vertebrae at 35 and 80 min into the surgery, respectively. The isoflurane requirement was adjusted often to keep the animal in the surgical anesthetic plan. At the end of the surgery (total time, 95 min), lumbosacral epidural analgesia was performed with morphine (0.1 mg/kg). No important abnormalities were detected in heart rate, systolic arterial pressure, mean arterial pressure, diastolic arterial pressure, respiratory rate, oxygen saturation, or body temperature during the surgical period. The time intervals between the end of anesthesia, and the following events: extubation, the first head movement, and the establishment of sternal were 18, 34 and 73 min, respectively. Recovery was considered calm and peaceful, with no signs of pain or excitement.Discussion: Considering the painful discomfort and the need for manipulation, dissociative anesthesia was initially used to move the animal to hospital care. Due to the immediate indication for surgery, it was decided to use propofol in a sufficient dose for orotracheal intubation, keeping anesthesia with isoflurane. With the expectation of severe pain during the surgical procedure, CRI of dexmedetomidine and ketamine were used, in addition to lidocaine and bupivacaine at the lesion site. Although the minimum alveolar concentration of isoflurane has not been recorded, the physiological parameters were kept relatively stable, ratifying the adequate plan of anesthesia compatible with the observed eye reflexes. Based on the experience with other canids, the use of epidural morphine was performed, aiming at postsurgical analgesic extension. Although a certain lack of coordination was observed, the animal’s recovery was characterized by stillness, with no signs of pain or excitement, confirming the effectiveness of the anesthetic protocol. The present report may aid in the choice of balanced anesthetic approaches in wild canids