10 research outputs found

    UC3M Books

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    Contiene: Viaje a las puertas del infierno (p. 22) -- La Segunda República española (p. 23) -- El factor de impacto (p. 24

    The Economics of Grain Price Volatility

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    Recent volatility of prices of major grains has generated a wide array of analyses and policy prescriptions that reveal the inability of economists to approach a consensus on the nature of the phenomenon and its implications for policy. This review of market events and their economic interpretations finds that recent price spikes are not as unusual as many discussions imply. Further, the balance between consumption, available supply, and stocks seems to be as relevant for our understanding of these markets as it was decades ago. Though there is much to be learned about commodity markets, the tools at hand are capable of explaining the main forces at work, and of giving good guidance to policymakers confronted with a bewildering variety of expensive policy prescriptions. Copyright 2010, Oxford University Press.

    Safety Problems Are NP-complete for Flat Integer Programs with Octagonal Loops

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    Abstract. This paper proves the NP-completeness of the reachability problem for the class of flat counter machines with difference bounds and, more generally, octagonal relations, labeling the transitions on the loops. The proof is based on the fact that the sequence of powers {Ri}∞i=1 of such relations can be encoded as a periodic sequence of matrices, and that both the prefix and the period of this sequence are 2O(||R||2) in the size of the binary encoding ||R||2 of a relation R. This result allows to characterize the complexity of the reachability problem for one of the most studied class of counter machines [8, 11], and has a potential impact on other problems in program verification.

    Recommendations for the use of serious games in neurodegenerative disorders: 2016 Delphi Panel

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    The use of Serious Games (SG) in the health domain is expanding. In the field of neurodegenerative disorders (ND) such as Alzheimer's disease, SG are currently employed both to support and improve the assessment of different functional and cognitive abilities, and to provide alternative solutions for patients' treatment, stimulation, and rehabilitation. As the field is quite young, recommendations on the use of SG in people with ND are still rare. In 2014 we proposed some initial recommendations (Robert et al., 2014). The aim of the present work was to update them, thanks to opinions gathered by experts in the field during an expert Delphi panel. Results confirmed that SG are adapted to elderly people with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and dementia, and can be employed for several purposes, including assessment, stimulation, and improving wellbeing, with some differences depending on the population (e.g., physical stimulation may be better suited for people with MCI). SG are more adapted for use with trained caregivers (both at home and in clinical settings), with a frequency ranging from 2 to 4 times a week. Importantly, the target of SG, their frequency of use and the context in which they are played depend on the SG typology (e.g., Exergame, cognitive game), and should be personalized with the help of a clinician. © 2017 Manera, Ben-Sadoun, Aalbers, Agopyan, Askenazy, Benoit, Bensamoun, Bourgeois, Bredin, Bremond, Crispim-Junior, David, De Schutter, Ettore, Fairchild, Foulon, Gazzaley, Gros, Hun, Knoefel, Olde Rikkert, Phan Tran, Politis, Rigaud, Sacco, Serret, Thümmler, Welter and Robert

    Gående och cyklister i små orter : resultat av litteraturstudie

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    De framträdande riktningarna som kan spåras från genomgången av litteraturstudien visar att kunskapen gällande tekniska lösningar samt förståelsen för problemet med oskyddade trafikanterna i den aktuella miljön är relativt stor. En tendens som går att urskilja är att studierna ofta behandlar frågorna var för sig och främst fokuserar på planering, säkerhet och trygghet och inte så mycket på framkomlighet.Det som, utifrån resultaten i databassökningen, saknas är en bredd av studier avseende oskyddade trafikanters möjlighet att färdas med samma typ av transportkvalitet som övriga trafikantgrupper och framför allt på landsbygden eller i små orter. Studier som tar ett helhetsgrepp om de oskyddades situation i den aktuella miljön bör därför ses som önskvärda. Den svenska utformningspricipen för landsbygd utgår från människors resande med bil vilket yttrar sig i detaljerade anvisningar för utformning för fordonstrafik, det finns dock begränsade anvisningar som i samma omfattning tar hänsyn till de oskyddade trafikanternas anspråk.I rapporten redovisas den funna sakkunskapen i befintlig litteratur med uppdelning i olika miljöer och angreppssätt.Godkänd; 2012; 20120330 (petros

    The Dendritic Cytoskeleton as a Computational Device: An Hypothesis

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    Cover crops as a means of ecological weed management in agroecosystems

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