1,123 research outputs found

    Isospin fluctuations in spinodal decomposition

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    We study the isospin dynamics in fragment formation within the framework of an analytical model based on the spinodal decomposition scenario. We calculate the probability to obtain fragments with given charge and neutron number, focussing on the derivation of the width of the isotopic distributions. Within our approach this is determined by the dispersion of N/Z among the leading unstable modes, due to the competition between Coulomb and symmetry energy effects, and by isovector-like fluctuations present in the matter that undergoes the spinodal decomposition. Hence the widths exhibit a clear dependence on the properties of the Equation of State. By comparing two systems with different values of the charge asymmetry we find that the isotopic distributions reproduce an isoscaling relationship.Comment: 18 RevTex4 pages, 6 eps figure

    Bimodality as a signal of Liquid-Gas phase transition in nuclei?

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    We use the HIPSE (Heavy-Ion Phase-Space Exploration) Model to discuss the origin of the bimodality in charge asymmetry observed in nuclear reactions around the Fermi energy. We show that it may be related to the important angular momentum (spin) transferred into the quasi-projectile before secondary decay. As the spin overcomes the critical value, a sudden opening of decay channels is induced and leads to a bimodal distribution for the charge asymmetry. In the model, it is not assigned to a liquid-gas phase transition but to specific instabilities in nuclei with high spin. Therefore, we propose to use these reactions to study instabilities in rotating nuclear droplets.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures Accepted to PR

    Mesure de l'énergie des ions lourds par la méthode des protons projetés

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    Un dispositif destinĂ© Ă  la mesure de l'Ă©nergie des faisceaux d'ions lourds de 3 Ă  6 MeV/ uma a Ă©tĂ© construit. Le principe de la mĂ©thode est de mesurer l'Ă©nergie des protons projetĂ©s Ă  zĂ©ro degrĂ© par collision Ă©lastique des ions incidents avec les noyaux d'hydrogĂšne d'une cible de formvar. L'incertitude calculĂ©e sur l'Ă©nergie ainsi mesurĂ©e pour les ions lourds est de + 0,45 %. Des mesures faites sur des faisceaux de 19F et 40Ca d'Ă©nergie bien connue, accĂ©lĂ©rĂ©s par un Tandem MP, ont montrĂ© un Ă©cart maximum de 0,3 % entre les Ă©nergies rĂ©elles et mesurĂ©es. Le dispositif permet de contrĂŽler ou calibrer des mĂ©thodes plus lourdes de dĂ©termination de l'Ă©nergie des ions lourds : dĂ©viation magnĂ©tique, temps de vol. Il se prĂȘte particuliĂšrement bien Ă  la mesure des pertes d'Ă©nergie d'ions lourds dans des ralentisseurs solides

    Mid-rapidity charge distribution in peripheral heavy ion collisions

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    The charge density distribution with respect to the velocity of matter produced in peripheral heavy ion reactions around Fermi energy is investigated. The experimental finding of enhancement of mid-rapidity matter shows the necessity to include correlations beyond BUU which was performed in the framework of nonlocal kinetic theory. Different theoretical improvements are discussed. While the in-medium cross section changes the number of collisions, it leads the transferred energy almost unchanged. In contrast the nonlocal scenario changes the energy transferred during collisions and leads to an enhancement of mid-rapidity matter. The renormalisation of quasiparticle energies is shown to be possible to include in nonlocal scenarios and and leads to a further enhancement of mid-rapidity matter distribution. This renormalisation is accompanied by a dynamical softening of the equation of state seen in longer oscillation periods of the excited compressional collective mode. We propose to include quasiparticle renormalization by using the Pauli-rejected collisions which circumvent the problem of backflows in Landau theory. Using the maximum relative velocity of projectile and target like fragments we associate experimental events with impact parameters of the simulations. For peripheral collisions we find a reasonable agreement between experiment and theory. For more central collisions the velocity damping is higher in one - body simulations than observed experimentally which is due to missing cluster formations in the used kinetic theory

    Isospin diffusion in semi-peripheral 58Ni^{58}Ni + 197Au^{197}Au collisions at intermediate energies (I): Experimental results

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    Isospin diffusion in semi-peripheral collisions is probed as a function of the dissipated energy by studying two systems 58Ni^{58}Ni + 58Ni^{58}Ni and 58Ni^{58}Ni + 197Au^{197}Au, over the incident energy range 52-74\AM. A close examination of the multiplicities of light products in the forward part of phase space clearly shows an influence of the isospin of the target on the neutron richness of these products. A progressive isospin diffusion is observed when collisions become more central, in connection with the interaction time

    The prominent role of the heaviest fragment in multifragmentation and phase transition for hot nuclei

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    The role played by the heaviest fragment in partitions of multifragmenting hot nuclei is emphasized. Its size/charge distribution (mean value, fluctuations and shape) gives information on properties of fragmenting nuclei and on the associated phase transition.Comment: 11 pages, Proceedings of IWND09, August 23-25, Shanghai (China

    Dynamical effects in multifragmentation at intermediate energies

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    The fragmentation of the quasi-projectile is studied with the INDRA multidetector for different colliding systems and incident energies in the Fermi energy range. Different experimental observations show that a large part of the fragmentation is not compatible with the statistical fragmentation of a fully equilibrated nucleus. The study of internal correlations is a powerful tool, especially to evidence entrance channel effects. These effects have to be included in the theoretical descriptions of nuclear multifragmentation.Comment: 13 pages, 26 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Yield scaling, size hierarchy and fluctuations of observables in fragmentation of excited heavy nuclei

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    Multifragmentation properties measured with INDRA are studied for single sources produced in Xe+Sn reactions in the incident energy range 32-50 A MeV and quasiprojectiles from Au+Au collisions at 80 A MeV. A comparison for both types of sources is presented concerning Fisher scaling, Zipf law, fragment size and fluctuation observables. A Fisher scaling is observed for all the data. The pseudo-critical energies extracted from the Fisher scaling are consistent between Xe+Sn central collisions and Au quasi-projectiles. In the latter case it also corresponds to the energy region at which fluctuations are maximal. The critical energies deduced from the Zipf analysis are higher than those from the Fisher analysis.Comment: 30 pages, accepted for publication in Nuclear Physics A, references correcte

    Pion radii in nonlocal chiral quark model

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    The electromagnetic radius of the charged pion and the transition radius of the neutral pion are calculated in the framework of the nonlocal chiral quark model. It is shown in this model that the contributions of vector mesons to the pion radii are noticeably suppressed in comparison with a similar contribution in the local Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model. The form-factor for the process gamma*pi+pi- is calculated for the -1 GeV^2<q^2<1.6 GeV^2. Our results are in satisfactory agreement with experimental data.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure
