4,596 research outputs found

    Suicide Attempt by Pacemaker System Abuse: A Case Report with Comments on the Psychological Adaptation of Pacemaker Patients

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    Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/72997/1/j.1540-8159.1980.tb04333.x.pd

    Differential herbivory on disk and ray flowers of gynomonoecious asters and goldenrods (Asteraceae)

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    The selective advantage of gynomonoecy, the sexual system wherein plants produce a mixture of female and bisexual flowers, is poorly understood. One hypothesis for the evolution of this system is that the absence of androecia from female flowers reduces herbivore damage to the gynoecia of these flowers. Here, we examined patterns of herbivore damage in 53 collections representing 25 species of asters and goldenrods from Massachusetts, USA. In these taxa flowers are crowded into compact capitula, with bisexual flowers occupying the centre and female flowers situated on the periphery. Damage to gynoecia of bisexual flowers was significantly greater than damage to gynoecia of female flowers overall, and in about half of the individual populations. We also compared damage to central and peripheral flowers in the heads of 16 collections of other Asteraceae that produce only bisexual flowers to see whether the location of flowers rather than their sex might determine the patterns of herbivory. In only one of these 16 collections did we find a significant difference in herbivory between flower positions. We conclude that herbivore damage is influenced by flower type in asters and goldenrods, a pattern consistent with a role for herbivory in the evolution and maintenance of gynomonoecy. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society

    Intrinsic and Rashba Spin-orbit Interactions in Graphene Sheets

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    Starting from a microscopic tight-binding model and using second order perturbation theory, we derive explicit expressions for the intrinsic and Rashba spin-orbit interaction induced gaps in the Dirac-like low-energy band structure of an isolated graphene sheet. The Rashba interaction parameter is first order in the atomic carbon spin-orbit coupling strength ξ\xi and first order in the external electric field EE perpendicular to the graphene plane, whereas the intrinsic spin-orbit interaction which survives at E=0 is second order in ξ\xi. The spin-orbit terms in the low-energy effective Hamiltonian have the form proposed recently by Kane and Mele. \textit{Ab initio} electronic structure calculations were performed as a partial check on the validity of the tight-binding model.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures; typos corrected, references update

    A mixed ultrasoft/normconserved pseudopotential scheme

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    A variant of the Vanderbilt ultrasoft pseudopotential scheme, where the normconservation is released for only one or a few angular channels, is presented. Within this scheme some difficulties of the truly ultrasoft pseudopotentials are overcome without sacrificing the pseudopotential softness. i) Ghost states are easily avoided without including semicore shells. ii) The ultrasoft pseudo-charge-augmentation functions can be made more soft. iii) The number of nonlocal operators is reduced. The scheme will be most useful for transition metals, and the feasibility and accuracy of the scheme is demonstrated for the 4d transition metal rhodium.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Assessment of the Validity of Reported Antibiotic Allergic Reactions in Pediatric Patients

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    Study Objective. To determine whether a reported antibiotic allergy was likely to have been immunologically mediated. Design. Questionnaire-based study. Setting. Tertiary care, freestanding children\u27s hospital. Patients. One hundred patients aged 1 month-18 years for whom guardians reported an allergy to an antibiotic at the time of hospital admission between October 2009 and March 2010. Intervention. Guardians of the patients were interviewed by using a standardized allergy assessment questionnaire. Measurements and Main Results. Based on answers to the questionnaire, the reported allergic reactions were categorized to determine if they were true allergies or adverse reactions. Among the 100 patients, reported allergies were categorized as immunologically mediated reactions in 58%, non-immunologically mediated adverse drug reactions in 27%, no reaction in 3%, and unknown in 12%. Reactions to penicillins, cephalosporins, or sulfonamides were reported most frequently and were attributed to immunologically mediated reactions in 68% (26/38), 74% (17/23), and 67% (10/15) of instances, respectively. Conclusion. Use of the allergy assessment questionnaire determined that 58% of the 100 reported antibiotic allergies fulfilled criteria for an immunologically mediated reaction. These findings underscore the utility of an allergy assessment questionnaire, versus a simple drug history, in improving the accuracy of reported antibiotic reactions

    Hot DAVs : a probable new class of pulsating white dwarf stars

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    We have discovered a pulsating DA white dwarf at the lower end of the temperature range 45 000–30 000 K where a few helium atmosphere white dwarfs are known. There are now three such pulsators known, suggesting that a new class of theoretically predicted pulsating white dwarf stars exists. We name them the hot DAV stars. From high-speed photometric observations with the ULTRACAM photometer on the 4.2-m William Herschel Telescope, we show that the hydrogen atmosphere white dwarf star WD1017−138 pulsates in at least one mode with a frequency of 1.62 mHz (a period of 624 s). The amplitude of that mode was near 1 mmag at a 10σ confidence level on one night of observation and an 8.4σ confidence level on a second night. The combined data have a confidence level of 11.8σ. This supports the two other detections of hot DAV stars previously reported. From three Very Large Telescope Ultraviolet and Visual Echelle Spectrograph spectra we confirm also that WD1017−138 is a hydrogen atmosphere white dwarf with no trace of helium or metals with Teff = 32 600 K, log g = 7.8 (cgs) and M = 0.55 M⊙. The existence of pulsations in these DA white dwarfs at the cool edge of the 45 000–30 000 K temperature range supports the thin hydrogen layer model for the deficit of helium atmosphere white dwarfs in this range. DA white dwarfs with thick hydrogen layers do not have the superadiabatic, chemically inhomogeneous (μ-gradient) zone that drives pulsation in this temperature range. The potential for higher amplitude hot DAV stars exists; their discovery would open the possibility of a direct test of the explanation for the deficit of helium atmosphere white dwarfs at these temperatures by asteroseismic probing of the atmospheric layers of the hot DAV stars. A search for pulsation in a further 22 candidates with ULTRACAM on the European Southern Observatory New Technology Telescope gave null results for pulsation at precisions in the range 0.5–3 mmag, suggesting that the pulsation amplitudes in such stars are relatively low, hence near the detection limit with the ground-based telescopes used in the surve

    Novel efficient genome-wide SNP panels for the conservation of the highly endangered Iberian lynx

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    Background: The Iberian lynx (Lynx pardinus) has been acknowledged as the most endangered felid species in the world. An intense contraction and fragmentation during the twentieth century left less than 100 individuals split in two isolated and genetically eroded populations by 2002. Genetic monitoring and management so far have been based on 36 STRs, but their limited variability and the more complex situation of current populations demand more efficient molecular markers. The recent characterization of the Iberian lynx genome identified more than 1.6 million SNPs, of which 1536 were selected and genotyped in an extended Iberian lynx sample. Methods: We validated 1492 SNPs and analysed their heterozygosity, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, and linkage disequilibrium. We then selected a panel of 343 minimally linked autosomal SNPs from which we extracted subsets optimized for four different typical tasks in conservation applications: individual identification, parentage assignment, relatedness estimation, and admixture classification, and compared their power to currently used STR panels. Results: We ascribed 21 SNPs to chromosome X based on their segregation patterns, and identified one additional marker that showed significant differentiation between sexes. For all applications considered, panels of autosomal SNPs showed higher power than the currently used STR set with only a very modest increase in the number of markers. Conclusions: These novel panels of highly informative genome-wide SNPs provide more powerful, efficient, and flexible tools for the genetic management and non-invasive monitoring of Iberian lynx populations. This example highlights an important outcome of whole-genome studies in genetically threatened species

    Bilateral fibular fractures in a pre-ambulant infant

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    Multiple long-bone fractures, particularly bilateral fractures, are of moderate specificity for inflicted injury (physical abuse) in infants and young children. Bilateral healing fractures of the fibulae are rare and, depending on age, raise the suspicion of inflicted injury. We report healing undisplaced fractures of both fibulae, in almost identical positions, in a pre-ambulant infant. The caregivers reported that the infant repeatedly banged his legs against the metal frame of his playpen. A video of this mechanism was provided to the instructed radiology expert and showed that the point of impact of the infant’s legs against the metal frame was at a similar level to the radiographic abnormalities. This mechanism was therefore believed to be consistent with the injuries, resulting in a diagnosis of self-inflicted bilateral fibular fractures and not of inflicted injury

    Analysis of hydrogen-rich magnetic white dwarfs detected in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

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    We model the structure of the surface magnetic fields of the hydrogen-rich white dwarfs in the SDSS. We have calculated a grid of state-of-the-art theoretical optical spectra of hydrogen-rich magnetic white dwarfs with magnetic field strengths between 1 MG and 1200 MG for different angles, and for effective temperatures between 7000 K and 50000 K. We used a least-squares minimization scheme with an evolutionary algorithm in order to find the magnetic field geometry best fitting the observed data. We used simple centered dipoles or dipoles which were shifted along the dipole axis to model the coadded SDSS fiber spectrum of each object. We have analysed the spectra of all known magnetic DAs from the SDSS (97 previously published plus 44 newly discovered) and also investigated the statistical properties of magnetic field geometries of this sample. The total number of known magnetic white dwarfs already more than tripled by the SDSS and more objects are expected from a more systematic search. The magnetic fields span a range between ~1 and 900 MG. Our results further support the claim that Ap/Bp population is insufficient in generating the numbers and field strength distributions of the observed MWDs, and either another source of progenitor types or binary evolution is needed. Moreover clear indications for non-centered dipoles exist in about ~50% of the objects which is consistent with the magnetic field distribution observed in Ap/Bp stars.Comment: 15 pages, accepted for publication in A&A. For online version with full appendix figures, see http://www.ari.uni-heidelberg.de/mitarbeiter/bkulebi/papers/12570_online.pd