527 research outputs found

    Multi-wavelength analysis of the field of the dark burst GRB 031220

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    We have collected and analyzed data taken in different spectral bands (from X-ray to optical and infrared) of the field of GRB031220 and we present results of such multiband observations. Comparison between images taken at different epochs in the same filters did not reveal any strong variable source in the field of this burst. X-ray analysis shows that only two of the seven Chandra sources have a significant flux decrease and seem to be the most likely afterglow candidates. Both sources do not show the typical values of the R-K colour but they appear to be redder. However, only one source has an X-ray decay index (1.3 +/- 0.1) that is typical for observed afterglows. We assume that this source is the best afterglow candidate and we estimate a redshift of 1.90 +/- 0.30. Photometric analysis and redshift estimation for this object suggest that this GRB can be classified as a Dark Burst and that the obscuration is the result of dust extinction in the circum burst medium or inside the host galaxy.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication on A&

    Searching for biosignatures by their rotational spectrum: global fit and methyl group internal rotation features of dimethylsulphoxide up to 116 GHz

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    The identification and quantification of molecules in interstellar space and atmospheres of planets in the solar systems and in exoplanets rely on spectroscopicmethods and laboratory work is essential to provide the community with the spectral features needed to analyse cosmological observations. Rotational spectroscopy in particular, with its intrinsic high resolution, allows the unambiguous identification of biomolecular building blocks and biosignature gases which can be correlated with the origin of life or the identification of habitable planets.We report the extension of the measured rotational transition frequencies of dimethylsulphoxide and its 34S and 13C isotopologues in the millimetrewave range (59.6–78.4 GHz) by use of an absorption spectrometer based on the supersonic expansion technique. Hyperfine patterns related to the methyl group internal rotation were analysed in the microwave range region (6–18 GHz) with a Pulsed Jet Fourier Transform spectrometer at extremely high resolution (2 kHz) and reliable predictions up to 116 GHz are provided. The focus on sulphur-bearing molecules is motivated by the fact that sulphur is largely involved in the intra- and inter-molecular hydrogen bonds in proteins and although it is the 10th most abundant element in the known Universe, understanding its chemistry is still amatter of debate.Moreover, sulphur-bearingmolecules, in particular dimethylsulphoxide, have been indicated as possible biosignature gases to be monitored in the search of habitable exoplanets

    There is a short gamma-ray burst prompt phase at the beginning of each long one

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    We compare the prompt intrinsic spectral properties of a sample of short Gamma--ray Burst (GRB) with the first 0.3 seconds (rest frame) of long GRBs observed by Fermi/GBM. We find that short GRBs and the first part of long GRBs lie on the same E_p--E_iso correlation, that is parallel to the relation for the time averaged spectra of long GRBs. Moreover, they are indistinguishable in the E_p--L_iso plane. This suggests that the emission mechanism is the same for short and for the beginning of long events, and both short and long GRBs are very similar phenomena, occurring on different timescales. If the central engine of a long GRB would stop after ~0.3 * (1+z) seconds the resulting event would be spectrally indistinguishable from a short GRB.Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, MNRAS accepte

    The X-ray absorbing column density of a complete sample of bright Swift Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    A complete sample of bright Swift Gamma-ray Bursts (GRBs) has been recently selected by Salvaterra et al. (2011). The sample has a high level of completeness in redshift (91%). We derive here the intrinsic absorbing X-ray column densities of these GRBs making use of the Swift X-ray Telescope data. This distribution has a mean value of log(NH/cm-2)=21.7+-0.5. This value is consistent with the distribution of the column densities derived from the total sample of GRBs with redshift. We find a mild increase of the intrinsic column density with redshift. This can be interpreted as due to the contribution of intervening systems along the line of sight. Making use of the spectral index connecting optical and X-ray fluxes at 11 hr (beta_OX), we investigate the relation of the intrinsic column density and the GRB `darkness'. We find that there is a very tight correlation between dark GRBs and high X-ray column densities. This clearly indicates that the dark GRBs are formed in a metal-rich environment where dust must be present.Comment: MNRAS, 6 pages, 3 figures, 1 tabl

    A complete sample of bright Swift short Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    We present a carefully selected sample of short gamma-ray bursts (SGRBs) observed by the Swift satellite up to June 2013. Inspired by the criteria we used to build a similar sample of bright long GRBs (the BAT6 sample), we selected SGRBs with favorable observing conditions for the redshift determination on ground, ending up with a sample of 36 events, almost half of which with a redshift measure. The redshift completeness increases up to about 70% (with an average redshift value of z = 0.85) by restricting to those events that are bright in the 15-150 keV Swift Burst Alert Telescope energy band. Such flux-limited sample minimizes any redshift-related selection effects, and can provide a robust base for the study of the energetics, redshift distribution and environment of the Swift bright population of SGRBs. For all the events of the sample we derived the prompt and afterglow emission in both the observer and (when possible) rest frame and tested the consistency with the correlations valid for long GRBs. The redshift and intrinsic X-ray absorbing column density distributions we obtain are consistent with the scenario of SGRBs originated by the coalescence of compact objects in primordial binaries, with a possible minor contribution (~10%-25%) of binaries formed by dynamical capture (or experiencing large natal kicks). This sample is expected to significantly increase with further years of Swift activity.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, 7 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Evidence of a Two-Component Jet in the Afterglow of GRB 070419A

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    A two-component jet model is proposed to explain the unusual afterglow of GRB 070419A. Regarding the optical light curve, a wide "jet" with an opening angle of > 30-40 degrees is assumed to produce the late shallow decay, while the three early power-law segments must be caused by a narrow jet with an opening angle of about 2-4 degrees. Additional energy injections to both components are required. Late X-ray emission may come from either the wide jet or the narrow one. If the latter is correct, the jets may run into an ISM environment and the temporal index of the late energy injection q may be about 0.65.Comment: 3 pages, PDF only, accepted for publication in Science in China Series

    Multiwavelength chase of GRB 031220 afterglow

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    Several gamma ray bursts (GRBs) with X-ray afterglow do not show any optical-IR afterglow. The nature of this class of events, the so-called Dark Bursts, is still not clear. The optical absorption could be due to the interstellar dust or to the high redshift of the event. Or, more simply, the non-detection of the optical transient should be due to the delay in the observation or to the rapid energy decaying of these events. High spatial resolution X-ray observations are the most promising tool to investigate on such kind of events. We have collected and analyzed X-ray data and images taken in different spectral bands (optical and infrared) for GRB 031220 and we present the results of the analysis of multiband observations on the field of this burst. Comparison between images taken at different epochs in the same filters did not reveal any strongly variable sources. Photometric analysis and photometric redshift estimation of all possible afterglow candidates suggest that this GRB can be classifie d as a Dark Burst

    Optical and X-ray Rest-frame Light Curves of the BAT6 sample

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    We present the rest-frame light curves in the optical and X-ray bands of an unbiased and complete sample of Swift long Gamma-Ray Bursts (GRBs), namely the BAT6 sample. The unbiased BAT6 sample (consisting of 58 events) has the highest level of completeness in redshift (\sim 95%), allowing us to compute the rest-frame X-ray and optical light curves for 55 and 47 objects, respectively. We compute the X-ray and optical luminosities accounting for any possible source of absorption (Galactic and intrinsic) that could affect the observed fluxes in these two bands. We compare the behaviour observed in the X-ray and in the optical bands to assess the relative contribution of the emission during the prompt and afterglow phases. We unarguably demonstrate that the GRBs rest-frame optical luminosity distribution is not bimodal, being rather clustered around the mean value Log(LR_{R}) = 29.9 ±\pm 0.8 when estimated at a rest frame time of 12 hr. This is in contrast with what found in previous works and confirms that the GRB population has an intrinsic unimodal luminosity distribution. For more than 70% of the events the rest-frame light curves in the X-ray and optical bands have a different evolution, indicating distinct emitting regions and/or mechanisms. The X-ray light curves normalised to the GRB isotropic energy (Eiso_{\rm iso}), provide evidence for X-ray emission still powered by the prompt emission until late times (\sim hours after the burst event). On the other hand, the same test performed for the Eiso_{\rm iso}-normalised optical light curves shows that the optical emission is a better proxy of the afterglow emission from early to late times.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A: 10 pages, 5 figures, 2 table

    The Afterglow and Environment of the Short GRB111117A

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    We present multi-wavelength observations of the afterglow of the short GRB111117A, and follow-up observations of its host galaxy. From rapid optical and radio observations we place limits of r \gtrsim 25.5 mag at \deltat \approx 0.55 d and F_nu(5.8 GHz) < 18 \muJy at \deltat \approx 0.50 d, respectively. However, using a Chandra observation at t~3.0 d we locate the absolute position of the X-ray afterglow to an accuracy of 0.22" (1 sigma), a factor of about 6 times better than the Swift-XRT position. This allows us to robustly identify the host galaxy and to locate the burst at a projected offset of 1.25 +/- 0.20" from the host centroid. Using optical and near-IR observations of the host galaxy we determine a photometric redshift of z=1.3 (+0.3,-0.2), one of the highest for any short GRB, and leading to a projected physical offset for the burst of 10.5 +/- 1.7 kpc, typical of previous short GRBs. At this redshift, the isotropic gamma-ray energy is E_{gamma,iso} \approx 3\times10^51 erg (rest-frame 23-2300 keV) with a peak energy of E_{pk} \approx 850-2300 keV (rest-frame). In conjunction with the isotropic X-ray energy, GRB111117A appears to follow our recently-reported E_x,iso-E_gamma,iso-E_pk universal scaling. Using the X-ray data along with the optical and radio non-detections we find that for a blastwave kinetic energy of E_{K,iso} \approx E_{gamma,iso}, the circumburst density is n_0 \sim 3x10^(-4)-1 cm^-3 (for a range of epsilon_B=0.001-0.1). Similarly, from the non-detection of a break in the X-ray light curve at t<3 d, we infer a minimum opening angle for the outflow of theta_j> 3-10 degrees (depending on the circumburst density). We conclude that Chandra observations of short GRBs are effective at determining precise positions and robust host galaxy associations in the absence of optical and radio detections.Comment: ApJ accepted versio