173 research outputs found

    When do You Want It? : Determinants of Future-Oriented Political Thinking

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    Many studies have examined whether citizens prefer direct or stealth democracy, or participatory democratic processes. This study adds to the emerging literature that instead examines the temporal aspect of citizens’ process preferences. We use a survey with a probabilistic sample of the Finnish voting-age population (n = 1,906), which includes a measure of the extent to which citizens think democratic decision-making should maximize welfare today or ensure future well-being. Calling this dimension of democratic process preferences future-oriented political thinking, we demonstrate that people hold different but consistent views regarding the extent to which democratic politics should balance between present and future benefits. We find that future-oriented political thinking is linked to general time orientation, but the linkage varies across respondent groups. Politically sophisticated individuals are less future-oriented, suggesting that intense cognitive engagement with politics is linked with a focus on present-day politics rather than political investment in the future.Peer reviewe

    Att vara medkännande med sig själv och andra -En kvalitativ studie om vad arbetet med (själv)medkänsla tillför psykologen som yrkesperson och privatperson.

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    Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur psykologer som arbetar med (själv)medkänsla definierar och förstår begreppet (själv)medkänsla och hur de upplever nyttan av detta arbete som yrkespersoner och privatpersoner. Sju psykologer intervjuades och datamaterialet analyserades med Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA), vilket gav sex huvudteman: Att vara medkännande med sig själv; Common humanity; Effekter hos patienter; Självomhändertagande strategi; Lättare att hantera påfrestningar; Integrerad i personligheten. Resultatet gav stöd för att arbetet med (själv)medkänsla var till stor nytta för samtliga psykologer så väl i yrkeslivet som i privatlivet. Resultatet diskuterades i relation till teorin. Psykologerna gav uttryck för förbättrade terapiresultat, även hos patienter som tidigare inte blivit tillräckligt hjälpta av terapi. Arbetet sågs även som en självomhändertagande strategi, då det upplevdes ha bidragit till förbättrad stresshantering och minskat risken för utmattning och utbrändhet. Psykologernas beskrivningar av hur de såg på (själv)medkänsla var relativt samstämmiga, även om det framkom viss variation i (själv)medkänslans betydelse för dem personligen. Samtliga psykologer underströk vikten av egen erfarenhet av att använda sig av kunskaper och förhållningssätt utifrån metoden som användes i patientarbetet. Flera psykologer gav uttryck för att arbetet med (själv)medkänsla hade inneburit stora positiva förändringar för dem, såväl som yrkesperson som privatperson.The aim of this study was to investigate how psychologists working with (self)compassion defined and understood the concept of (self)compassion and how they experienced the benefits both as professionals and as private individuals. Seven psychologists were interviewed and the data analyzed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA), yielding six main themes: Being compassionate with yourself; Common humanity; Effects in patients; Selfcare strategy; Facilitated stress handling; Integration into one´s personality. The results indicated that the methods used were of great benefit for all seven psychologists in professional as well as in private life. Results were discussed in relation to the theory. After adopting (self)compassion strategies, the psychologists expressed improved therapy results, even in clients who earlier had not been sufficiently helped by therapy. The methods were also deemed a selfcare strategy by the psychologists, through creating improved stress management and reducing the risk for fatigue and burnout. Although there were some personal variations, the psychologists’ descriptions of their views of (self)compassion were relatively consistent. All psychologists emphasized the importance of personal experience when working with (self)compassion. Several of the psychologists expressed views that (self)compassion had brought about major positive changes in their lives, both as professionals and private individuals

    Poliittinen ja sosiaalinen luottamus : Polut, trendit ja kuilut

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    Tämän teoksen teema – Poliittinen ja sosiaalinen luottamus: Polut, trendit ja kuilut – kokoaa yhteen tutkimuksia, jotka pohtivat poliittisen ja sosiaalisen luottamuksen käsitteitä, mittaamista ja vaihtelua eri ryhmissä kansalaisista eliittiin sekä kansallisella että kansainvälisellä tasolla. Teos luo yleiskatsauksen poliittisen luottamuksen viimeisimpään tutkimukseen, mutta myös herättää keskustelua siitä, missä määrin eriytymiskehityksestä poliittisessa ja sosiaalisessa luottamuksessa tulisi olla huolissaan. Kuinka paljon luottamusta yhteiskunta tarvitsee toimiakseen sekä kokonaisuudessaan että eri väestöryhmissä? Teoksen ensimmäinen osa keskittyy poliittiseen ja toinen sosiaaliseen luottamukseen niin käsitteellisesti kuin empiirisestikin. Kolmas osa pohtii poliittisen luottamuksen suhdetta yhteiskunnan eriytymiskehitykseen ja neljäs tarkastelee luottamuksen merkitystä kansainvälisissä suhteissa. Teos on samalla Suomen Akatemian rahoittaman CONTRE-konsortion (Polut poliittiseen luottamukseen, 2015-2019) loppuraportti ja se tiivistää artikkeleissaan projektin tärkeimpiä tuloksia. Tarkoituksena on kuitenkin tuoda yhteen tutkijoita laajemmin teeman ympäriltä, ja mukana on kirjoittajia myös Strategisen tutkimuksen neuvoston rahoittamista BIBU (Kansalaisuuden kuilut ja kuplat) – ja TITA (Eriarvoisuuden torjuminen niukkuuden aikana) –hankkeista, sekä LegGov (Legitimacy in Global Governance) –tutkimusohjelmasta Tukholman yliopistosta. Kirjoittajiksi on kutsuttu lisäksi asiantuntijoita Helsingin, Tampereen ja Turun yliopistoista

    I trängda tider behövs mer utrymme för demokrati och flerstämmighet

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    Ehdokkaiden demokratiakäsitykset

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    Deliberative mini-publics facilitating voter knowledge and judgement : Experiment from a Finnish local referendum

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    This article examines the use of a Citizens’ Jury as a source of voter information in the context of a government-initiated (top-down) referendum. Several studies show the capacity of the Citizens’ Initiative Review (CIR) to enhance voters’ knowledge and capacity of judgement in ballot initiative processes. However, similar procedures have not been tested outside the U.S.A. or in the context of government-initiated referendums. Our case is a Citizens’ Jury on Referendum Options organised in the municipality of Korsholm (Finland) in 2019. Even though the referendum concerned a contested municipal merger, we find that jury's participants were nonetheless satisfied with the deliberative process and found it impartial. A large majority of voters in Korsholm had read the statement by the jury and thought it was a useful and trustworthy source of information. Based on a field experiment, we find that reading the statement increased trust in the jury, factual knowledge, issue efficacy and perspective-taking.Peer reviewe

    Current temporal trends in moth abundance are counter to predicted effects of climate change in an assemblage of subarctic forest moths

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    Changes in climate are influencing the distribution and abundance of the world's biota, with significant consequences for biological diversity and ecosystem processes. Recent work has raised concern that populations of moths and butterflies (Lepidoptera) may be particularly susceptible to population declines under environmental change. Moreover, effects of climate change may be especially pronounced in high latitude ecosystems. Here, we examine population dynamics in an assemblage of subarctic forest moths in Finnish Lapland to assess current trajectories of population change. Moth counts were made continuously over a period of 32 years using light traps. From 456 species recorded, 80 were sufficiently abundant for detailed analyses of their population dynamics. Climate records indicated rapid increases in temperature and winter precipitation at our study site during the sampling period. However, 90% of moth populations were stable (57%) or increasing (33%) over the same period of study. Nonetheless, current population trends do not appear to reflect positive responses to climate change. Rather, time‐series models illustrated that the per capita rates of change of moth species were more frequently associated negatively than positively with climate change variables, even as their populations were increasing. For example, the per capita rates of change of 35% of microlepidoptera were associated negatively with climate change variables. Moth life‐history traits were not generally strong predictors of current population change or associations with climate change variables. However, 60% of moth species that fed as larvae on resources other than living vascular plants (e.g. litter, lichen, mosses) were associated negatively with climate change variables in time‐series models, suggesting that such species may be particularly vulnerable to climate change. Overall, populations of subarctic forest moths in Finland are performing better than expected, and their populations appear buffered at present from potential deleterious effects of climate change by other ecological forces.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/106856/1/gcb12529.pd

    Comparison of device-based physical activity and sedentary behaviour following percutaneous coronary intervention in a cohort from Sweden and Australia:A harmonised, exploratory study

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    Background Few studies have measured device-based physical activity and sedentary behaviour following a percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), with no studies comparing these behaviours between countries using the same methods. The aim of the study was to compare device-based physical activity and sedentary behaviour, using a harmonised approach, following a PCI on-entry into centre-based cardiac rehabilitation in two countries. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted at two outpatient cardiac rehabilitation centres in Australia and Sweden. Participants were adults following a PCI and commencing cardiac rehabilitation (Australia n = 50, Sweden n = 133). Prior to discharge from hospital, Australian participants received brief physical activity advice (&amp;lt; 5 mins), while Swedish participants received physical activity counselling for 30 min. A triaxial accelerometer (Actigraph GT3X/ActiSleep) was used to objectively assess physical activity (light (LPA), moderate-to-vigorous (MVPA)) and sedentary behaviour. Outcomes included daily minutes of physical activity and sedentary behaviour, and the proportion and distribution of time spent in each behaviour. Results There was no difference in age, gender or relationship status between countries. Swedish (S) participants commenced cardiac rehabilitation later than Australian (A) participants (days post-PCI A 16 vs S 22, p &amp;lt; 0.001). Proportionally, Swedish participants were significantly more physically active and less sedentary than Australian participants (LPA A 27% vs S 30%, p &amp;lt; 0.05; MVPA A 5% vs S 7%, p &amp;lt; 0.01; sedentary behaviour A 68% vs S 63%, p &amp;lt; 0.001). When adjusting for wear-time, Australian participants were doing less MVPA minutes (A 42 vs S 64, p &amp;lt; 0.001) and more sedentary behaviour minutes (A 573 vs S 571, p &amp;lt; 0.001) per day. Both Swedish and Australian participants spent a large part of the day sedentary, accumulating 9.5 h per day in sedentary behaviour. Conclusion Swedish PCI participants when commencing cardiac rehabilitation are more physically active than Australian participants. Potential explanatory factors are differences in post-PCI in-hospital physical activity education between countries and pre-existing physical activity levels. Despite this, sedentary behaviour is high in both countries. Internationally, interventions to address sedentary behaviour are indicated post-PCI, in both the acute setting and cardiac rehabilitation, in addition to traditional physical activity and cardiac rehabilitation recommendations.Funding Agencies|University of Canberra (Early Career Academic Research Development Grant); ACT Health Chief Allied Health Office (Allied Health Research Support Grant); Swedish Heart and Lung AssociationSwedish Heart-Lung Foundation; Swedish Society for Medical Research</p