833 research outputs found

    La mujer como sujeto corporal y reflexivo en el teatro mexicano actual: Dos experiencias, dos miradas, un nuevo síntoma

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    This article studies Plagio de palabras by Elena Guiochins and Mme. Cuquita’s Show by Pilar Gallegos in a first approach to two creative women and their styles of discourse which do not belong to the hegemonic Mexican theatre scene. Violence, solitude, the fragmented "I," incommunication, dismanteling sexual stereotypes, uncertainty and the contingent game of past, present and future are themes presented in these two performances that depend on fracturing ideas and scenic space, combining minimalism with puppets and the presence of a confessional discourse that oscillates between irony and black humor. (IA, in Spanish

    Una propuesta metodológica para el análisis melódico de enunciados orales espontáneos con partículas modales del alemán

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    In the present paper we analyse the relationship between intonation and German modal particles. In section 1., we review the literature on this specific topic, since Kriwonossow wrote his dissertation in 1977 and we observe that this relationship has been an aspect hardly developed from an objective and instrumental point of view. In section 2., we describe a method for analysing intonation and its relation to German modal particles. The method enables, on the one hand, to analyse real and spontaneous spoken utterances produced by German multiple subjects and, on the other hand, to obtain standardised intonation patterns for establishing phonological modalities in German and define the pragmatic meaning of German modal particles

    Interacció de codis orals en parla espontània: el cas de les partícules modals de l'alemany

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    En aquest article s'analitza la coestructuració entre llenguatge verbal, entonació i gestualitat o kinèsica en 406 enunciats audiovisuals amb partícules modals (PM) emesos per 60 informants germanòfons en contexts comunicatius reals, espontanis i genuïns. Concretament, s'estudien les correlacions entre PM i entonació, i entre PM i la gestualitat coexpresiva i sincronitzada amb les emissions verbals

    El concepto de Lacunaridad como incentivo en la vinculación de la estadística y la informática con la ingeniería

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    En este trabajo se propone desarrollar en forma didáctica, un algoritmo que permita el cálculo de la Lacunaridad, un concepto que se introduce para caracterizar diferentes apariencias de textura. Con ello lograr una implementación computacional que permita internalizar los conceptos de este recurso de alto valor operacional en la ingeniería moderna, en aplicaciones del Procesamiento de Imágenes. Para esto, se recurre a conceptos básicos de la Estadística, como los histogramas y los momentos de primer y segundo orden de distribuciones, que llevan a resolver un problema real de la Ingeniería. Por otro lado, promueve el conocimiento de técnicas modernas incluidas en el extenso horizonte que presenta en nuestros días el uso de la Geometría Fractal. De este modo se enfatiza el alto impacto que tiene la Estadística como herramienta esencial de apoyo en la formación de otros profesionales

    Las partículas modales del alemán: una revisión crítica

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    One of the main features on which there seems to be a great agreement among researchers is that German modal particles are mostly used in oral language. However, after reviewing the literature ever since one of the most representative works in this field was made and after considering the characteristics that are derived and that define this group of words as a distinct group from other grammatical categories, we observe, on the one hand, that the relationship between German modal particles and intonation is an aspect hardly developed and, on the other hand, that this relationship is analysed taking into account a corpus of written data. In this paper we purpose to change this point of view and recover the initial assumption. German modal particles would have to be analysed taking into account their natural context where they are used and, in order to do that, they would have to be studied exploring the interrelations between several oral codes, because it is there where their different modal meanings arise

    Las partículas modales del alemán: una revisión crítica

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    One of the main features on which there seems to be a great agreement among researchers is that German modal particles are mostly used in oral language. However, after reviewing the literature ever since one of the most representative works in this field was made and after considering the characteristics that are derived and that define this group of words as a distinct group from other grammatical categories, we observe, on the one hand, that the relationship between German modal particles and intonation is an aspect hardly developed and, on the other hand, that this relationship is analysed taking into account a corpus of written data. In this paper we purpose to change this point of view and recover the initial assumption. German modal particles would have to be analysed taking into account their natural context where they are used and, in order to do that, they would have to be studied exploring the interrelations between several oral codes, because it is there where their different modal meanings arise

    A Methodological Proposal for the Melodic Analysis of Spontaneous Spoken Utterances with German Modal Particles

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    En este trabajo se examina la relación que se establece entre entonación y partículas modales del alemán. Para ello, en la primera sección se estudia la bibliografía especializada que trata este tema específico, tomando como punto de partida la tesis de Kriwonossow de 1977. Observamos que esta relación ha sido escasamente desarrollada desde un punto de vista objetivo e instrumental. En la segunda sección, describimos un método para analizar la entonación y su relación con las partículas modales del alemán. Por una parte, el método de análisis descrito posibilita analizar enunciados orales reales, genuinos y espontáneos emitidos por múltiples informantes; y, por otra parte, permite obtener contornos entonativos normalizados y comparables con el objetivo de establecer las diferentes modalidades fonológicas del alemán y definir el significado pragmático de las partículas modales del alemán.In the present paper we analyse the relationship between intonation and German modal particles. In section 1., we review the literature on this specific topic, since Kriwonossow wrote his dissertation in 1977 and we observe that this relationship has been an aspect hardly developed from an objective and instrumental point of view. In section 2., we describe a method for analysing intonation and its relation to German modal particles. The method enables, on the one hand, to analyse real and spontaneous spoken utterances produced by German multiple subjects and, on the other hand, to obtain standardised intonation patterns for establishing phonological modalities in German and define the pragmatic meaning of German modal particle

    Las melodías de los enunciados interrogativos con marca sintáctica del alemán septentrional en habla espontánea

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    L’anàlisi de l’entonació de l’alemany, així com també d’algunes de les seves varietats lingüístiques, ha experimentat un augment notable a partir de l’aplicació del mètode metricoautosegmental desenvolupat inicialment per Pierrehumbert (1980) i adaptat posteriorment a l’àmbit alemany per Grice et al. (1996), Gussenhoven (1988) i Mayer (1995). El procediment analític que s’aplica en aquest treball és metodològicament diferent al mètode metricoautosegmental. L’anàlisi acústica dels enunciats seleccionats es du a terme a través del mètode d’anàlisi melòdica de la parla (AMP), desenvolupat per Cantero (2002). El principal objectiu que ens proposem és analitzar, descriure i caracteritzar els patrons melòdics dels enunciats interrogatius amb marca sintàctica de l’alemany septentrional en parla espontània a través del mètode AMP i comparar els resultats obtinguts amb els que es descriuen a partir de l’aplicació de la metodologia mètrica i autosegmental.Research on German intonation has been notably increasing since the metrical-autosegmental system was applied to the description of German intonation patterns and also to the intonation description of some German linguistic varieties. This system for the description of intonation was developed first by Pierrehumbert (1980) and later adapted to German by Grice et al. (1996), Gussenhoven (1988) and Mayer (1995). The analytical procedure, that we apply in the present work, is methodologically quite different from the metrical-autosegmental framework. The acoustic analysis of utterances will be carried out with the melodic analysis of speech (MAS) method, developed by Cantero (2002). The objective of this paper is to analyse, to describe and to characterise the melodic patterns of syntactically marked questions in northern German in spontaneous speech and to compare our results with the descriptions of German intonation patterns obtained through the metrical-autosegmental system

    Developing neuroimaging biomarkers of blast-induced traumatic brain injury

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    In the past two decades, the awareness of the physical and emotional effects and sequalae of traumatic brain injuries (TBI) has grown considerably, especially in the case of soldiers returning from their deployment in Iraq and Afghanistan, after sustaining blast-induced TBI (bTBI). While the understanding of bTBI and how it compares to civilian non-blast TBI is essential for proper prevention, diagnosis and treatment, it is currently limited, especially in human in-vivo studies. Developing neuroimaging biomarkers of bTBI is key in understanding primary blast injury mechanism. I therefore investigated the patterns of white matter and grey matter injuries that are specific to bTBI and aren¶t commonl\ seen in civilians Zho suffered from head trauma using advanced neuroimaging techniques. However, because of significant methodological issues and limitations, I developed and tested a new pipeline capable of running the analysis of white matter abnormalities in soldiers, called subject-specific diffusion segmentation (SSDS). I also used standard methodologies to investigate changes at the level of the grey matter structures, and more particularly the limbic system. Finally, I trained a machine learning algorithm that builds decision trees with the aim of classifying between patients with TBI and controls, and between different TBI mechanisms as an example of what could potentially be applied in the context of bTBI. I found three main neuroimaging biomarkers specific to bTBI. The first one is a microstructural white matter abnormality at the level of the middle cerebellar peduncle, characterized by a decrease of diffusivity measures. The second is also a decrease in diffusivity properties, at the level of the white matter boundary, and the third one is a loss of hippocampal volume, with no association to post-traumatic stress disorder. Finally, I demonstrated that SSDS can be used in tandem with a machine learning algorithm for potential diagnosis of TBI with high accuracy. These findings provide mechanistic insights into bTBI and the effect of primary blast injuries on the human brain. This work also identifies important neuroimaging biomarkers that might facilitate prevention and diagnosis in soldiers who suffered from bTBI.Open Acces