177 research outputs found

    Estado de degradación proteolítica del queso de Los Pedroches

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    Las imágenes electroforéticas en gel de poliacrilamida de seis muestras de quesos de los Pedroches maduros, elaborados por diferentes productores, indican que la as-caseína aparece más degradada en todos los quesos que la B-caseína, que apenas es hidrolizada en algunos quesos. La hidrólisis enzimática de la as-caseína (fundamentalmente de la as2- y as3-) origina cuatro productos de escisión de mayor movilidad. La degradación proteolítica de la B-caseína rinde siete fragmentos polipeptídicos de alto peso molecular y baja movilidad electroforética, que se sitúan en la región de la K • y y-caseína. Algunos de estos polipéptidos pueden corresponder a caseínas minoritarias equivalentes a la y-,, TS- y R-caseína eencontradas en qquesos maduros eelaborados con leche de vaca

    Principales componentes químicos y parámetros físicos del queso de Los Pedroches

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    Se ha determinado la composición química bruta, los principales componentes mmerales y dos parámetros físicos, el pH y la ow, de un lote heterogéneo de 16 quesos de Los Pedroches maduros, elaborados todos eUos por productores diferentes. Los valores medios hallados, que pueden considerarse como representativos de esta variedad de queso, han sido: humedad 34,5 O/o, proteínas 3 1,7 0/o, gras:J 26,7 Ofo, ácido láctico 1,5 0/o y cenizas 6,3 0/o. Sobre la base de la m~tcria seca, el contenido medio en sal es del 4,8 0/o, el de calcio de 1 ,S 0/o y el de fósforo de 1,2 Ofo (relación Ca/1' = 1,27). El valor pll medio es de 5,45 y la aw de 0,90

    Willow short rotation coppice trial in a former mining area in Northern Spain: Effects of clone, fertilization and planting density on yield after five years

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    A willow short rotation coppice (SRC) trial was conducted on former mining land in northern Spain over a period of five years, with the purpose of evaluating the effects on yield of two planting densities (9876 and 14,815 cuttings ha−1), three treatments (control, two levels of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium compound fertilizer (NPK) plus weed control) and three willow clones (Björn, Inger, Olof). The area was subsoiled, ploughed, harrowed and fertilized with NPK before trial establishment. A randomized block design was applied, with three replications of each treatment in a total of 54 plots, each of an area of 400 m2. The effects of the interactions between the various factors on yield and other growth parameters were also studied. The clone factor significantly affected the number of shoots per stool (greatest for the Inger clone) and the Olof clone, which showed the lowest mortality rate and produced the largest trees and largest quantity of biomass. The combined application of fertilizer and herbicide also significantly increased the values of all response variables considered, except the mortality rate. The planting density did not significantly affect the response variables. Clone × treatment interactions were significant for the shoots per stool, height, diameter and biomass variables, and the Olof clone displayed the highest height and diameter growth and yield. The results obtained in the first rotation indicate that the Olof clone adapted well to the trial conditions and therefore would be appropriate for producing biomass in abandoned mine land in Asturias. These findings will help in the development of strategies for the establishment and management of SRC on marginal land

    Predicting current and future suitable habitat and productivity for Atlantic populations of maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Aiton) in Spain

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    [EN] By combining inventory data and spatially-continuous environmental information, we were able to develop models for Atlantic populations of maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Aiton) in Spain in order to predict suitable habitat and site index at a spatial resolution of 250 × 250 m. & Context Currently available, spatially continuous environmental information was used to make reliable predictions about suitable habitat and forest productivity. & Aims To develop raster-based distribution and productivity models for Atlantic populations of maritime pine in Spain to predict current and future suitable habitat and productivity. & Methods Occurrence data and site index values were obtained from the Third Spanish National Forest Inventory and research plots, respectively. After testing different algorithms, random forest were selected for modelling the relationships between maritime pine occurrence, site index and spatially continuous environmental variables. & Results The overall accuracy of the suitable habitat model was 73%, and climate (mainly thermal properties) and soil physical properties were the most important variables. The site index model explained 60% of the observed variability, and lithological properties were the most important variables. A slight increase in site index (0.46–0.51%) and a large increase in suitable habitat (50–66%) are expected for 2070 under the most pessimistic climate change scenario. & Conclusion The currently available spatial continuous information enables the development of accurate raster data models for predicting suitable habitat and site productivity without the need for fieldwork. Climate change is expected to increase the potentially suitable habitat of Atlantic maritime pine populations in Spain in the coming decades.SIThe research was supported by funding from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (projects AGL2008–02259/ FOR) and from the local government of Asturias (projects CN-07-094 and SV-PA-13-ECOEMP-58)

    Distribution of Eucalyptus globulus Labill. in northern Spain: Contemporary cover, suitable habitat and potential expansion under climate change

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    [EN] The goals of this study were to analyze the current status of eucalypt plantations in northern Spain and to assess current and future potential expansion of these plantations under climate change. The findings showed that the area occupied by Eucalyptus globulus has increased greatly (by 4.6 times) in northern Spain in the last 50 years, to reach the current cover of 389033.57 ha. This area represents 18.22% of the total area of wooded land, although the proportion varies widely in different provinces (0.28% in the inland province of Ourense and 44.76% in A Coru˜na). In order to assess the current and future species distribution for two climate change scenarios, species distribution models were fitted to data on 53 spatially-continuous environmental variables (terrain, climate, soil and hydrographical variables) derived from 3014 plots with presence of eucalypts and included in the third Spanish national forest inventory. The Random Forest machine learning method proved to be the best approach for modelling eucalypt occurrence, which was found to be related to 18 variables. Climate, soil and terrain were the most important variables in the model (explaining respectively 51.2%, 34.2% and 10.1% of the variation). Future projections were made for 2050 and 2070 by considering representative concentration pathway (RCP) scenarios 4.5 and 8.5 and applying the BCC-CSM1.1 model of the IPCC’s 5th Assessment Report, which forecasted a significant increase in the suitable habitat in the inland areas of Galicia (northwest Spain) and a slight reduction in the other three autonomous communities in northern Spain (Asturias, Cantabria and Euskadi). The current suitable habitat in forest land and other natural and seminatural areas (SHNET) includes an area of 830885.41 ha available for potential expansion of eucalypt, of which a total of 296356.71 ha is currently occupied by native broadleaved forest, mainly in Galicia (185420.12 ha). In addition, an increase in SHNET of up 398810.27 ha is expected by 2070 in the worst climate change scenario (RCP 8.5), so that pressure on the native forest will mainly increase in the inland areas of Galicia. In natural protected areas, eucalypts currently occupy an area of 7840.40 ha, which represents 7.10% of the SHNET included in natural protected areas in the study zone (110428.78 ha). The largest such area (5032.65 ha) is in Galicia and represents 7.42% of the SHNET in natural protected areas in the region (67836.64 ha). In the future, this amount will increase by between 59.16% and 87.89% in Galicia but will decrease by between 18.41% and 30.59% in the other autonomous communities in northern Spain, with the exception of the RCP 8.5 scenario for 2070, in which an increase of 4.42% is forecast. The research findings demonstrate the significant presence of eucalypt in natural protected areas and the possibility of expansion of eucalypts in Galicia in the absence of effective control.S

    Ontologies in medicinal chemistry: current status and future challenges

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    [Abstract] Recent years have seen a dramatic increase in the amount and availability of data in the diverse areas of medicinal chemistry, making it possible to achieve significant advances in fields such as the design, synthesis and biological evaluation of compounds. However, with this data explosion, the storage, management and analysis of available data to extract relevant information has become even a more complex task that offers challenging research issues to Artificial Intelligence (AI) scientists. Ontologies have emerged in AI as a key tool to formally represent and semantically organize aspects of the real world. Beyond glossaries or thesauri, ontologies facilitate communication between experts and allow the application of computational techniques to extract useful information from available data. In medicinal chemistry, multiple ontologies have been developed during the last years which contain knowledge about chemical compounds and processes of synthesis of pharmaceutical products. This article reviews the principal standards and ontologies in medicinal chemistry, analyzes their main applications and suggests future directions.Instituto de Salud Carlos III; FIS-PI10/02180Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnología para el Desarrollo; 209RT0366Galicia. Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria; CN2012/217Galicia. Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria; CN2011/034Galicia. Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria; CN2012/21

    Guía de mantenimiento preventivo para maquinarias de áreas de procesamiento y secado mecánico de café en el beneficio seco de la empresa PRODECOOP R.L. Palacagüina, I semestre 2022

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    La presente tesis expone la situación actual del mantenimiento industrial preventivo, realizado en las maquinarias de las áreas de procesamiento y secado mecánico del beneficio seco de la empresa PRODECOOP RL, mediante herramientas que permiten la recolección de datos claves para conocer sobre las actividades que se realizan en los equipos, tales como: La Entrevista que permite el intercambio de ideas mediante la conversación; La Encuesta la cual genera datos estadísticos para posterior analisis, así mismo, se utiliza la Guía de Observación que permite situarse de manera sistemática en el objeto de estudio. Se realizó un análisis de todos los elementos (organización de los departamentos) que influyen dentro del flujo de las actividades, la organización que existe dentro de la empresa para la asignación de los recursos necesarios, de manera que, estos elementos permiten el flujo continuo de las acciones que se necesitan emplear y la rápida acción ante diversas situaciones

    PTGDR gene expression and response to dexamethasone treatment in an in vitro model

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    [EN]Asthma is a multifactorial pathology influenced by environmental and genetic factors. Glucocorticoid treatment decreases symptoms by regulating genes involved in the inflammatory process through binding to specific DNA sequences. Polymorphisms located in the promoter region of the Prostaglandin D Receptor (PTGDR) gene have been related to asthma. We aimed to analyze the effect of PTGDR promoter haplotypes on gene expression and response to corticosteroid therapy. A549 lung epithelial cells were transfected with vectors carrying four different PTGDR haplotypes (CTCT, CCCC, CCCT and TCCT), and treated with dexamethasone. Different approaches to study the promoter activity (Dual Luciferase Reporter System), gene expression levels (qPCR) and cytokine secretion (Multiplexed Bead-based Flow Cytometric) were used. In addition, in silico analysis was also performed. Cells carrying the TCCT haplotype showed the lowest promoter activity (p-value<0.05) and mRNA expression levels in basal conditions. After dexamethasone treatment, cells carrying the wild-type variant CTCT showed the highest response, and those carrying the TCCT variant the lowest (p-value<0.05) in luciferase assays. Different transcription factor binding patterns were identified in silico. Moreover, differences in cytokine secretion were also found among different promoter haplotypes. Polymorphisms of PTGDR gene influence basal promoter activity and gene expression, as well as the cytokine secretory pattern. Furthermore, an association between these positions and response to corticoid treatment was observed

    Use of Anti-Cytokine Therapy in Kidney Transplant Recipients with COVID-19

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    In the context of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, we aimed to evaluate the impact of anti-cytokine therapies (AT) in kidney transplant recipients requiring hospitalization due to severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection. This is an observational retrospective study, which included patients from March to May 2020. An inverse probability of treatment weighting from a propensity score to receive AT was used in all statistical analyses, and we applied a bootstrap procedure in order to calculate an estimation of the 2.5th and 97.5th percentiles of odds ratio (OR). outcomes were measured using an ordinal scale determination (OSD). A total of 33 kidney recipients required hospitalization and 54% of them received at least one AT, mainly tocilizumab (42%), followed by anakinra (12%). There was no statistical effect in terms of intensive care unit (ICU) admission, respiratory secondary infections (35% vs. 7%) or mortality (16% vs. 13%) comparing patients that received AT with those who did not. Nevertheless, patients who received AT presented better outcomes during hospitalization in terms of OSD ≥5 ((OR 0.31; 2.5th, 97.5th percentiles (0.10; 0.72)). These analyses indicate, as a plausible hypothesis, that the use of AT in kidney transplant recipients presenting with COVID-19 could be beneficial, even though multicenter randomized control trials using these therapies in transplanted patients are needed

    Determining variables for a new tutorial culture from the PAT

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    Las universidades españolas ha asumido el reto de implementar procesos de acompañamiento tutorial desde programas institucionales de acción tutorial (PAT) consideradas como actuaciones programadas para la inclusión del alumnado de nuevo ingreso en la universidad con la finalidad de cubrir sus necesidades en cuanto a información, formación y asesoramiento continuado. El objetivo de este estudio ha sido identificar e implementar acciones tutoriales a partir de variables determinantes para un cambio de dirección en las acciones tutoriales del PAT, como son: coordinación en función de los agentes implicados; Equipo docente del PAT y alumnado tutorizado. En este estudio y desde una perspectiva ideográfica y cualitativa se ha utilizado el estudio de caso de carácter descriptivo. Los informes realizados por los participantes en cada una de las dimensiones: a nivel de coordinación general, a nivel de equipo docente y a nivel de alumnado tutorizado, han sido utilizados para la recogida de la información requerida. Los resultados obtenidos muestran a partir de las variables establecidas unas acciones tutoriales que no solo contemplan el apoyo al estudiante en el ámbito académico sino en gran parte supone una orientación hacia el acompañamiento tutorial en aspectos personales y obstáculos que se pueden suceder a lo largo de la trayectoria del estudiante universitario por lo que se concluye seguir avanzando en este modelo de acción tutorial a través del PAT.Spanish universities have taken on the challenge of implementing tutorial accompaniment processes from institutional tutorial action programmes (PAT) considered as programmed actions for the inclusion of new students in the university with the aim of covering their needs in terms of information, training and ongoing advice. The objective of this study has been to identify and implement tutorial actions based on determining variables for a change of direction in the TAP tutorial actions, such as: coordination according to the agents involved; TAP teaching team and tutoring students. In this study and from an ideographic and qualitative perspective, the descriptive case study has been used. The reports made by the participants in each of the dimensions: at the level of general coordination, at the level of the teaching team and at the level of the tutored students, have been used to collect the required information. The results obtained show that, based on the variables established, tutorial actions not only contemplate support for the student in the academic sphere, but also, to a large extent, imply an orientation towards tutorial accompaniment in personal aspects and obstacles that may occur throughout the university student’s career, which is why it is concluded that this tutorial action model will continue to advance through the PAT