9 research outputs found

    Motometrics: A Toolbox for Annotation and Efficient Analysis of Motor Evoked Potentials

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    Stimulating the nervous system and measuring muscle response offers a unique opportunity to interrogate motor system function. Often, this is performed by stimulating motor cortex and recording muscle activity with electromyography; the evoked response is called the motor evoked potential (MEP). To understand system dynamics, MEPs are typically recorded through a range of motor cortex stimulation intensities. The MEPs increase with increasing stimulation intensities, and these typically produce a sigmoidal response curve. Analysis of MEPs is often complex and analysis of response curves is time-consuming. We created an MEP analysis software, called Motometrics, to facilitate analysis of MEPs and response curves. The goal is to combine robust signal processing algorithms with a simple user interface. Motometrics first enables the user to annotate data files acquired from the recording system so that the responses can be extracted and labeled with the correct subject and experimental condition. The software enables quick visual representations of entire datasets, to ensure uniform quality of the signal. It then enables the user to choose a variety of response curve analyses and to perform near real time quantification of the MEPs for quick feedback during experimental procedures. This is a modular open source tool that is compatible with several popular electrophysiological systems. Initial use indicates that Motometrics enables rapid, robust, and intuitive analysis of MEP response curves by neuroscientists without programming or signal processing expertise

    Anti-epileptogenesis: Electrophysiology, diffusion tensor imaging and behavior in a genetic absence model

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    Item does not contain fulltextThe beneficial effects of chronic and early pharmacological treatment with ethosuximide on epileptogenesis were studied in a genetic absence epilepsy model comorbid for depression. It was also investigated whether there is a critical treatment period and treatment length. Cortical excitability in the form of electrical evoked potentials, but also to cortico-thalamo-cortical network activity (spike-wave discharges, SWD and afterdischarges), white matter changes representing extra cortico-thalamic functions and depressive-like behavior were investigated. WAG/Rij rats received either ethosuximide for 2 months (post natal months 2-3 or 4-5), or ethosuximide for 4 months (2-5) in their drinking water, while control rats drank plain water. EEG measurements were made during treatment, and 6 days and 2 months post treatment. Behavioral test were also done 6 days post treatment. DTI was performed ex vivo post treatment. SWD were suppressed during treatment, and 6 days and 2 months post treatment in the 4 month treated group, as well as the duration of AD elicited by cortical electrical stimulation 6 days post treatment Increased fractional anisotropy in corpus callosum and internal capsula on DTI was found, an increased P8 evoked potential amplitude and a decreased immobility in the forced swim test. Shorter treatments with ETX had no large effects on any parameter. Chronic ETX has widespread effects not only within but also outside the circuitry in which SWD are initiated and generated, including preventing epileptogenesis and reducing depressive-like symptoms. The treatment of patients before symptom onset might prevent many of the adverse consequences of chronic epilepsy.13 p