8 research outputs found

    Método para la enseñanza en la construcción de un diseño: El proceso de conceptualización creativa orientada al la presentación de proyectos de Diseño Gráfico

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    La disciplina social del diseño gráfico es un fenómeno de lenguaje, diálogo e interpretación por medio de atributos visuales apropiados al contexto, visibilidad y representación. Esta disciplina se apoya en un proceso de investigación previo a la elaboración de cualquier proyecto gráfico. El poder lograr aterrizar y vincular los atributos y características generales del servicio o producto a un diseño conlleva al conocimiento de estímulos y fuerzas que pongan en marcha, modifiquen, dispongan o deshagan un equilibrio creando la percepción de un diseño y justificando la toma de decisiones en su proceso

    Molecular modeling and expression analysis of a MADS-box cDNA from mango (Mangifera indica L.)

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    "MADS-box genes are a large family of transcription factors initially discovered for their role during development of flowers and fruits. The MADS-box transcription factors from animals have been studied by X-ray protein crystallography but those from plants remain to be studied. In this work, a MADS-box cDNA from mango encoding a protein of 254 residues was obtained and compared. Based on phylogenetic analysis, it is proposed that the MADS-box transcription factor expressed in mango fruit (MiMADS1) belongs to the SEP clade of MADS-box proteins. MiMADS1 mRNA steady-state levels did not changed during mango fruit development and were up-regulated, when mango fruits reached physiological maturity as assessed by qRT-PCR. Thus, MiMADS1 could have a role during development and ripening of this fruit. The theoretical structural model of MiMADS1 showed the DNA-binding domain folding bound to a double-stranded DNA. Therefore, MiMADS1 is an interesting model for understanding DNA-binding for transcriptional regulation.

    Prevalencia De Alteraciones En El Desarrollo Psicomotor Para Niños De 1 Mes A 5 Años Valorados Con La Prueba EDI En Un Centro De Salud En México En El Periodo Febrero A Noviembre De 2015

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    Objective: To establish the prevalence of the psychomotor development alterations in children from a month old up to 5 years old tested with EDI test. Methodology: Transversal study with a non probabilistic sample of children who entered to be evaluated with EDI test for the first time in a period from February to November 2015. It took 204 evaluations through the SPSS V program. Results: 54 (26.47%) children resulted with some alert data, in which 32 (59.26%) referred lag in their development and 22 (40.74%) with risk of development delay. The rest were 150 (73.53%) tests with normal development. Conclusions: The high index of urinary tract infections during the prenatal period such as the preterm births stimulates the prevalence of psychomotor development alterations, which is why it is important the correct manage during pregnancy

    La ética del futuro arquitecto en el diseño y construcción de viviendas sustentables

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    It is a fact that the students about to graduate of their professional careers had the knowledge to discern what it convenient, good or bad in the base of making decisions and although the hardships that this implies maybe due to the lack of experience, but significantly to their reflexion and the forge of their values from their homes and academic education, it was one of the facts that motivated the present investigation, same that detonated the fact of what would be the impact of the ethic's practice in the future life of the arquitect, due that it is in the college or school were we teachers work, furthermore we ask ourselves which could be the considerations that has to be taken to promote and develop in our students the practice of the ethic and moral, a vital fact that will recall the common ethic practice and its projection on the design of sustainable homes. It was considerate to give solution to these statements at first glance to take as base all the participations of the arquitecture's professionals had to be strictly ruled by the Ethic's Code, in which is said what attitudes the professional has to take and perform of the working area.Se considera que los alumnos cerca de egresar de sus estudios profesionales de arquitectura, deben estar conscientes y vivir la ética que corresponda al conjunto de principios y normas morales que regulan las actividades humanas, además de saber discernir lo que conviene, bueno o malo y a pesar de las dificultades que esto implique, debe tratar por todos los medios de apegarse a ese grupo de principios que regularán su conducta al interior y exterior del mercado laboral. Sin embargo observando su actuar cotidiano, se advierte que en las soluciones que este da a las preguntas que le fueron aplicadas en un cuestionario, se reveló la vinculación que estos guardan con la ética y los valores. Para llegar a concluir lo anterior surgieron estas cuestiones ¿Cuáles podrían ser las consideraciones que se debieran tener en cuenta para promover y desarrollar en los alumnos, la vivencia y práctica de la ética, un factor clave que detonará en el ejercicio cotidiano de la misma y que está, a su vez se reflejará al momento de proyectar viviendas sustentables? Se consideró para dar solución a esos cuestionamientos de primera instancia, que toda participación de los profesionales y en este caso de la arquitectura debiera enmarcarse en la práctica y apego a la aplicación de los lineamientos establecidos por un Código de Ética que en el fondo estableciera los mínimos a los que un profesionista en el área y en cualquier otra, debiera sujetarse como una persona comprometida de manera integral, en todos las facetas de su vida cotidiana

    Challenges for the Integrated Management of Priority Areas for Conservation in Tamaulipas, México

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    Protected areas (PAs) are considered as a globally accepted strategy for biodiversity conservation that demonstrates the difficulties in meeting the proposed objectives; therefore, different conservation schemes are promoted to integrate the design of interfaces that favor the exchange of knowledge among different sectors, systems and stakeholders. The objective of this study was to characterize challenges regarding the protection of natural protected areas and other biodiversity conservation schemes in Tamaulipas, Mexico. This paper analyzed 39 areas with some form of protection status in addition to the 70 national and international designations that are part of them. A document review and 13 semi-structured interviews were conducted with experts from the public, private, academic, and civil society sectors. The data were analyzed from a qualitative perspective using ATLAS.ti 9 software. The results show the overlapping of protection schemes in priority areas; the lack of policies and mechanisms that integrate the different schemes to facilitate the exchange between stakeholders; and regulatory, structural, governance, management, participation, and operational gaps, as well as the absence of comprehensive and long-term work. The importance of and challenges in articulating the different schemes and visions to achieve effective biodiversity conservation are evident

    The immunogenetic diversity of the HLA system in Mexico correlates with underlying population genetic structure

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    The immunogenetic diversity of the HLA system in Mexico correlates with underlying population genetic structure

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