230 research outputs found

    Las marcas territoriales de calidad alimentaria como instrumentos para el desarrollo local. Los ejemplos de la castaña del Bierzo y la carne de Ávila

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    Las figuras o sellos de calidad son recursos cada vez más utilizados por marcas que quieren potenciar sus productos alimenticios, vínicos o bebidas espirituosas en el mercado. Pero no es tan simple como el beneficio económico, sino que detrás de esta idea existen multitud de factores que confieren valor a estos productos y marcas, sumado a un complejo sistema legislativo que les ampara a través de estas figuras o sellos de calidad. Los principales factores que se valoran en este caso son el grado de vinculación del producto con su territorio de origen, las características productivas y elaborativas específicas de dicho territorio y el modo en que los operadores y agentes locales impulsan el producto y propician el funcionamiento de las marcas. Se incluyen pues los estudios particulares de la MG Castaña del Bierzo y de la IGP Carne de Ávila como ejemplos que respaldan este trabajo de investigación de base geográfica.Quality labels or seals are increasingly used by brands that want to promote their food, wine, or spirits products on the market. But it is not as simple as the economic benefit, as behind this idea there is a multitude of factors that confer value to these products and brands, added to a complex legislative system that protects them through these quality figures or seals. The main factors that are assessed in this case are the degree to which the product is linked to its territory of origin, the production and processing characteristics specific to that territory, and the way in which local operators and agents promote the product and encourage the functioning of the brands. The studies of the GM Castaña del Bierzo and the PGI Carne de Ávila are therefore included as examples that support this geographically based research work.Departamento de GeografíaGrado en Geografía y Ordenación del Territori

    Estudio de procesos y herramientas aplicables a la generalización vectorial de entidades lineales.

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    Se presenta un estudio de algoritmos que ofrecen resultados óptimos en cuanto a lo que a la generalización vectorial de entidades lineales se refiere. Este estudio se encuentra dentro del marco del proyecto CENIT España Virtual para la investigación de nuevos algoritmos de procesado cartográfico. La generalización constituye uno de los procesos cartográficos más complejos, cobrando su mayor importancia a la hora de confeccionar mapas derivados a partir de otros a mayores escalas. La necesidad de una generalización se hace patente ante la imposibilidad de representar la realidad en su totalidad, teniendo ésta que ser limitada o reducida para la posterior elaboración del mapa, manteniendo, eso sí, las características esenciales del espacio geográfico cartografiado. La finalidad, por tanto, es obtener una imagen simplificada pero representativa de la realidad. Debido a que casi el ochenta por ciento de la cartografía vectorial está compuesta por elementos lineales, la investigación se centra en aquellos algoritmos capaces de procesar y actuar sobre éstos, demostrando además que su aplicación puede extenderse al tratamiento de elementos superficiales ya que son tratados a partir de la línea cerrada que los define. El estudio, además, profundiza en los procesos englobados dentro de la exageración lineal que pretenden destacar o enfatizar aquellos rasgos de entidades lineales sin los que la representatividad de nuestro mapa se vería mermada. Estas herramientas, acompañadas de otras más conocidas como la simplificación y el suavizado de líneas, pueden ofrecer resultados satisfactorios dentro de un proceso de generalización. Abstract: A study of algorithms that provide optimal results in vector generalization is presented. This study is within the CENIT project framework of the España Virtual for research of new cartographic processing algorithms. The generalization is one of the more complex mapping processes, taking its greatest importance when preparing maps derived from other at larger scales. The need for generalization is evident given the impossibility of representing whole real world, taking it to be limited or reduced for the subsequent preparation of the map, keeping main features of the geographical space. Therefore, the goal is to obtain a simplified but representative image of the reality. Due to nearly eighty percent of the mapping vector is composed of linear elements, the research focuses on those algorithms that can process them, proving that its application can also be extended to the treatment of surface elements as they are treated from the closed line that defines them. Moreover, the study focussed into the processes involved within the linear exaggeration intended to highlight or emphasize those features of linear entities that increase the representativeness of our map. These tools, together with others known as the simplification and smoothing of lines, can provide satisfactory results in a process of generalization

    Estado del arte de algoritmos de generalización vectorial de núcleos urbanos.

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    Se presenta este artículo con el ánimo de enumerar y estudiar diferentes algoritmos que tratan la generalización de datos cartográficos vectoriales de zonas urbanas, debido a que en ellas se concentran la mayoría de los conflictos que se pueden encontrar en los procesos de generalización cartográfica. A pesar de que la generalización es uno de los procedimientos más difíciles de automatizar, existen herramientas que implementan estos algoritmos y ofrecen resultados satisfactorios, aunque ninguna de ellas es capaz de automatizar por completo el proceso de generalización. A continuación, se incluyen las pruebas realizadas al respecto, describiendo y analizando los resultados obtenidos, estableciendo una comparativa con trabajos realizados por diferentes autores. Se concluye el documento valorando los posibles trabajos futuros para solventar la problemática de la generalización cartográfica. Este estudio se encuentra en el marco del proyecto CENIT España Virtual. Abstract: This article is focused in studying different algorithms about generalization of vector map data from urban areas, because most of the conflicts in the processes of cartographic generalization are concentrated in these areas. Although generalization is one of the most difficult processes to automate, there are tools that implement these algorithms and provide satisfactory results. However,none of them can automate the process of generalization completely. Then tests in describing and analyzing the results are included, establishing a comparison with works of various authors. The document concludes by assessing the possible future works to solve the problem of cartographic generalization. This study is within the CENIT project España Virtual

    Estado del arte de algoritmo de generalización vectorial de núcleos urbanos

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    La generalización de núcleos urbanos es uno de los procesos más complejos dentro de la generalización vectorial. Debido a los numerosos conflictos que se pueden dar en el tratamiento de cartografía urbana, se requiere del establecimiento de una pauta a seguir mediante la actuación conjunta de diferentes operadores. El objetivo final de este proceso es la obtención de cartografía representativa de la zona a tratar, manteniendo en la medida de lo posible las relaciones entre los elementos que conforman y definen el núcleo urbano. La generalización de núcleos urbanos adquiere especial relevancia debido a la necesidad de tener en cuenta la geometría de las edificaciones, así como la del entramado viario, aspecto poco notable cuando se trata de cartografía de zonas rústicas. Además, ha sido objeto de diversas investigaciones por englobar una gran variedad de procesos de gran utilidad y aplicación en otros apartados incluidos en la automatización de procesos de generalización vectorial. El estudio de la bibliografía existente al respecto permite agrupar los algoritmos atendiendo a los operadores que intervienen en el proceso de generalización. Estos operadores permitirán reducir el número de edificios, garantizar la legibilidad entre ellos y mantener las relaciones existentes entre los mismos. Este estudio se encuentra en el marco del proyecto CENIT España Virtual.The generalization of urban areas is one of the most complex processes within the vector generalization. Due to the numerous conflicts that may occur in the treatment of urban maps, establishing a pattern is required to follow through joint action by different operators. The final target of this process is to obtain representative mapping of the treated area, keeping, as far as possible, the relationships between the elements that define the urban area. The generalization of urban areas is especially relevant because of the need to take in account the geometry of buildings, as well as the road network, which is poorly marked in rural areas cartography. Moreover, it has been goal of several investigations because it involves a wide variety of useful processes included in the automation of vector generalization. The study of the literature about the algorithms can group them in terms of the operators involved in the process of generalization. These operators will reduce the number of buildings, keeping legibility and existing relationships between them. This study is within the CENIT project España Virtual

    Hybrid materials based on polyethylene and MCM-41 microparticles functionalized with silanes: catalytic aspects of in situ polymerization, crystalline features and mechanical properties

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    New nanocomposites based on polyethylene have been prepared by in situ polymerization of ethylene in presence of mesoporous MCM-41. The polymerization reactions were performed using a zirconocene catalyst either under homogenous conditions or supported onto mesoporous MCM-41 particles, which are synthesized and decorated post-synthesis with two silanes before polymerization in order to promote an enhanced interfacial adhesion. The existence of polyethylene chains able to crystallize within the mesoporous channels in the resulting nanocomposites is figured out from the small endothermic process, located at around 80 C, on heating calorimetric experiments, in addition to the main melting endotherm. These results indicate that polyethylene macrochains can grow up during polymerization either outside or inside the MCM-41 channels, these keeping their regular hexagonal arrangements. Mechanical response is observed to be dependent on the content in mesoporous MCM-41 and on the crystalline features of polyethylene. Accordingly, stiffness increases and deformability decreases in the nanocomposites as much as MCM-41 content is enlarged and polyethylene amount within channels is raised. Ultimate mechanical performance improves with MCM-41 incorporation without varying the final processing temperature

    Non‐invasive monitoring of tomato graft dynamics using thermography and fluorescence quantum yields measurements

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    [EN] Grafting involves a sequence of modifications that may vary according to genotypes, grafting techniques and growing conditions. This process is often monitored using destructive methods, precluding the possibility of monitoring the entire process in the same grafted plant. The aim of this study was to test the effectiveness of two non-invasive methods—thermographic inference of transpiration and determination of chlorophyll quantum yields—for monitoring graft dynamics in tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) autografts and to compare the results with other reliable measures: mechanical resistance parameters and xylem water potential. The mechanical resistance of grafted plants steadily increased from 6 days after grafting (DAG), 4.90 ± 0.57 N/mm, to reach values similar to non-grafted plants at 16 DAG, 8.40 ± 1.78 N/mm. Water potential showed an early decrease (from −0.34 ± 0.16 MPa in non-grafted plants to −0.88 ± 0.07 MPa at 2 DAG), recovering at 4 DAG to reach pre-grafting values at 12–16 DAG. Thermographic inference of transpiration dynamics displayed comparable changes. Monitoring maximum and effective quantum yield in functional grafts showed a comparable pattern: an initial decline, followed by recovery from 6 DAG onwards. Correlation analyses revealed a significant correlation between variation in temperature (thermographic monitoring of transpiration), water potential (r = 0.87; p = 0.02) and maximum tensile force (r = 0.75; p = 0.05). Additionally, we found a significant correlation between maximum quantum yield and some mechanical parameters. In conclusion, thermography monitoring, and to a lesser extent maximum quantum yield measurements, accurately depict changes in key parameters in grafted plants and serve as potential timing indicators of graft regeneration, rendering them valuable tools for monitoring graft functionalitySIPublicación en abierto financiada por el Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Castilla y León (BUCLE), con cargo al Programa Operativo 2014ES16RFOP009 FEDER 2014-2020 DE CASTILLA Y LEÓN, Actuación:20007-CL - Apoyo Consorcio BUCL

    Identification and molecular biodiversity of autochthonous grapevine cultivars in the ‘Comarca del Bierzo’, León, Spain

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    A prospecting work at the ‘Comarca del Bierzo’ in Spain has been carried out in order to evaluate the existing biodiversity and detect the neglected and endangered minor grapevine cultivars of the zone. As a result, a total of 79 different accessions were collected and studied using STMS markers for preliminary variety identification, that was confirmed on the base of ampelographic observations. Several synonymies and homonymies were detected. A total of 33 different cultivars were identified. Comparison of the genotypes, allelic frequencies and allelic sizes are presented. Conservation of the endangered cultivars is highly recommended

    Genetic diversity and structure of the commercially important native fish pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus) from cultured and wild fish populations: relevance for broodstock management

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    Pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus) is one of the most important Neotropical freshwater fish species produced by aquaculture in South America. This study is the first attempt to inquire about aquaculture stocks in Argentina regarding genetic diversity and structure. Neither genetic characterization nor pedigree records are available for pacu stocks in farms in Argentina. The presence of hybrids in both natural environment (Lower Paraná River) and farms has not been evaluated yet at the southern region of pacu distribution. Genetic characterization of pacu broodstocks, corresponding to 8 farms, and wild individuals from four areas at Lower Paraná River was performed. Pacu hybrids were not detected neither in wild nor in farm stocks analyzed. In general, similar levels of genetic diversity were observed between cultured and wild fish populations. Global genetic differentiation (Fst = 0.055) indicated a low level of structure and AMOVA showed that genetic variation was mostly within populations. Reduced contemporary effective population size (Ne) was observed, and probably reflects the bottleneck by founder effect in farmed fish populations. Moreover, kinship analysis showed that in fish farms, on average, 43.00% of the individuals were genetically related, whereas in wild population it was 36.40%. We recommend that broodstock management practices, such as using large Ne, single pair mating, precise records, and tagging of brood fish, should be implemented to avoid unintentional mismanagement.Fil: Del Pazo, F.. Universidad Nacional de Rosario; ArgentinaFil: Sánchez, Sebastián. Universidad Nacional del Nordeste. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Instituto de Ictiología del Nordeste; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Nordeste; ArgentinaFil: Posner, Victoria. Universidad Nacional de Rosario; ArgentinaFil: Sciara, Andrés A.. Universidad Nacional de Rosario; ArgentinaFil: Arranz, Silvia Eda. Universidad Nacional de Rosario; ArgentinaFil: Villanova, Gabriela V.. Universidad Nacional de Rosario; Argentin