547 research outputs found

    What good are markets in punishment?

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    There are two chronically unexamined assumptions about privatisation in punishment. First is the idea that it is a relatively new development. In fact, penal activity has always been (at least partly) private. Second, it is assumed that the state can create a market when and where it wants. This article aims to unpack such intuitions in order to expose neglected aspects of privatisation in punishment. I argue that the experiment with the kinds of privatisation that sceptics worry most about, private companies owning and running whole prisons, has amounted to a ripple rather than a tidal wave in the sea of penal activity. Attempts to increase the private sector's role have largely failed to produce efficient markets. These activities have been transformative, however, by instilling a market ethos among public servants and a professional identity as business managers rather than as agents of social control. A case study of an American jurisdiction that attempted to privatise all of its youth justice institutions provides the data for this analysis

    VALUE study : a protocol for a qualitative semi-structured interview study of IVF add-ons use by patients, clinicians and embryologists in the UK and Australia

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    Funding This research was funded by an Obstetrics and Gynaecology Innovation Grant from the University of Melbourne Australia. MP is supported by a University of Melbourne Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology MCR Fellowship. Acknowledgements Our heartfelt thanks to our PPI panel who gave up their time to contribute to the development of VALUE. UK: Isabella Dash, Jennifer Nisbett, Hannah Reid, Ally Richardson, Victoria Thomas, Bassel Wattar. Australia: Katherine Gobbi, Hilary Smith, Natasha Devetak, Alex Polyakov, Anna Ninnis, Lisa Lee, Vadim Mirmilstein.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Mask formulas for cograssmannian Kazhdan-Lusztig polynomials

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    We give two contructions of sets of masks on cograssmannian permutations that can be used in Deodhar's formula for Kazhdan-Lusztig basis elements of the Iwahori-Hecke algebra. The constructions are respectively based on a formula of Lascoux-Schutzenberger and its geometric interpretation by Zelevinsky. The first construction relies on a basis of the Hecke algebra constructed from principal lower order ideals in Bruhat order and a translation of this basis into sets of masks. The second construction relies on an interpretation of masks as cells of the Bott-Samelson resolution. These constructions give distinct answers to a question of Deodhar.Comment: 43 page

    Intermittent Use of Portable NIV Increases Exercise Tolerance in COPD: A Randomised, Cross-Over Trial.

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    During exercise, non-invasive ventilation (NIV) prolongs endurance in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), but routine use is impractical. The VitaBreath device provides portable NIV (pNIV); however, it can only be used during recovery. We assessed the effect of pNIV compared to pursed lip breathing (PLB) on exercise tolerance. Twenty-four COPD patients were randomised to a high-intensity (HI: 2-min at 80% peak work rate (WRpeak) alternated with 2-min recovery; n = 13), or a moderate-intensity (MOD: 6-min at 60% WRpeak alternated with 2-min recovery; n = 11) protocol, and within these groups two tests were performed using pNIV and PLB during recovery in balanced order. Upon completion, patients were provided with pNIV; use over 12 weeks was assessed. Compared to PLB, pNIV increased exercise tolerance (HI: by 5.2 ± 6.0 min; MOD: by 5.8 ± 6.7 min) (p < 0.05). With pNIV, mean inspiratory capacity increased and breathlessness decreased by clinically meaningful margins during recovery compared to the end of exercise (HI: by 140 ± 110 mL and 1.2 ± 1.7; MOD: by 170 ± 80 mL and 1.0 ± 0.7). At 12 weeks, patients reported that pNIV reduced anxiety (median: 7.5/10 versus 4/10, p = 0.001) and recovery time from breathlessness (17/24 patients; p = 0.002); 23/24 used the device at least weekly. pNIV increased exercise tolerance by reducing dynamic hyperinflation and breathlessness in COPD patients

    Patient and professional perspectives about using in vitro fertilisation add-ons in the UK and Australia: a qualitative study

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    Objectives In vitro fertilisation (IVF) add-ons are additional procedures offered alongside an IVF cycle with the aim of improving live birth rates. They are controversial because of the paucity of evidence to support their efficacy and safety, alongside the additional financial cost they often pose to patients. Despite this, they are popular. However, there is limited qualitative research regarding their use. The aims of the VALUE Study were to understand the decision-making process surrounding using or recommending add-ons; report sources of information for add-ons; and explore concerns for safety and effectiveness when considering their use. Design ‘VALUE’ is a qualitative semistructured interview study using inductive thematic analysis of anonymised transcriptions. Setting Participants were recruited from a broad geographical spread across the UK and Australia from public and private clinical settings. Participants Patients (n=25) and health professionals (embryologists (n=25) and clinicians (n=24)) were interviewed. A purposive sampling strategy was undertaken. The sampling framework included people having state-subsidised and private cycles, professionals working in public and private sectors, geographical location and professionals of all grades. Results Patients often made decisions about add-ons based on hope, minimising considerations of safety, efficacy or cost, whereas professionals sought the best outcomes for their patients and wanted to avoid them wasting their money. The driving forces behind add-on use differed: for patients, a professional opinion was the most influential reason, whereas for professionals, it was seen as patient driven. For both groups, applying the available evidence to individual circumstances was very challenging, especially in the sphere of IVF medicine, where the stakes are high. Conclusions There is scope to build on the quality of the discourse between patients and professionals. Patients describe valuing their autonomy with add-ons, but for professionals, undertaking informed consent will be critical, no matter where they sit on the spectrum regarding add-ons

    A diagnostic PCR assay for the detection of an Australian epidemic strain of Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    Background Chronic lung infection with the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa is one of the hallmarks of cystic fibrosis (CF) and is associated with worsening lung function, increased hospitalisation and reduced life expectancy. A virulent clonal strain of P. aeruginosa (Australian epidemic strain I; AES-I) has been found to be widespread in CF patients in eastern Australia. Methods Suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) was employed to identify genetic sequences that are present in the AES-I strain but absent from the sequenced reference strain PAO1. We used PCR to evaluate the distribution of several of the AES-I loci amongst a collection of 188 P. aeruginosa isolates which was comprised of 35 AES-I isolates (as determined by PFGE), 78 non-AES-I CF isolates including other epidemic CF strains as well as 69 P. aeruginosa isolates from other clinical and environmental sources. Results We have identified a unique AES-I genetic locus that is present in all 35 AES-I isolates tested and not present in any of the other 153 P. aeruginosa strains examined. We have used this unique AES-I locus to develop a diagnostic PCR and a real-time PCR assay to detect the presence of P. aeruginosa and AES-I in patient sputum samples

    Modelo de distribución de agua en suelo regado por goteo

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    [ES] Se desarrolla un modelo de simulación de la dinámica del agua en el suelo en riego localizado, denominado SIMDAS. Para el desarrollo del procedimiento numérico, se utiliza la teoría de flujo de agua en condiciones de no saturación, sin efecto histerético, resolviendo la ecuación de flujo axisimétrico sin y con extracción de agua por la planta a partir de un método en diferencias finitas, con la consideración de los distintos horizontes del suelo. Verificado el modelo en campo, los resultados que presenta son satisfactorios cuando no se contempla la presencia de cultivo, pero no lo son cuando interviene la extracción de agua por la planta. Por consiguiente, el grado de aceptabilidad es suficiente para fines de diseño agronómico de sistemas de riego localizado, pero no lo es para aquellos casos en que la extracción de agua por la planta interviene de manera destacada, como en el manejo y la programación de riegos.Ramírez De Cartagena Bisbe, F.; Sáinz Sánchez, MA. (1997). Modelo de distribución de agua en suelo regado por goteo. Ingeniería del Agua. 4(1):57-70. https://doi.org/10.4995/ia.1997.2716SWORD577041Armstrong C.F., Wilson T.V. (1983) Computer model for moisture distribution in stratified soils under a trickle source. Transactions of the American Society of Agricultural Engineers: 1704-1709.Belmans C., Wesswling J.G., Feddes R.A. (1983) Simulation model of the water balance of a cropped soil: SWATRE. Journal of Hidrology. 63 & 21: 271-286.Ben-Asher J., Charach CH., Zemel A. (1986) Infiltration and water extraction from trickle irrigation source: The effective hemisphere model. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 50: 882-887.Brandt A., BreslerE., Diner N., Ben-Asher J., Heller J., Goldberg. (1971) Infiltration from a trickle source: I. Mathematical models. Soil Science Society of America Proceedings, 35: 675-682.Bresler R E. (1975) Two-dimensional transport of solutes during nonsteady infiltration from a trickle source. 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(1984) Simulation of soil moisture migration from a point source. Thesis, McGill University, Quebec, Canada.Kunze R.J., Uehara G., Graham K. (1968) Factors important in the calculation of hydraulic conductivity. Soil Science Soc. Amer. Proc., 32: 760-765.Lafolie F., Guenelon R., Van Genuchten M.TH. (1989a.) Analysis of water flow under trickle irrigation: I. Theory and numerical solution. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 53: 1310-1318.Lafolie P., Guenelon R., Van Genuchten M.TH. (1989b.) Analysis of water flow under trickle irrigation: II. Experimental evaluation. Soil Science Society of America Journal. 53: 1318-1323.Marino M.A., Tracy J.C. (1988) Flow of water through root-soil environment. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering, 114 (4): 588-604.Marshall T.J. (1958) A relation between permeability and size distribution of pores. Journal of Soil Science, 9 (8): 1-8.Millington R.J., Quirk J.P. (1959) Permeability of porous media Nature, 183: 378-388.Molz F.J., Remson I. (1970) Extraction term models of soil moisture use by transpiring plants. Water Resources Research, 6 (5): 1346-1356.Philip J.R. (1971) General theorem on steady infiltration from surface sources, with application to point and line sources. Soil Science Society of America Proceedings, 35: 867-871.Pradad R. (1988) A linear root water uptake model Journal of Hidrology, 99: 297-306.Raats P.A.C. (1977) Laterally confined, steady flows of water from sources and to sinks in unsaturated soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 41:294-304.Ramírez De Cartagena F. (1994) Simulación numerica de la dinámica del agua en el suelo. Aplicacion al diseño de sistemas de riego LAF. Tesis Doctoral. ETSEA. Universidad de Lleida.Rawls W.J., Brakensiek D.L. (1982) Estimating soil water retention from soil properties. Journal of the Irrigation and Drainage Division, Proc. of the ASCE, 108, IR2: 166-171.Saxton K.E., Rawls W.J., Romberger J.S., Papendick R.I. (1986) Estimating generalized soil-water characteristics from texture. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 50: 1031-1036.Taghavi S.A., Mariño M.A., Rolston D.E. (1985) Infiltration from a trickle source in a heterogeneous soil medium. Journal of Hidrology, 78: 107-121.Van Der Ploeg R.R., Benecke P. (1974) Unsteady, unsaturated, n-dimensional moisture flow in soil: A computer simulation program. Soil Science Society of America Proceedings, 38: 881-885Vermeiren L., Jobling G.A. (1986) Riego localizado. Estudios FAO Riego y Drenaje, n°36. FAO. Roma. 203 pp.Warrick A.W., Lomen D.O., Amoozegarfard A. (1980) Linearized moisture flow with root extraction for three dimensional, steady conditions. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 44: 911-914

    Specialist nursing and community support for the carers of people with dementia living at home: an evidence synthesis.

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    Specialist nurses are one way of providing support for family carers of people with dementia, but relatively little is known about what these roles achieve, or if they are more effective than roles that do not require a clinical qualification. The aim of this review was to synthesise the literature on the scope and effectiveness of specialist nurses, known as Admiral Nurses, and set this evidence in the context of other community-based initiatives to support family carers of people with dementia. We undertook a systematic review of the literature relating to the scope and effectiveness of Admiral Nurses and a review of reviews of interventions to support the family carers of people with dementia. To identify studies, we searched electronic databases, undertook lateral searches and contacted experts. Searches were undertaken in November 2012. Results are reported narratively with key themes relating to Admiral Nurses identified using thematic synthesis. We included 33 items relating to Admiral Nurses (10 classified as research) and 11 reviews evaluating community-based support for carers of people with dementia. There has been little work to evaluate specific interventions provided by Admiral Nurses, but three overarching thematic categories were identified: (i) relational support, (ii) co-ordinating and personalising support and (iii) challenges and threats to the provision of services by Admiral Nurses. There was an absence of clearly articulated goals and service delivery was subject to needs of the host organisation and the local area. The reviews of community-based support for carers of people with dementia included 155 studies but, in general, evidence that interventions reduced caregiver depression or burden was weak, although psychosocial and educational interventions may reduce depression in carers. Community support for carers of people with dementia, such as that provided by Admiral Nurses, is valued by family carers, but the impact of such initiatives is not clearly established

    Diversity of plant DNA in stool is linked to dietary quality, age, and household income

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    Eating a varied diet is a central tenet of good nutrition. Here, we develop a molecular tool to quantify human dietary plant diversity by applying DNA metabarcoding with the chloroplast trnL-P6 marker to 1,029 fecal samples from 324 participants across two interventional feeding studies and three observational cohorts. The number of plant taxa per sample (plant metabarcoding richness or pMR) correlated with recorded intakes in interventional diets and with indices calculated from a food frequency questionnaire in typical diets (δ = 0.40 to 0.63). In adolescents unable to collect validated dietary survey data, trnL metabarcoding detected 111 plant taxa, with 86 consumed by more than one individual and four (wheat, chocolate, corn, and potato family) consumed by <70% of individuals. Adolescent pMR was associated with age and household income, replicating prior epidemiologic findings. Overall, trnL metabarcoding promises an objective and accurate measure of the number and types of plants consumed that is applicable to diverse human populations