142 research outputs found

    Malaria: revisión bibliográfica.

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    Malaria is an endemic disease mainly in tropical areas, transmitted by the Plasmodium parasite through the bite of the Anopheles mosquito, in recent years there has been a significant decrease in its prevalence worldwide, however in endemic areas such as Africa even there is a high number of infections. In most patients this disease will present with a febrile syndrome, associated with chills, myalgias, headaches, and vomiting. Inhabitants of endemic areas are approached in different ways, since they have been exposed to the parasite for a long time, and it has been seen that patients with advanced age, immunosuppression and pregnancy have a higher risk of contracting the disease. It is important to know if the patient presents criteria of severity or any complication such as cerebral malaria, renal failure, pulmonary edema, and acute respiratory distress syndrome. For its diagnosis, the detection of the parasite in the peripheral blood smear is important, and the identification of the species is also important for a specific treatment, as well as the treatment of its complications in case of presenting them.La malaria es una enfermedad endémica principalmente de áreas tropicales, transmitida por el parásito Plasmodium por medio de la picadura de la mosquito Anopheles , en los últimos años se ha visto una disminución importante de su prevalencia a nivel mundial, sin embargo en zonas endémicas como África aún se presenta una cifra elevada de contagios.. En la mayoría de pacientes esta enfermedad se va a presentar con un síndrome febril, asociado a escalofríos, mialgias, cefaleas y vómitos. Los habitantes de zonas endémicas se abordan de distinta manera ya que se han expuesto al parasito por largo tiempo y se ha visto que los pacientes con edad avanzada, inmunosupresión y embarazo poseen un riesgo más elevado de contraer la enfermedad. Es importante conocer si el paciente presenta criterios de severidad o alguna complicación como la malaria cerebral , la insuficiencia renal, el edema pulmonar y el síndrome de distrés respiratorio agudo. Para su diagnóstico es importante la visualización del parásito en el frotis de sangre periférica, siendo también importante la identificación de la especie para un tratamiento específico, así mismo es necesario el tratamiento de sus complicaciones en caso de presentarlas

    Poisoning methanol

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    La intoxicación por metanol un alcohol tóxico, no apto para bebidas es una de las patologías de más alta mortalidad en urgencias. Al ser una patología no común y con síntomas y signos no específicos muchas veces la pasamos por alto y con esto aumentamos su mortalidad. Este es uno de los padecimientos que ante la alta sospecha en la historia clínica y sintomatología debemos abordar de inmediato con el fin de evitar un desenlace fatal. Sus síntomas se deben principalmente al acúmulo de ácido fórmico que causa alteraciones pulmonares, metabólicas, neurológicas y renales. Es un padecimiento el cual debe notificarse una vez confirmado el diagnóstico con el fin de realizar un barrido y encontrar los causantes, antes de evitar brotes mayores.Methanol poisoning, a toxic alcohol, not suitable for beverages, is one of the pathologies with the highest mortality rates in the emergency room. As it is an uncommon pathology and with non-specific symptoms and signs, we often overlook it and with this we increase its mortality. This is one of the conditions that, given the high suspicion in the clinical history and symptoms, we must address immediately in order to avoid a fatal outcome. Its symptoms are mainly due to the accumulation of formic acid that causes pulmonary, metabolic, neurological and kidney alterations. It is a condition which must be notified once the diagnosis has been confirmed in order to scan and find the causes, before avoiding larger outbreaks

    Unfolding the Hierarchy of Voids

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    We present a framework for the hierarchical identification and characterization of voids based on the Watershed Void Finder. The Hierarchical Void Finder is based on a generalization of the scale space of a density field invoked in order to trace the hierarchical nature and structure of cosmological voids. At each level of the hierarchy, the watershed transform is used to identify the voids at that particular scale. By identifying the overlapping regions between watershed basins in adjacent levels, the hierarchical void tree is constructed. Applications on a hierarchical Voronoi model and on a set of cosmological simulations illustrate its potential.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Propuesta de plan de comunicación integral de mercadeo para la introducción al mercado nacional de la motocicleta eléctrica marca ZERO, modelo SR/F

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    Trabajo Final de Graduación (Maestría en Administración de Empresas) Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Escuela de Administración de Empresas, 2019.Zero Motorcycles tiene más de diez años en el mercado, pero su representación en Costa Rica es muy reciente y la introducción de su nuevo modelo SR/F viene a competir con motocicletas de lujo de altas prestaciones, por lo que el propósito del proyecto se resume en comprender las variables del entorno en el mercado costarricense, obtener “insights” de la población y a partir de los insumos de información desarrollar un plan de comunicación integral de mercadeo (CIM). El objetivo general de este trabajo de investigación, consiste en desarrollar el Plan de CIM, para la introducción al mercado costarricense de la motocicleta eléctrica marca ZERO modelo SR/F. Los resultados obtenidos son positivos para el producto, ya que hay oportunidad de ser los precursores de las motocicletas eléctricas en Costa Rica y que las personas lleguen a ligar el concepto con la marca. El estudio permitió entender el mercado, la competencia, la definición de la propuesta de valor y declaración de posicionamiento a partir de la retro alimentación del público meta. Además, se estableció el concepto creativo, se realizó las propuestas de diseño y explicó cada uno de los elementos promocionales de la CIM. Las recomendaciones realizadas son principalmente acciones de seguimiento para dar continuidad al plan y las tareas que se debe ejecutar en etapas posteriores al lanzamiento del modelo Zero SR/F en Costa Rica.Zero Motorcycles has more than ten years in the global market but in Costa Rica is a recent player and the introduction of the new SR/F comes to compete with high-performance luxury motorcycles. The purpose of the project is understanding marketing environmental variables in the Costa Rican market, insights from the market niche and then develop a comprehensive Integrated Marketing Communications Plan to define how the message should be transmitted to the audience and through the appropriate media. The general objective of this research is to develop the strategic Integrated Marketing Communications Plan, for the launch of the electric motorcycle Zero SR/F in Costa Rica. The results are positive for the product since there is an opportunity to be the precursors of electric motorcycles in Costa Rica and for the target to link the concept with the brand. The study explains the market, the competition, the definition of the value proposition and the positioning statement based on the insights of the target audience, establishing the creative concept, making design proposals and explaining each of the promotional elements of the IMC The recommendations made are mainly follow-up actions to give continuity to the plan and the tasks that must be executed as the second stage after the launch of the Zero SR/F in Costa Rica

    Radio Emission in the Cosmic Web

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    We explore the possibility of detecting radio emission in the \emph{cosmic web} by analyzing shock waves in the MareNostrum cosmological simulation. This requires a careful calibration of shock finding algorithms in Smoothed-Particle Hydrodynamics simulations, which we present here. Moreover, we identify the elements of the cosmic web, namely voids, walls, filaments and clusters with the use of the SpineWeb technique, a procedure that classifies the structure in terms of its topology. Thus, we are able to study the Mach number distribution as a function of its environment. We find that the median Mach number, for clusters is Mclusters1.8\mathcal{M}_{\mathrm{clusters}}\approx1.8, for filaments is Mfilaments6.2\mathcal{M}_{\mathrm{filaments}}\approx 6.2, for walls is Mwalls7.5\mathcal{M}_{\mathrm{walls}}\approx 7.5, and for voids is Mvoids18\mathcal{M}_{\mathrm{voids}}\approx 18. We then estimate the radio emission in the cosmic web using the formalism derived in Hoeft & Br\"{u}ggen (2007). We also find that in order to match our simulations with observational data (e.g., NVSS radio relic luminosity function), a fraction of energy dissipated at the shock of ξe=0.0005\xi_{\mathrm{e}}=0.0005 is needed, in contrast with the ξe=0.005\xi_{\mathrm{e}}=0.005 proposed by Hoeft et al. (2008). We find that 41% of clusters with M1014MM \ge 10^{14} M_{\odot} host diffuse radio emission in the form of radio relics. Moreover, we predict that the radio flux from filaments should be S150MHz0.12S_{150 MHz}\sim 0.12 μ\muJy at a frequency of 150 MHz.Comment: 19 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS. Minor changes to tex fil

    Implante Subdérmico. revision bibliográfica.: Revision bibliográfica.

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    Introduction: Subdermal implants are a long-acting contraceptive method used around the world for birth control mainly in the adolescent population, a group where there is a high rate of unwanted pregnancies. Objectives: Explain the composition of subdermal implants, as well as their indications, application and adverse effects reported in the literature. Methodology: A systematic literature review on the use of subdermal contraceptives in recent decades was developed, in scientific articles searched in various electronic resources. Results: Implanon is a type of contraceptive that has demonstrated high effectiveness, safety, long-term use and acceptable to the fertile community. Its main objective is to reduce the number of unwanted pregnancies mainly in adolescents. The health implications of women most associated with the use of subdermal implants are alterations in the menstrual cycle, headaches, changes in mood and acne. Conclusions: having the aforementioned adverse effects, these constitute a frequent cause of discontinuation of the contraceptive method, knowing how to handle them has reached an acceptance of a significant number of users, and thus being able to use it has also achieved a notable reduction in the number of unwanted pregnancies.Los implantes subdérmicos son un método de anticoncepción, de acción prolongada utilizados alrededor de todo el mundo para el control de la natalidad principalmente en la población adolescente, grupo en donde se presenta una alta tasa de embarazos no deseados. Objetivos: Explicar la composición de los implantes subdérmicos, así como sus indicaciones, aplicación y efectos adversos que se reporta en la literatura. Metodología: Se desarrolló una revisión de la literatura sistemática sobre el uso de los anticonceptivos subdérmicos en las últimas décadas, en artículos científicos buscados en diversos recursos electrónicos. Resultados: El implanon viene a ser un tipo de anticonceptivo que ha demostrado una  alta efectividad, seguridad, de larga data de uso y aceptable por la comunidad fértil. Su principal objetivo es reducir el número de embarazos no deseados principalmente en adolescentes. Las implicaciones en la salud de la mujer más asociadas al uso de implantes subdérmicos son las alteraciones del ciclo menstrual, cefaleas, cambios en el estado de ánimo y acné. Conclusiones: al contar con los efectos adversos mencionados, estos constituyen una causa frecuente de discontinuación del método anticonceptivo, el saber cómo manejarlos ha alcanzado una aceptación de una importante cantidad de usuarias, y así poder utilizarlo además se ha logrado una reducción notable en el número de embarazos no deseados

    What lies behind the curtain: Cryptic diversity in helminth parasites of human and veterinary importance

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    Parasite cryptic species are morphologically indistinguishable but genetically distinct organisms, leading to taxa with unclear species boundaries. Speciation mechanisms such as cospeciation, host colonization, taxon pulse, and oscillation may lead to the emergence of cryptic species, influencing host-parasite interactions, parasite ecology, distribution, and biodiversity. The study of cryptic species diversity in helminth parasites of human and veterinary importance has gained relevance, since their distribution may affect clinical and epidemiological features such as pathogenicity, virulence, drug resistance and susceptibility, mortality, and morbidity, ultimately affecting patient management, course, and outcome of treatment. At the same time, the need for recognition of cryptic species diversity has implied a transition from morphological to molecular diagnostic methods, which are becoming more available and accessible in parasitology. Here, we discuss the general approaches for cryptic species delineation and summarize some examples found in nematodes, trematodes and cestodes of medical and veterinary importance, along with the clinical implications of their taxonomic status. Lastly, we highlight the need for the correct interpretation of molecular information, and the correct use of definitions when reporting or describing new cryptic species in parasitology, since molecular and morphological data should be integrated whenever possibleUniversidad de Costa Rica/[430-B7-733]/UCR/Costa RicaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Salud::Facultad de MicrobiologíaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias de la Salud::Centro de Investigación en Enfermedades Tropicales (CIET

    Gênero, auto-eficácia e desempenho em um teste matemático: O papel moderador da escola

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     [Objective] The purpose of the present study was to analyze the relationship between students’ mathematical self-efficacy and performance in the national high school graduation mathematics test, taking into account other relevant psychosocial predictors and the moderating effects of sex and educational center. [Methodology] The design of the study was observational and cross-sectional, with the participation of 487 eleventh-grade students from public secondary schools in the Greater Metropolitan Area of Costa Rica. Several instruments were applied for measuring hostile and benevolent sexism, perceptions of gender equality in mathematical abilities, mathematical self-efficacy and reasoning abilities. [Results] The results of the multilevel Bayesian random effects analysis confirmed that scores were higher for men than for women in measurements of self-efficacy, where the sex of the student body was a moderator in the relationship of mathematical self-efficacy and test scores. In addition, it was found that, depending on the sex of subjects, the association between self-efficacy and performance was also moderated by the educational center. [Conclusions] Among the conclusions, it is especially noteworthy that if the moderating effect of the educational center between self-efficacy and performance differs by sex, this implies that actions aimed at promoting self-efficacy will not have the same result in men and women, showing the need to develop differentiated interventions.[Objetivo] El propósito del estudio fue examinar la relación entre autoeficacia matemática y el rendimiento en la prueba nacional de bachillerato en matemáticas, que considera otros predictores psicosociales relevantes y los efectos moderadores del sexo y del centro educativo. [Metodología] El diseño del estudio fue de corte observacional y transversal, con la participación de 487 estudiantes de undécimo año, provenientes de colegios públicos de la Gran Área Metropolitana de Costa Rica. Se aplicaron varios instrumentos para medir: sexismo hostil y benevolente, percepciones de igualdad de género en las habilidades matemáticas, autoeficacia matemática y habilidades de razonamiento.  [Resultados] Los resultados del análisis multinivel bayesiano de efectos aleatorios confirmaron las diferencias a favor de los hombres en la medida de autoeficacia, donde el sexo del estudiantado fue un moderador entre la relación de la autoeficacia matemática y el puntaje de la prueba. Además, se encontró que, según el sexo, la asociación entre autoeficacia y rendimiento también se encontró moderada por el centro educativo. [Conclusiones] Entre las conclusiones se destaca que, si el efecto moderador del colegio entre autoeficacia y rendimiento difiere por sexo, esto implica que las acciones dirigidas a promover la autoeficacia no tendrán el mismo resultado en los hombres y en las mujeres, lo que evidencia la necesidad de desarrollar intervenciones diferenciadas.[Objetivo] El propósito del estudio fue examinar la relación entre autoeficacia matemática y el rendimiento en la prueba nacional de bachillerato en matemáticas, que considera otros predictores psicosociales relevantes y los efectos moderadores del sexo y del centro educativo. [Metodología] El diseño del estudio fue de corte observacional y transversal, con la participación de 487 estudiantes de undécimo año, provenientes de colegios públicos de la Gran Área Metropolitana de Costa Rica. Se aplicaron varios instrumentos para medir: sexismo hostil y benevolente, percepciones de igualdad de género en las habilidades matemáticas, autoeficacia matemática y habilidades de razonamiento.  [Resultados] Los resultados del análisis multinivel bayesiano de efectos aleatorios confirmaron las diferencias a favor de los hombres en la medida de autoeficacia, donde el sexo del estudiantado fue un moderador entre la relación de la autoeficacia matemática y el puntaje de la prueba. Además, se encontró que, según el sexo, la asociación entre autoeficacia y rendimiento también se encontró moderada por el centro educativo. [Conclusiones] Entre las conclusiones se destaca que, si el efecto moderador del colegio entre autoeficacia y rendimiento difiere por sexo, esto implica que las acciones dirigidas a promover la autoeficacia no tendrán el mismo resultado en los hombres y en las mujeres, lo que evidencia la necesidad de desarrollar intervenciones diferenciadas

    A comparison of generalized extreme value, gumbel, and log-pearson distributions for the development of intensity duration frequency curves. A case study in Costa Rica

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    Global warming has already affected frequency and intensity of extreme rainfall events. This makes the evaluation of current and alternative statistical distributions used in the formulation of Intensity Duration Frequency curves (IDF) curves highly relevant. This study aims to evaluate the suitability of applying the Generalized Extreme Value (GEV) and the Log-Pearson type 3 (LP3) probability distributions against the traditionally used Gumbel (EV1) distribution to derive IDF curves for a flood prone area located in northern Costa Rica. A ranking system based on a normalized total-score from five metrics was implemented to identify the best distribution. GEV proved to be the most suitable distribution for most storm-durations and was therefore selected for development of the IDF curves with return periods ranging from 2 to 100 years. As return periods get longer however, deviations between rainfall estimates obtained get more prominent. Hence, a meticulous analysis of adjustment to select the most adequate probability distribution to estimate extreme events with return periods of 50 years or more should be undertaken, regardless of GEV or any other distribution. Results also reinforce the need to identify the distribution that best fits observed data for a particular weather station, especially when time-series are asymmetric

    Multiscale Phenomenology of the Cosmic Web

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    We analyze the structure and connectivity of the distinct morphologies that define the Cosmic Web. With the help of our Multiscale Morphology Filter (MMF), we dissect the matter distribution of a cosmological Λ\LambdaCDM N-body computer simulation into cluster, filaments and walls. The MMF is ideally suited to adress both the anisotropic morphological character of filaments and sheets, as well as the multiscale nature of the hierarchically evolved cosmic matter distribution. The results of our study may be summarized as follows: i).- While all morphologies occupy a roughly well defined range in density, this alone is not sufficient to differentiate between them given their overlap. Environment defined only in terms of density fails to incorporate the intrinsic dynamics of each morphology. This plays an important role in both linear and non linear interactions between haloes. ii).- Most of the mass in the Universe is concentrated in filaments, narrowly followed by clusters. In terms of volume, clusters only represent a minute fraction, and filaments not more than 9%. Walls are relatively inconspicous in terms of mass and volume. iii).- On average, massive clusters are connected to more filaments than low mass clusters. Clusters with M1014M \sim 10^{14} M_{\odot} h1^{-1} have on average two connecting filaments, while clusters with M1015M \geq 10^{15} M_{\odot} h1^{-1} have on average five connecting filaments. iv).- Density profiles indicate that the typical width of filaments is 2\Mpch. Walls have less well defined boundaries with widths between 5-8 Mpc h1^{-1}. In their interior, filaments have a power-law density profile with slope γ1{\gamma}\approx -1, corresponding to an isothermal density profile.Comment: 28 pages, 22 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS. For a high-res version see http://www.astro.rug.nl/~weygaert/webmorph_mmf.pd