256 research outputs found

    Ferramentas informáticas de apoio à tradução: uma seleção das mais importantes e gratuitas à disposição dos tradutores

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    .Existem muitas e variadas ferramentas computadorizadas de apoio à tradução disponíveis aos tradutores atualmente. O presente artigo estabelece uma diferenciação conceitual entre os principais tipos dessas ferramentas, entre gratuitas e pagas. Em seguida, respondemos a pergunta: "Qual é a ferramenta computadorizada de apoio à tradução mais importante para os tradutores?" Para isso, apresentamos os resultados de um inquérito por questionário com tradutores membros da lista de discussão eletrônica, Trad-Prt, do 'Yahoo Groups', para a língua portuguesa, bem como com um grupo de Tradutores provenientes da rede social Facebook, 'Tradutores com Vida'. Elencámos 11 ferramentas computadorizadas de apoio à tradução mais importantes. Estas deveriam compor um conjunto de ferramentas quase obrigatório para todos os Tradutores que desejam ter um lugar no mercado competitivo dos dias de hoje. Por último, objetos de aprendizagem (OA) sobre a utilização dessas 11 ferramentas foram desenvolvidos no âmbito de um estudo de Doutoramento pela Universidade Aberta de Portugal (UAb). Ao final do ano de 2017, esses onze OA estarão disponíveis para a comunidade acadêmica, a partir do repositório da UAb, na forma de recursos educacionais abertos.There is a number of different computer-aided translation (CAT) tools available to translators today. This article establishes a conceptual differentiation between the main types of CAT tools - freeware and paid ones. Following, we answer the question: 'Which is the most important CAT tool for translators?' For this, we show the results of a survey from Translators - members of Yahoo Groups' Trad-Prt electronic mailing list for the Portuguese language - and from a Facebook group called 'Tradutores com Vida'. The results show a list of 11 most important, freeware, CAT tools. These should be an almost obligatory set of tools for all Translators whom wish to have their place in today's competitive market. Finally, learning objects (LO) about these 11 CAT tools have been developed in the frame of a PhD study from Open University of Portugal (UAb). By the end of 2017, these 11 LO will be available for the academic community from UAb's repository in the form of open educational resources.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    O uso inovador de objetos de aprendizagem sobre ferramentas informáticas de apoio à tradução escrita no âmbito do ensino e aprendizagem por via eletrônica para docentes em cursos superiores de línguas/tradução

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    O presente artigo descreve um estudo de Doutorado em Educação em andamento (Área de Educação a Distância e e-Learning) sobre a falta de disciplinas específicas nos Cursos de Graduação de Letras/Tradução, no Brasil e em Portugal, que abordem o ensino de ferramentas informáticas de apoio à tradução escrita. Tais ferramentas são de uso imprescindível pelos profissionais tradutores na atual Sociedade da Informação em que vivemos. Um questionário eletrônico identificou as ferramentas de maior importância para o trabalho diário dos tradutores. Com base em tais ferramentas selecionadas, serão desenvolvidos Objetos de Aprendizagem (OA) por meio do aplicativo de autoria de conteúdos educativos, eXe Learning. A metodologia utilizada é a de pesquisa baseada em projeto e apresentamos um protótipo de um Objeto de Aprendizagem submetido à avaliação de usabilidade por um grupo de especialistas no setor. Propomos a implementação do ensino das ferramentas informáticas de apoio à tradução escrita com a introdução de um novo Currículo nos cursos superiores de Línguas/Tradução. Tais OA estarão disponíveis gratuitamente à comunidade acadêmica na forma de Recursos Educacionais Abertos (REA) em Repositórios adequados.This article describes an ongoing PhD study in Education Science - more specifically: Distance Education and e-Learning - which addresses the lack of specific disciplines about computer-aided translation (CAT) tools in teaching programs of undergraduate courses of Languages/Translation, in Brazil and Portugal - in despite of the fact that CAT tools are of nearly obligatory use by professional translators in the current information society and market place. An electronic survey is to identify the most important CAT tools for a translator's daily work. Based on selected tools, Learning Objects (LO) will be developed by means of a freeand-open-source software application for teaching-content authoring called eXe Learning. Design-based research is the methodology employed during the study, and we present a prototype of a LO which has been subjected to usability evaluation by a group of experts in the field of Education. We propose the implementation of teaching CAT tools in Higher Education courses of Languages/Translation fostering the development of a new curriculum. The resulting Learning Objects, ten in total, will be made freely available to the academic community in the form of Open Educational Resources (OER) in appropriate repositories.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effects of Random Biquadratic Couplings in a Spin-1 Spin-Glass Model

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    A spin-1 model, appropriated to study the competition between bilinear (J_{ij}S_{i}S_{j}) and biquadratic (K_{ij}S_{i}^{2}S_{j}^{2}) random interactions, both of them with zero mean, is investigated. The interactions are infinite-ranged and the replica method is employed. Within the replica-symmetric assumption, the system presents two phases, namely, paramagnetic and spin-glass, separated by a continuous transition line. The stability analysis of the replica-symmetric solution yields, besides the usual instability associated with the spin-glass ordering, a new phase due to the random biquadratic couplings between the spins.Comment: 16 pages plus 2 ps figure

    Avaliação dos procedimentos de autorização e outorga para implantação de pequenas centrais hidrelétricas

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental, Pós-Graduação em Tecnologia Ambiental e Recursos Hídricos, 2014.A presente dissertação de mestrado tem como proposta a identificação de conjunto de critérios e indicadores a serem observados por órgãos gestores de recursos hídricos em suas apreciações de pedidos de autorização e outorga de direito de uso de recursos hídricos para a implantação de Pequenas Centrais Hidrelétricas – PCHs. Para isso, foi construída uma amostra representativa de atos de autorização e outorga destinados a pequenas centrais, com a análise de suas características e condicionantes. Definiu-se, em seguida, uma tipologia de “situações de aproveitamentos”, com objetivo de reunir o mesmo conjunto de indicadores de avaliação para cada situação-tipo criada, com vistas a uniformizar e dar maior celeridade à análise dos pedidos de outorga. Essa definição baseou-se na amostra selecionada de atos de outorga, no estudo da legislação e dos procedimentos técnicos utilizados pelos órgãos gestores em suas análises de outorga, e em discussões com especialistas e gestores de recursos hídricos. Para cada situação de aproveitamento criada foram definidos indicadores de avaliação. A próxima etapa da pesquisa contou com a aplicação de um questionário a especialistas e profissionais da área de gestão de recursos hídricos e/ou projetos de PCHs, além de outros interessados, com a finalidade de verificar e aprimorar a tipologia e os indicadores inicialmente propostos. Analisou-se no questionário, especialmente, a amostra utilizada, as variáveis que embasaram a definição das referidas “situações de aproveitamentos” com as consequentes situações-tipo, e os conjuntos de indicadores definidos para cada uma das respectivas situações. As questões foram elaboradas na forma de múltipla-escolha com possibilidade de comentários adicionais dos respondentes. A partir da análise dos resultados do questionário aplicado e de dados secundários obtidos, elaborou-se uma proposta metodológica de avaliação dos pedidos de outorga de uso da água para PCHs a ser empregada pelos órgãos gestores, baseada nos indicadores de avaliação identificados neste trabalho. Para isso, foram inseridas sugestões consideradas pertinentes dos consultados quanto à inclusão de indicadores adicionais àqueles preliminarmente identificados. A consideração, pelos órgãos gestores, da proposta metodológica de avaliação pode facilitar as análises técnicas, tornando-as mais uniformes e baseadas em aspectos mais objetivos e igualitários, sem prejuízo das peculiaridades de cada região e casos específicos. _____________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis master dissertation has the intention to identify a set of criteria and indicators to be observed by Water Resources Management Agencies dealing with water use rights concession for Small Hydro Power – SHP. To do so, a representative sample of Brazilian acts that granted the water use rights concession for SHPs was created, with the analysis of its features and conditions. Then, a typology of "hydro power situations" was defined; aiming to meet the same set of appreciation indicators for each situation-type created in order to standardize and expedite the analysis of applications for the water use rights concession. This definition was based on the sample of selected acts, in the study of the Legislation and the technical procedures used by Management Agencies in their analysis of the water use rights concession, and discussions with experts and water resource managers. Evaluation Indicators were defined for each situation created. The next stage of the research involved the application of a questionnaire to experts and professionals in water resources management and / or SHP projects, and others interested, to verify and improve the typology and indicators initially proposed. Analyzed in the questionnaire, especially the sample applied, were the variables that support the definition of those “hydro power situations" and the resulting standard situations and sets of indicators defined for each of the respective situations. The questions were prepared in the form of multiple-choice with the possibility of additional comments from the subjects. From the analysis of the questionnaire’s results and secondary data, it was created a methodological proposal of the evaluation applications for water use rights concession to small hydro power plants, to be used by the management agencies, based on the indicators defined in this work. A few suggestions from the subjects consulted regarding inclusion of additional indicators to those preliminarily identified were also inserted in the proposal. The consideration by the Water Resources Management Agencies of the proposed methodological evaluation can facilitate the analysis techniques, making them more uniform and based on objective and unbiased aspects, without any loss of the peculiar characteristics of each region and in specific cases

    Perfis clínico, epidemiológico e laboratorial de infecção ou colonização bacteriana em pacientes internados em unidades de terapia intensiva (UTIs) COVID-19 e não COVID-19 no sudeste do Pará

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    Objectives: To compare the clinical, epidemiological, and laboratory profiles of bacterial infection or colonization among patients hospitalized in COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 intensive care units (ICUs) in Southeast Pará, Brazil. Methods: This was a retrospective analytical study based on the analyses of electronic medical records and microbiological reports of patients admitted to the ICU of a regional hospital located in Pará in the Brazilian Amazon due to complications associated with COVID-19 and other causes from March 2020 to December 2021. The sample consisted of data from the medical records of 343 patients collected after approval by the ethics and research committee (opinion number 5281433)was granted. The data extracted from the bacteriological and antibiogram culture reports were analyzed to characterize the clinical-epidemiological profile of the patients. The data were transferred and tabulated in Microsoft Excel 2019 to conduct a descriptive analysis, and the associated statistical analyses were performed using Stata 17.0 statistical software. Results: Of the total patients, 59.5% were hospitalized in the COVID-19 ICU and 40.5% were hospitalized in the non-COVID-19 ICU. Most individuals admitted to the COVID-19 ICU and non-COVID-19 ICU were aged between 66 and 78 years and between 54 and 66 years, respectively. The hospitalization duration in the COVID-19 ICU was fewer than 15 days, whereas that in the non COVID-19 ICU was 15 to 30 days. Deaths were more frequent in the Covid-19 ICU compared to the non-Covid-19 ICU (64% versus 41%). In contrast, hospital discharge was more frequent in the non-Covid-19 ICU (58.3% versus 34.8%).The most prevalent comorbidity in both ICUs was circulatory system disease. Gram-negative bacteria were the most frequent etiological agent in both groups and were present in 63.1% of the cultures analyzed. Regarding the phenotypic profile of resistance, carbapenemase production was detected in 43.0% of the cultures analyzed. Multidrug resistance against antimicrobial drugs was more frequent in the non-COVID-19 ICU(55.7%). Most of the antimicrobial drug prescriptions for were empirical. Conclusions: The recurrence of secondary infections and bacterial colonization in both COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 ICU patients should not be underestimated. The clinical, microbiological, and bacterial resistance profiles elucidated in this study highlight the need to develop and implement holistic and assertive strategies to control and mitigate these problems. Which will contribute to an improved prognosis for patients and quality of life patients.  Objetivos: Comparar o perfil clínico, epidemiológico e laboratorial das infecções ou colonizações bacterianas entre pacientes internados em UTI COVID-19 e não-COVID-19 no Sudeste do Pará, Brasil. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo analítico retrospectivo baseado na análise de prontuários eletrônicos e laudos microbiológicos de pacientes internados em um hospital regional localizado no Pará, na Amazônia brasileira, devido a complicações associadas à COVID-19 e outras causas no período de março de 2020 a dezembro de 2021. A amostra foi constituída por dados dos prontuários de 343 pacientes coletados após aprovação pelo Comitê de ética em Pesquisa (parecer número 5281433). Os dados extraídos dos laudos de cultura bacteriológica e antibiograma foram analisados para caracterizar o perfil clínico-epidemiológico dos pacientes.Foram realizadas análises descritivas e inferenciais utilizando o Stata 17.0 statistical software. Resultados: Do total de pacientes, 59,5% estavam internados na UTI COVID-19 e 40,5% na UTI não-COVID-19. A maioria dos indivíduos apresentavamidades entre 54 e 78. O tempo de internação na UTI COVID-19 foi inferior a 15 dias, enquanto na UTI não-COVID-19 foi de 15 a 30 dias. Os óbitos foram mais frequentes na UTI Covid-19 em relação à UTI não-Covid-19 (64% versus 41%). Em contrapartida, a alta hospitalar foi mais frequente na UTI não Covid-19 (58,3% versus 34,8%). A comorbidade mais prevalente em ambas as UTIs foi a doença do aparelho circulatório. As bactérias Gram-negativas foram os agentes etiológicos mais frequentes em ambos os grupos e estiveram presentes em 63,1% das culturas analisadas. Em relação ao perfil fenotípico de resistência, a produção de carbapenemase foi detectada em 43,0% das culturas analisadas. A multirresistência aos antimicrobianos foi mais frequente na UTI não COVID-19 (55,7%). A maioria das prescrições de antimicrobianos foram empíricas. Conclusões: A recorrência de infecções secundárias e colonizações bacterianas em pacientescom COVID-19 e não COVID-19 em UTIs não devem ser subestimadas. Os perfis de resistência bacteriana elucidados neste estudo destacam a necessidade da implementação de estratégias holísticas e assertivas visando o controle e mitigação dessa problemática, o que contribuirá para a melhoria do prognóstico, bem como, a qualidade e segurança dos pacientes

    Uma análise var das relações entre o mercado de ações e as variáveis macroeconômicas para o Brasil

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    In the last decade, the Brazilian economy was stable and its stock market has gained credibility, emerging as one of the largest stock exchanges in the global scenario. Thus it aroused the interest is to assess what is the relationship of macroeconomic variables with the return of the assets of the Brazilian market. For this, we used the Bovespa index as an indicator of stock market and exchange rates, Selic, GDP and the IGP-M as macro indicators. It was estimated this relationship using a Vector Autoregressive (VAR) and tests were carried out to identify the Granger causality relationships. The results suggest that there is a significant relationship between the Bovespa and the exchange rate and Selic with less intensity. In contrast, the Bovespa index had little influence on GDP and the level of prices (IGP-M).Na última década, a economia brasileira mostrou-se estável e seu mercado acionário ganhou credibilidade, despontando como uma das maiores bolsas de valores no cenário global. Dessa forma, despertou-se o interesse para avaliar qual a relação das variáveis macroeconômicas com o retorno dos ativos do mercado brasileiro. Para isso, utilizou-se o Ibovespa como um indicador do mercado acionário e as taxas de câmbio, Selic, PIB e o IGP-M como macro indicadores. Estimou-se essa relação através de um Vetor Auto Regressivo (VAR) e realizaram-se testes de Granger para identificar as relações de causalidade. Os resultados sugerem que há uma relação significativa entre o Ibovespa e a taxa de câmbio e em menor intensidade com a Selic. Em contrapartida, o Ibovespa apresentou pouca influência sobre o PIB e no nível de preços (IGP-M)

    Is It Safe for Hemodialysis Patients to Seek Gains with Less Pain? Acute Hemodynamic Response to Intradialytic Blood Flow Restriction Training

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 15(2): 434-441, 2022. Considering that the hemodynamic safety is a major concern about intradialytic exercise with blood flow restriction, this analysis was performed to compare the blood pressure (BP) behavior during the first two hours of hemodialysis (HD) between sessions with no exercise (control group, CG), low/moderate intensity aerobic exercise with blood flow restriction (BFRE) and conventional aerobic exercise (AE). Adult patients with chronic kidney disease on HD at a university hospital were randomly assigned and submitted to a 12-week intradialytic training with BFRE or AE compared with the CG group. The main outcomes of this report were the change in systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) BP during HD and the frequency of low BP (LBP) and high BP (HBP) episodes. A total of 6,074 BP measurements of 58 patients were analyzed. There was a larger decrease in BP in the exercise sessions compared with the control sessions, but with a similar magnitude in the BFRE and AE groups (effect size 0.49). There was a higher number of LBP in the BFRE group. The frequency of HBP was similar between the BFRE and the CG groups and lower in the AE group. Despite a greater number of mild LBP in BFRE patients, the BP change during the first two hours of HD was similar to that of patients in AE. Intradialytic aerobic exercise with blood flow restriction does not seem to be associated with a higher hemodynamic burden than conventional aerobic exercise

    Oral hygiene to a hospitalized dependent patient: perceptions of a nursing team

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    Objective: To discuss the perception of the nursing team about the oral hygiene of hospitalized dependent patients. Method: A descriptive, qualitative study performed in the medical and surgical clinics of a hospital in the interior of Bahia, from March to July 2006, data obtained through a semistructured interview applied to seventeen participants, complemented by structured observation. Outcome: After analyzing the thematic content emerged three categories that reveal: oral hygiene as important care for the patient; oral hygiene avoids the discomfort of the team in providing other care; and oral hygiene can be delegated to the family. Conclusion: In the context studied there is no protocol for this care, odors from the patient's mouth define their periodicity, oral hygiene is performed by family members and nurses do not participate directly in this care

    Supine sleep and positional sleep apnea after acute ischemic stroke and intracerebral hemorrhage

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    OBJECTIVE: Obstructive sleep apnea is frequent during the acute phase of stroke, and it is associated with poorer outcomes. A well-established relationship between supine sleep and obstructive sleep apnea severity exists in non-stroke patients. This study investigated the frequency of supine sleep and positional obstructive sleep apnea in patients with ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke. METHODS: Patients who suffered their first acute stroke, either ischemic or hemorrhagic, were subjected to a full polysomnography, including the continuous monitoring of sleep positions, during the first night after symptom onset. Obstructive sleep apnea severity was measured using the apnea-hypopnea index, and the NIHSS measured stroke severity. RESULTS: We prospectively studied 66 stroke patients. The mean age was 57.6±11.5 years, and the mean body mass index was 26.5±4.9. Obstructive sleep apnea (apnea-hypopnea index >5) was present in 78.8% of patients, and the mean apnea-hypopnea index was 29.7±26.6. The majority of subjects (66.7%) spent the entire sleep time in a supine position, and positional obstructive sleep apnea was clearly present in the other 23.1% of cases. A positive correlation was observed between the NIHSS and sleep time in the supine position (r s = 0.5;

    An airborne regional carbon balance for central amazonia

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    We obtained regional estimates of surface CO2 exchange rates using atmospheric boundary layer budgeting techniques above tropical forest near Manaus, Brazil. Comparisons were made with simultaneous measurements from two eddy covariance towers below. Although there was good agreement for daytime measurements, large differences emerged for integrating periods dominated by the night-time fluxes. These results suggest that a systematic underestimation of night time respiratory effluxes may be responsible for the high Amazonian carbon sink suggested by several previous eddy covariance studies. Large CO2 fluxes from riverine sources or high respiratory losses from recently disturbed forests do not need to be invoked in order to balance the carbon budget of the Amazon. Our results do not, however, discount some contribution of these processes to the overall Amazon carbon budget